Title: GPS Auto-Sleep for Energy-Efficient Location Tracking
1GPS Auto-Sleep for Energy-Efficient Location
- Sean Barbeau, Phil Winters, Nevine Georggi
- Center for Urban Transportation Research
- Rafael Perez, Miguel Labrador
- Department of Computer Science Engineering
Portions of work funded by the Florida Department
of Transportation and the National Center for
Transit Research
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
- Past vehicle-based GPS tracking give
low-resolution view of daily travel behavior - Are these GPS fixes
- Points-of-interest?
- Stops in traffic?
- Difficult to extract info
- Distance traveled
- Origin-Destination pairs
- Misses non-vehicle trips
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
- Our research team created TRAC-IT, a GPS-enabled
mobile phone app - TRAC-IT can capture high-definition view of
travel behavior - Much easier to determine
- Path, distance traveled
- Origin-Destination pairs
- Avg. speeds
- Can capture transit/bike/walk trips
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
4New Problem
- We can record GPS fixes as frequently as once per
second and send to our server - However, frequent GPS fixes come at great cost
to - battery energy
- data transfer over network
- Both battery life and cell network data transfer
are very limited resources
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
5One-day Requirement
Sprint CDMA EV-DO Rev. A network
Sprint CDMA EV-DO Rev. A network
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
6New Idea
- What if we could dynamically change the GPS
sampling interval on the phone? - Use four second sampling interval when moving
- Use five minute interval when stopped
- Challenges
- Can we create mobile apps that do this?
- Would this be enough to make a difference in
battery life? - How do we handle GPS noise when trying to detect
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
7GPS Data Noise Causes Uncertainty in Movement
HTC Hero Sprint EV-DO Rev A network
29.7 meters
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
8Detecting User Movement
4 second GPS sampling
5 minute GPS sampling
- GPS noise causes uncertainty in states
- Many false transitions waste battery energy
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
9Detecting User Movement
4 second GPS sampling
5 minute GPS sampling
- What if we represent this binary, or two-state,
problem more like a continuum?
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
10New invention GPS Auto-Sleep
- Gradually change GPS interval from awake to
asleep based on certainty in users movement - With some data (e.g., very high speeds) snap back
to awake
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
11Sanyo Pro 200
Sprint CDMA EV-DO Rev. A network
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
Sanyo Pro 200
Sprint CDMA EV-DO Rev. A network
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
13Evaluation Summary of 30 tests
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
14Evaluation Daily Tracking
Impact of GPS Auto-Sleep on Battery Life
Sanyo Pro 200
Sprint CDMA EV-DO Rev. A network
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
15Potential Data Savings GPS Auto-Sleep
With GPS Auto-Sleep Without GPS Auto-Sleep
Assisted GPS Fixes Over 13 hrs 1,035 (0.1 MB) 11,700 (1.4 MB)
- Assuming each GPS fix is transmitted to server,
GPS Auto-Sleep saves 1.3MB in data transfer PER
PHONE in 13 hours - Sleep time of 120 seconds between GPS fixes
while user is not moving, - and 4 seconds between GPS fixes while user is
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
16Patent issued on Oct. 11, 2011
- US Patent 8,036,679
- Optimizing Performance of Location-Aware
Applications using State Machines
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
17Utility Commercialization
- We have been tracking high-def travel behavior of
over 30 participants over 9 months - Using TRAC-IT mobile app w/ GPS Auto-Sleep
- USDOT-funded Value Pricing project
- DAJUTA, a Florida-based company, has
non-exclusively licensed the technology from USF - Other companies are also expressing interest
- GPS Auto-Sleep is one module in Location-Aware
Information Systems Client (LAISYC) framework - 15 patents pending on other modules
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679
18Thank you
- Questions?
- Sean Barbeau, M.S.
- Research Associate
- barbeau_at_cutr.usf.edu
- (813) 974-7208
- locationaware.usf.edu
Protected under US Patent 8,036,679