TRAVELS PROJECT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Research Protocol Questionnaire Training a team Translation of ... Sp M Guides / recomendations 5 ... touristic resorts and tour operators present and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Title Tourism, Recreation and Violence
  • A European Level Study
  • 12-Dec-2008 / 12-Dec-2010
  • Amador Calafat

IREFREA Spain Amador Calafat, Nicole Blay, Maria Àngels Duch, Montse Juan Portugal Fernando Méndes, Rosario Méndes Italy lubomira Bajcarova , Barbara Cibit
LJMU Liverpool John Moores University, U.K. (Mark Bellis and Karen Hughes)
UMHRI University Mental Health Research Institute, Greece, (Anna Kokkevi, Thanos Stamos )
KENTHEA Education on Drugs and Treatment of Drug Addicted People), Cyprus (Philip Lazarov)
First meeting. Agenda
Sunday, February 15th, 2009 Afternoon Welco
me gathering. Presentation of the teams members
and the institutions represented.
First meeting. Agenda
Monday, February 16th, 2009 Morning Project
presentation (A. Calafat) Objective and
deliverables Methodology Budget (A. Calafat and
M. Juan) Main findings of the previous project
(K. Hughes) Afternoon Survey Questionnaire
and Sampling Qualitative research Media, Key
informants, venues Analysis of risks
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009 Morning Evaluation
plan Outputs/deliverables Agenda/timetable of
the project Discussion Planning Second (and last)
Meeting Afternoon Conclusions
Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 Morning Working
meeting between Irefrea España and the Greek
Strategic objectives
  • Make the body of knowledge on the prevention of
    risk (Violence, substance use and others) in
    international nightlife settings accesible for
    prevention workers and policymakers
  • Create, Identify and review available evidence on
    the prevention of violence, substance use and
    related problems in International nightlife
  • Stimulate the exchange of experience, expertise
    and scientific evidence on violence and drug use

Specific Objectives
  1. To assess the prevalence and types of violent
    behaviours that have emerged in six European
    tourist resorts involving young tourist visitors
  2. To describe how distinct tourist models affect
    violence in a specific way.
  3. To focus specially on the gender and age
    differences in the experience of violence.
  4. To assess the problems, needs and preventive
  5. To assess tourist media campaigns to determine
    the kind of messages and symbolisms transmitted
    to young tourists in the different resorts.
  6. To guarantee the visibility of the results of the
    research through the creation of recommendations
    for practical preventive action, disseminating
    results in scientific forums,

  • Quantitative study
  • survey to young tourists (16 to 30 years old)
  • sample (to 1000 young tourists in each country
  • Instruments
  • Research Protocol
  • Questionnaire
  • Training a team
  • Translation of instruments
  • Pilot survey
  • Survey in summer 2009

  • Qualitative study
  • Identify and interview key informants
  • Analysis of the media and marketing
  • Conduct formal observation in venues adaptation
    of KAReN tool
  • Detect and analyse the kind of preventive
  • Translation of instruments
  • Training a team for research in Touristic areas.
    Ethnographic work
  • Identify messages in media, magazines, free
    cards, publicity, for attract tourism.
  • Identify preventive programmer in your country
    oriented to the tourism in nightlife

Research Protocol
Background that justify our research
Studies of holidaymakers have shown holiday
periods to be times of excess for young people,
when both alcohol and illicit drug use increase
(Bellis et al 2003, Lee 2006, Bellis 2007, Hughes
2004, Grekin 2007).
Participation in nightlife is often a key holiday
priority for young travelers and a major factor
in their choice of destination (Bellis 2003)
youth-oriented holiday resorts often contain
concentrations of bars and nightclubs that
specifically target young holidaymakers. Holiday
resorts can feature risk factors for violence
high levels of substance use, large numbers of
drinking settings
media reports show that such violence does occur
and that its impacts can be devastating for both
victims and local tourism-dependent populations
(BBC 2003, 2004).
Background that justify our research
The international reputation of nightlife in
cities and resorts is a major factor in
destination choice (Bellis et al 2003). Many
destinations are specifically marketed at young
travellers as international nightlife resorts
(Sellars 1998). Settings attract individuals
from within nations and from around Europe whose
principal reasons for travel are clubbing and
other nightlife pastimes, usually under the
influence of alcohol and often also recreational
drugs (Bellis et al 2003, Apostolopoulos et al
2002 Josiam et al 1998).

Other background from Previous Project Tourism
and violence in nightlife (2007-2008)

Unit Kingdom Germany Spain

Survey in Palma and Ibiza Airports to a sample of
3.000 young tourists distributed by location and
nationality (Spanish, British and German) when
returning from holidays.
  • Palma Airport
  • 500 British tourists
  • 500 Germans tourist
  • 500 Spanish tourist
  • Ibiza Airport
  • 500 British tourists
  • 500 Germans tourist
  • 500 Spanish tourist

Qualitative researchfocuses on staff working in
tourist resorts Semi-structured interviews to
key individuals involved with local nightlife
Key staff interviewed
Professional group Roles
Police staff Head of regional department heads of town police police officers.
Health staff Emergency doctors, and nurses forensic doctors
Nightlife staff Waiters DJs gogo dancers door staff
Consulate staff Consul
Tour operators
Recommendation guide (large and short) Two
papers published One paper in process
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Main Deliverables for 2009
Title Date Who
1 Protocol for research for survey (English version) M5 SP- UK
2 Protocol for research for survey translated M6 PT-SP-IT-GR-CY
3 Protocol research for qualitative research (Eng) M6 SP-UK
4 Protocol research for qualitative research (translated) M7 PT-SP-IT-GR-CY
5 Data base M 11 SP
Survey questionnaire (design)  3 4 5  6 7 8 9  10 11 12
Protocol for sampling instructions SP and UK                    
Translation survey questionnaire protocol (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Training a team for survey (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Field work Surveying at airports (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Entering data survey SP                    
Analysing data survey SP-UK                    
Protocol for analysing mass media SP                    
Protocol for interviewing key informants SP                    
Protocol for venues (KAReN) SP-UK                    
Translation all protocols (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Field work Analysing mass media (local) (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Field work contact and interview key informants (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Field work Collecting data from venues (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Field work preventive programmes that are being applied in each country (PT-SP-IT-GR-CY)                    
Timetable 2010
field work Analysing mass media (local) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
field workcontact and interview key informants                          
field workCollecting data from venues                          
field work preventive programmes that are being applied in each country                          
data analysis on venues, key informants, media and prevention                          
second meeting (in Cyprus or Venice)                        
local reports from each country (national languaje) and summary in english                          
scientific publication using survey data (at least 3)                          
web page with information from each country ES                          
Guide lines (recommendations) and translation                          
Local seminars (one each country)                          
Evaluation and Final report                          

Main Deliverables for 1010
title date who
1 local reports from each country (national languaje) M PT-SP-IT-GR-CY
2 Summary ethno reports (Eng) M PT-SP-IT-GR-CY
3 Scientific publication M Sp, UK
4 Web page M Sp
5 Guides/ recomendations M Sp
Public presentation All teams
Budget and financial justification
  • Main Concepts have been financed by Commission
  • Staff cost
  • Travel cost (2 meeting)
  • Publication
  • Subcontracting for survey
  • Translation

There are one budget for the project. Each cost
must to be justified by invoices. As soon as
IREFREA receive invoices Amador will order the
transfer to the cost.
Conclussions about the survey research
  • in 1 month we will send everybody a proposal
  • of questionnaire. We will wait for your reactions
  • in two weeks time.
  • in relation to sampling there is a proposal to
    select the British in all the spots. Also the two
    first more popular nationalities will be
    selected. (This is not a definitive decision)
  • We must ensure that we select in every country
    comparable touristic resorts (young people
    attending nightlife).

Questions to think about
Selection and training pollsters Ask for airport
authorization (you need data for survey and
identity of pollsters) Select a similar period of
time for the survey in the five countries
  • Qualitative study
  • Identify and interview key informants
  • Analysis of the media and marketing
  • Conduct formal observation in venues adaptation
    of KAReN tool
  • Detect and analyse the kind of preventive
  • Translation of instruments
  • Training a team for research in Touristic areas.
    Ethnographic work
  • Identify messages in media, magazines, free
    cards, publicity, for attract tourism.
  • Identify preventive programmer in your country
    oriented to the tourism in nightlife

Research Protocol
Why we need a qualitative analysis
To contextualize the quantitative survey To
define different stereotypes of touristic
resorts for young people entertainment, To see
what attracts young people to this place How is
the place promoted from inside and from
outside To asses the problems and the
consciousness about them
Identify and select Key persons
Who they are? Why we want them? How to approach
them What to ask to them How to get the
Analysis of the media and marketing.
Purpose of the research - to establish which
is the existing vision of risks and problems in
every country around nightlife and tourism -
how the touristic resorts and tour operators
present and promotes this sort of juvenile
Analysis of venues.
To have a general view of the sort of venues more
popular for young tourist in every resort To
select a sample of venues. To assess the risk
and protective factors using KAReN (adapted).
Description and Analysis of prevention programs
and policies addressed to nightlife touristic
To identify programs and policies To assess the
level of enforcement To check the interest and
the possibilities to perform evidence based
prevention and policies Possibilities to work on
coalition (local, regional, national and
Outputs of the qualitative research
Protocol improving in the process Descriptive and
analytical local report (in the national
language) Resume of each national report with the
main results (in English), to ensure the
comparability of the data. These reports will be
included in the web page
Qualitative research Key staff interviewed using
Semi-structured interviews to key individuals
involved with local nightlife
Professional group staff working in tourist resorts Roles
Police staff Head of regional department heads of town police police officers, .
Health staff Emergency doctors, and nurses forensic doctors,.
Nightlife staff Managers, Waiters DJs gogo dancers door staff,
Consulate staff Consul, vice-consul,.
Tour operators Managers, staff.
Analysis of risks
  • Not authorization from the airport authorities.
    Have in mind alternative airports for the survey.
  • Lack of tourist this summer because of the
    economic crisis. For general travel (in the UK)
    it doesnt look like this, this past January more
    people traveled than in the previous year (but we
    need to check on low-cost)
  • In those areas where there are different airports
    used by different companies, make sure we dont
    lose the target group by exploring second choice
    airports too.
  • To avoid losing the data All questionnaires
    should be photocopied before mailing them.

Evaluation Plan
  • Process evaluation
  • 1 Internal evaluation
  • 2 Evaluation of the partial outputs outcomes
  • Final Result evaluation
  • 1 Final outputs evaluation
  • 2 Final outcomes evaluation
  • Final Evaluation Report

Evaluation Plan
  • It is a continuous monitoring process that will
    last during all the project. It has an internal
    character. It should be seen as a tool helping
    us with
  • - Managing emerging problems
  • - Coordinating all partners work
  • - Accompaniment during all the elaboration
    process and achievement of all partial objectives
  • Therefore, we have
  • 1 The Internal evaluation
  • 2 Evaluation of the partial outputs outcomes

Evaluation Plan
Research Objective Indicators Results (outputs)
Data base on Literature Nº of publications and information collected by country
Survey Nº young people surveyed Nº Countries involved Nº Nationalities
Qualitative research Nº Key informants by sectors Nº venues analyzed Nº and type of adds analyses
Reports Nº ethnographic report by country integrating the information collected Nº summary of the ethno report by country in English
Publications Nº scientific publications Nº national publication by countries
Other dissemination Web page and nº of information included Nº of public presentation in national and international congress Clubhealth conference presentation (June 2010)
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