Title: ICP
- Triple Beam Balance Warmup
- Observation Inference Cartoon
- 8/16/12
- We will watch a brief video and then answer some
questions. - For each picture, write the mass measurement.
3Brief video on triple beam
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vjknT_OKb6yM
4 1
373.3 g
5 2
79.3 g
6 3
347.0 g
7Next up
- Brief Observation Inference Video
- Venn Diagram
- Cartoon Partner Assignment
- Time for homework
- You will staple the following 2 papers in order
and turn in tomorrow, fully completed, both
sides - Observations and Inferences I
- Observations and Inferences II
9Observation Inference Video
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vtPhWF2zPSwk
10Observation Inference
11Observation Inference
Observation involves watching something and
taking note of what it looks like as well as what
it does. Observation is an extension of our
sense when we observe, we record what is seen,
smelled tasted, heard, and touched.
Inferences are conclusions based only on what you
already know. Inferences go beyond what we can
directly sense.
Inferences are based on observations.
12Cartoon Partner Assignment
13Cartoon Partner Assignment
- Write two accounts of this cartoon.
- One account can contain strictly observation.
- One account can contain strictly inference.
14Cartoon Partner Assignment