Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Making


Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Making Examining Distributions Example Draw a picture. Use table. The area between 0 and 2.30 is the area below 2.30 minus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Making

Business Statistics for Managerial Decision
  • Examining Distributions

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Methods that organize and summarize data aid in
    effective presentation and increased
  • Bar charts, tabular displays, various plots of
    economic data, averages and percentages.
  • Often the individuals or objects studied by an
    investigator come from a much larger collection,
    and the researchers interest goes beyond just
    data summarization.

  • Population
  • The entire collection of individuals or objects
    about which information is desired.
  • Sample
  • A subset of the population selected in some
    prescribed manner for study.

  • Inferential Statistics
  • Involves generalizing from a sample to the
    population from which it was selected.
  • This type of generalization involves some risk,
    since a conclusion about the population will be
    reached based on the basis of available, but
    incomplete, information.
  • An important aspect in the development of
    inference techniques involves quantifying the
    associated risks.

Individuals and variables
  • Individuals
  • are the objects described by a set of data.
  • They may be people, but they may also be
    business firms, common stocks, or other objects.
  • A Variable
  • is any characteristic of an individual.
  • A variable can take different values for
    different individuals.

Categorical Quantitative Variables
  • A Categorical Variable places an individual into
    one of several groups or categories.
  • A Quantitative Variable takes numerical values
    for which arithmetic operations such as adding
    and averaging make sense.
  • The distribution of a variable tell us what
    values it takes and how often it takes these

Discrete and Continuous Variable
  • With numerical data (quantitative variables), it
    is useful to make a further distinction.
  • Numerical data is discrete if the possible values
    are isolated points on the number line.
  • Numerical data is continuous if the set of
    possible values form an entire interval on the
    number line.

Stem plot
  • To make a stem plot
  • Separate each observation into a stem consisting
    of all but the final (rightmost) digit and a
    leaf, the final digit. Stems may have as many
    digits as needed, but each leaf contains only a
    single digit.
  • Write the stems in a vertical column with the
    smallest at the top, and draw a vertical line at
    the right of this column.
  • Write each leaf in the row to the right of its
    stem, in increasing order out from the stem.

Stem plot
Frequency Distribution
  • A frequency distribution for categorical data is
    a table that displays the categories,
    frequencies, and relative frequencies.
  • Example
  • The increasing emphasis on exercise has resulted
    in an increase of sport related injuries. A
    listing of the 82 sample observations would look
    something like this
  • F, Sp, Sp, Co, F, L, F, Ch, De, L, Sp, Di, St,

Frequency Distribution
  • The following coding is used
  • Sp Sprain, St Strain, Di dislocation,
  • Co Contusion, L laceration,
  • Cn Concussion, F fracture,
  • Ch chronic, De dental

Frequency Distribution
Bar Graph
Pie Chart
Frequency Distribution for Discrete Numerical
  • Discrete numerical data almost always results
    from counting.
  • In such cases, each observation is a whole
  • For example, if the possible values are 0, 1, 2,
    3, , then these are listed in column, and a
    running tally is kept as a single pass is made
    through the data

Frequency Distribution for Discrete Numerical Data
  • Example
  • A sample of 708 bus drivers employed by public
    corporations was selected, and the number of
    traffic accidents in which each was involved
    during a 4-year period was determined. A listing
    of the 708 sample observations would look
    something like this
  • 3, 0, 6, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 1,

Frequency Distribution for Discrete Numerical Data
Bar Graph
Frequency Distributions for Continuous Data
  • The difficulty with continuous data, such as
    observations on the unemployment rate by state,
    is that there is no natural categories.
  • Therefore we define our own categories. by
    marking off some intervals on horizontal
    unemployment rate axis as picture below.
  • 1.00 9.00

Frequency Distributions for Continuous Data
  • If the smallest rate were 1.5, and the largest
    was 8.9, we might use the intervals of width 1
    with the first one starting at 1 and the last one
    ending at 9.
  • Each data value should fall in exactly one of
    these intervals.

Frequency Distributions for Continuous Data
Frequency Distributions for Continuous Data
  • Mark the boundaries of the class intervals on a
    horizontal axis.
  • Draw a vertical scale marked with either relative
    frequencies or frequencies.
  • The rectangle corresponding to a particular
    interval is drawn directly above the interval.
  • The height of each rectangle is then the class
    frequency or relative frequency.

Examining a Distribution
  • In any graph of data, look for overall pattern
    and for striking deviation from that pattern.
  • You can describe the overall pattern of a
    histogram by its shape, center, and spread.
  • An important kind of deviation is an outlier, an
    individual value that falls outside the overall

Symmetric Skewed Distribution
  • A distribution is symmetric if the right and left
    sides of the histogram are approximately mirror
    images of each other.
  • A distribution is skewed to the right if the
    right side of the histogram ( containing the half
    of the observations with larger values) extends
    much farther out than the left side.
  • It is skewed to the left if the left side of the
    histogram extends much farther out than the right

Symmetric Distribution
Skewed to the Right
Symmetric Distribution
Numerical Summary Measures
  • Describing the center of a data set.
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Describing the variability in a data set.
  • Variance, standard deviation
  • Quartiles

The Mean
  • To find the mean of a set of observations, add
    their values and divide by the number of
    observations. If the n observations are
    , their mean is
  • In a more compact notation,

The Median
  • The Median M is the midpoint of a distribution,
    the number such that half of the observations are
    smaller and the other half are larger. To find
    the median of a distribution
  • Arrange all observations in order of size, from
    smallest to largest.
  • If the number of observations n is odd, the
    median M is the center observation in the ordered
  • If the number of observations n is even, the
    median M is the mean of the two center
    observations in the ordered list.

The Quartiles Q1 and Q3
  • To calculate the quartiles
  • Arrange the observations in increasing order and
    locate the median M in the ordered list of
  • The first quartile Q1 is the median of the
    observations whose position in the ordered list
    is to the left of the location of the overall
  • The third quartile Q3 is the median of the
    observations whose position in the ordered list
    is to the right of the location of the overall

The Five Number Summary and Box-Plot
  • The five number summary of a distribution
    consists of the smallest observation, the first
    quartile, the median, the third quartile, and the
    largest observation, written in order from
    smallest to largest. In symbols, the five number
    summary is
  • Minimum Q1 M Q3 Maximum

The Five Number Summary and Box-Plot
  • A box-plot is a graph of the five number Summary.
  • A central box spans the quartiles.
  • A line in the box marks the median.
  • Lines extend from the box out to the smallest and
    largest observations.
  • Box-plots are most useful for side-by-side
    comparison of several distributions.

The Standard Deviation s
  • The Variance s2 of a set of observations is the
    average of the squares of the deviations of the
    observations from their mean. In symbols, the
    variance of n observations is
  • or, more compactly,

The Standard Deviation s
  • The standard deviation s is the square root of
    the variance s2

Choosing a Summary
  • The five number summary is usually better than
    the mean and standard deviation for describing a
    skewed distribution or a distribution with
    extreme outliers. Use ,
  • and s only for reasonably symmetric
    distributions that are free of outliers.

Strategies for Exploring Data
  • Plot the data
  • Make a graph, usually a histogram or a stem-plot.
  • Look at the distribution of the variable for
  • overall pattern (shape, center, spread).
  • striking deviations such as outliers.
  • Calculate a numerical summary to briefly describe
    center and spread.
  • Describe the overall pattern with a smooth curve.

Density Curves
  • Sometimes the overall pattern (the distribution
    of the variable) of a large number of
    observations is so regular that we can describe
    it by a smooth curve, called Density curve.
  • The curve is a mathematical model for the

Density Curve
  • Histogram of the city gas mileage (miles per
    gallon) of 856, 2001 model year motor vehicle.
  • The smooth curve, density curve, shows the
    overall shape of the distribution.

Density Curve
  • The proportion of cars with gas mileage less
    than 20 from the histogram is

Density Curve
  • The proportion of cars with gas mileage less than
    20 from the density curve is .410
  • The area under the density curve gives a good
    approximation of areas given by histogram.

Density Curve
  • A density curve is a curve that
  • Is always on or above the horizontal axis.
  • Has area exactly 1 underneath it.
  • A density curve describes the overall pattern of
    a distribution.
  • The area under the curve and above any range of
    values is the proportion of all observations that
    fall in that range.

Median and mean of a Density Curve
  • The median of a density curve is the point that
    divides the area under the curve in Half.

Median and Mean of a Density Curve
  • The mean of a density curve is the balance point,
    at which the curve would balance if made of solid

Median and Mean of a Density Curve
  • The median and mean are the same for a symmetric
    density curve.
  • They both are at the center of the curve.

Median and Mean of a Density Curve
  • The mean of a skewed curve is pulled away from
    the median in the direction of the long tail.

Normal Density Curve
  • These density curves, called normal curves, are
  • Symmetric
  • Single peaked
  • Bell shaped
  • Normal curves describe normal distributions.

Normal Density Curve
  • The exact density curve for a particular normal
    distribution is described by giving its mean ?
    and its standard deviation ?.
  • The mean is located at the center of the
    symmetric curve and it is the same as the median.
  • The standard deviation ? controls the spread of a
    normal curve.

Normal Density Curve
The 68-95-99.7 Rule
  • Although there are many normal curve, They all
    have common properties. In particular, all Normal
    distributions obey the following rule.
  • In a normal distribution with mean ? and standard
    deviation ?
  • 68 of the observations fall within ? of the mean
  • 95 of the observations fall within 2? of ?.
  • 99.7 of the observations fall within 3? of ?.

The 68-95-99.7 Rule
The 68-95-99.7 Rule
Standard Normal Distribution
  • The standard Normal distribution is the Normal
    distribution N(0, 1) with mean
  • ? 0 and standard deviation ? 1.

The standard Normal Table
  • What is the area under the standard normal curve
    between z 0 and z 2.3?
  • Compact notation
  • P .9893 - .5 .4893

Finding the area under a normal curve
  1. State the problem in terms of the observed
    variable x.
  2. Standardize x to restate the problem in terms of
    a standard normal variable z
  3. Draw a picture to show the area under the
    standard Normal curve.
  4. Find the required area under the standard Normal
    curve Using table A and the fact that the total
    area under the curve is 1.

  • The annual rate of return on stock indexes
    (which combine many individual stocks) is
    approximately Normal. Since 1954, the Standard
    Poors 500 stock index has had a mean yearly
    return of about 12, with standard deviation of
    16.5. Take this Normal distribution to be the
    distribution of yearly returns over a long
    period. The market is down for the year if the
    return on the index is less than zero. In what
    proportion of years is the market down?

  • State the problem
  • Call the annual rate of return for Standard
    Poors 500-stocks Index x. The variable x has the
    N(12, 16.5) distribution. We want the proportion
    of years with
  • X lt 0.
  • Standardize
  • Subtract the mean, then divide by the standard
    deviation, to turn x into a standard Normal z

  • Draw a picture to show the standard normal curve
    with the area of interest shaded.
  • Use the table
  • The proportion of observations less than
  • - 0.73 is .2327.
  • The market is down on an annual basis about
    23.27 of the time.

  • What percent of years have annual return between
    12 and 50?
  • State the problem
  • Standardize

  • Draw a picture.
  • Use table.
  • The area between 0 and 2.30 is the area below
    2.30 minus the area below 0.
  • 0.9893- .50 .4893

Finding a Value when Given a Proportion
  • Sometimes we may want to find the observed value
    with a given proportion of observations above or
    below it.
  • To do this, use table A backward. Find the given
    proportion in the body of the table, read the
    corresponding z from the left column and top row,
    then unstandardize to get the observed value.

  • Miles per gallon ratings of compact cars (2001
    model year) follow approximately the N(25.7,
    5.88) distribution. How many miles per gallon
    must a vehicle get to place in the top 10 of all
    2001 model year compact cars?

  • We want to find the miles per gallon rating x
    with area 0.1 to its right under the Normal Curve
    with mean 25.7 and standard deviation 5.88. That
    is the same as finding the miles per gallon
    rating x with area 0.9 to its left.

  • Look in the body of Table A for the entry closest
    to 0.9. It is 0.8997. This is the entry
    corresponding to z 1.28.

  • Unstandardize to transform the solution from the
    z back to the original x scale.

Standard Normal Distribution
  • If a variable x has any normal distribution N(?,
    ?) with mean ? and standard deviation ?, then the
    standardized variable
  • has the standard Normal distribution.
  • This standardized value is often called z-score.

The standard Normal Table
  • Table A is a table of area under the standard
    Normal curve. The table entry for each value z is
    the area under the curve to the left of z.
  • Or you can use the applet at the following site.
  • http/

The standard Normal Table
  • What is the area under the standard normal curve
    to the right of
  • z - 2.15?
  • Compact notation
  • P 1 - .0158 .9842
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