Title: Ten Megatrends Shaping Marketing in Egypt Today
1Ten Megatrends Shaping Marketing in EgyptToday
- Dr. Ahmed Taher
- Managing Director
- Integrated Marketing Solutions
- taher_at_ims.com.eg
- What are Megatrends?
- Behaviors that are adopted, copied, practiced,
observed and accepted as social phenomena. - First coined by John Naisbitt 1982, 9 million
copies sold.
- What is Marketing?
- Management of perceptions to direct behavior
4Ten Megatrends
- Retailing Boom
- Savvy Consumers
- Mobile Culture
- Individualistic Society
- Low (No) Customer Loyalty
5Ten Megatrends
- Branding Polarity
- The rediscovery of PR and CSR
- Proliferation of Media
- Direct Marketing
- Diverse Lifestyles
61. Retailing Boom
- Roots
- First-time-in-the-toy-store phenomenon
- Opening up of importation of ready-made garments
- Chains seeking growth and franchisees meeting
targets - Shopping and window shopping as entertainment
- Implications
- Malls, mega malls, hyper malls,
- Pull for consumer products
- Factory outlets and other new retailing formats
- Need for credit and financing options
74 Strategic Dimensions of Retailing
- External Consumer Expectations
- Internal Retailing Mix Variables
- Margin and Inventory Goals
- Assortment and merchandise
- Location of outlets
- Customer Services offered
8Building a Retailing Marketing Strategy
- External Consumer Expectations
- Convenience in space and time
- Atmosphere or ambience
- Merchandise
- Price
- Information/interaction
- Service
9Building a Retailing Marketing Strategy
- Internal Retailing Mix Variables
- Physical Facilities
- Merchandise/Merchandising
- Pricing
- Promotion
- Services
- Organization/Personnel
10Critical Developments in Retailing
- The dominance of general merchandise Power
Retailers - Sharp definition of customers and needs
- Willingness to take risks via market testing and
trend forecasting - Ordering early and selling fast
- High investment in intelligent IT
- Commitment to deliver value
- Customer service to create an experience
- Category killers, private labels, v. deep
11Critical Developments in Retailing
- The increasing polarity of retailing
- the growth of limited line, tightly managed,
highly focused specialty chains (high touch). - the growth of very large stores which rely on
technology for logistics control (high tech).
High touch
Conventional stores
High tech
12Critical Developments in Retailing
- The increasing power of retailers in the channels
for packaged goods - The growing importance of convenience
- The growing impact of computer technology
- Increased focus on legitimate pricing
- L L Location P P Positioning
- Mergers and Acquisitions.
132. Savvy Consumers
- Roots
- Learning new determinants of quality.
- Branded offers.
- Competitive Pressures.
- Multiple countries of origin.
- Implications
- The positioning Game.
- Pricing Games (Tactics).
- Seek Differentiation OR Cost Advantages OR Focus.
- Raise Quality Standards to Global Level.
14Multiattribute Model
Attribute Importance Toshiba Sony Dell
Prestige 5 8 10 6
Durability 7 9 5 10
Weight 5 6 10 5
Price 9 8 2 10
Overall 31 27 31
Weighted 205 153 215
153. Mobile Culture
- Roots
- Willing to Relocate for Better (Environment,
Pay,.etc). - New Cities Promising Different Quality of Life.
- New Rentals Law.
- Availability of financing Car and Home Purchase.
- Mobile Telecommunications.
- Implications
- Market for qualified HR is much more competitive.
- Second Wave Theory.
- Boom of financial services and retail banking.
- New homes, cars, and schools for kids.
164. Individualistic Society (I love me)
- Roots
- Gap between generations
- Dual (or more) income homes
- Busy, irregular work and break schedules
- Pleasure-driven behaviors (versus family-driven)
- Implications
- From food preparation to food consumption at home
- Repackaging of products for individual use
- Appealing to individuals (not families) in ads
and entertainment
17Appeal to individuals
185. Low (No) Customer Loyalty
- Roots
- Competition drove the quality to acceptable
level. - Quality slipping over time under cost pressure or
poor management. - Variety seeking behavior (toy-store phenomenon)
- Bipolar Price Sensitivity.
- Implications
- Developing Follow up and feedback systems.
- Creating Value for money (through research
services). - Adopt aggressive cost quality management
practices - Invest in Branding and Product Development
196. Branding Polarity
- Roots
- Brands symbolic power for high involvement
products - Risk of failure in high ticket items
- Power brands require saving on commodities to
balance budget. - Local brands still not convincing
- Implications
- Justified investment in Branding and
Communication - Increase consumer involvement where possible
- Use fear appeal to push branded products
20Some Branding Concepts
- A Brand is a promise of consistent delivery on a
set of attributes. - The Brand Equity is the extent to which customers
are willing to pay (a premium) more for your
brand given the opportunity to buy a very similar
product without a brand. - The internal and external Brand Audit is
important to measure the progress and success of
the branding strategy.
21Some Branding Concepts
- The Brand Contract which is a documentation of
the brand promise to be shared with all
employees, new hires and customers of course. It
strengthens the brand, and gives it a real and
consistent meaning in the mind of all
stakeholders. It also guides all future
marketing communication and the behavior of the
sales and customer service teams
22Some Branding Concepts
- Brand Extension is attempting to extend the brand
promise to new categories. - The Corporate Identity Manual (CIM) is also a
very important document that will be used for
quality assurance of all brand communication. It
will allow for seamless switching from one
marketing communication agency or supplier to
237. The Rediscovery of PR and CSR
- Roots
- Social unease with high business profits.
- Stock market and small investors impact on
business - Tax benefits of CSR
- Political gains from PR
- Implications
- Pre-emptive PR is cost-effective and better
- Investor relations is a must for joint stock
companies - Play politics only when you can afford it.
- Outsource PR to professionals and measure
24Publics (in PR)
- Groups of people who have influence on, or
interest in, an organization or a company
25Generic List of Publics
- Shareholders
- Employees (Internal public)
- Suppliers
- Financial partners
- Distributors (channels)
- Media
- Government agencies
- Competitors
- Interest groups
- Unions
- Opinion leaders
- Potential recruits
- Business community
26CLAIMS of Public Relations
- Change
- Launch
- Acquire
- Inform
- Maintain
- Straighten
Company Image
28Product/ Service
Share issue
29Media coverage for events
Credit for activities
Support of Gov. agencies
30The Stock Market
The Trade
Opinion Leaders
Labor Market
31Good community relationships
Confidence of Shareholders
Excellent relations with the media
Staff stability
Management employee relationship
32Any public misunderstanding
Product recall or return
Public Seminars
Media Relations
Tools of Public Relations
Web sites
Annual reports
348. Proliferation of Media
- Roots
- Dissatisfaction with the official media
- Cable TV, private radio licenses, independent
press - Home entertainment growth
- Speed, verification, and instant gratification
- Internet globalization culture
- Implications
- Need to assess media reach and impact factors
- Need for independent media research monitoring
. - Need for integrated Marketing communication (IMC)
- Consider direct marketing option
359.Direct Marketing
- Roots
- Proliferation of media (prohibitive cost)
- Competition for customer attention
- Availability of Database, postal telco
technologies. - Advances in CRM and credit tools
- Implications
- Invest in CRM and payment gateways
- Learn offline and online catalog business
- Integrate direct marketing into your marketing mix
3610.Diverse Lifestyles
- Roots
- The overwhelming speed of life and work
- Dual income (or more) families
- The different types of pressure in many jobs.
- Increase in disposable income and ambitions
- Examples
- Cocooning - Religious nostalgia
- Motel homes - Hotel Homes
- Lifes little pleasures
- Multitasking
37Diverse Lifestyles
- Implications
- The delivery culture
- The café culture
- On the run culture
- Home entertainment
- Shopping/Eating out as entertainment
- Less home visits and guest dinners
38So What Can you do about it?
397 Directions to Invest in
- Branding and Positioning (and communication)
- Retailing first-hand
- Quality and Cost Management
- Developing and Retaining Talents
- Marketing Research and CRM
- Proactive Public Relations
- New Product Development
407 Dimensions to Investigate
- Second Wave theory
- Credit and Financing Options
- Media Reach and Impact
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Direct Marketing Options
- Online and Off-line Catalogs
- Develop New Products and Services for New
41Thank you