Working With Chemical Reactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Working With Chemical Reactions


Working With Chemical Reactions When we discuss chemical reactions we break them down into categories: - Combination (Synthesis, Addition) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Working With Chemical Reactions

Working With Chemical Reactions
  • When we discuss chemical reactions we break them
    down into categories
  • - Combination (Synthesis, Addition)
  • - Single Replacement
  • - Metathesis (Double Replacement)
  • - Combustion
  • - Decomposition
  • - Organic
  • - Redox
  • - Acid Base Reactions

Additional Categories
  • Lewis Acid Base Reactions Adduct formation
  • Reactions of Anhydrides Substances that do not
    contain water, but react with water to produce
    acids and bases, usually in the form of a gas
    bubbled through water or a solid. May also have
    acidic and basic reactants.
  • Non-trivial redox slightly unpredictable

Identification Problems
  • It is difficult to identify a reaction using only
    the reactants. For example
  • Solid Calcium Oxide is exposed to a stream of
    Carbon Dioxide Gas.
  • You are asked to write the equation, in net ionic
    form, if possible and to answer the following
  • What type of reaction has occurred?

Which Presents a Problem
  • Presented with the complete reaction
  • Solid Calcium Oxide is exposed to a stream of
    Carbon Dioxide Gas.
  • CaO CO2 ? CaCO3
  • It would be easy to determine that this is a
    combination reaction... but how can the behavior
    of CaO be predicted?

Strategies to Help
  • Focus on gathering information about the
    reactants so we can determine the kinds of
    reactions they will undergo and better predict
  • Learn strategies that can help to incorporate
    large amounts of information into our existing
    knowledge base.

First Rethink Memorization
  • Rote memorization has distinct disadvantages.
  • It doesnt allow you to apply knowledge in a
    variety of situations.
  • When thinking of ways to study, its essential
    that facts not remain isolated but that there is
    an understanding the same principles may apply in
    more that one case.

Memorization Acquiring a Knowledge Base
  • The Purpose of Memorization, is to allow you to
    acquire a working knowledge base that can be
    readily recalled so that you can use your mental
    energy to focus on higher level problem solving.
  • In order to readily recall and remember
  • Associated with your existing knowledge
  • Grouped so that it can be readily used

To Help You to Learn How to Do This
  • Reactants can be organized into broad categories,
    and breaking them down according to
    element/compound recognition (when looking at the
  • Key tools you will need mainly solubility
    guidelines, acid/base lists, the reactivity
    series, must also be memorized.

Reactions By Reactant
  • Starting from the reactions that are most
    numerous, and working towards narrower
  • 1) Simple Reactions Involving Metals
  • 2) Non-metal Reactions not organic
  • 3) Acid Base Reactions
  • 4) Complex Ions
  • 5) Non-trivial Redox

  • There are 3 things that drive reactions forward
  • Formation of a Gaseous product
  • Formation of water
  • Formation of an insoluble precipitate

Reactions of Elemental Metals
  • Active metals react with cold water, steam, and
    non-oxidizing metals to varying degrees.
  • These are single replacement reactions
  • The table on page 153 in your text clearly shows
    this trend

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Reactions of Elemental Metals
  • The most active metals (K, Na, Li, Ca), will
    react with cold water to produce a metal oxide
    and hydrogen gas.

Small chunks of Sodium are added to cold water.
2Na 2H2O ? 2NaOH H2 Net Ionic 2Na
2H2O ? 2Na 2OH- H2 Describe a test
to confirm the gaseous product in your reaction
Hold a match to a flask containing a small sample
and listen for a pop.
Sodium and Water
Source 1
The flame is Hydrogen Gas which has ignited due
to the heat produced by the reaction.
Reactions of Elemental Metals
  • The active metals from Al to Iron in the
    reactivity series will react with steam to
    produce the metal oxide and hydrogen gas.
  • Steam is passed over solid magnesium.
  • Mg H2O ? MgO H2

Reactions of Elemental Metals
  • Active to less active metals, (Li to Pb on
    reactivity series), will react with non-oxidizing
    acids to produce the salt of the metal and
    Hydrogen gas.
  • Calcium Metal is added to a dilute solution of
    Hydrochloric Acid.
  • Ca HCl ? CaCl2 H2
  • Net Ionic Ca 2H ? Ca2 H2
  • Give at least one visual observation for this
  • The release of hydrogen gas would cause bubbling.

Reactions of Active Metals with O2
  • SLPMg 's 4 active metals Sodium, Lithium,
    Potassium and Magnesium (only magnesium is stable
    in air and has to be ignited)
  • Lithium Metal is burned in air.
  • Besides Combustion, what type of reaction could
    this be classified as?
  • 4Li O2 ? 2Li2O
  • This is a synthesis, or combination reaction.

Reactions of Active Metals with O2
  • SLPMg will burn in Oxygen to produce metal oxides
    that will all become strong bases when dissolved
    in water.
  • These are combustion reactions and Synthesis
    reactions (combination), and redox reactions

Mg being ignited
Mg Burning (Source 1)
Less Reactive Metals O2
  • Less reactive metals will also react with Oxygen
    to form oxides, however they do so without
  • Six commonly react with unheated oxygen, each
    more slowly from Al, Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb, Cu.

Rust - Iron Oxide

Oxidized Copper
Less Reactive Metals O2
  • Iron is heated and allowed to react in the
    presence of excess oxygen.
  • 3Fe 2O2 ? Fe3O2
  • The word excess in the question indicates that
    you should give Iron the higher oxidation state.
  • What is the oxidation state of the Iron in the
    resulting compound.
  • The Iron has adopted a 3 charge.

Least Active Metals
  • Hg, Ag, Pd, Pt and Au are the least reactive
  • If they occur as oxides, they will readily
    decompose if heated.
  • Gold and Platinum are
  • the least reactive, and
  • wont form oxides.
  • Since gold does not
  • Oxidize these gold
  • Artifacts from Egypt to
  • Survive thousands of
  • years.

Reactions of Group 1 2 MetalsWith Nitrogen
  • You may remember that Nitrogen as generally
    nonreactive due to its triple bond.
  • Nitrogen does react with certain main group
    elements, but may require intense heat to provide
    the energy needed to drive the reaction.

Reactions of Group 1 2 MetalsWith Nitrogen
  • Group 1 - only Lithium reacts with Nitrogen at
    room temperature to yield Li3N.
  • 6Li N2 ? 2Li3N
  • Group 2 - Mg, Ca, Ba and Sr will all react with
    nitrogen to produce compounds, but must be
    strongly heated. In all cases, the Nitrogen will
    adopt a -3 oxidation state.

Example Question
  • Magnesium Metal is added to nitrogen gas.
  • 3Mg N2 ? Mg3N2
  • What is the oxidation number of Magnesium before
    and after the reaction?
  • No Net Ionic equation is necessary. In this case
    since the magnesium is elemental its Oxidation
    state is initially 0 and goes to a 2.

Decomposition of the Products
  • 6Li N2 ? 2Li3N (salt like solid)
  • Decomposes to
  • Li3N 3H2O ? 3Li OH- NH3
  • 3M N2 ? M3N2 (s) where M Mg,Ca, Ba, Sr
  • Decomposes when heated to
  • M3N2 (s) ? 3M (s) N2(g)
  • Or the Metal Nitride can react with water to
    produce ammonia and the metal hydroxide
  • M3N2 (s) 6H2O (l) ? 3M(OH)2 (aq) 2NH3 (g)

Reactions of Metal Oxides
  • Metal Oxides that are soluble, will react with
    water to form hydroxides.
  • Calcium metal is heated strongly in the presence
    of oxygen.
  • 2Ca O2 ? 2CaO
  • If the product of this solution is added to water
    is the resulting mixture acidic or basic?
  • 2CaO H2O ?2Ca2 2OH-
  • The formation of hydroxide indicates this
    solution is basic.

Reactions of Metal Oxides
  • Metal Oxides that are soluble, will react with
    water to form hydroxides.
  • Solid Lithium Oxide is added to excess water.
  • Is the final solution acidic, basic or neutral?
  • Li2O H2O ? 2LiOH
  • Net ionic Li2O H2O ? 2Li OH-
  • The resulting solution is basic.

Example Questions
  • Solid Barium Oxide is added to distilled water.
  • Is the resulting solution acidic basic or

Reactions of Metal Oxides
  • Metal oxides will react with non-metal oxides to
    form salts.
  • Solid Calcium Oxide is exposed to a stream of
    Carbon Dioxide gas.
  • CaO CO2 ? CaCO3
  • What type of reaction has occurred?
  • Synthesis/Combination
  • notice that this forms an insoluble salt

Example Questions
  • Sulfur Dioxide gas is passed over Solid Calcium
  • Name the product compound.

Example Questions
  • A mixture of solid Calcium Oxide,
  • And solid Tetraphosphorus Decaoxide is heated.
  • Is the product compound soluble in water?

  • CaO P4O10 ? Ca 4P 11O
  • There is the potential to make phosphate and
    therefore get an insoluble product
  • 6 calcium oxides and 1 tetraphosphorous decaoxide
    make exactly 2 calcium phosphates.
  • 6CaO P4O10 ? 2Ca3(PO4)2

Reverse Reaction
  • Carbonates will decompose back into metal oxides
    and carbon dioxide when roasted (heated).
  • CaO CO2 ? CaCO3
  • CaCO3 HEAT? CaO CO2

Reactions of Metal Oxides
  • Metal Oxides will react with acids to produce
    water and a salt of the metal...this is like a
    version of a neutralization reaction.
  • CaO 2HCl ? CaCl2 H2O
  • Net Ionic CaO 2HCl ? Ca2 Cl- H2O
  • From your packet A metal oxide is, in a real
    sense, a basic anhydride, i.e. a base with the
    water removed.
  • So an acid plus a basic anhydride

Reactions of Metal Hydrides
  • Typical metal hydrides are those formed from the
    reaction of a active group one or two metal, and
    hydrogen gas.
  • In a metal hydride, hydrogen will carry a -1
    charge, instead of 1. You will notice that in
    hydrides H is not in front, but follows the metal
    cation, since here it is an anion.

Reactions of Metal Hydrides
  • Metal hydrides react with water to produce the
    metal hydroxide, which you will recognize as a
    strong base, and hydrogen gas will be evolved.
  • Solid Lithium Hydride is added to distilled
  • LiH H2O ? LiOH H2
  • Net Ionic LiH H2O ? Li OH- H2
  • Is the final solution acidic, basic or neutral?
  • The resulting solution would be basic.

Reaction Reversal
  • Metal hydroxides may then decompose into metal
    oxides and water
  • Zn(OH)2 ? ZnO H2O

Other Patterns - Decomposition
  • Chlorates decompose into metal chlorides and
    oxygen gas
  • Alkali and alkaline nitrates decompose into
    nitrites and oxygen gas

Example Question
  • Solid Potassium Chlorate is heated in the
    presence of manganese dioxide as a catalyst.
  • How many moles of reaction products can be
    produced from one mole of potassium chlorate.

  • One of the more difficult types of questions are
    those that demand recall of a particular reaction
    in terms of physical observations.
  • For example
  • Aluminum Metal is added to a solution of Copper
    (II) Chloride.
  • List at least 2 observations that indicate a
    chemical reaction is occurring.

Working through it
  • Single replacement, double replacement, redox??
    Well sort of all of the above.
  • We can get credit for at least half this equation
    because we know our reactivity series and we know
    Aluminum is more active than copper so
  • Al CuCl2 ? AlCl3 Cu
  • Balanced 2Al 3CuCl2 ? 2AlCl3 3Cu
  • Net Ionic 2Al 3Cu2 ? 2Al3 3Cu

Now What?
  • What if you've never done this reaction?
  • Some information that can help If you would like
    you can memorize the colors of some transition
    metal ions. In water they form complex ions,
    which give them colors...

Colors of Complex Ions
That's one clue...
  • If you know Copper is being reduced to Copper
    metal, its complex ion will come out of solution,
    so the blue/green color of the solution will
  • Now think harder, where is the copper going? Well
    it's being converted back to copper metal, which
    is a reddish color, so we could take a stab, and
    say there will be a red precipitate.
  • Third... if you would like to see this for
    yourself, this reaction is most definitely
    exothermic go to
  • http//
  • So you could also say, heat is given off.

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Basic Comparison of Active Metals
  • If the two metals are in the same group, the one
    in the lower position will be more reactive.
  • If the two metals are in the same period, the one
    further left will be more reactive.
  • Transition metals can be memorized as a list,
    often people use a mnemonic device, using the
    first letters.

Good Old Precipitates
  • Knowing your solubility guidelines can really
    give you a lot of insight into reactions.
  • A question that says both compounds are in
    solution can be written out in ionic form, where
    a pair of suspected precipitators can be
  • Additionally, a lot of complex ion reactions,
    involve the dissolving of an otherwise insoluble
    compound, using a strong base or acid, another

Example Question
  • Solutions of Silver Nitrate and Sodium Chromate
    are mixed.
  • What is the oxidation number of the chromium in
    the chromate ion?

  • Write your reaction and balance
  • 2AgNO3 Na2CrO4 ? Ag2CrO4 2NaNO3
  • Now you must write is it in net ionic form
  • 2Ag CrO4-2 ? Ag2CrO4
  • The Oxidation number of chromium in chromate is
    always the same, so even if you struggled with
    reaction, you should be able to say that this
    chromium is a 6

Example Question
  • Solutions of Manganese (II) Sulfate and Ammonium
    Sulfide are mixed.
  • List any precipitate that forms during this

Example Question
  • A solution of copper (II) chloride is added to a
    solution of sodium sulfide.
  • Name the spectator ions in this reaction.

Reactions of Non-Metals
  • Organic reactions are specific and have their own
  • Non-metals and oxygen react to form non-metal
    oxides, limited oxygen might produce a monoxide
    (like Carbon monoxide), excess produces the
  • 2 non-metals can undergo Combination/synthesis
    and form molecular compounds.

Reactions of Non-metals
  • Non-metal oxides and water form ternary acids.
  • ie. Dinitrogen pentoxide and water form?
  • Carbon Dioxide and water form?
  • Reverse Reaction Ternary acids decompose into
    non-metal oxides and water.

  • Nitric Acid
  • Carbonic Acid
  • These are synthesis/combination reactions so all
    the reactants are in the product, acid should be
    written in ionic form because they are soluble.

Individual Reactions
  • Unfortunately some characteristic reactions do
    need to be recognized and memorized.
  • Carbon disulfide has a characteristic reaction
    with oxygen to produce Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur
  • CS2 O2 ? CO2 SO2

Other Patterns - Decomposition
  • Some ammonium salts decompose to lose ammonia.
  • Ammonium salts containing nitrate or dichromate
    decompose to produce an oxide, water and nitrogen
    gas. The N or Cr undergoes reduction.
  • Ex. Solid ammonium carbonate is
  • Classify the reaction type.
  • Yields 2 ammonia, Carbon dioxide, and water. Heat
    is your clue that this is decomposition. Remove
    ammonia, and also carbonates decompose to carbon
    dioxide, the remaining elements form water.

Other Patterns - Decomposition
  • Hydrogen peroxide decomposes in the presence of a
    catalyst to water and oxygen
  • Ex. A solution of Hydrogen Peroxide is
    catalytically decomposed.
  • Name the element being reduced and the element
    being oxidized.
  • This needs to be balanced, two hydrogen peroxide
    yields two water and one oxygen molecule.

Example Question
  • A solution of Hydrogen Peroxide is catalytically
  • Name the element being reduced and the element
    being oxidized.

Recommended Practice
  • Create your own way to study the reactivity
    series, either as a visual or a memory trick. Be
    prepared to hand in a copy.
  • Create your own way of representing the
    solubility rules, you can use the table example
    given in class, but make sure it includes all the
    precipitates you are responsible for.
  • Reaction Schematic Organize all the reactions
    covered so far into a graphic format, like a
    table or flow chart. Make connections!!

  • Complete the reaction worksheet

Sources and Links
  • 1) University of Siegen, Germany cool chemistry
    photo page - http//

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