Title: NMR structure calculation
1NMR structure calculation
???????????? ????(???????,??) ???????? ?????
? NOE?? ????
3Solving structures by NMR
- Structural restraints
- NOE, H-bonds
- J-couplings
- Residual dipolar couplings, T1/T2
- Chemical shifts
- Sample Preparation
- Cloning, expression, purification
- Isotope labelling
- 15N, 13C/15N, 2H/13C/15N
- Resonance Assignments
- Backbone
- Side chains
- Structure Calculation
- Distance geometry
- Restrained molecular dynamics
- Simulated annealing
Secondary Structure Chemical shift
Ensemble of 3D structures
- Structure representation
- Types of NMR data conversion into restraints
- Structure calculation methods
- Structure validation
- ???????????????
- ???????????????????
- ???????????????
- ??????????,?
- ????(???)??????????????,????????
- ????(?????,?????)??,??????(????,????)
8Structure calculation
- ????
- ???????????????,???
- ?????????
- ?????????
- ?????????????
- ????(Distance Geometry)
- ?????????????(Restrained Molecular Dynamics
Simulation) - ????(Simulated Annealing)
10NMR experimental observables providing structural
- Backbone conformation from chemical shifts
(Chemical Shift Index - CSI) ?, ? - Distance restraints from NOEs
- Hydrogen bond restraints
- Backbone and side chain dihedral angle restraints
from scalar couplings - Orientation restraints from residual dipolar
- ????
- CSI??????????????????
- TALOS????????????
- ??????????
- ????
- 1H-1H NOE
- ??
- ?????
- ??
- ??
- ????-??
- ??
- ?? L-???
- ??
- Unique??????
- Ambiguous?????
- ?????
- ??????? lt5Å
- ???????????
- ???????????
- ??????????
- ?????????(????)
14NMR data 1 NOE
- For short mixing times NOE cross peak intensity
is proportional to 1/r6 of two protons. - NOE 1/r6 f(tc)
- For well structured areas of a macromolecule
f(tc) can be considered to be constant. (in
practice this is assumed to be true for all parts
of the molecule) - Calibration of cross peaks by using a proton pair
of known local geometry (distance) - Because of multiple simplifying assumptions of
the relationship between NOE and distance it is
usually used only qualitatively (class NOEs in
three bins strong, medium and weak)
15Approaches to identifying NOEs
- 15N- or 13C-dispersed 1H-1H NOESY
16Special NOESY experiments
- Filtered, edited NOE based on selection of NOEs
from two molecules with unique labeling patterns.
171H-1H distances from NOEs
Long-range (tertiary structure)
Medium-range (helices)
Challenge is to assign all peaks in NOESY spectra
18NMR data 1 NOE
- Conversion of NOE into distances
- Strong 1.8 - 2.7 Å
- Medium 1.8 - 3.3 Å
- Weak 1.8 - 5 Å
- Lower bound because of vdw radii of atoms
19NOE pseudo-energy potential
- Generate fake energy potentials representing
the cost of violating the distance or angle
restraints. Heres an example of a distance
restraint potential
KNOE(rij-riju)2 if rijgtriju
0 if rijlltrij lt riju
KNOE(rij-rij1)2 if rijltrijl
where rijl and riju are the lower and upper
bounds of our distance restraint, and KNOE is
some chosen force constant, typically 250 kcal
mol-1 nm-2 So its somewhat permissible to
violate restraints but it raises V
20NOE pseudo-energy potential
Potential rises steeply with degree of violation
rijl riju
21Number of NOEs are more important than accuracy
of individual NOEs
Structure calculation of protein G (56 aa) with
increasing numbers of NOES
22Restraints and uncertainty
- Large of restraints low values of RMSD
- Large of restraints for key hydrophobic side
23Dealing with ambiguous restraints
- often not possible to tell which atoms are
involved in a NOESY crosspeak, either because of
a lack of stereospecific assignments or because
multiple protons have the same chemical shift. - sometimes an ambiguous restraint is included but
is expressed ambiguously in the restraint file,
e.g. 3 HA --gt 6 HB, where the wildcard
indicates that the beta protons of residue 6 are
not stereospecifically assigned. This is quite
commonly done for stereochemical ambiguities. - it is also possible to leave ambiguous restraints
out and then try to resolve them iteratively
using multiple cycles of calculation. This is
often done for restraints that involve more
complicated ambiguities, e.g. 3 HA--gt10 HN, 43
HN, or 57 HN, where three amides all have the
same shift. - can also make stereospecific assignments
iteratively using what are called floating
chirality methods.
24Example of resolving an ambiguityduring
structure calculation
9-11 Å
9.52 ppm
4.34 ppm
range of inter-atomic distances observed in trial
3-4 Å
4.34 ppm
Due to resonance overlap between atoms B and C,
an NOE crosspeak between 9.52 ppm and 4.34 ppm
could be A to C or A to B - this restraint is
But if an ensemble generated with this ambiguous
restraint shows that A is never close to B, then
the restraint must be A to C.
- NOE????
- ??????????????NOE????
- ????NOE??
- ????7???????(100???????),????????
- ??????????????????????????? (??gt90)
- ?????????NOE??
26Practical improvements instructure calculation
- Conventional approach relies on interactive
assignment of NOEs very laborious - ARIA ambiguous restraints
- use all NOEs in a spectrum even when unassigned
and allow automatic assignment during successive
structure calculation rounds - i.e. discarding NOEs that are inconsistent with
emerging structure - Combine with fully automated assignment
procedures to arrive at fully automated structure
27Iterative structure calculation with assignment
of ambiguous restraints
start with some set of unambiguous NOEs and
calculate an ensemble
there are programs such as ARIA, with automatic
routines for iterative assignment of ambiguous
restraints. The key to success is to make
absolutely sure the restraints you start with are
source http//www.pasteur.fr/recherche/unites/Bin
28How many restraints to get a high-resolution NMR
- usually 15-20 NOE distance restraints per
residue, but the total is not as important as
how many long-range restraints you have, meaning
long-range in the sequence i-jgt 5, where i and
j are the two residues involved - good NMR structures usually have 3.5
long-range distance restraints per residue in the
structured regions - to get a very good quality structure, it is
usually also necessary to have some
stereospecific assignments.
29NMR data 2 H-bonds
- Usually inferred from H2O/D2O exchange
protection Hence a priory not known which groups
form the H-bond. Hence only used during structure
refinement to improve convergence, and precision
of the family of structure. - significant impact on structure quality measures
30Backbone Hydrogen Bonds
- NH chemical shift at low field (high ppm)
- Slow rate of NH exchange with solvent
- Characteristic pattern of NOEs
- (Scalar couplings across the H-bond)
- When H-bonding atoms are known ? can impose a
series of distance/angle constraints to enforce
standard H-bond geometries
31NMR data 3 J couplings
q f-60º
32Dihedral angles from scalar couplings
- Must accommodate multiple solutions? multiple J
values - But database shows few occupy higher energy
33Dihedral angle potential
- Convert J data into allowed dihedral angles and
introduce a restraining potential to maintain the
allowed angles - Directly restrain against J-couplings
- Vkj (Jobs-Jcalc)2
34Orientational constraints from residual dipolar
couplings (RDC)
Reports angle of inter-nuclear vector relative to
magnetic field Ho
- Requires medium to partially align molecules
- Must accommodate multiple solutions? multiple
35(No Transcript)
36Alignment tensor and RDC DAB
DAB(q,f) DaAB (3cos2q-1) R(sin2qcos2f)3/2
3715N-1H dipolar couplings
5 (w/v) DTDPCDHPC (31)
(a) 3 CTAB
38Structure refinement
with NOEs
NOEs RDC (A) (B)
7.3 3.1Å
4.5 2.1Å
3.4 1.5Å
39Methods for structure calculation
- distance geometry (DG)
- restrained molecular dynamics (rMD)
- simulated annealing (SA)
- hybrid methods
40Starting points for calculations
- to get the most unbiased, representative
ensemble, it is wise to start the calculations
from a set of randomly generated starting
structures. - Alternatively, in some methods the same initial
structure is used for each trial structure
calculation, but the calculation trajectory is
pushed in a different initial direction each time
using a random-number generator.
41DG--Distance geometry
- In distance geometry, one uses the NOE-derived
distance restraints to generate a distance
matrix, which one then uses as a guide in
calculating a structure - Structures calculated from distance geometry will
produce the correct overall fold but usually have
poor local geometry (e.g. improper bond angles,
distances) - Hence distance geometry must be combined with
some extensive energy minimization method to
generate physically reasonable structures
- ????????,??????????
- ???????MD?????
- Vtotal Vbond Vangle Vdihedr Vvdw Vcoulomb
VNMR - ??????????????
- ??????,??????????????Ensemble (NMR??????????)
43Restrained molecular dynamics
- Molecular dynamics involves computing the
potential energy V with respect to the atomic
coordinates. Usually this is defined as the sum
of a number of terms - Vtotal Vbond Vangle Vdihedr VvdW Vcoulomb
VNMR - the first five terms here are real energy terms
corresponding to such forces as van der Waals and
electrostatic repulsions and attractions, cost of
deforming bond lengths and angles...these come
from some standard molecular force field like
CHARMM or AMBER - the NMR restraints are incorporated into the VNMR
term, which is a pseudoenergy or
pseudopotential term included to represent the
cost of violating the restraints
44SA-Simulated annealing
- SA is essentially a special implementation of rMD
and uses similar potentials but employs raising
the temperature of the system and then slow
cooling in order not to get trapped in local
energy minima - SA is very efficient at locating the global
minimum of the target function
45Further refinements
- Refinement of structure including full force
field and e.g. explicit water molecules - May improve structural quality but may also
increase experimental violations
46NMR structure calculations
- Objective is to determine all conformations
consistent with the experimental data - Programs that only do conformational search lead
to bad chemistry ? use molecular force fields
improve molecular properties - Some programs try to do both at once
- Need a reasonable starting structure
- NMR data is not perfect noise, incomplete data ?
multiple solutions (conformational ensemble)
47NMR ensemble
- NMR methods do not calculate a single structure,
but rather repeat structure calculations many
times to generate an ensemble of structures - Structure calculations are designed to thoroughly
explore all regions of conformational space that
satisfy the experimentally derived restraints - At the same time, they often impose some physical
reasonableness on the system, such as bond
angles, distances and proper stereochemistry. - The ideal result is an ensemble which
- A. satisfies all the experimental restraints
(minimizes violations) - B. at the same time accurately represents the
full permissible conformational space under the
restraints - C. looks like a real protein
48NMR ensemble
The fact that NMR structures are reported as
ensembles gives them a fuzzy appearance which
is both informative and sometimes annoying
- Secondary structures well defined, loops
variable - Interiors well defined, surfaces more variable
- Trends the same for backbone and side chains
- More dynamics at loops/surface
- Constraints in all directions in the interior
49Minimized average structure
- a minimized average is just that a mean
structure is calculated from the ensemble and
then subjected to energy minimization to restore
reasonable geometry, which is often lost in the
calculation of a mean - this is NMRs way of generating a single
representative structure from the data. It is
much easier to visualize structural features from
a minimized average than from the ensemble - for highly disordered regions a minimized average
will not be informative and may even be
misleading--such regions are sometimes left out
of the minimized average - sometimes when an NMR structure is deposited in
the PDB, there will be separate entries for both
the ensemble and the minimized average. It is
nice when people do this. Alternatively, a member
of the ensemble may be identified which is
considered the most representative (often the one
closest to the mean)
50NMR structures include hydrogen coordinates
- X-ray structures do not generally include
hydrogen atoms in atomic coordinate files,
because the heavy atoms dominate the diffraction
pattern and the hydrogen atoms are not explicitly
seen. - By contrast, NMR restraints such as NOE distance
restraints and hydrogen bond restraints often
explicitly include the positions of hydrogen
atoms. Therefore, these positions are reported in
the PDB coordinate files.
51Assessing the quality of NMR structures
- Number of experimental constraints
- RMSD of structural ensemble (subjective!)
- Violation of constraints- number, magnitude
- Molecular energies
- Comparison to known structures PROCHECK
- Back-calculation of experimental parameters
52Acceptance criteria choosing structures for an
- typical to generate 50 or more trial structures,
but not all will converge to a final structure
that is physically reasonable or consistent with
the experimentally derived NMR restraints. We
want to throw such structures away rather than
include them in our reported ensemble. - these are typical acceptance criteria for
including calculated structures in the ensemble - no more than 1 NOE distance restraint violation
greater than 0.4 Å - no dihedral angle restraint violations greater
than 5 - no gross violations of reasonable molecular
geometry - sometimes structures are rejected on other
grounds as well - too many residues with backbone angles in
disfavored regions of Ramachandran space - too high a final potential energy in the rMD
53Precision of NMR Structures (Resolution)
- judged by RMSD of superimposed ensemble of
accepted structures - RMSDs for both backbone (Ca, N, CCO) and all
heavy atoms (i.e. everything except hydrogen) are
typically reported, e.g. - bb 0.6 Å
- heavy 1.4 Å
- sometimes only the more ordered regions are
included in the reported RMSD, e.g. for a 58
residue protein you will see RMSD (residues 5-58)
if residues 1-4 are completely disordered.
54Reporting ensemble RMSD
- Two major ways of calculating RMSD of the
ensemble - pairwise compute RMSDs for all possible pairs of
structures in the ensemble, and calculate the
mean of these RMSDs - from mean calculate a mean structure from the
ensemble and measure RMSD of each ensemble
structure from it, then calculate the mean of
these RMSDs - pairwise will generally give a slightly higher
number, so be aware that these two ways of
reporting RMSD are not completely equal. Usually
the Materials and Methods, or a footnote
somewhere in the paper, will indicate which is
being used.
55Assessing structure quality
- run the ensemble through the program PROCHECK-NMR
to assess its quality - high-resolution structure will have backbone RMSD
0.8 Å, heavy atom RMSD 1.5 Å - low RMS deviation from restraints (good agreement
w/restraints) - will have good stereochemical quality
- ideally gt90 of residues in core (most favorable)
regions of Ramachandran plot - very few unusual side chain angles and rotamers
(as judged by those commonly found in crystal
structures) - low deviations from idealized covalent geometry
56Structural Statistics Tables
list of restraints, and type
calculated energies
agreement of ensemble structures with restraints
precision of structure (RMSD)
sometimes also see listings of Ramachandran
statistics, deviations from ideal covalent
geometry, etc.
57Structure validation
XPLOR/CNS Consistency with data? convergence of
structure calculation (eg rmsd over all
atoms) restraint violations? Procheck
programme that analyses and evaluates a family of
structures i.e. is the structure consistent with
what we know about structure ? residue by
residue output covalent geometry dihedral
angles non-bonded interaction main chain
H-bonds stereochemistry chirality disulphide
- ??
- ????
- ???
- ????????????????
- RMSD(?????)
- ?????????
59Example of Procheck results
60Cross validation
- Leaving out a percentage of experimental
constraints. Recalculating structures and
checking for consistency with unused data - Can be done with same type of data eg NOE
- More often used with NOEs and RDCs
- CYANA??????
- ??????
- ?????
- ??????
- ????????
- Amber????
- ??????????,???????(??????)?????????????
- ?????????????
- ????,???
- CANDID/CYANA??????(???)
- 2 CPU, 8??
- SANE-CYANA??,??????(???)
- ???????????NOE
- ???? 2CPU 1??
- 20-40???
- SANE-AMBER??,??????(???)
- ???? 20 CPU 15??
- 1030???
- PDB 1Z7P(ensemble), 1Z7R(mean)
64(No Transcript)
- ????
- NOE4845
- ???160
- ??47
- ??287
- ????
- ?? ?gt0.2Å
- ??? ?
Most favored regions () 88.8
Additionally allowed regions () 10.7
Generously allowed regions () 0.5
Disallowed regions () 0.0
RMSD All residues Regular secondary structure
Backbone heavy atoms 0.88 0.32
All heavy atoms 1.13 0.68
- NMRPipe ????http//spin.niddk.nih.gov/bax/softwa
re/NMRPipe/ - NMRView ????http//www.onemoonscientific.com/nmr
view/ - CYANA???? 500 Euro http//www.las.jp/prod/cyana/e
g/ - TALOS????????????? (NMRPipe????)
- http//spin.niddk.nih.gov/NMRPipe/talos/
- SANE?????NOE????J Biomol NMR, 2001 19(4) 321-9
- Amber ?????????????? 400 http//amber.scripps.
edu/ - PROCHECK-NMR ???????http//www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/
roman/procheck_nmr/procheck_nmr.html - MOLMOL ???????http//hugin.ethz.ch/wuthrich/softw
- ????
- Felix ???? http//www.accelrys.com/products/fel
ix/index.html - AZARA Free http//www.bio.cam.ac.uk/azara/
- PROSA (Free?) http//guentert.gsc.riken.go.jp/Sof
tware/Prosa.html - ????
- Felix ???? http//www.accelrys.com/products/feli
x/index.html - XEASY 200 http//hugin.ethz.ch/wuthrich/softwar
e/xeasy/index.html - Sparky Free http//www.cgl.ucsf.edu/home/sparky/
- CARA Free http//www.nmr.ch
- ????
- CNS Free http//cns.csb.yale.edu/
- XPLOR Free http//xplor.csb.yale.edu/xplor/
- XPLOR-NIH Free http//nmr.cit.nih.gov/xplor-nih/
- ????
- PyMol Free http//pymol.sourceforge.net/
- MolScript Free http//www.avatar.se/molscript/
- RasMol Free http//www.openrasmol.org/
- VMD Free http//www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/