Title: Calculus 2.2
12.2 Limits Involving Infinity
North Dakota Sunset
2As the denominator gets larger, the value of the
fraction gets smaller.
There is a horizontal asymptote if
3Example 1
4Example 2
5Example 3
6Infinite Limits
As the denominator approaches zero, the value of
the fraction gets very large.
vertical asymptote at x0.
If the denominator is positive then the fraction
is positive.
If the denominator is negative then the fraction
is negative.
7Example 4
The denominator is positive in both cases, so the
limit is the same.
8End Behavior Models
End behavior models model the behavior of a
function as x approaches infinity or negative
9Example 7
(The x term dominates.)
Test of model
Our model is correct.
Test of model
Our model is correct.
10Example 7
11Example 7
Right-end behavior models give us
dominant terms in numerator and denominator
12Often you can just think through limits.