Personality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Personality Characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Personality is: Distinctive & Unique Enduring and consistent Organization of Individuality – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Personality

  • Characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and
  • Personality is
  • Distinctive Unique
  • Enduring and consistent
  • Organization of Individuality

Issues in Personality Theories
Free will or determinism Master of our fate, or victim to destiny?
Nature or Nurture Inherited or shaped by environment
Past, present or future When is personality developed? What influences are there based on our past, present and future experiences?
Uniqueness or universality Are there patterns or are we all individually unique?
Equilibrium or growth? Is our goal to reduce tension or are we motivated by need to reach our potential?
Optimism or Pessimism Are humans basically good or evil?
4 Perspectives of Personality
  • Freuds psychoanalytic theory childhood
    sexuality and unconscious motivations influence
  • The Trait Perspective personality dimensions
    account for our consistent behavior pattens.
  • The humanistic approach focuses on our inner
    capacities for growth and self-fulfillment.
  • The social cognitive approach emphasizes how we
    shape and are shaped by our environment.

Psychoanalytic Perspective
  • Discovered the unconscious
  • Used hypnosis and then free association to unlock
    the unconcious
  • Three levels of the mind unconscious,
    preconscious, and conscious.
  • Freud believed we are most influenced by our
  • Personality results from our efforts to resolve
    conflict between pleasure seeking impulses and
    internalized social restraints.

Expressions of the Unconscious
  • The work we choose
  • The beliefs we hold
  • Daily habits
  • Troubling symptoms
  • Jokes
  • Dreams
  • Slips of the tongue
  • Accidents

Elements of the Personality
  • ID
  • Unconcious energy Basic drives
  • Immediate gratification Pleasure Principle
  • Instinctual/biological Libidinal Energy
  • EGO
  • Partially conscious Cope with real world
  • Gratifies ID in realistic ways Reality Principle
  • Logical/Rational
  • Struggles to reconcile ID Superego
  • Partially conscious Ideal behavior
  • Moral Principle Conscience

Stages of Development
  • Freud believed that personality is formed during
  • Our past childhood experiences are powerful
    influences on our present personalities
  • The stages (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and
    Genital represent patterns of gratifying our
    basic needs and satisfying our drive for physical
  • Insufficient or excess gratification during any
    stage could cause a person to reflect the stage
    throughout life.

Oral (0-18 mo.) Pleasure center is mouth sucking, chewing, biting.
Anal (18 mo-36 mo) focus on gaining control, bowel and bladder elimination retention as form of control.
Phallic (3-6 yr) Pleasure zone is in the genitals, focus on coping with incestuous sexual feelings
Latency (6-puberty) Repressed sexual feelings
Genital (puberty on) Maturation of sexual interests
Stage Issues
  • During the Phallic Stage, The Oedipus complex
    occurs due to boys feelings of guilt for love of
    mother and fear of castration.
  • During Oral Stage, deprivation or overindulgence
    may result in adult oral fixations or have
    dependence issues
  • If Anal Stage is not resolved, may result in an
    anal expulsive (messy, unorganized) or anal
    retentive (controlled compulsively neat)

Defense MechanismsWays the EGO protects itself
against anxiety
  • Repression banish it (forget it)
  • Regress retreat to safer time (comfort foods,
  • Reaction Formation opposites (I cant love you
    so Ill just hate you)
  • Rationalization justify it. (Im just a social
  • Displacement divert feelings to another -(kick
    the dog syndrome)
  • Sublimation transform it into good (get out
    frustrations in kickboxing class)
  • Project attribute it to another person (if your
    husband thinks youre cheating, he probably is)

Psychoanalytic Personality Tests
  • Goal to tap into the unconscious.
  • Projective Tests user tells a story or gives a
    description based on an ambiguous stimulus.
  • Examples
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) share inner
    feelings through stories made up about ambiguous
  • Rorschach inkblot descriptions of inkblots
    reflect inner feelings and conflicts.
  • Criticisms
  • Reliability? NO Validity? NO
  • No universal scoring system or training system

Neo - Freudians
  • Accepted Freuds basic ideas
  • Id, ego, superego.
  • Importance of conscious.
  • Shaping of personality during childhood.
  • Dynamics of anxiety defense mechanisms.
  • Differences
  • More emphasis on conscious.
  • Less emphasis on sexual motivations.
  • More emphasis on noble motives social

  • Alder
  • Childhood social conflicts influence personality
  • Inferiority complex
  • Horney
  • Dependent childs sense of helplessness creates
  • Triggers desire for love security
  • Criticized Freuds gender bias
  • Jung
  • More emphasis on unconscious than other neo
  • Unconscious contains more than just negative, but
    unrealized talents, gifts, creativities
  • Believed in a Collective Unconscious Part of
    unconscious shared by all. Archetypes, the
    building blocks of the soul which are inherited
    and shared by all, live here.

Criticism of Freud
  • Is Repression a Myth? Most holocaust survivors,
    veterans of war, terrorist victims and trauma
    survivors report vivid memories.
  • Others see Unconscious as an information
    processing unit, not just a dumping ground.
  • Subjective, fails to predict behavior traits,
    provides no testable predictions
  • Culturally Gender Biased.

Trait Perspective
  • Describes Personality based on
  • Characteristic Behaviors
  • Conscious Motives
  • Describes, doesnt explain
  • Basically a classification system

Examples of Trait Tests
Sheldon classified personalities based on body
Plump Endomorph Relaxed, jolly Example__________
Masculine Mesomorph Bold/physically active Example__________
Thin Ectomorph High strung/solitary Example__________
Stereotypes people based on body type
More Trait Tests
  • Myers Briggs Test - Based on Jungs personality
  • Extravert vs. Intravert
  • Thinking vs. Feeling
  • Judging vs. Perceiving
  • Sensing vs. Intuitive
  • The Big 5 Five Personality Dimensions
  • Emotional Stability
  • Extraversion
  • Openness
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • Objective, normed personality inventory with
    validity scales for faking lying.
  • 10 scales
  • 1. Hypochondriasis 6. Schizophrenia
  • 2. Depression 7. Hypomania
  • 3. Social Introversion 8. Hysteria
  • 4. Psychopathic Deviancy 9. Paranoia
  • 4. Masculinity/Femininity 10. Psychasthenia

Biology Personality
  • Low brain arousal results in more extraversion
  • Overactive Autonomic Nervous System results in a
    more emotionally unstable personality
  • Inactive frontal lobe area results in a more
    extraverted personality
  • Genetics influence personality

Trait Perspective Criticism
  • Person-situation controversy Do traits persist
    over time and across situations?
  • Are behaviors consistent from one situation to
    the next?
  • Does trait perspective result in labeling
  • Trait Perspective actually attempts to predict
    AVERAGE behavior over many situations to
    determine personality.

Humanistic Perspective
  • Positive Approach
  • Sense of Self is at center of personality
  • Goal is to foster personal growth
  • Emphasis is on human potential
  • Self concept shapes personality

  • The self actualized person
  • Self aware self accepting
  • Open spontaneous
  • Loving caring
  • Secure
  • Creates deep relationships
  • Is moved by personal peak experiences
  • Has the courage to be unpopular

Carl Rogers
  • A growth promoting climate
  • Genuineness openness
  • Acceptance unconditional positive regard
  • Empathy sharing our feelings and reflecting our
  • Positive self concept occurs when the IDEAL self
    equal the ACTUAL self

  • People with higher self-esteem typically
  • have fewer sleepless nights, are less likely to
    conform under pressure or use drugs, are more
    persistent at difficult tasks and are less shy
  • People with low self-esteem typically
  • Are excessively critical, judgmental and are
    generally more unhappy.
  • Criticism Is low self esteem caused by problems
    failures or are problems failures caused by
    low self-esteem?

Overcoming Adversity
  • Many are able to maintain self-esteem when faced
    with discrimination or lower social status.
  • Those who overcome adversity
  • Value the things at which they excel.
  • Attribute problems to prejudice.
  • Compare self to those in their own group.

Does your personality follow you when you move to
a foreign culture?
  • Depends upon whether your culture gives greater
    priority to individualism or collectivism
  • Rate the following cultures on their levels of
    individualism or collectivism
  • US Japan China Mexico
  • France India Afghanistan
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages to
    collectivism and individualism?

Criticisms of Humanistic Approach
  • Concepts are vague and subjective
  • Individualism can lead to self indulgence,
    selfishness, arrogance pride.
  • Ignores our human capacity for evil.

Social Cognitive Perspective
  • Applies principles of learning thinking social
  • Emphasizes the importance of external events and
    how we interpret them.
  • Emphasizes our sense of personal control

Reciprocal Determinism
  • Bandura called the process of interacting with
    our environment reciprocal determinism with
    personal/cognitive, environmental behavioral
    factors all interplaying with each other.
  • 1. Different people choose different
  • 2. Different people interpret react
    differently to situations events.
  • 3. Our personalities create situations to which
    we react. Ex self fulfilling prophesy,

Who controls your world?
  • Do you see yourself as controlling of, or
    controlled by your environment?
  • External locus of control perception that
    outside factors determine ones fate.
  • Internal locus of control perception that one
    has more control over own fate. Typically these
    people achieve more in schools, act more
    independently, are less depressed, in better
    health and cope with stress better.

Learned Helplessness
  • Those who feel helpless oppressed often view
    control as external. When traumatic events occur
    and people feel as if they have no control, they
    often learn helplessness, which can generalize to
    other situations.
  • Can you think of any situations where learned
    helplessness may occur?
  • Which is more important? ACTUAL control or
    PERCEIVED control?

Assessment of Personality
  • Correlation studies correlate feelings of
    control with behavior treatment
  • Experiment increase or decrease a persons
    sense of control and observe results.
  • SCs therapists typically follow the principle
    that past behavior is a good predictor of present
    and future behavior.

  • Too much focus on situations, not enough focus on
    persons inner traits
  • SCs argue that our traits emotions shine
    through in our reactions responses.
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