Why is alternative medicine so popular - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why is alternative medicine so popular


Dr. Samuel Pfeifer Why is alternative medicine so popular? Promises and problems of alternative medicine * * * * Diagnostische Spezifit t: Beispiel Irisdiagnose ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Why is alternative medicine so popular

Dr. Samuel Pfeifer
Why is alternative medicine so popular? Promises
and problems of alternative medicine
Desire for healing
What is health?
  • For many, health means considerably more than the
    absence of sickness.
  • Ideal of absolute well-being physical,
    psychological, social.
  • Health is almost a spiritual quest.
  • Can traditional / scientific medicine fulfill
    this yearning?

Herbal Medicine and Alternative Medicine
  • Today, the movement of alternative medicine is
    much more than traditional Chinese herbal
  • The term alternative medicine, as used in the
    modern western world, encompasses any healing
    practice "that does not fall within the realm of
    conventional medicine.

The Challenge of Alternative Medicine
  • Responsibility and Self-help
  • Distrust against drugs and medicalization
  • Application of natural remedies
  • Balanced nutrition
  • Stress reduction

HOWEVER on which foundation?
Four major groups of methods
  • Mind-Body Interventions
  • Biological-pharmacological (e.g. homeopathy)
  • Physical-energetic (e.g. Acupuncture, Massage)
  • Esoteric-spiritual (e.g. Meditation, Reiki)
  • Psychological / psychotherapeutic (e.g.
    Meditation, Reincarnation Therapy)

Diagnostic Methods
  • Dowsing - Pendulum
  • Bioresonance Energy points and blockades
  • Applied Kinesiology Asking for muscular
    responses in the arm-pull-down-test.
  • Analysis of blood, urine and hair for trace
    elements or markers
  • Characteristic emotional states (Bach Flower
  • Iridology
  • Kirlian Aura"
  • Etc. etc.

  • Herbal Remedies
  • Neural Therapy
  • Nutritional Therapies
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • Homeopathy
  • Trace Elements (Orthomolecular Medicine)
  • Megavitamins
  • Removal of Amalgam
  • Aroma Therapy

Physical-energetic methods
  • Acupuncture (needles, laser etc.)
  • Bioresonance Therapy
  • Mind Machines
  • Dowsing for earth radiations
  • Copper rings
  • Foot reflex zone massage and other forms of
  • Example bioresonance
  • Usually electrodes, linked to a box, are
    applied to the patient's skin. According to the
    manufacturer of these devices, they emit
    alternating currents which are claimed to be
    healing. They describe cells as resonating
    objects (with unknown frequency and energy
    however) having a natural resonance (ie

Charm stones - Pendulum
  • DEFINITION Esoteric knowledge is that which is
    available only to a narrow circle of
    "enlightened", "initiated", or specially educated
    people. Today it encompasses a spiritual movement
    informed by ancient traditions, eastern wisdom or
    magical beliefs.

  • Energy transfer through Healing Touch, Reiki etc.
  • Antroposophy
  • Amulets, talismans
  • Schamanism
  • Gems / Charm stones
  • Eastern meditation
  • Energy Channeling
  • Spiritualist healings (psychosurgery)
  • Astrology

  • Autosuggestion
  • Self hypnosis
  • Visualization (cancer)
  • Biofeedback
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Rebirthing-Breathwork
  • Bio-Energetic therapies
  • Example Emotional freedom technique
  • EFT is a psychotherapeutic alternative medicine
    tool based on a theory that negative emotions are
    caused by disturbances in the body's energy field
    and that tapping on the meridians while thinking
    of a negative emotion alters the body's energy
    field, restoring it to "balance. (Wikipedia)

Some methods have serious practitioners (e.g.
biofeedback) and superstitious / esoteric
applications, which makes it difficult to discern.
Four basic assumptionsof Alternative Medicine
1. We are part of universal energies
  • Body and Mind are part of a universal energy
    field. which carries various names vital force,
    bioenergy, Chi, Prana, or simply God.
  • The energy is supposed to circulate in meridians
    or energetic channels. The Chakras are a Hindu
    concept of seven energetic centers which control
    the flow of energy and are supposed to correspond
    with endocrine glands and major organs.

2. Macrocosm and Microcosm
  • Macrocosm finds its correspondence in microcosm
  • The constellation of the stars reflects human
    destiny (astrology), the microcosm of the eyes
    tells you about the physical condition of the
    macrocosm of the body (iridology),
  • the microcosm of the feet reflects the disharmony
    of the organism (foot reflexology), or the ear is
    a microcosmic representation of the energy flow
    in the body (ear acupuncture).
  • Bach flower remedies correlate the
    characteristics of plants with a persons
    emotional condition (e.g., holly is said to be a
    remedy for hatred, envy and jealousy).

3. Disease and energetic imbalance
  • Disease is the result of energetic imbalance or
    disharmony with universal cosmic energy.
  • Causes e.g. pathogenic vibrations, energy
    blockades in the Chakras or in the meridians.
    tooth fillings, old scars from surgery.
  • Emotional blocks, undesirable emotional
    conditions in which a person is estranged from
    the universal cosmic stream of energy.

Healing and restoration of wholeness
  • Healing is the restoration of harmony with cosmic
  • Many alternative therapies try to restore vital
    energy, to harmonize vibrations or to balance Yin
    and Yang.
  • Healing in this concept is not just applying a
    method, rather it is the ritual with deep
    spiritual overtones.

Who is attracted by alternative medicine?
  • People who are suffering from
  • Life-threatening diseases,
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Mental problems

What are the reasons?
Alternative healing methods bring results.
Black box of healing
What works?
  • Energy rays, fields, vibrations
  • Astral body, Aura
  • Reflexes
  • Meridians
  • Neutralizing
  • Meditation
  • Cellular regeneration
  • Immunological processes
  • Biochemical processes
  • Pharmacological effects
  • Neurobiological aspects
  • Functional vascular effects
  • Stress reduction

Explanatory Models
  1. Self Healing of the body
  2. Parallel medical treatment
  3. Attention, Listening, Comfort
  4. Placebo-Effect
  5. Suggestion and Hypnosis
  6. Unknown Mechanisms?
  7. Spiritual powers?

Explanatory Model and Faith
It helps . . .
  • Differentiate
  • Explanation from creation.
  • Faith in the creator.

Biblical Emphasis
See to it that no one takes you captive through
hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on
human tradition and the basic principles of this
world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all
the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,
Colossians 28 - 9
Priorities not primarily magical or occult
contamination, but the question of world view
(philosophy) and evidence (not hollow and
Four Evaluation Criteria
NOT occult or neutral? BUT critical
constructive dialogue.
1. Philosophical background 2. Explanatory Model
3. Evidence Base 4. Practical Application
1. Explanatory model
  • Ist it possible to explain the method without
    occult / magical beliefs?
  • Indication What are the problems it is claiming
    to cure? (Meditation against cancer?)
  • Mixed findings Anthroposophical remedies are
    produced with amgical rites, but they contain
    valuable plants.
  • Acupuncture relies on energy concepts, but it can
    trigger neurohormonal reactions..

Evidence Base
  • Is there evidence for the explanatory model?
  • Diagnostic specifity and therapeutic effectivity
  • Controlled studies vs. anecdotal evidence
  • Beware of partial explanations which are linked!
    (e.g. Coca-Cola / Birth complications)

Practical application
  • In which context is the practitioner applying a
    method or a remedy?
  • e.g. herbal remedies are spiritually neutral, but
    are they selected with magical rites?
  • e.g. Acupuncture is being practiced without much
    philosophical reflection despite its
    philosophical underpinnings and the lack of

Conflicts between alternative medicine and faith
  • Diversity There are diverse views even among
    Christian believers.
  • Conscience Various levels of the sensitivity
  • Mutual acceptance of diverse views(Romans 14)

Dangers of complimentary medicine
  • 1. Danger of irrationality A method can only be
    experienced (and believed) personally. Subjective
    results may not be doubted, even if they are
  • 2. Psychologizing physical diseases (e.g. applied
    kinesiology) can it be that psychological
    conflicts are causing cancer and hormonal
  • 3. Producing guilt feelings when treatments fail
    Is it your fault, when you are sick?
  • 4. Introduction of a new spirituality under the
    banner of He who heeals, is right without
    theological reflection.

What we need is not the establishing of an
alternative medicine, but an alternative use of
medicine. Thure von Uexküll
Alternative remedies in mild disoders
  • 1. Herbal remedies
  • 2. Massage and other wellness applications.
  • 3. Relaxation techniques without philosophical
    underpinnings or (seemingly) simple measures such
    as walking, swimming or listening to soothing

Four lessons we can learn
  • As little as possible, as much as necessary
  • The question of worldviews
  • Patient expectations on the physical level
  • Patient expectations on the emotional level

Issues in counselling
  • 1. As little as possible, as much as necessary
    There is no need to take a multitude of
    remedies, even if they are alternative.
  • 2. The question of world view Highly sensitive
    persons can develop fears and tensions when they
    dabble in alternative healing methods conflicting
    with their faith.

Issues 2
  • 3. Patient expectations on the physical level Is
    alternative healing applied as a complimentary
    measure or is it preventing effective treatment?
  • 4. Patient expectations on the emotional level
    Alternative medicine often fulfills the need for
    attention, expression and hope. Just warning
    against alternative treatment can lead to major
    crisis even when the objections are warranted.

Ten guidelines
  1. WE AFFIRM a holistic view of the human existence
    in all its dimensions however on the foundation
    of the word of God and the Biblical image of the
    person. WE REJECT a syncretistic pantheistic
    view of life which has its roots in esoteric
  2. WE AFFIRM responsibility and discretion in the
    use of medical technology. WE REJECT the
    unscientific substitution of proven medical
    treatments by alternative natural or
    magical-spiritual therapies without sufficient
    base of evidence.

Ten guidelines
  • 3. WE AFFIRM the desire to view illness and
    healing within a context which includes spiritual
    aspects. WE REJECT a cosmic view of disease on
    the background of Eastern and mystical
  • 4. WE AFFIRM the supporting of God-given
    self-healing processes of our bodies. WE REJECT
    a psychological ideology of self realization and
    mystical techniques to enhance self-healing by
    Eastern meditation or energetic channelling.
  • 5. WE AFFIRM Biblical meditation, meaning the
    study of the Word of God and meditative prayers
    within the Christian context.WE REJECT spiritual
    techniques which lead a person to draw upon inner
    energies, autosuggestion or contacting spiritual

Ten guidelines
  • 6. WE AFFIRM the laying of hands and healing
    prayer over a sick person, following the
    instruction in James 5. WE REJECT the laying
    of hands and massage with the goal to transfer
    healing energies on a patient.
  • 7. WE AFFIRM an openness for supernatural
    healing and miracles through the ministry of the
    Holy Spirit in the community of a Christian
    church and the context of the Gospel. WE REJECT
    spirit healing with the help of occult powers
    and spiritual energies.

Ten guidelines
  • 8. WE AFFIRM the necessity to confess and to
    turn from occult practices. If the spiritual
    background of a healing method is unclear, rather
    advise to do without it. WE REJECT a premature
    and ill-founded explanation of mental and
    physical symptoms as a sign of occult bondage
    caused by alternative treatment.
  • 9. WE AFFIRM the reality of human frailty,
    temptation and weakness. WE REJECT the notion
    that good health is an expression of harmony with
  • 10. WE AFFIRM that God may use suffering to help
    a person to grow in faith or that he may show his
    strength in weakness. The Christian church has a
    substantial calling to care in a holistic way for
    suffering members, including not only healing but
    also supporting the weak (1. Thessalonians 514).

Most frequent method
The most frequent method of alternative healing
David M. Eisenberg et al., Unconventional
medicine in the United States, The New England
Journal of Medicine 328 (4), (1993) 246252.
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