Living at the Crossroads: A Faithful, Relevant Witness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Living at the Crossroads: A Faithful, Relevant Witness


Living at the Crossroads: A Faithful, Relevant Witness Living at the Crossroads Chapter 8 Comprehensive Vision for Cultural Engagement Jesus Christ is Creator and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Living at the Crossroads: A Faithful, Relevant Witness

Living at the Crossroads A Faithful, Relevant
  • Living at the Crossroads
  • Chapter 8

Comprehensive Vision for Cultural Engagement
  • Jesus Christ is Creator and Redeemer of all
  • Salvation is restorative and comprehensive
  • Church is called to witness to this comprehensive

Evangelicalism and Comprehensive Salvation
  • Early 20th century Salvation otherworldly,
    individualistic, dualistic
  • Retreat from cultural engagement
  • Did not see gospel as transforming power of all
    of human life

Retreat into Private Religion
  • As our concern over rampant secularization
    increases, we may in fashioning a missiology of
    Western culture easily be seduced into
    concentrating on the religious aspect only,
    leaving the rest to the secular powers, not least
    because these powers exert massive pressures on
    the church to limit itself to the soul of the
    individual. This is, after all, in keeping with
    the Enlightenment worldview religion is a
    private affair, its truth claims are relative and
    have no place in the public sphere of facts.
    But Christian theology itself also contributed to
    this notion, as it increasingly individualized,
    interiorized, ecclesiasticized, and privatized
    salvation (David Bosch).

Evangelicalism and Comprehensive Salvation
Turnaround in late 20th c.
  • Carl F. H. Henry challenged narrow mission of the

Challenge to Evangelicals
  • Whereas once the redemptive gospel was a
    world-changing message, now it was narrowed to a
    world-resisting message. . . . Fundamentalism in
    revolting against the Social Gospel seemed also
    to revolt against the Christian social
    imperative. . . . It does not challenge the
    injustices of the totalitarianisms, the
    secularisms of modern education, the evils of
    racial hatred, the wrongs of current
    labor-management relations, and inadequate bases
    of international dealings.

Evangelicalism and Comprehensive Salvation
Turnaround in late 20th c.
  • Carl F. H. Henry challenged narrow mission of the
  • Lausanne Covenant (1974) and World Evangelical
    Fellowship (1983)

Evangelical Mission Statements
  • The salvation we claim should be transforming
    us (2 Cor. 318) in the totality of our personal
    and social responsibilities. Faith without works
    is dead (James 11426). (Lausanne Covenant)
  • Evil is not only in the human heart but also in
    social structures. . . . The mission of the
    church includes both the proclamation of the
    Gospel and its demonstration. We must therefore
    evangelize, respond to immediate human needs, and
    press for social transformation. (WEF)

Examples of Missionary Encounter
  • Christian businesswoman and profit motive
  • Christian graduate student and power of secular
  • Christian social worker and humanist psych
  • Christian history teacher and public school
  • Christian athlete and greed in professional sport
  • Christian politician and liberal government

Critical Participation
  • Participants in our culture who love and cherish
    all its created goodness
  • Yet critical participants who reject and
    challenge the idolatry that twists it
  • Involvement and separation, solidarity and

In the world but not of it
Jesus Prayer for His Disciples
  • I have given them your word and the world has
    hated them, for they are not of the world any
    more than I am of the world. My prayer is not
    that you take them out of the world but that you
    protect them from the evil one. They are not of
    the world, even as I am not of it. As you sent
    me into the world, I have sent them into the
  • -
    John 1714-18

Dilemma of the Believing Community
  • Solidarity Part of western culture
  • Creational mandate responsible for cultural
  • Christs redemption is comprehensive
  • Have good news for healing of culture
  • Rejection Whole of western culture distorted by
    sinful idolatry
  • Fundamental incompatibility between Scriptural
    and western story
  • Danger Relevance may lead to unfaithfulness
    attempts to be faithful may lead to irrelevance

Western Culture
Unbearable Tension
  • Unbearable tension that comes from being a
    member of two communities anchored in two
    different and incompatible stories. (Newbigin)

Unbearable Tension
Christians are
  • Members of western community
  • Shaped by cultural story
  • Members of covenant community
  • Shaped by Biblical story

Unbearable Tension ofLiving at the Crossroads
Tension BetweenGospel and Culture
  • The deeper the consciousness of the tension and
    the urge to take this yoke upon itself are felt,
    the healthier the Church is. The more oblivious
    of this tension the Church is, the more well
    established and at home in this world it feels,
    the more it is in deadly danger of being the salt
    that has lost its savour.
  • - Hendrik Kraemer

Unaware of unbearable tension
  • The problem of leading a Christian life in a
    non-Christian society is now very present to us.
    It is not merely the problem of a minority in a
    society of individuals holding an alien belief.
    It is the problem constituted by our implication
    in a network of institutions from which we
    cannot dissociate ourselves institutions the
    operation of which appears no longer neutral,
    but non-Christian and as for the Christian who
    is not conscious of his dilemmaand he is in the
    majorityhe is becoming more and more
    de-Christianized by all sorts of unconscious
    pressures paganism now holding all the most
    valuable advertising space (T.S. Eliot).

How Do We Live Faithfully at the Crossroads
Between Two Stories?
Two stories
  • Withdrawal Cultural separation/irrelevance
    (reject cultural story)
  • Affirmation Cultural captivity
    (affirm cultural story)
  • Dualism (affirm part, reject part)

Solving the unbearable tension
  • Withdrawal

Withdrawal Strategy
  • Rejection of culture because it is disfigured by
  • Rightly understand
  • Not of this world
  • Gospel judges culture
  • Christ against culture
  • Isolation, ghettoization
  • Fossil, irrelevant

  • Rightly understands antithetical religious
    commitments of different communities
  • Wrongly believes cultural flight is right or

Solving the unbearable tension
  • Withdrawal
  • Accommodation

Accommodation Strategy
  • Affirm culture because it is creational
  • Rightly understand
  • In the world
  • Gospel affirms culture
  • Christ of culture
  • Absorption, compromise
  • Chameleon, syncretism

Solving the unbearable tension
  • Withdrawal
  • Accommodation
  • Dualism

  • Rightly understands
  • Creational life is shared
  • Much truth, justice, etc. in the world
  • Christ above, in paradox with culture
  • Wrongly sets aside all-encompassing religious

Solving the unbearable tension
  • Withdrawal
  • Accommodation
  • Dualism

The Gospel speaks
  • Word of grace culture is good creation
  • Word of judgement culture is idolatrously
    twisted and sinfully distorted misdirection

Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid
every kind of evil (I Thess. 521f).
Biblical PositionAffirmative/AntitheticalApproa
ch to Culture
  • Affirm
  • Gospel/Yes
  • At home
  • Good creation
  • May not withdraw
  • Reject
  • Gospel/No
  • At odds
  • Sinful distortion
  • May not accept status quo

Missionarys Inner Dialogue
  • Way of being in the culture state of mind
  • Desire to live in both worlds fully
  • Faithfulness to Biblical story
  • Views all of culture through lens of Scripture
  • Seeks to discern idolatrous twisting of words,
    institutions, cultural practices, etc.
  • Seeks to discern creational structure

A Biblical Example
  • Johns use of classical categories

(No Transcript)
In the synoptic gospels the Kingdom of God is
  • Central image for the Jews
  • Central image for Jesus
  • Central image for Matthew, Mark, Luke

(No Transcript)
In Johns gospel...
  • He employs images popular in classical culture
    and philosophy
  • Heaven/earth, life/death, light/darkness,

Do we have a different gospel?
Do we have a different gospel?
John 11,14
  • In the beginning was the logos...
  • ...and the logos became sarx.

New translation or articulation of the gospel
is both
  • Relevant He uses language of classical dualism
    familiar to hearers
  • Faithful Challenges the idolatry of the
    classical dualism

Subversive Fulfillment
  • Fulfills religious longing for order and origin
  • Subverts idolatrous understanding

Another Biblical Example Household
OIKOS extended family in Roman empire structured
hierarchically and oppressively
  • Fundamental social building block of Roman empire
  • Undifferentiated institution made up of marital,
    family, economic, political relationships
  • Oppressive and hierarchical distortion

Response of the early church
  • Reject?
  • Affirm?
  • Transformed! (Eph. 521-64)

Subversive Fulfillment
  • Discerned creational relationships
  • Transformed relationships creating new
    institution recognizable as good news to culture

Cultural Discernment
  • What is the creational insight or structure?
  • What is the idolatrous distortion or direction?
  • What kind of healing action is possible?

Faithful Cultural Strategy
  • Faithfulness and relevance
  • Avoid withdrawal, accommodation, common ground
  • Affirms both responsibility for cultural
    development and antithetical challenge to
    idolatrous development
  • Affirmation, rejection, healing

A Communal Witness
  • Importance of callings of individuals in culture
  • A missionary encounter with the West will have
    to be primarily a ministry of the laity. (Bosch)
  • The primary witness to the sovereignty of
    Christ must be given, and can only be given, in
    the ordinary secular work of lay men and women in
    business, in politics, in professional work, as
    farmers, factory workers and so on. (Newbigin)

A Communal Witness
  • Importance of callings of individuals in culture
  • Danger of individual witness
  • Communal witness
  • Alternative community

Alternative Community
  • The most important contribution which the Church
    can make to a new social order is to be itself a
    new social order. (Newbigin)
  • The church is called to embody a different form
    of life, to be an alternative community, a
    countercultural body, a visible, beckoning,
    hope-giving, guiding sign of the shalom of the

Alternative Community in West
  • A community of justice in a world of economic and
    ecological injustice
  • A community of generosity and simplicity (of
    enough) in a consumer world
  • A community of selfless giving in a world of
  • A community of truth (humility and boldness) in a
    world of relativism
  • A community of hope in a world of disillusionment
    and consumer satiation
  • A community of joy and thanksgiving in a world of
  • A community who experiences Gods presence in a
    secular world

A Communal Witness
  • Importance of callings of individuals in culture
  • Danger of individual witness
  • Communal witness
  • Alternative community
  • Organizations in various sectors of public life

Organizing for Public Witness
  • Corporate witness in politics, trade unions,
    media, education, etc.
  • Without a proper organizational association we
    cannot meet our common responsibility in various
    respects. It will be difficult to meet our
    Christian responsibility especially in
    scholarship and politics without associating
    ourselves organizationally with one another.
    (Herman Ridderbos)

A Communal Witness
  • Importance of callings of individuals in culture
  • Danger of individual witness
  • Communal witness
  • Alternative community
  • Organizations in various sectors of public life
  • Equipping members for active and informed
    participation in public life

A Merciful Witness
  • Mercy and justice
  • We must do both we must care for the victim of
    disaster or injustice, and we must also undertake
    those measures of social engineering or
    revolution which are needed to prevent disaster
    and injustice from happening. (Newbigin)

A Merciful Witness
  • Mercy and justice
  • Siding with the poor and oppressed

A Tolerant and Suffering Witness
  • Tolerance and pluralism
  • Principled or committed pluralism
  • Each community maintains faith commitment as true
  • Respectful dialogue between competing truth
  • Differs from agnostic pluralism of humanism

A Tolerant and Suffering Witness
  • Tolerance and pluralism
  • Principled or committed pluralism
  • No coercion or power for kingdom
  • Witness to not building of kingdom
  • Witness in public life will bring suffering

Suffering and witness
  • Missionary encounter with idolatrous power brings
    conflict and suffering
  • Mission under the cross
  • If we take seriously our duty as servants of God
    within the institutions of human society, we
    shall find plenty of opportunity to learn what it
    means to suffer for righteousness sake, and we
    shall learn that to suffer for righteousness sake
    is really a blessed thing. (Newbigin)

A Faithful Witness
  • Pressure to conform to idolatry
  • Need for spirituality and community
  • If there is a committed people as the sign and
    agent and foretaste of what God intends, it can
    only be insofar as their life is continually
    renewed through contact with God himself.

  • If the church is indeed to be Jesus agent in
    bringing his whole agenda to his whole world, it
    needs his own Spirit. Indeed, if the church
    attempts to do what has to be done without
    constantly seeking to be fi lled and equipped by
    Jesus own Spirit, it is committing blasphemy
    each time it opens its mouth. This is not a plea
    that all Christians should enlist in the
    charismatic movement. Rather, it is a plea that
    all Christians, particularly those involved at
    the leading edge of the churchs mission to bring
    healing and renewal to the world, should be
    people of prayer, invoking the Spirit of Jesus
    daily and hourly as they go about their tasks,
    lest they be betrayed into the arrogance of their
    own agendas or into the cowardice of relativism
    (N.T. Wright).

Supportive community Urgent plea to pastors
  • Are we taking seriously our duty to support our
    lay people in their warfare? Do we seriously
    regard them as front-line troops? . . . What
    about the scores of Christians working in offices
    and shops in that part of the city? Have we ever
    done anything seriously to strengthen their
    Christian witness, to help them in facing the
    very difficult ethical problems which they have
    to meet every day, to give them the assurance
    that the whole fellowship is behind them in their
    daily spiritual warfare? (Newbigin addressing

Need for community
  • Nourished by Scripture, prayer, fellowship,
  • Supported by encouragement, prayer, counsel,
    financial help
  • Equipped to fulfill task in community

Following Jesus
  • Essenes withdrew
  • Saduccees accommodated
  • Pharisees retreated into organized religion
  • Zealots employed coercive strategy
  • Jesus call to uncompromising and suffering
    witness to kingdom

Church Salt, Light, and a City on a Hill
  • You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt
    loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty
    again? It is no longer good for anything, except
    to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are
    the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot
    be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put
    it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its
    stand, and it gives light to everyone in the
    house. In the same way, let your light shine
    before others, that they may see your good deeds
    and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt.
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