DiSC Personal Profile System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DiSC Personal Profile System


DiSC Personal Profile System Dimensions of Behavior Based primarily on Positive Personality Profiles by Dr. Robert A. Rohm, Ph. D. The D Style - Dominance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DiSC Personal Profile System

DiSC Personal Profile System
  • Dimensions of Behavior
  • Based primarily on Positive Personality Profiles
  • by Dr. Robert A. Rohm, Ph. D.

The D Style - Dominance
  • Description Dominant, Driving, Doers
  • Style Task-oriented / Outgoing, Fast paced
  • Symbol Exclamation point - emphatic in
    everything they do
  • Focus Get the job done - just do it! Overcome
    opposition and achieve your goals! Winners never
    quit... quitters never win!
  • Basic Needs Challenge, Control, Choices
  • Outlook on Life To lead or be in charge
  • Basic fear - being taken advantage of / loss of
  • Motivated by challenges
  • Go Getters - natural tendency is to try to
    motivate others that way.
  • Under pressure may look like they have a lack of
    concern for others views and feelings.

"D types can be very self-sufficient, relying on
their natural abilities and talents to get them
through difficult situations... They are never
satisfied with the status quo. They are
constantly looking for new and better ideas and
ways of doing things. Positive Personality
Profiles pg. 42-43
The I Style - Influence
  • Description Inspirational, Influencing,
  • Style People-oriented / Outgoing
  • Symbol Star - They love recognition and being
    the center of attention
  • Focus I am for you! If we all pull in the same
    direction and stay motivated, there is no end to
    the success... and fun... we can have.
  • Basic Needs Recognition, Approval, Popularity
  • Outlook on Life To persuade others to their way
    of thinking
  • A Very optimistic - can do everything! Glass is
  • Basic fear - social rejection.
  • Motivated by and through others (public
  • Start in mid-sentence, over-promise.
  • Under pressure can appear to be disorganized.
    Actually very organized, can multitask well.

"High I's are very friendly. They seem to talk to
or wave to everyone they see. They know no
strangers. After you have been with them five
minutes, you feel like you have known them all
your life." Positive Personality Profiles pg.
The S Style - Steadiness
  • Description Steady, Stable, Supportive
  • Style People-oriented / Reserved
  • Symbol Plus/Minus - They bring a balance to the
    people equation
  • Focus All for one and one for all. If we all
    work together, we can make a great team. Working
    together we can do it!
  • Basic Needs Appreciation, Security, Approval
  • Outlook on Life To provide necessary support to
    help get the job completed
  • Motivated by consistency and predictability.
  • Basic fear - change and new.
  • Peacemakers, bridge-builders - glue that holds
    the organization together.
  • Under pressure - give in, whatever.

"An S is very orderly and efficient, preferring
to know that things are running smoothlyThey
prefer the standard, tried and proven way of
doing things... One of their mottoes is,
'Working together we can do it. Positive
Personality Profiles pg. 81
The C Style - Conscientiousness
  • Description Competent, Cautious, Careful
  • Style Task-oriented / Reserved
  • Symbol Question Mark - They want to know the
    why behind what they do
  • Focus Make sure things are done in a correct
    manner. Goods and services provided with quality
    ensure long-standing relationships.
  • Basic Needs Quality answers, Excellence, Value
  • Outlook on Life To be conscientious and
  • Motivated by quality and correctness.
  • Basic fear - criticism of their work.
  • Do it right the first time. Never wrong! If
    they are, its because of directions.
  • Under pressure - appear to slow down and become
    over-analytic and pragmatic.

"The C type is usually extremely gifted. They are
very bright and have a high capacity for
intellectual achievement. They know how to take
a big project and break it down into little
components. Positive Personality Profiles pg.
DI Will Needs to know what/when?
I I Want Needs to know who?
Big Picture
S I Feel Needs to know how?
CI Think Needs to know why?
An Example mix Inspirational Pattern
  • Persons with the Inspirational Pattern
    consciously attempt to modify the thoughts and
    actions of others. Seeking to control their
    environment, they are astute in identifying and
    manipulating another persons existing motives
    and direction the resulting behavior toward a
    predetermined end.
  • Inspirational persons are clear about the results
    they want, but they do not always verbalize them
    immediately. They introduce the results they
    want only after they have created a climate of
    readiness in the other person. For example,
    Inspirational persons offer friendship to those
    desiring acceptance, more authority to those who
    seek power, and security to those seeking a
    predictable environment.
  • Inspirational persons can be charming in their
    contacts with others. They are persuasive in
    obtaining assistance for repetitive and
    time-consuming details. However, people often
    experience a conflicting sensation of being drawn
    to them and yet being curiously distanced.
    Others may have a feeling of being used.
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