AVIATION 120 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... LWIS Broadcast, take-off and landing clearance and pilot request are issued as ... Aviation weather reporting sites are listed in the CFS. Date/Time of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AVIATION 120

  • Meteorology

  • METAR CYXX 131700Z 00000KT 20SM FEW050 SCT150
    SCT250 15/11 A3012 RMK SC2AC2CI0 FU SLP201
    METAR CYXX 131800Z 17002KT 20SM FEW040 FEW250
    17/10 A3012 RMK SC1CI0 FU CU ASOCTD SLP201
    METAR CYXX 131900Z 23002KT 20SM FEW025 FEW040
    FEW150 19/10 A3012 RMK CU1CU1AC1 FU SLP198
  • TAF CYXX 131738Z 131818 22006KT P6SM SCT020
    SCT040 SCT120 TEMPO 1901 1SM FU BKN020 FM0100Z
    24005KT P6SM SCT050 SCT100 TEMPO 0103 4SM FU
    BKN050 BKN100 PROB30 0103 2SM FU FM0300Z
    23004KT P6SM BKN040 BKN090 TEMPO 0305 5SM -RA FU
    PROB40 0307 2SM FU FM0700Z VRB03KT P6SM BKN040
    TEMPO 0718 2SM FU PROB40 0718 1SM FU RMK NXT
    FCST BY 00Z

Todays Agenda
  • Weather observations at major aerodromes
  • Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) AIM MET
  • Introduction
  • Sample METARs
  • Decoding the groups
  • Report Type
  • Station Indicators
  • Date/Time
  • Report Modifier
  • Wind
  • Prevailing Visibility
  • Runway Visual Range (RVR)
  • Present Weather
  • Sky Conditions
  • Temperature and Dewpoint
  • Altimeter Setting
  • Recent Weather
  • Wind Shear
  • Remarks

Observations at Major Aerodromes
  • Wind Information
  • Measured by a single three-cup anemometer on a 10
    m mast with direct reading dials in the local
    weather observation office and/or ATS units.
  • Wind direction and speed observations are
    averaged over 2 min with variation in the past 10
    min except where ATC units are using the
    Operational Information Display System.
  • The Operational Information Display System
    provides continuously updated information to ATC
    units, including met info as follows
  • MEAN WIND -Average wind for the
    last 2 min
  • RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE (RVR) -Average for the last
    1 min
  • Wind information will be issued as follows
  • ATIS broadcast, Landing Information, Taxi
    Information, AWOS broadcast, LWIS Broadcast,
    take-off and landing clearance and pilot request
    are issued as MEAN WIND.

  • Cloud Information
  • Information about cloud base height is obtained
    by use of laser ceilometers, ceiling projectors,
    ceiling balloons, pilot reports and observer
    estimation. Observations are provided to the
    local ATS units in the form of routine and
    special reports.
  • Ceiling is the lesser of the height at which
    cumulative layers of cloud or smoke aloft obscure
    5/8 or more of the sky, or the vertical extent of
    the visibility as viewed through a surface based
    obscuring condition such as smoke or fog
    (vertical visibility).
  • Temperature Information
  • Temperature is read every hour from a mercury
    thermometer located in a ventilated screen
    (Stevenson Screen). Some locations have a remote
    readout of this information in the weather
    observation office or ATS unit.
  • Runway Visual Range (RVR) Information
  • RVR observations are obtained by transmissometers
    and forward-scatter sensors. RVR observations
    are representative of runway touchdown and
    midpoint visibilities averaged over 1 min and
    based on the light setting in use.
  • Where RVR is accessible to the weather observer,
    RVR will be included in METARs and SPECIs when it
    is 6000 or less for the runway in use and/or the
    visibility is 1SM or less.

Stevenson Screen
Forward-scatter sensor
Introduction to METARs
  • Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) MET 3.15
  • An international code that describes the actual
    weather conditions at a specified location and
    time as observed from the ground.
  • Very detailed description can be found in the
    Manual of Surface Weather Observations (MANOBS).
  • Normally taken and disseminated on the hour.
  • National variations to the international code may
    be filed with the World Meteorological
    Organization (WMO)

Sample METARs
  • METAR CYYJ 080000Z 13007KT 30SM FEW040TCU
    SCT045CB BKN079 BKN230 17/11 A2989 RMK
    TCU2CB2AC2CI1 SLP123
  • SPECI CYYJ 080029Z 12007KT 30SM -SHRA FEW035CB
  • METAR CYRV 080000Z AUTO 26019KT 9SM CLR 25/04
    A2974 RMK SLP051

Decoding the METAR groups
  • Report Type
  • The code name METAR or SPECI is given first.
  • Station Indicator
  • Canadian weather reporting stations are assigned
    4 letter ICAO indicators commencing with C and
    followed by W, Y, or Z
  • Stations are normally located within 1.6NM (3km)
    of the geometric centre of the runway complex.
  • Aviation weather reporting sites are listed in
    the CFS.
  • Date/Time of Observation
  • The date (day of month) and time (UTC) of the
    observation is included in all reports.
  • The official time of the observation (on the
    hour) is used for all METAR reports that do not
    deviate from the official time by more than 10
  • In SPECI reports the time refers to the time of
    occurrence (hours and minutes) of the change(s)
    which required the issue of the report.

  • Report Modifier
  • May contain two possible codes AUTO or CCA.
  • Both codes may appear simultaneously AUTO CCA.
  • AUTO will be used to indicate data collected by
    an AWOS. Should a human observer augment the
    AWOS, additional information will be added to the
    remarks group.
  • CCA is used to indicate corrected reports. The
    second correction will be indicated with CCB etc.
  • Wind
  • Reports 2-min mean wind direction and speed along
    with gusts.
  • Wind direction is always three digits in degrees
    true rounded to the nearest 10 degrees (last
    digit is always a 0)
  • Wind speeds are two digits (3 only if required)
    in Knots.
  • Calm wind is coded as 00000KT.

  • Wind (cont)
  • Wind gust information will be included if gusts
    exceed the average wind speed by 5KT or more in
    the 10 minute period preceding the observation
    AND the peak gust reaches a maximum of 15KT or
    more. G indicates gusts and the peak gust is
    reported using two or three digits as required.
  • Variations in direction are only included if
    during the 10 minute period preceding the
    observation, the direction varies by 60 degrees
    or more and the mean speed exceeds 3 knots. The
    two extreme directions are encoded in a clockwise
  • Example METAR CYCG 091200Z 30015G25KT 260V340
  • Prevailing Visibility
  • Visibility is the greatest distance at which
    objects of suitable dimensions can be seen and
  • Prevailing visibility is maximum visibility
    common to sectors comprising of ½ or more of the
    horizon circle.
  • Visibility is reported from eye-level (1.8m AGL).

  • Prevailing Visibility (cont)
  • Visibility is reported in statute miles (SM) and
    fractions up to 3SM then whole miles. Note
    visibility from ocean stations is reported in
    nautical miles (NM).
  • No maximum visibility for human observations.
  • Lower sector visibilities which are half or less
    of the prevailing visibility are reported in the
    remarks group.
  • Runway Visual Range (RVR)
  • RVR of the touchdown zone of up to 4 available
    landing runways is reported as a 10 minute
    average, based on the operational runway light
    settings at the time of the report.
  • Included when prevailing visibility is 1SM or
    less, and/or the RVR is 6000 or less.
  • R is the group indicator followed by the runway
  • RVR is reported in hundreds of feet. M
    preceding the lowest measurable value or P
    preceding the highest, indicates the value is
    beyond the instrument range.

  • Runway Visual Range (cont)
  • RVR trend is then reported if there is a distinct
    upward or downward trend from the first to second
    5 minute part-period such that the RVR changes by
    300 or more (encoded as /U or /D). If no
    distinct change is observed, it will be encoded
    with /N. Trend field left blank if trend isnt
    possible to determine.
  • Variations in RVR may be reported for up to two
    runways. Variations may be reported as max and
    min values when the 1 minute mean varies by at
    least 20 (and by 150) from the 10-minute mean
    taken in the 10 minutes preceding the
  • EX R06L/1000V2400FT/U

  • Present Weather
  • Comprised of weather phenomena which may be one
    or more forms of precipitation, obscuration or
    other phenomena.
  • Weather phenomena may be preceded by one or two
    qualifiers, one which describes intensity or
    proximity, the other describes the phenomena in
    some other manner.
  • Present weather is coded in accordance with the
    WMO Code, Table 4678 See MET 3.15
  • Sky Conditions
  • This group reports the sky condition for layers
  • Vertical visibility is reported in hundreds of
    feet when the sky is obscured.
  • Cloud layers are reported based on the summation
    of the layer amounts as observed from the surface
    up, reported as a height above the station
    elevation (AGL) in increments of 100 feet to a
    height of 10 000, and thereafter in increments
    of 1 000.
  • Layer amount is the amount in eights (octas) of
    the whole sky (celestial dome) that is observed
    to be covered (not necessarily concealed) by a
    layer aloft or concealed by a surfaced based
    layer (fog, mist etc.).

  • Sky Conditions (cont.)
  • Summation amount at any level is the amount in
    octas of the whole sky that is covered by layers
    at and below that level.
  • Summation cannot exceed eight octas.
  • Layer opacity represents the portion of the
    whole sky that is observed to be concealed
    (hidden, rendered invisible) by the layer. Layer
    opacity is reported in octas. No layer can
    exceed eight octas, nor can the total of the
    opacities for all layers exceed eight octas.
  • If a layer does not conceal any part of the sky,
    opacity is zero.
  • Opacity is reported in the RMK section of the
  • Layer amounts are reported in octas of sky
  • SKC - No Cloud Present
  • FEW - gt0 to 2/8 summation amount
  • SCT - 3/8 to 4/8 summation amount
  • BKN - 5/8 to lt8/8 summation amount
  • OVC - 8/8 summation amount
  • CLR - Clear below 10 000 as interpreted by
    an autostation (AWOS)

METAR CYXX 131900Z 23002KT 20SM SCT025 BKN040
OVC060 19/10 A3012 RMK CU4CU2AC1 FU SLP198
High level Cirrostratus overcast cloud layer
displaying very little opacity. Eight octas sky
coverage with two octas of opacity.
  • Recent Weather
  • This group reports recent weather of operational
  • The group indicator RE is followed, without a
    space, by the appropriate abbreviation(s) for
    weather observed during the period since the last
    scheduled report (METAR), but not observed at the
    time of observation. May be included in METARs
    and SPECIs.
  • The following may be reported as recent weather
  • Freezing precipitation
  • Moderate or heavy drizzle, rain or snow
  • Moderate or heavy ice pellets, hail or snow
  • Moderate or heavy blowing snow
  • Sandstorm or dust storm
  • Tornado or waterspout or funnel cloud
  • Thunderstorm
  • Volcanic Ash
  • The same phenomenon is only reported as present
    weather and recent weather if it was of greater
    intensity during the period since the last
    routine report.

  • Wind Shear
  • This group contains reports of low level wind
    shear (LLWS) within 1600 AGL along the takeoff
    or approach path of the designated runway.
  • If the existence of wind shear applies to all
    runways, WS all RWY is used.
  • Remarks
  • Remarks will appear in reports from Canada,
    prefaced by RMK
  • Remarks will include, where observed, layer type
    and opacity in eighths of sky concealed by clouds
    and/or obscuring phenomena, general weather
    remarks, and sea level pressure as required.
  • Sea level pressure (SLP) will always be the last
    field of the METAR report.
  • SLP022 converts to 1002.2 hPa, SLP994 converts to
    999.4 hPa
  • Abbreviations for cloud types
  • CI Cirrus NS Nimbostratus
  • CS Cirrostratus ST - Stratus
  • CC Cirrocumulus SF Stratus Fractus
  • AS Altostratus SC - Stratocumulus
  • AC Altocumulus ACC Altocumulus
  • CU Cumulus CUFRA Cumulus Fractus
  • TCU Towering Cumulus CB - Cumulonimbus

Whats Missing?
  • METAR CWYM 151600Z AUTO ///// M03/ A2969 RMK
  • METAR CWZZ 151700Z AUTO 21007KT 0SM 01/ A2952 RMK

So you wanna be aN IFR pilot?
  • METAR CYRB 151500Z 02018KT 3/4SM R35/5000FT -SN
    OVC015 M03/M05 A2961 RMK SN4ST4 SLP033
  • METAR CYRB 151600Z 02024KT 3/4SM R35/6000FT -SN
    DRSN BKN016 OVC030 M04/M07 A2961 RMK SN3ST3SC2
  • METAR CYRB 151700Z 02029KT 1SM R35/6000FT -SN
    DRSN BKN017 OVC030 M05/M08 A2962 RMK SN2ST4SC2
  • SPECI CYRB 151720Z 02027KT 1SM R35/6000FT BLSN
  • TAF CYRB 151740Z 151818 02025KT 1SM BLSN BKN007
    TEMPO 1823 4SM -SN SCT005 BKN030 FM2300Z 33020KT
    6SM BLSN BKN015 TEMPO 2307 1SM -SN BLSN BKN008
    FM0700Z 22028KT 1/2SM -SN BLSN VV002 TEMPO 0715
    2SM BLSN OVC010 FM1500Z 24018KT 4SM -SN BKN010

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