Title: Erasmus
- Interactions with the Department of Biological
Sciences, CIT - Partners
- IUT Creteil, IUT Dijon,
- Fh Fulda, Univ of Lleida, EVTEK, Francisco de
Vitoria, Murcia, Helsinki, Univ de Lleida,
Frankfurt am Main, IUT Angers - List not complete snapshot - examples
2Researcher Dr. Helen OShea
- Current Research Areas 1. Characterisation of
Human Animal Gastroenteritis Viruses
rotavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus, coronavirus,
parvovirus, bocavirus - Current Research Areas 2. Genotypic
characterization of antimicrobial resistance in
S. aureus, E.coli, enterococci and selected
clinical isolates from humans, cattle, pigs and
poultry. -
3Department of Biological Sciences
- Existing links (prior to 1996)
- IUT Creteil (Marie Claude Dauchel)
- Erasmus laboratory placements (3 students)
- Virology lab Emilie Bouliong
- Academic year 1997-98 DCMB (Emilie 1)
4Department of Biological Sciences IUT Creteil
- 1998 2 Erasmus students
- Carole Feurer and Carole Branche
- 1999 -2000 returned BSc hons in Applied
Biosciences (1x project in Virology lab) - 2000-2002 Carole Feurer MSc with Prof S.
Fanning (Instituit Pasteur)
5CIT and IUT, Dijon
- 2002 MOU signed
- Prof Jean Pierre Gay
- 2003 first incoming students
- My lab Julie Morin
- 2003-2004 CMB ( 2 other students)
- Alabre, E., Torres, C., Louri, N., Chevreteau, S.
6Student mobility in food sciences and engineering
European student mobility from Dijon in 2009-2010
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 5 Erasmus students
- 3 IUT Dijon
- Douarre, Pierre, Henri, Marine
- 2 CMB, 1 FSc
- Pierre Marine BSc hons in Applied Biosciences,
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 5 Erasmus students
- 3 IUT Dijon
- Alban Ravassard, Julien Philippe, Amelie Caroline
Garopin - 2 CMB, 1 FSc
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 2 Erasmus students
- 2 IUT Dijon
- Lucie Javaux, Ophelie Luquet
- 1 CMB,1 FSc
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 8 Erasmus students
- 5 IUT Dijon
- Margaux Burgeon, Anne-Lyse Denizot, Baptiste
Lamarthee, Romain Bardeau, Anais Lagrange, - 4 CMB, 1 FSc
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 3 Erasmus students
- 0 IUT Dijon
- Department of Biological Sciences
- 10 Erasmus students
- 5 IUT Dijon
- Angeline Sourice, Elisa Bouillet, Eloise
Marcolin, Pierre-Mehdi Hadbi, Sandrine Mevel - ? CMB, ? FSc
13Under Graduate Level BSc (technicians) 9
(Ireland, Spain, Portugal, UK)
Graduate Level MSc master 26
(Vietnam, China, Spain, Italy, )
Doctoral Level PhD 13
(North Africa, Vietnam, Spain, Canada, Mexico,
Moldavia, Croatia, Poland, )
Foreign students received/welcomed in Dijon in
14IUT, Dijon and CIT
- 04 Clare Foley, Aisling Hennessy, Clare Hickey
- 05 Paul Wheatley, Andrew Rylands, Leslie Lennon
- 06
- 07 Rebecca OConnell, Annika McGowan, Kate
Murphy - 08
- 09 Alan Coomey, Maurice Casey
- 10 Michelle Kelleher, John Murphy
- 11 14-16 placements in France (Dijon and
Angers), Finland, Spain, Germany.
15Placement abroad
- Different
- Country
- Culture
- Language
- Food
- Labs
- Equipment
- Experience
16Teaching exchanges 2004 2006
- Lectured to students
- Food science and bioscience
- Medical biochemical and biological analysis
- Research Presentation
- Met incoming students
- Information- outgoing students
17Visit Drs Hugh McGlynn Helen OShea
- Teaching Labs
- Research Labs
- Supervisors
- (placement)
- Incoming students
18Social aspect
- Visit to placement students (CIT Dijon)
- Teaching exchanges
- Jean-Pierre, Fred, Marie Claude, Ann, Margaret,
Hugh dinner, shopping, touring etc. - personal touch - help accommodation, advise,
arrangements etc
- Exchange IUT Angers
- Students to CIT
- Students abroad
- Collaboration
- Missions
- Teaching
- Research and Technology
- International Cooperation
- Culture and Science
- Technology transfers towards industry
20Thank you