Chapter 6: Memory Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6: Memory Processes


Chapter 6: Memory Processes * Table 6.1 in text gives examples of each. * * After first click, the demonstration is automated and will simulate a trial in Sternberg ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6: Memory Processes

Chapter 6 Memory Processes
Some Questions of Interest
  • What have cognitive psychologists discovered
    regarding how we encode information for storing
    it in memory?
  • What affects our ability to retrieve information
    from memory?
  • How does what we know or what we learn affect
    what we remember?
  • How does memory develop with age?

Encoding Processes
  • Creating an acoustic code
  • What it sounds like
  • Creating a semantic code
  • What it means
  • Creating a visual code
  • What it looks like

Encoding Types and STM
  • Type of code may rely on type of task
  • Encoding in STM is primarily acoustic
  • although semantic and visual encoding can occur

Evidence for Acoustic Encoding in STM
  • Conrad (1964)
  • Visually present a series of letters briefly
  • Immediately write the letters viewed once series
    is complete (try it starts on next click)

Write down letters
Results Conrad (1964)
  • You viewed B C F M N P N S T V
  • What errors did you make?
  • F for S
  • B for V
  • P for B
  • Not visual errors
  • e.g., E for F, O for Q, R for P
  • Thus, we encode items acoustically even when
    presented visually

Evidence for semantic encoding in STM
  • Shulman (1970)
  • Participants viewed 10-word lists then
    recognition test using visually represented
    probe words,
  • homonyms - e.g., bawl for ball
  • synonyms - e.g., talk for speak or
  • identical to the original word
  • The homonym and synonym probes produced similar
    error rates
  • equal amount of acoustic and semantic processing
    must be taking place

Evidence for visual encoding in STM
  • Posner Keele (1967)
  • Letter-matching task with two letters separated
    by brief interval
  • Participant had to indicate if same letter
  • A-a yes
  • A-A yes
  • A-M no
  • If letters were the same visually (a-a),
    participants were faster than if the letters were
    not the same visually (A-a)

Encoding Types and LTM
  • Remember the list??

Encoding Types and LTM
  • Type of code may rely on type of task
  • Encoding in LTM is primarily semantic although
    other types of encoding can occur

Semantic Encoding in LTM
  • Grossman Eagle (1970)
  • Study 41 different words, recognition test after
  • 9 of the distractors were semantically related to
    words on list
  • 9 of the distractors were not
  • False alarms for each type 1.83 of synonyms, but
    only 1.05 of unrelated

Visual Encoding in LTM
  • Frost (1972)
  • Participants studied 16 drawings, manipulated
    visual orientation and semantic category
  • After a delay, participants were asked if they
    had studied an object with the same name as the
    test object
  • Reaction time was measured
  • Participants responded faster to identical
    drawings than drawings in a different orientation

Acoustic Encoding in LTM
  • Evidence of very long-term memory for songs
  • Rubin (1977)
  • Participants recall more of the text when
    provided with the melody of a well-learned song
    (Star Spangled Banner) than when given no cue

Transfer from STM to LTM
  • Consolidation
  • Integrating new information into stored
  • Disruption of consolidation is studied in
  • ECT patients (Squire)

Principles to Strengthen Memory
  • Metamemory
  • Elaborative rehearsal vs. maintenance rehearsal
  • Distributed practice vs. massed practice
  • Spacing effect
  • Organizing information enhances memory

What Causes the Spacing Effect?
Sleep and Memory Consolidation
Encoding Specificity
  • Memory is improved when information available at
    encoding is also available at retrieval

Encoding Specificity Tulving Thompson (1973)
  • 1st study list learn target words in capital
  • Cue Target
  • head LIGHT
  • grasp BABY
  • 2nd free association generate 6 words for each
    word presented
  • Word Possible generations
  • dark light, black, room.
  • infant sleeping, bottle, baby.

  • 3rd recognition test circle any generated words
    that were in the study list in capital letters
  • Word Possible generations
  • dark light, black, room.
  • infant sleeping, bottle, baby.
  • 4th recall recall the words from the study list
    in capital letters, using these cues that they
    were studied with
  • Word Possible generations
  • grasp ________
  • head ________

Tulving Thompson (1973) Results
They recalled more than they recognized!
Percentage of Words Recalled / Recognized
Free Association Recognition Test
Study List Recall Test
Encoding Specificity
  • Tulving (1983)
  • People encode the context with the target
  • Physical match (class, diving, smell)
  • Emotional match (happy, depressed)
  • Understanding match (childhood amnesia, under the
    influence of drugs match)

Mnemonic Devices to Aid Memory
  • Categorical clustering
  • Interactive images
  • Pegword system
  • Method of loci
  • Acronyms
  • Acrostics
  • Keyword system

Which Mnemonic Is the Best?
  • Roediger (1980)

Retrieval Processes
  • Multiple processes can be used to enhance
  • Different strategies are used for STM and LTM
  • Matching the type of processes at encoding with
    retrieval increases success

Studying Searching in STM
  • Saul Sternberg (1967)
  • Memorize a set of numbers (6,3,8,2,7)
  • Shown a probe digit
  • Participant must indicate if the probe was in the
  • RT is measured

Sternberg (1967)
  • Possible result patterns
  • A represents parallel processing
  • B illustrates serial processing
  • C illustrates exhaustive serial processing
  • D illustrates self-terminating serial processing

Retrieval from LTM
  • Randomized list
  • Naples World Italy Americas
  • Montreal Bristol Washington Ottawa
  • Orlando England Europe Dallas
  • Liverpool Winnipeg Rome USA
  • London Florence Canada
  • Organized list
  • World
  • Europe Americas
  • England Italy USA
  • London Rome Washington Ottawa
  • Liverpool Florence Dallas
  • Bristol Naples Orlando Winnipeg

Theories about Forgetting
  • Interference theory
  • Proactive old memories interfere with recall of
    new information
  • Retroactive new memories interfere with recall
    of old information
  • Decay theory
  • Memory is weakened with disuse
  • Simply passage of time

Serial Position Curve
Interference vs. decay
  • Trigrams were forgotten by 18 seconds
  • retroactive interference of counting backward

Proactive Interference from LTM
Experimental group Learn List A Learn List B Delay Test for Memory B
Control group No study Learn List B Delay Test for Memory B
  • Information previously learned (List A)
    interferes with retrieval of List B

Retroactive Interference from LTM
Experimental group Learn List A Learn List B Delay Test for Memory A
Control group Learn List A ------------ Delay Test for Memory A
  • Information learned afterward interferes with
    retrieval of List A

Bransford Johnson (1972)
  • Gave people passages to read, with or without a

  • The procedure is actually quite simple. First you
    arrange things into different groups. Of course,
    one pile may be sufficient depending on how much
    there is to do. If you have to go somewhere else
    due to lack of facilities, that is the next step
    otherwise, you are pretty well set. It is
    important not to overdo things. That is, it is
    better to do too few things at once than too
    many. In the short run, this may not seem
    important, but complications can easily arise. It
    is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity
    for this task in the immediate future, but then
    one never can tell. After the procedure is
    completed, one arranges the materials into
    different groups again. They can be put into
    their appropriate places. Eventually, they will
    be used once more and the whole cycle will then
    have to be repeated.

Owens, Bower, Black (1979)
Nancy arrived at the cocktail party. She looked
around the room to see who was there. She went to
talk with her professor. She felt she had to talk
to him but was a little nervous about just what
to say. A group of people started to play
charades. Nancy went over and had some
refreshments. The hors doevres were good, but
she was interested in talking to the rest of the
people at the party. After a while, she decided
shed had enough and left the party. Some
participants also heard that passage but w/this
theme Nancy woke up feeling sick, and she
wondered if she really were pregnant. How could
she tell the professor she had been seeing? And
the money was another problem.
Owens, Bower, Black (1979) Results
Theme No Theme
Studied Propositions 29.2 20.3
Inferred Propositions 15.2 3.7
  • The theme offered some background information
    and some retrieval cues, which increased recall.
  • also led to more intrusions such as, The
    professor got Nancy pregnant.

Autobiographical Memory
  • Memory of personal history
  • Constructive in nature

Flashbulb Memories
  • Where were you when the
  • Challenger explosion occurred?
  • OJ verdict was read?
  • JFK was assassinated?
  • Bombing of the World Trade Center?
  • Tested immediate memory for Challenger disaster
    and then again 3 years later
  • little agreement with the two memories, despite
    the confidence of the participants

Emotion and Memory
  • There is a strong relationship (.90) between the
    emotionality and vividness of memory
  • Does not mean accurate!!
  • Emotional events less resistant to forgetting
    over time

Extraordinary Autobiographical Memory
  • A Woman Remembers What She Did Every Day for

Schacters Seven Sins of Memory
  1. Memories are transient (fade with time)
  2. We do not remember what we do not pay attention
  3. Our memories can be temporarily blocked
  4. We can misattribute the source of memory
  5. We are suggestible in our memories
  6. We can show memory distortion (bias)
  7. We often fail to forget the things we would like
    not to recall (persistence of memory)
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