Title: EIN 6133 Enterprise Systems Engineering
1EIN 6133Enterprise Systems Engineering
- Chin-Sheng Chen
- Florida International University
2T6 Engineering process
- Engineering process
- Need and specification
- Modeling and analysis
- Functional design
- Implementation design
3The ESE Framework Re-visit
Enterprise element Work Decision Resource Information
System facet Strategy Competency (capability) Capacity Structure
Engineering activity Specification Analysis Design implementation
Performance measure Quality Time Cost Benefit (profit)
4Readings References
- Readings
- HEA Chapter 2
- Reference
- Product design and development by Karl Ulrich and
S. Eppinger, McGraw-Hill, 2002
5Engineering process need and specification (1)
- Need, definition
- An attribute of a potential system (product) that
is desired by the customer. - Other names customer attributes, customer
requirements - Guideline for need statements
- Express the need in terms of what the system
(product) has to do, not how. - Express the need as specific as possible
- Use positive, not negative phrasing
- Express the need as an attribute of the system
(product). - Avoid using the words must and should.
- Organize needs into a hierarchy
- Establish their relative importance
6Engineering process need and specification (2)
- Specification, definition
- A precise description of what the system
(product) has to do. - A specification has a metric and a value. A value
may take on several forms such as a number or a
range. - A specifications is a set of the individual
specifications. - Other terms used
- system (product) requirements, engineering
characteristics, technical specifications
7Engineering process need and specification (3)
- Specification types
- Target specifications
- Preliminary, ideal specifications
- Final specifications (in the contract book)
- Final specifications depend on
- what customers needs,
- what is technical and economic feasible and
- what our competitors offer in the market place.
8Engineering process need and specification (4)
- Metrics
- The most useful metrics are those that reflect as
directly as possible the degree to which the
system (product) satisfies the customer need. - Metrics must be precise and measurable such that
meeting specifications lead to satisfaction of
the related customer needs - A need may be translated into more than one
metrics, and one metrics may satisfy one or
multiple needs.
9Engineering process need and specification (5)
- Setting metrics value
- Competitive benchmarking
- Set ideal and marginally acceptable target
- Develop technical and economic models to assess
feasibility - Use the above data to create competitive maps and
conduct trade-off analysis
10Engineering process need and specification (6)
- Hierarchy of system specifications
- Each system (product) may have a hierarchy of
subsystems (products). - Each subsystem has its specifications
- Therefore, the overall specifications for the
system must be decomposed (or flowed down) to
hierarchical sets of specifications, one for each
11Engineering process modeling and analysis (1)
- Model, definition
- Analytical or physical approximation of the
system (product), used as a tool for predicting
the values of the metrics for a particular set of
design decisions - Models can be focused or comprehensive, depending
on the degree to which they implement all of the
attributes of the system (product). - Various models (including prototypes) may be
developed to support the engineering process
including system specification, engineering
analysis, functional design, and implementation
design. - Modeling
- the process for creating a model that reflects a
desired system representation for understanding,
assessment, and/or communication. - Two well-known models AS-IS and TO-BE.
12Engineering process modeling and analysis (2)
- Analysis, Def.
- An engineering activity that uses a mathematical
means or an engineering tool (such as a system or
its model) to - understand and assess its behaviors and
- Determine its desired end and the most efficient
method of obtaining this (that is, to seek an
optimal technical solution) - It may be exercised in all engineering phases.
- Engineering analysis types
- A technical decision for
- A specification
- A system (product) solution approach
- A functional design
- An implementation design
13Engineering process modeling and analysis (3)
- Engineering analysis
- ESE focus
- The system level of engineering analysis
- The ESE analysis activity at system level
- Input
- System (product) specifications
- Output
- A technical solution approach
- A conceptual design, for example
14Engineering process modeling and analysis (4)
- Example of engineering analysis I
- A die design
- Analysis issue whether to use a progressive die
or engineering dies. - Technical solution approach use a sequence of
engineering dies - Output the WIP shape and size specification for
each engineering die and its QA guidelines. - Example of engineering analysis II
- An enterprise system design
- Analysis issue whether to use client-server or
web-based system - Solution use a hybrid approach of client-server
and web-based. - Output Interface and response time
15Engineering process functional design (1)
- Functional design, def.
- An activity that translates a conceptual design
into an engineered system (product) design which
meets the functional requirements as specified. - It should include industrial design, such as
- use interface design and usability
- Security and safety design
- Functional design types
- Architectural design
- System architecture
- Subsystems architecture
- Components design
16Engineering process functional design (2)
- Architecture, Def
- A drawing (or structure) of something
- A representation of all the processes involved in
the life cycle of the something. - System architecture, Def.
- A scheme by which the functional elements of the
system are arranged into physical blocks and by
which the blocks interact.
17Engineering process functional design (3)
- Architectural design output (product)
- Geometric layout
- Assembly model
- Bill of Materials (BOM)
- Relationships
- Fundamental interactions
- Incidental interactions
- Flow designs
- Coolant flows,
- Mechanical electrical flows
- Material channels (runways)
18Engineering process functional design (4)
- Architectural design output (physical system)
- Geometric layout
- Plant layout
- List of plant components
- Relationship
- Fundamental interactions
- Incidental interactions
- Flow designs
- Aisles, staircases, driveways, conveyers
19Engineering process functional design (5)
- Architectural design output (Computer/ Management
Systems) - Layout design
- Menu layout (organization chart)
- Listing of menu items (components)
- Relationship design
- Flow design
- information and work flows
- Business processes
- Communication channels
20Engineering process functional design (6)
- Components design
- For product
- Competency and specifications
- 2D/3D part drawings
- For physical system
- Competency and specifications
- 2D/3D component drawings
- For managerial system
- Competency and specifications
- functional procedures and diagrams, flowcharts,
formulas, report, etc. - For computer system
- Competency and specifications
- Detailed object models, dynamic models,
- functional procedures and diagrams, flowcharts,
formulas, report, etc.
21Engineering process functional design (7)
- The three system layers - revisit
- Physical system
- Management system
- Computer management system
22Engineering process implementation design (1)
- Implementation design
- Implementation approach
- System-wide implementation plan
- Detailed implementation plan
- Deployment design
- Deployment approach
- (Process modeling and analysis)
- Installation process design
- Training design
- Data migration design
- Validation design
- Switch-over design
23Engineering process implementation design (2)
- For product design
- Technical solution approach
- Manufacturing technology
- For example, material deformation (casting,
molding, die-forming, crystal growing, etc.),
removal (machining), or joining (welding) - System-wide implementation plan
- Assembly process plans
- Component implementation plan
- Component process plans
24Engineering process implementation design (3)
- For physical system design
- Technical solution approach
- Implementation technology
- For example, use modular or integrated approach
- System-wide implementation plan
- High-level project action plan
- Component implementation plan
- Component process plans
25Engineering process implementation design (4)
- For managerial systems design
- Technical solution approach
- Implementation technology
- For example, use modular or integrated approach
- System-wide implementation plan
- System-level implementation plan
- Component implementation plan
- Component implementation plan
26Engineering process implementation design (5)
- For computer system design (1)
- Technical solution approach
- Implementation environment tools
- For coding C vs. Java
- For structure 3-layer vs. integrated
27Engineering process implementation design (6)
- For computer system design (3)
- System-wide implementation plan
- Project management
- Change management and version control
- Packaging and installation process
- System implementation plan
- Guidelines for code structure, user interface
design and documentation - Library of system standard components
- Testing
- Test policy and guidelines
- Classes of tests
- Expected software responses
- Performance bounds
- Identification of critical components
- System debugging
- Policy and strategy
28Engineering process implementation design (7)
- For computer system design (3)
- Component implementation plan
- Flow implementation design
- Program interface, flowchart, variables,
parameters. - User interface implementation design
- Interface details, messages design, on-line help
search - Form design
- Data design (internal, global and temporary data
structure in implementation, variable
conventions) - Software interface
- Machine interface and system interface
- Database implementation design
- Table list, definition, and relationship
29Engineering process implementation design (8)
- Deployment design (1)
- Deployment approach
- Unit by unit, or function by function
- Top down or bottom up
- Installation (upgrade) process design
- Automatic or manual
- Training process design
- Development of use cases
- Training programming
- by unit or by function
- Top down or bottom up
- Online training
30Engineering process implementation design (9)
- Deployment design (2)
- Data migration/entry process design
- Automatic or manual entry
- Validation process design
- by phase or one time
- Switch-over process design
- Gradual or one time
31Engineering process with focus on methods and
techniques (1)
- ESE is different from other enterprise
system-related efforts in its emphasis for
development and application of methods and
techniques to each engineering activity. They
are - Specification methods and techniques
- Modeling and analysis methods and techniques
- Design and optimization methods and techniques
- Implementation planning methods and techniques
32Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (2)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Create (specify) strategic identity
- Conduct strategic analysis
- Formulate (design) strategy
- Develop strategy implementation plan
33Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (3)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process (1)
- Create the strategic identity
- Define a mission
- Develop a vision
- Declare strategic intent
- Identify core work (product/service)
34Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (4)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process (2)
- Conduct strategic analysis
- Develop an industry foresight
- Identify current market, product/service and
resource concepts - (Identify required new competencies)
35Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (5)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process (3)
- Design (formulate) strategy
- (Develop a balanced portfolio of capabilities)
- (Develop a resource and capability acquisition
agenda) - Strategically position the company
- Create generic product strategies
- Develop generic market strategies
36Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (6)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Design (formulate) strategy (3-1)
- Strategically position the company (as a
prospector, analyzer, defender or reactor),
according to - Org. readiness for risk taking
- Readiness for developing new products
- Technological orientation
- Administrative orientation (type of company
37Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (7)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Design (formulate) strategy (3-2)
- Create generic product strategies
- Low cost or price differentiation
- Image differentiation (distinctive design)
- Support differentiation (after-sales service)
- Quality differentiation
- Design differentiation (added, improved
production functionality) - Penetration strategy
- Bundling strategy
- Market, product and diversification strategies
38Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (8)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Design (formulate) strategy (3-3)
- Develop generic market strategies
- Size and diversity
- Location (local, regional, national, global)
- Stage of evolution
- Emerging market
- Established market
- Eroding market
- Erupting market
39Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (9)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Develop strategy implementation plan (4-1)
- Plan to articulate and codify strategy, by
translating it into - Strategic vision
- Strategic objectives
- Key success factors
- (Key performance indicators)
- (Key personal performance indicators)
- Plan to evaluate strategy
- For consistency, consonance, advantages, and
40Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (10)
- Enterprise strategy engineering process
- Develop strategy implementation plan (4-2)
- Plan to elaborate strategy
- Transform the strategy into executable and
operational plans in strategic and annual plans - Plan to promote strategy
- To be advertised, debated, understood, and
accepted by all employees - Plan to execute strategy
- For launch of projects to implement the strategy
- For carry-out of projects via execution actions,
monitoring, and control - For evaluation of project success and strategy
41Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (11)
- Enterprise competency engineering process
- Specify enterprises competency gaps, based on
vision and strategy plans for product/service - Identify required new competencies
- Conduct analysis for a technical approach to
bridging the time-phased competency gaps - Identify a solution approach such as buying
(licensing or outsourcing), cultivating, and/or
co-developing. - Design a competency acquisition map
- Develop a balanced portfolio of capabilities
- Create a resource and capability acquisition
agenda - Develop an implementation plan for securing
required competencies - Develop a hiring training plan for in-house
resource acquisition - Develop a competency qualification plan for
external resource acquisition
42Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (12)
- Enterprise capacity engineering process
- Specify enterprises capacity gaps, based on
vision, strategy, and competency. - Identify required new capacity
- Conduct analysis for a technical approach to
bridging the time-phased capacity gaps - Identify a solution approach such as buying
(licensing or outsourcing), or cultivating a
resource (a machine, a worker, or a computer
system including an ERP system) - Design a capacity acquisition/decommission map
- Develop a balanced portfolio of capacity
requirement - Create a resource acquisition/decommission agenda
- Develop an implementation plan for meeting
time-phased capacity requirement - Develop a hiring training plan for in-house
human resource - Develop an acquisition plan for qualified
external resources - Develop decommission plan for excessive resources
43Engineering process activity methods and
techniques (13)
- Enterprise structure engineering process
- Define enterprise system structural
specifications, based on vision strategy,
competency, and capacity requirement for
product/service - Conduct analysis for a technical approach to
enterprise system structuring - Decide on a conceptual solution such as a job
shop vs. a cellular shop - Furthermore, possible migrating from a job-shop
structure to a cellular layout over time - Design an enterprise system structure
- Enterprise structural design for physical,
managerial, and computer systems - Enterprise component design for the three system
elements - Develop an implementation plan for enterprise
system structure - Implementation plan for physical, managerial, and
computer systems structure - Implementation plan for physical, managerial, and
computer systems component.
44T6 Home work
- Identify and classify 2 ESE tools that could be
used to perform an engineering activity with. - Due next week.