Bonding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Completing the Drilling Application Form Permit Types Drill a new well Deepen a well Re-drill a well Alter a well Other Drill a New Well A ... casing In coal areas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bonding

  • ACT 223 - Sec. 215 Bonding
  • (a)(1)upon filing an application for a
    well permit and before continuing to operate any
    oil or gas well, the owner or operator thereof
    shall file with the department a bond
    conditioned that the operator shall faithfully
    perform all of the drilling, water supply
    replacement, restoration and plugging
    requirements (4 pages)
  • Chapter 78.301 Scope
  • In addition to the requirements of section 215
    of the act (58 P. S.   601.215), this subchapter
    specifies certain requirements for surety bonds,
    collateral bonds, replacement of existing bonds,
    maintaining adequate bond and bond forfeiture.(9

More Bonding
  • Guidelines for Submitting Oil and Gas Well Bonds-
    (64 pages) 77 pages of
  • single well bond 2,500multiple bondedblanket
    bond 25,000acceptable bond -- surety or
    collateral attorney-in-factCollateralcashcerti
    fied checkbank checktreasurers checkmoney
    orderpayable to the Commonwealthletter of
    creditcertificate of depositnegotiable
    securitiesdoes not pay interest on cash held as
    collateral...collateral bond requirementsphased
    deposits of collateralindividualsnot to
    corporations, companies, or partnerships.
  • Plan on 2 weeks to 3 months for Bond approvals
  • A well will be released from bond coverage one
    year after it has been properly plugged and the
    site satisfactorily restored.

Permit Application For Drilling Or Altering A Well
  • Act 223 - Sec.201
  • (a) No person shall drill a well or alter any
    existing wellwithout having first obtained a
    well permit.
  •  78.11. Permit requirements.
  • (a)  No person may drill or alter a well
    unless that person has first obtained a permit
    from the Department.
  • (b)  No person may operate a well unless
    one of the following conditions has been met
  • (1)  The person has obtained a permit
    under the act.
  • (2)  The person has registered the well
    under the act
  • (3)  The well was in operation on April
    18, 1985, under a permit that was obtained under
    the Gas Operations Well-Drilling Petroleum and
    Coal Mining Act

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  • A permit will expire in 1year

at which time the applicant can submit an
affidavit, requesting renewal of the permit,
attesting that all applicable parties have been
notified and that all aspects of the original
application are the same.
Lots of Applications
  • Total applications for New, Drill Deeper and
    Re-drill Permits for 2010.
  • Northwest 2345
  • East Region 2299
  • Southwest 1926
  • Statewide 6570

Staff to handle paperwork- NWRO
  • 7 Clerical for administration
  • -logging, tracking, issuing
  • 7 Technical staff for technical review
  • -plats, deviation surveys, environmental
    issues, notifications
  • 1 Program Manager to sign every permit

The hardest part is finding it in the office
Technical Review Log/Track
Admin review Log/track
Program Manager Sign
Date Stamp
Screen Tech Chief Re-review
Permit Issuance Log/Track
Copy/ Scan/ Send
How do we keep track
  • By adding Numbers to the application
  • To each application we add the following
  • OGO number
  • Bond number
  • API number
  • Authorization number
  • Site number
  • Client number
  • APS number
  • Account number
  • Primary Facility number
  • Sub-facility number
  • Sometimes more

Most important part of the application
  • Show me the money
  • After the date stamp
  • send the money to Harrisburg
  • now the review can begin

Form 5500-PM-OG0001
  •  78.15. Application requirements
  • (a)  An application for a well permit shall be
    submitted on forms furnished by the Department
    and contain the information required by the
    Department to evaluate the application.
  • (b)  The permit application will not be
    considered complete until the applicant submits a
    complete and accurate plat, an approvable bond or
    other security, the fee, proof of notification,
    necessary requests for variance or waivers or
    other documents required to be furnished by law
    or the Department. The person named in the permit
    shall be the same person named in the bond or
    other security.

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Completing the Drilling Application Form
Administration stuff Name Address Phone
Fax Well Name Number County
Muni Was location ever permitted before?
- Is this re-working an existing well not
registered or permitted? Please provide all known
information about the unregistered/ un-permitted
well. Pennsylvania Natural Diversity
Inventory any hits must be addressed and
mitigation standards might be included as a
Special Condition on the Permit.
Permit Types
  • Drill a new well
  • Deepen a well
  • Re-drill a well
  • Alter a well
  • Other

Drill a New Well
  • A location where a well has never been drilled
  • location may have been permitted before

Deepen a Well
  • To drill an existing well to lengthen the well

Re-drill a Well
  • Drill through a well plug to put well in

Plugged Well
Drill through
Alter a Well
  • Changes the well bore or drills out well bore

  • Drill out well bore

Drilled out larger well bore
Original well bore
Alter a wellcasing
  • In coal areasany work that effects the coal
    protective casingrequires a permit
  • Work or replacement of casing that changes casing
    depth or diameterrequires a permit
  • Work or replacement of casing of the same
    diameter to the same depth does not, by itself,
    require a permit.

Other type ?
  • If not a new, deepen, re-drill or alterationit
    is an other welland must be specified
  • Change use from production to storage
    Rehabilitate an Orphan well for

Replacement of casing. No re-drill of borehole.
DEP is no longer able to register wells
No re-drill of borehole.
Type of well
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Comb.(gas oil)
  • Injection, recovery
  • Injection, disposal
  • Coalbed methane
  • Gas storage
  • Other (specify)

Application Fee
  • The fee is an application processing charge for
    expenses incurred by the Bureau of Oil Gas
  • and a surcharge for Abandoned
    Orphan Well Plugging Funds.

Surcharges fees at a glance
  • Permit fees can range from None, for rehabbing
    an Orphan Well
  • to 3850 for a 15,000 Marcellus Well more if

Fee calculator website
  • http//

  • Pay to the order of
  • Commonwealth of PA
  • We accept Money Orders, personal checks
    business checks.

Coordination with regulations other permits
  • The Oil Gas Act
  • Oil Gas Conservation Law
  • Coal Gas Resource Coordination Act
  • Waste Management Act
  • Clean Streams Law
  • PACode Chapters 93, 102 105
  • Among others

Oil Gas Conservation Law
  • If well is 3800 or deeper penetrates the
    Onondagathen Conservation Well.

5000 -
What about these?
  • DEP policy Proposed vertical wells with a
    non-vertical lateral, where the vertical portion
    penetrates the Onondaga by 200 or less, and the
    intent of that portion is only for logging
    purposes, can be considered non-conservation

For production purposes
In areas with no spacing application or order,
the borehole, at Conservation depth, must be at
least 330 from outside lease boundary.
Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act
  • Applies to all proposed locations that penetrate
    coal seams, deemed workable by underground
    methods. Except Conservation wells and certain
    other wells as defined in the Act.
  • Requires coordination of coal mine and gas well
    operators in areas where applicable proposed well
    locations are near active or permitted coal

Workable Coal Seams by underground methods
  • Coal 28 thick with sufficient quality
  • At least 100 overburden
  • .for at least 1 sq mi aerial extent

28 sufficient quality 100 overburden Aerial
extent at least 1 mile
If determined a workable coal seam and well is
not exempted from the Act and not a Conservation
  • Distance restrictions
  • At least 1000 from any other well that
  • -penetrates a workable coal seam
  • -has not been plugged
  • -is non-producing wells abandoned after 11/30/55

workable coal seam
Proposed location
Plugged well
After 11/30/55
Before 11/30/55
Non-Conservation well
Non producers abandoned
Conservation well
House Bill 265
  • House Bill 265 looks to amend the Coal and Gas
    Resource Coordination Act.
  • Allowing Non-Conservation well clusters, on the
    same pad, to be located less than 1000 feet from
    each otheramong other things.

Permitted Coal Mines whose boundaries are within
1000 of proposed location
  • Required to notify coal owners/operators

Permitted coal mine boundary
Proposed location
Notified coal owners/ operators have the right to
  • Act 223 if the well will, in the opinion of the
    coal owner or operator, unduly interfere with or
    endanger such mine, then the coal owner or
    operator affected shall have the right to file

DEP will mediate a conference between the 2
parties to work out an agreement
Coordination with gas storage operations
  • Proposing to drill within 2000 of a gas storage
    reservoir. Storage operator must be notified
    with the casing and cementing plan.

The storage operator can object
DEP will mediate a conference between the 2
parties to work out an agreement
Within perimeter of a landfill
  • Whether a landfill is permitted, active or

if the proposed location falls within its
label the landfill location on plat and identify
the owner
Distance restrictions
  • The proposed site must be gt 100 from any stream,
    spring, body of water, or a wetland gt 1 acre,
    unless approved through a waiver.

Well pad/site
Waiver request Form 5500-FM-OG0057
  • Requesting to waive the 100 distance restriction
    from any wetland gt 1 acre, spring, stream or body
    of water

Describe the waiver request in detail water
bodies, classifications, distances, etc..
addressing all of the following (1) Fluid
containment measures (drilling, stimulation,
formation production) (2) Handling large
volume of top-hole water (3) Site chemical
storage handlingspill clean-up (4) Disposal
methods for wastes and waste fluids (cuttings
muds) (5) When polluting substances will be
removed from site after well completion (6)
Waste removal during inclement weather (7)
Submittal of an E S Control Plan per Chapter 102
Waiver request Form 5500-FM-OG0057
  • Waiver request form goes out to the field
    representative for approval or disapproval

who might meet out in the field with operator
then make an educated decision
Approved waivers can have special conditions that
are incorporated into the permit
more distance restrictions
  • A new well may not be drilled within 200 of
    existing buildings (where someone normally works
    or lives), or a water well

without prior written consent from the owner
or an approved request for variance Form
Request for Variance From Distance
RestrictionFrom Existing Building or Water
Supply (5500-FM-OG0058)
  • Explain the variance request
  • -distances from the proposed well location to
    buildings and / or water supply
  • -uses of buildings and water supplies, and
    frequency of use
  • -proof of notification
  • -type of insurance coverage for the project
  • -explain how adherance to the 200-ft
    requirement would deprive the oil and gas owner
    of the opportunity to produce or share in the
    production of oil and gas underlying the surface
  • -evidence that no location more than 200 feet
    from all buildings or water supplies is
    available where the well could be drilled.
  • Plan Description. Describe measures, facilities,
    or practices to be employed during well site
    construction, drilling, and well operation to
    insure safety and protect persons and property,
    and to protect waters of the Commonwealth. Use
    additional blank sheets for narrative or sketches
    as needed

How youre deprived
Safety measures
Insurance coverage
Coordination with Public Resources
  • Section 205(c) of the Oil and Gas Act requires
    the Department to consider the impact of the
    proposed well on public resources, including
    publicly owned parks, forest, gamelands and
    wildlife areas national or state scenic rivers
    national natural landmarks habitats of rare and
    endangered flora and fauna and other critical
    communities historical and archaeological sites
    listed on the federal or state list of historic

Wildlife Areas
Endangered species
The operator must fill out form 5500-PM-OG0076 if
on or near public resources.
We treat different public resources differently
Coordination of a well Location with Public
Resources - form 5500-PM-OG0076
  • Is proposed location in or within 200 of a
    publicly owned park/forest/etc., Natural National
    Landmarks or historical/archaeological sites?
  • Within a corridor of a scenic river?
  • Has a PA Natural Diversity Inventory search been
    run issues resolved?
  • What addl measures to be taken to protect public

Public Resources common issues
  • Allegheny National Forest (ANF) and DCNR. DEPs
    consideration is elevated when the ANF or DCNR
    objects to a drilling application. DEP will hold
    the application until a site visit by DEP field
    personnel. DEP will consider the objections
    raised by the agency and make a determination.

ANF/DCNR objection
objection consideration, through field
personnel, make a determination
DEP holds Application until
DEP continues Application review
more other Public Resource common issues
  • Policy for Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Index
    (PNDI) coordination during permit review
    Evaluation Form 400-0200-001
  • The application needs to include the PNDI Project
    Environmental Review Receipt, obtained from, with the
    application. There are 4 types of results

Potential Impact
Avoidance Measures
Conservation Measures
No Impact
PNDI Potential Impacts
  • If there is a potential impact a clearance letter
    is required from the jurisdictional agency, which
    may include measures the applicant must take to
    minimize impacts, DEP will include them in the
    permit as a Special Condition.

Measures to take
Included in permit
PNDI- Avoidance Measures
  • If avoidance measures are generated the
    applicant needs to initial that they will abide
    by the measures during the project. DEP will
    include these measures as Special Conditions.

Avoidance measures
avoidance measures
Initials adherence to
Included in permit
PNDI- Conservation Measures
  • If Conservation Measures are generated, DEP will
    might include them in the permit as a Special

Conservation Measures
The world is happy
May be included in permit
Special Protection Watersheds
  • Applicant identifies if proposed application is
    in a HQ or EV watershed. DEP will stamp permits
    and plats accordingly, if applicant does not
    identify watershed appropriately.

Listings for specific stream identification can
be found in PA Code Chapter 93
Coordination with ESCGP-1
  • If the proposed location is part of a larger
    development, disturbing gt5 acres, list the
    ESCGP-1 approval date and number, if applicable.

Page 2 - Notifications
  • The applicant shall notify
  • -The surface landowner
  • -Surface landowners whose water supplies are
    within 1000 of the proposed location
  • -Water purveyors whose water supplies are
    within 1000 of the proposed location
  • -Gas storage operations, with storage fields,
    within 2000
  • -Coal owner and lessee, of all underlying
    seams, in workable coal areas
  • -Underground coal mine operators with mine
    operations within 1000
  • of their intentions to drill a welland list
    them on page 2.

Water supply
surface landowner
Proposed Gas well
Gas storage
Workable coal (owner/lessee)
Notification details
  • The applicant shall notify appropriate parties by
    certified mail, with proof of notification or,
    show proof of notification with appropriate
    signature on page 2.
  • The notification shall include the complete
    application and form 5500-FM-OG0052 Landowner
    Notification Of A Well Drilling Or Alterations,
    if applicable

Rights under the law
Signature on page 2
Certified mail
Signature also waives the 15 day objection period
Notification- Water Supply Protection
  • Form OG0052 Landowner Notification Of Well
    Drilling Or Alterations informs the water supply
    of their rights under Section 208 of the Act.

Operators who pollute or diminish a water supply
shall restore or replace the supply, adequate in
quality/quantity for purposes served.
Operators are presumed responsible for polluting
or diminishing affected water supplies within
1000 of the drilling, if the supply became
affected during drilling or within 6 months of
completion of the drilling or alteration.
lt 6 months lt 1000
Bad Water
Operator is presumed guilty, unless
  • He rebuts the presumption by proving either
  • 1) Pollution was pre-existing (pre-drilling
  • 2) The water supply refused access for
    pre-drilling survey
  • 3) The water supply is gt 1000 from the drilling
  • 4) The water supply became affect gt6 months after
    well completion
  • 5) The water supply became affected by some other

  • The right to object to an application is afforded
    to surface landowners and coal owner or
    operators in the Act and to gas storage
    operators in Chapter 79.

DEP responds to objections from surface
landowners whose water supplies are within 1000-
even if it is not afforded to them in law or
  • DEP responds to written objections with a letter
    stating receipt of the objection and that DEP
    will contact them, during the review, if the
    application comes in.

DEP calls objecting party
Application arrives
DEP sends acknowledgement letter
DEPs objection response
  • Most objections are from water supplies that are
    not the surface landowner of where the well is
    being drilled.
  • DEP re-informs the objecting party that there are
    casing standards in regulation for groundwater
    protection, as well as remedies afforded water
    supplies that are affected by drilling.
  • DEP will inform the objecting party of the
    applicants rights to a permit within 45 days as
    long as
  • 1) The well site is not in violation, or be in
    violation when permit is issued
  • 2) The application is complete and accurate
  • 3) There are no unresolved objections by coal
    mine owner/operator
  • 4) Bonding requirements have been met
  • 5) The applicant is not under a legal document
    from DEP which restricts its issuance

The Application Plat
. .
  • The plat is reviewed for consistency with the
    rest of the application, accuracy completeness.

Plat requirements
  • Prepared by registered professional Engineer or
    Surveyor with seal (4 copies)
  • Show
  • Municipality County
  • Surface Landowner
  • Surface landowner water supplies of water
    supplies within 1000 of proposed location.
  • Owner of workable coal seams
  • Tract Acreage
  • Proposed location surveyed from at least 2
    permanent points on tract boundary
  • Proposed well angle and direction
  • Well number
  • Workable coal seams cased off
  • Latitude and longitude of surface location-10
    meter accuracy (NAD 83)
  • All buildings and water supplies within 200 of
    proposed location
  • Water supplies within 1000 of proposed
  • Wetlands within 100 of proposed location
  • Every spring, stream or body of water within
    100 of disturbed area
  • USGS topographic map name section number with
    topographic mark and offsets
  • Applicable metadata- 10 meter accuracy
  • Target formation

Typical plat top half
Typical plat
Typical Plat- bottom half
Deviation Survey
The Departmentshallissueapermitwithin45day

Chapter 78 update. 78.52(d) requires the
submittal of all predrill data to be used by an
Operator to preserve their defense under section
208(d)(1) within 10 business days of receipt of
such data. DEP is requesting your assistance and
cooperation. We ask that you please submit your
pre-drill data in the following method and format
  • Please submit all data electronically on a CD
    with a cover letter to the appropriate regional
  • Predrill Data, Oil and Gas Management Program
  • Northwest Regional Office
  • 230 Chestnut St.
  • Meadville, PA 16335
  • NCRO Predrill Data
  • Oil and Gas Management Program
  • Northcentral Regional Office
  • 208 West Third Street, Suite 101
  • Williamsport, PA 17701
  • Predrill Data, Oil and Gas Management Program
  • Southwest Regional Office
  • 400 Waterfront Drive
  • Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4024

  • 2.) All data should be submitted in .pdf form.
  • 3.) The CD cover should clearly list the
  • Company Name
  • Well Farm Name (Pad) and Permit Number(s) (if
  • County of Well Pad(s), Municipality of Well
  • 4.) Folders should be created within the CD using
    the following file structure
  • Well Farm Name/Pad ID
  • County of Sampling Location, Municipality of
    Sampling Location
  • Sample ID
  • Example (each line is a separate folder)
  • Smith Well Pad
  • Clairon County
  • Knox Township
  • John Smith Residence
  • please include latitude/longitude of water sample
    location somewhere on the data sheet

Permit denials
  • Operators will be notified of inaccurate/
    insufficient/incomplete applications and have 60
    days to rectify the situation, or DEP may deny
    the application.

After 60 days
Insufficient application
Application denied
Special Condition on Permit
  • For shale formations with a significant
    horizontal well bore through the formation
  • The permittee shall not withdraw or use water
    from water sources within the Commonwealth of
    Pennsylvania, for well fracing activities, unless
    the permittee does so in accordance with a Water
    Management plan approved by the Department.

Water Management Plan
  • An Oil Gas operators plans to withdraw from a
    source. The plan includes calculations and
    analysis of the environmental impacts associated
    with the withdrawal.
  • DEP will review the plans analysis of the
    environmental impact and, if in agreement, send
    an approval letter stating concurrence with the
    conclusions determined by the operator.
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