- BY Bertram H. Ross
- For ECI 530
2Project Description Bonding of Atoms
- There are several sections in our project.
- First, the nature of chemical bonding, then we
differentiate between the two main types of
bondingcovalent and ionic bonding. - After we compare covalent and ionic bonding, we
introduce metallic bonding. - Finally, we discuss alternative ways of
approaching bonding and the phenomenon of polar
covalent bonding. - A Quiz is placed at the end before the citations.
Bonding How?
Comparison of Bond Types
Covalent bonding 1, 2, 3.
More About Bonding 1,2,3.
Ionic Bonding 1, 2, 3
Metallic Bonding
4Bonding of Atoms How?
- How do atoms bond to form compounds?
- A) Atoms have valence electrons determined by its
Group in the Periodic Table. - B)Valence electrons are redistributed to give an
inert gas structure. - C) Valence electrons are either shared or
5Covalent Bonding 1
6Covalent Bonding 2
2 hydrogen atoms share a pair of electrons.
Hydrogen molecule formed.
Hydrogen and chlorine form a bond by sharing a
pair of electrons. Hydrogen chloride molecule
7Covalent Bonding 3 Hydrogen Molecule Forming
- Two hydrogen atoms share a pair of electrons one
from each atom.
8Ionic Bonding 1
- Chlorine atom with electron configuration 2,8,
7 - Seven valence electrons
- Sodium atom with electron configuration 2, 8, 1
- One valence electron
9Ionic Bonding 2
- Sodium loses its valence electron
- Forms positive ion
- Na
- Chlorine accepts this electron
- Forms negative ion
- Cl-
10Ionic Bonding 3 External Appearances
Sodium metal
Sodium Chloride Salt
Chlorine gas
- Sodium metal reacts with chlorine gas Na Cl-
- Sodium Chloride is formed
- (Table salt) Na . Cl-
11Metallic Bonding
- Atoms of metals form metallic bonds.
- Each atom of the metals gives up its valence
electrons forming a cation. - A SEA OF ELECTRONS are delocalized about the
whole structure.
12Comparison of Bond Types
- Electrons shared
- Covalent Bond formed
- Molecule
- Non-conductor of electricity
- Electron transferred
- Positive and negative ions formed
- Ionic Compound
- Conducts electricity
13More about Bonding 1
- Bonds shown by electron dot structures. (NF3)
14More about Bonding 2
Covalent polar bonds exist
2 H? O?- Polarity
due to size and nuclear charge disparities.
15More about Bonding 3
Above the hydrogen fluoride molecule is shown. A
partial positive charge and a partial negative
charge results because of the size and charge
Polar Covalent Bond
- Chemical Bonding Quiz.doc
- Chemical Bonding Quiz.doc
- www.gcsescience.com/a29-covalent-bond-hydroge...
- mortada8.maktoobblog.com/.../
- www.ehow.com/how-does_4568765_electron-dot-diagram
-work.html - www.gcsescience.com/a5-reaction-sodium-chlorine.ht
m - www.tutorvista.com/...bonding/ionic-bonding-anim
ation.php - www.youtube.com/watch?v1wpDicW_MQQ