Business Statistics for Managerial Decision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Statistics for Managerial Decision


Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Farideh Dehkordi-Vakil – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Business Statistics for Managerial Decision

Business Statistics for Managerial Decision
  • Farideh Dehkordi-Vakil

ExampleRetail sales and floor space
  • It is customary in retail operations to asses the
    performance of stores partly in terms of their
    annual sales relative to their floor area (square
    feet). We might expect sales to increase linearly
    as stores get larger, with of course individual
    variation among stores of the same size. The
    regression model for a population of stores says
  • SALES ?0 ?1? AREA ?

ExampleRetail sales and floor space
  • The slope ?1 is as usual a rate of change it is
    the expected increase in annual sales associated
    with each additional square foot of floor space.
  • The intercept ?0 is needed to describe the line
    but has no statistical importance because no
    stores have area close to zero.
  • Floor space does not completely determine sales.
    The term ? in the model accounts for difference
    among individual stores with the same floor
    space. A stores location, for example, is

Estimation of the variance of the error terms, ?2
  • The variance ?2 of the error terms ?i in the
    regression model needs to be estimated for a
    variety of purposes.
  • It gives an indication of the variability of the
    probability distributions of y.
  • It is needed for making inference concerning
    regression function and the prediction of y.

Regression Standard Error
  • To estimate ? we work with the variance and take
    the square root to obtain the standard deviation.
  • For simple linear regression the estimate of ?2
    is the average squared residual.
  • To estimate ? , use
  • s estimates the standard deviation ? of the error
    term ? in the statistical model for simple linear

Regression Standard Error
Inference in Regression Analysis
  • The simple linear regression which is the basis
    for inference, imposes several conditions. We
    should verify these conditions before proceeding
    to inference.
  • The conditions concern the population, but we can
    observe only our sample.
  • In doing inference we act as if
  • The sample is a SRS from the population.
  • There is a linear relationship in the population.
  • The standard deviation of the responses about the
    population line is the same for all values of the
    explanatory variable.
  • The response varies Normally about the population
    regression line.

Inference in Regression Analysis
  • Plotting the residuals against the explanatory
    variable is helpful in checking these conditions
    because a residual plot magnifies patterns.
  • A Normal quantile plot of the residuals can be
    used to check the Normality assumptions.

Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests
  • In our previous lectures we presented confidence
    intervals and significance tests for means and
    differences in means.In each case, inference
    rested on the standard error s of the estimates
    and on t or z distributions.
  • Inference for the slope and intercept in linear
    regression is similar in principal, although the
    recipes are more complicated.
  • All confidence intervals, for example , have the
  • estimate ? t Seestimate
  • t is a critical value of a t distribution.

Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests
  • Confidence intervals and tests for the slope and
    intercept are based on the sampling distributions
    of the estimates b1 and b0.
  • Here are the facts
  • If the simple linear regression model is true,
    each of b0 and b1 has a Normal distribution.
  • The mean of b0 is ?0 and the mean of b1 is ?1.
  • The standard deviations of b0 and b1 are
    multiples of the model standard deviation ?.

Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests
Example Do wages rise with experience?
  • Many factors affect the wages of workers the
    industry they work in, their type of job, their
    education and their experience, and changes in
    general levels of wages. We will look at a sample
    of 59 married women who hold customer service
    jobs in Indiana banks. The following table gives
    their weekly wages at a specific point in time
    also their length of service with their employer,
    in month. The size of the place of work is
    recorded simply as large (100 or more workers)
    or small. Because industry, job type, and the
    time of measurement are the same for all 59
    subjects, we expect to see a clear relationship
    between wages and length of service.

Example Do wages rise with experience?
Example Do wages rise with experience?
Example Do wages rise with experience?
Example Do wages rise with experience?
  • Do wages rise with experience?
  • The hypotheses are
  • H0 ?1 0, Ha ?1 gt 0
  • The t statistic for the significance of
    regression is
  • The P- value is
  • P(t gt 2.85) lt .005
  • The t distribution for this problem have n-2 57
    degrees of freedom.
  • Conclusion
  • Reject H0 There is strong evidence that the
    mean wages increase as length of service

Example Do wages rise with experience?
  • A 95 confidence interval for the slope ?1 of the
    regression line in the population of all married
    female customer service workers in Indiana bank
  • The t distribution for this problem have n-2
    57 degrees of freedom

Inference about Correlation
  • The correlation between wages and length of
    service for the 59 bank workers is r 0.3535.
    This appears in the Excel out put, where it is
    labeled Multiple R.
  • We expect a positive correlation between length
    of service and wages in the population of all
    married female bank workers. Is the sample result
    convincing that this is true?
  • This question concerns a new population
    parameter, the population correlation. This is
    correlation between length of service and wages
    when we measure these variables for every member
    of the population.

Inference about Correlation
  • We will call the population correlation?.
  • To assess the evidence that ? . 0 in the bank
    worker population, we must test the hypotheses
  • H0 ? 0
  • Ha ? gt 0
  • It is natural to base the test on the sample
    correlation r.
  • There is a link between correlation and
    regression slope.
  • The population correlation ? is zero, positive,
    negative exactly when the slope ??1 of the
    population regression line is zero, positive, or

Inference about Correlation
Example Do wages rise with experience?
  • The sample correlation between wages and length
    of service is r 0.3535 from a sample of n 59.
  • To test
  • H0 ? 0
  • Ha ? gt 0
  • Use t statistic

Example Do wages rise with experience?
  • Compare t 2.853 with critical values from the t
    table with n - 2 57 degrees of freedom.
  • Conclusion
  • P( t gt 2.853) lt .005, therefore we reject H0.
    There is a positive correlation between wages and
    length of service.
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