Title: Satellite Research Activities at University of Wisconsin, Space Science
1Satellite Research Activities at University of
Wisconsin, Space Science Engineering Center
(and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological
Satellite Studies CIMSS)
- Presentation at the Latin American Data Workshop
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
- August, 2008
- by
- Tom Whittaker
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
2Who am I?
- Degrees in Meteorology
- Minor in computer science
- 40 years experience in software development
- Piano player
- Worked for the U.S. Weather Bureau and the
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Father, and 2 x grandfather
- 3 cats.....
3Science Engineering
4Basic Meteorological Tower
- Basic meteorology observations
- P/T/U/wind speed/wind direction/precip / solar
radiation - Since May 2003
- Data archived and displayed real-time in lobby
and on-line.
- Winnebago serves as a mobile laboratory
- Deployed over 2 dozen times since 1996
- Rooftop instruments can be deployed with the Bago
6AERI HSRL for Bago operation
Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer 1
from ARM stays here
High Spectral Resolution Lidar for Bago Building
under NSF MRI-
copy of NOAA HIAPER Aircraft system
Eureka, CA System
7The UW-SSEC Scanning HIS
- From 1998 to present, the S-HIS has been
involved in 23 field experiments on the NASA
DC-8, NASA ER-2, Scaled Composites Proteus, and
the NASA WB-57 - Key 2007 Activities NIST TXR, JAIVEx 2007,
TC4-2007 - During JAIVEx the NASA WB-57 completed 10
science flights totaling roughly 50 science
flight hours, with the S-HIS collecting science
data for approximately 49 of these 50 science
flight hours (98), with no loss of at-altitude
data - During TC4 the NASA ER-2 completed 11 science
flights totaling roughly 66 science flight hours,
with the S-HIS collecting science data for
roughly 64.9 of these 66 science flight hours
8Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx)
- IASI on MetOp-A 1st advanced sounder in the
US/European Joint Polar System - JAIVEx 1st US-European collaboration in US
focusing on validation of radiance and
geophysical products from MetOp-A
9 Metop-A IASI Spectra Example compared to S-HIS
Dave Tobin
10New IASI Sounder on MetOp A Aircraft Validation
CART site
MetOp Aqua
MetOp Aqua
MetOp- Night
Gulf- Night
CART site
MetOp Aqua
MetOp Day
MetOp Aqua
MetOp Aqua
Gulf - Day
Gulf - Day
Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment,
April/May 2007
11Tropical Composition Cloud Climate Coupling
NASA Photo
- Objective investigate the structure, properties
and processes in the tropical Eastern Pacific - 26 science flights
- gt600 total personnel
Satellite Simulator
Mid-Upper Clouds
Chem/Clouds in TTL Strat
Costa Rica, July/Aug 2007
12TC-4 2007 Scanning HIS in Google Earth
- Galapagos Islands 6 August 2007Terra MODIS
- Saharan Air Mass 19 July 2007Aqua MODIS image
S-HIS 900 cm-1MODIS band 31
Joe Taylor
13GOES-10 _at_ 60 West A Wisconsin Perspective
GOES-10 usually routinely scans the southern
hemisphere with both the Sounder and Imager
instruments. SSEC data center brings in the
data with a new tracking antenna (from NOAA).
Many uses of the GOES-10 data stream through out
the hemisphere. CIMSS at University of
Wisconsin-Madison is producing experimental
Sounder products http//cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes
/rt/goes10.php CIMSS improved GOES sounding
algorithm/software was provided to Rodrigo Souza
of Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE,
Brazil) for operational GOES-10 Sounder
processing in South America (SA), as part of the
GEOSS-Americas capacity building. GEOSS
Americas/Caribbean Remote Sensing Workshop given
Nov 26-30 in Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo,
Brazil. In addition to lectures, several hands-on
laboratory exercises include weighting functions,
brightness temperature transects and case
studies. Participates hail from Argentina,
Brazil, BolÃvia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Equador, México, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguay and
GOES-10 Sounder Lifted Index (LI) Derived Product
Image (DPI)
Tim Schmit
- GOES-13 has similar instruments to GOES-8-12,
but a new bus - Improvements to the navigation and registration,
as well as radiometrics. Plus, less outages! - Post Launch Check-out of imager and sounder
conducted. Discovered GOES-13 Imager 13.3 um
band too cold. (NOAA Tech memo 125)
GOES-N/P -- Position of the boom allows for
colder detectors and hence less instrument noise
Tim Schmit
15Terra Aqua Ground Station
MODIS and AIRS data in realtime
16SSEC Data Center
- GOES archive since the beginning
- Now ALL data on-line
- Other GEO (MSG, MTSAT, etc)
- Fly-Over data
- Relay (NOAA, MetOp, FY2)
- Surface Upper-Air observations
17To Analyze
- Google Earth, A new tool
- GOES-R Product Algorithms (AWG)
- Clouds
- Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) from AIRS
- Surface emissivity
- Dust Properties from AERI
- Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone Analyses
- Venus
- Outer Planets
18Liam Gumley, Amato Evan and Bill Bellon
19AVHRR in Google Earth too
Amato Evan, Liam Gumley, and Bill Bellon
20GOES-R Processing led by NOAA with Cooperative
Wayne Feltz
- Soundings (Chris Barnet, Tim Schmit)
- Winds (Jaime Daniels, Chris Velden)
- Clouds (Andy Heidinger)
- Aviation (Ken Pryor, Wayne Feltz)
- Aerosols / Air Quality / Atmospheric Chemistry
(Shobha Kondragunta, Steve Ackerman/Chris
Schmidt/Brad Pierce) - Land Surface (Dan Tarpley, Chris Schmidt/Elaine
Prins) - Cryosphere (Jeff Key)
- SST and Ocean Dynamics (Alexander Ignatov)
- Radiation Budget (Istvan Lazslo)
- Lightning (Steve Goodman)
- Space Environment (Steven Hill)
- Hydrology (Robert Kuligowski)
- Visualization (FY2008)
- Proxy Data (Fuzhong Weng, Allen Huang/Tom
Greenwald) - Algorithm Integration (Walter Wolf, Maciek
Smuga-Otto/Graeme Martin) - Cal/Val (Changyong Cao, Dave Tobin)
SSEC AWG Involvement in Blue AWG Chair listed
first Local SSEC/CIMSS POC underlined/italics
21Large-scale WRF Model Simulations Used for GOES-R
Research ActivitiesA. Huang, J. Otkin, T.
Greenwald, E. Olson, J. Sieglaff, and M. Gunshor
- Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
was used to generate physically realistic
atmospheric profile datasets - TOA radiances calculated using the Successive
Order of Interaction (SOI) radiative transfer
Proxy ABI 11.2 ?m Tb (K)
- Two large simulations were recently performed
on a supercomputer at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications at the University of
Illinois - First simulation was configured to represent
potential GOES-R scanning regions (i.e. full
disk, CONUS, and a special mesoscale domain)
22GOES-R Volcanic Ash Detection
- Small Eruption of Mount Etna
- New IR-only probabilistic ash detection technique
is able to capture optically thin volcanic ash
cloud - Atmospheric correction allows for greater
Credit Mike Pavolonis and Justin Sieglaff
23- GOES-R Cloud Phase Development
- IR-only cloud emissivity-based phase algorithm
out-performs traditional techniques
Credit M. Pavolonis
24MODIS Marine Stratus Cloud Height
Over-Estimation found and fixed
25UW Baseline Fit Emissivity databaseS. W.
Seemann, E.E. Borbas
Dataset available http//cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/ire
mis/ (64 registered users since Sept
2006) JAMC paper in press Seeman et al.
Development of a Global Infrared Land Surface
Emissivity Database for Application to Clear Sky
Sounding Retrievals from Multi-spectral Satellite
Radiance Measurements.
- Applications/Users
- MODIS Atmospheric Retrievals MOD07 (UW,NASA DAAC)
- IMAPP/AIRS retrievals (UW)
- Climate Monitoring SAF (EUMETSAT)
- AIRS Retrieval of Dust Optical Depths (UMBC/ASL)
- IASI-Metop Cal/Val (CNES, France)
- IASAI retrieval (EUMETSAT, UW)
- Retrieval of hot spot data from AATSR (ESA)
- Energy balance from ASTER over glacier (Univ of
Milan) - AIRS trace gas retrieval (Stellenbosch
University, South-Africa, JCET-UMBC) - Education (Seoul National Univ. NTA, Konstantin)
- SEVIRI water vapor retrievals (UW, EOS)
- SEVIRI aerosol retrieval (Univ Oxford)
- SEVIRI cloud and ozone retrieval (EUMETSAT)
- SEVIRI cloud phase, other cloud top parameter
retrievals(KNMI) - LST retrievals from GOES-R (NOAA NESDIS)
- OSS calculations (AER)
- AIRS NWP model assimilation (UKMO)
26Hyperspectral IR emissivity retrieval
Credit Jinling Li, Jun Li, et al.
27Understanding the role dust plays in Atlantic
hurricane activity
Using real-time information from the AVHRR
satellites, we observed that dust storm activity
this summer was stronger than it has been in the
last 7-years, likely leading to cooler Atlantic
Ocean temperatures and lower-than-expected
hurricane activity.
w/o dust
Via a new AVHRR-driven model we have estimated
what seasonal tropical cyclone activity over the
Atlantic could have been like if there was no
atmospheric dust cover. Climatological dust
activity has added to the trend of increasing
hurricane activity that is more often associated
with global warming.
Seasonal hurricane intensity
Evan, A. T., A. K. Heidinger, J. P. Kossin, C. S.
Velden, et al. (2007) Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.,
revision in review.
28New IR Soundings Depict Hurricane Eye Structure
Elisabeth Weisz, Jun Li
Single field-of-view AIRS soundings demonstrate
new technique for evaluating hurricanes
29Morphed Hourly Microwave Water Vapor Product
- Composites from 3 polar- orbiting satellites
- Complete global coverage
- Near-real time
- Used for forecasting tropical cyclone
Tony Wimmers and Chris Velden CIMSS tropical
cyclones group
30LIDAR research
31To Apply
- National Weather Service Access to SSEC/CIMSS
Products - Processing Packages for Direct Broadcast Sites
- Air Quality Forecasts
- Water Erosion Modeling
- Aviation Weather
- CIMSS Winds for Thunderstorm Forecasting
- Wildfire Detection
- Geospatial Applications
- CRAS forecasts over China
- CLARREO Climate Benchmark
32CIMSS MODIS DB 1-km Land Surface T as viewed
with AWIPS
33International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package
(IMAPP) Proposal to NASA Has been funded for
the 8th, 9th and 10th year
Allen Huang, Liam Gumley, Kathy Strabala, Jun Li,
Jun Huang, Elisabeth Weisz
The freely available International MODIS/AIRS
Processing Package (IMAPP) has provided more than
150 Direct Broadcast stations around the
world. IMAPP handles DB data from the MODIS,
AIRS, AMSU, and AMSR-E instruments to provide a
suite of geophysical products derived from single
sensor and combined sensor observations. IMAPP
team also conducts training workshops to train
and educate users. Workshops have been conducted
in 1) Perth, Australia 2) Nanjing, China 3)
Beijing, China 4) Taipei, Taiwan 5) Andoya,
Norway and 6) Pretoria, South Africa.
Integrated Program Office (IPO) of NOAA Now
funded for 5 years from 1 June 2007 to 31 May 2012
Allen Huang, Liam Gumley, Kathy Strabala
- Role of CIMSS for IPOPP
- Develop a modular S/W processing package modeled
after IMAPP - Focus on Atmosphere EDRs, Utilities, and CAL/VAL
- Prototype and validate multi-platform
compatibility - Deliver and Support Open Source package via
website - Provide Training Workshops and Educate
Students/Scientists - Maintain Website for access by DB Community
35Impact of Assimilated O3 and CO Boundary
Conditions on WRF-CHEM Air Quality Predictions
Researchers at NOAA Earth Systems Research
Laboratory (ESRL), in collaboration with
researchers at SSEC, NOAA/NESDIS, and the NASA
Langley Research Center used global ozone (O3)
and carbon monoxide (CO) analyses from the
Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS)
chemical assimilation to investigate the
influence of time-dependent boundary conditions
on WRF-CHEM air quality forecast system O3 and CO
predictions during the 2006 NOAA TEXAQS field
mission. O3 columns and O3/CO profile retrievals
from the OMI and TES on the NASA Aura satellite
were used to constrain the RAQMS chemical
Surface Difference August, 2006 (RAQMS B.C.s
minus control)
15km Difference August, 2006 (RAQMS B.C.s minus
Largest differences in surface O3 occurred over
the western US (5-7ppbv increases) due to high
surface elevations and significant boundary layer
Differences in 15km O3 (gt /- 100ppbv) and CO
(gt30ppbv) where associated with improved
representation of meridonal gradients in the
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
Largest differences in surface CO occurred over
the NE US and US-Canadian border (10-20ppbv
increases) and over the Gulf of Mexico (10-20ppbv
Brad Pierce,Todd Schaak,Allen Lenzen,et al.
36Comparison with August 2006 IONS Ozonesondes
Comparison with IONS Ozonesondes shows that RAQMS
BCs lead to significant improvements in WRF-CHEM
O3 predictions at northern (Bratts Lake, SK) and
central (Table Mountain, CA) parts of the
forecast domain, but introduces systematic low
biases in upper tropospheric WRF-CHEM O3
predictions in the southern part of the forecast
domain (Houston, TX).
The use of current satellite composition
measurements and Air Quality modeling systems
contributes to the design of future operational
systems for utilization of GOES-R and NPOESS
composition measurements.
Brad Pierce
37(No Transcript)
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39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41Jet Streak Highlight from Norman OK by Bob Rabin
Wind shear associated with90 kt upper level jet
near deadly F5 tornado shows potential of
satellite winds
- CIMSS satellite wind algorithm is being applied
to mesoscale thunderstorm research at NSSL - Real-time analysis of GOES water vapor winds
updated every 30 mins available on the web
GOES-12 water vapor imageand mesoscale water
vapor wind analysis, 5 May 2007, 0215 UTC
42GOES WF_ABBA Documents Expansion of Fire
Activity in South America
Many of the red regions along the arc of
deforestation indicate areas of expanded fire
activity from 2000 to 2006.
43CRAS Forecasts
New Domain over China-Ready for the Olympics
Now covers the polesand South America too!
Bob Aune
44CIMSS Research
- Atmosphere and Land
- Winds
- Temperature and Water Vapor vertical profiles
- Surface Emissivity
- Clouds
- Tropical Cyclones
- Fire Detection
- Land moisture
- Calibration and Validation
- Instrument Development
- Field Campaigns
- Outreach
- International Training Coursed (Remote Sensing
Seminars) - Workshops
45Winds Program
46MODIS (left) vs. AIRS (right) Radiance-tracked
A test was performed to track AIRS radiance
features from a WV channels for one case on 7
April 2004. The AIRS channel chosen was close to
the 6.7 ?m MODIS band used for real-time polar
winds processing. The reduction in the number of
vectors is similar to the spatial resolution
factor between MODIS and AIRS.
47Hyperspectral Altitude Resolved Water Vapor Wind
Retrieval and Validation
Simulated GIFTS winds (left) versus GOES
operational winds (right)
48AIRS Retrieval Moisture Fields
500mb 700mb
850mbSpecific humidity fields from SFOV AIRS
49Montage of GOES-9, -10 and -12 Sounder data,
showing 7.0µm imagery (top panel), 13.7µm imagery
(middle), and Total Precipitable Water (TPW)
Derived Product Imagery (DPI, bottom), from 23UTC
on 13 June 2005.
7 um
13.7 um
50Providing access at CIMSS to real-time data in
the National Weather Service (NWS) Advanced
Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) for
monitoring and training of NESDIS satellite
products, such as the GOES Sounder Derived
Product Imagery (DPI)
The same Lifted Index (stability) GOES DPI
Four sources of DPI Current 5x5 _at_ Ops Exp SFOV _at_
CIMSS Exp SFOV _at_ FPDT Exp SFOV _at_ Ops
Captured from AWIPS workstation at CIMSS
51Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products
(ASAP) Satellite Derived Fieldshttp/cimss.ssec.w
Cloud Top Altitude/Mask
Volcanic Ash
Mt St Helens AVHRR Ash Cloud Height Estimate
Textbox for Figure Description
52Hyperspectral Atmospheric Sounding Profile
Retrieval and Validation
53Tropical Cyclone
The TC program at CIMSS is a good example of how
a successful research program can evolve,
maintaining a vigorous research program. A
chronology of CIMSS research on tropical cyclone,
including student involvement.
54Biomass Burning
ABBA Results GOES-8 1995-2002 Fires pixels vs.
Julian Day
2045 UTC
55An example of a possible future WFABBA realtime
application Seabreeze enhanced fire in
Florida On 5 April 2004 a wildfire south of
Tallahassee, FL suddenly flared in response to a
seabreeze front. The fire appeared on GOES
WF_ABBA imagery approximately 30 minutes prior to
the plume enhancement as seen by the Tallahassee
NWS radar. The seabreeze is also visible on the
radar loop. Imagery of this type could be
generated for regions of interest on a realtime
56GOES WF_ABBA Observations of Fire Activity in the
Tri-Frontier from 2000 2004
The difference plots show fire pixels unique to
each year and can show regions of expansion of
fire activity in the tri-frontier. At location A
(along a new road in Acre, Brazil) there does not
seem to be significant expansion of fire into new
areas during the time period from 2000 to 2004,
while at location B there appears to be more fire
57IDEA aerosol trajectory model example
IDEA (Infusing Data into Environmental
MODIS is the best instrument for retrieving
quantified aerosol content over the U.S. and
surrounding areas. Here, smoke plumes over the
Gulf of Mexico (from biomass burning in the
Yucatan) are projected to advect to Florida in 15
6 hr trajectories
15 hr trajectories
2005/03/24 21Z
2005/03/25 06Z
Initial image 2005/03/24 15Z
58Dust Optical Thickness Retrieval Results from
59True color Aqua-MODIS images capturing an
eruption of Manam, PNG on October 24, 2004, 0355
- New multi-spectral algorithm is much more
effective than the standard reverse absorption
technique at identifying ash plume. - The new technique also provides information on
the location of ice clouds that are contaminated
with volcanic aerosols.
Credit David Innes
New algorithm
Standard reverse absorption technique
60 Sheveluch, Russia August 28, 2000
Terra/MODIS 2355Z
CO2-slicing yields heights at approximately 10-11
km, video estimate is 14 to 16 km, MODIS is 80
minutes after eruption.
Credit Mike Richards
61Clouds at CIMSS
62Outreach and Education
2004 High School Student Workshop on
Atmospheric, Earth Space Science
Satellite Meteorology CD http//cimss.ssec.wisc.ed
u/satmet Linked to the NESDIS and NPOESS Web
28 teachers have registered for for the 2005
Teacher Workshop scheduled for June 28th 29th
2004 Teacher Workshop in Satellite Meteorology
63Scott Bachmeier, Scott Lindstrom
64Scott Bachmeier
65University of Wisconsin-Madison USA Space
Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) http//www.s
sec.wisc.edu Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies
(CIMSS) http//cimss.ssec.wisc.edu