Massachusetts IEP Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Massachusetts IEP Process


The law expects school districts to bring together: parents. students. general educators ... The questions below are meant to be a guide. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Massachusetts IEP Process

Massachusetts IEP Process
  • Addressing Unique Student Needs Through
  • Sound Implementation Practices

CSPD Training ModuleMassachusetts IEP Process
  • GOAL
  • To better address unique student needs through a
    greater understanding of the underlying concepts
    and mechanics of successful Team meetings.
  • 1. To increase understanding of school district
  • structures needed to support successful Team
  • 2. To explore the varying roles of Team members
  • IEP development
  • Enhancing the role of the parents
  • Increasing student participation in IEP meetings
  • Improving educator preparation and contribution
  • 3. To provide further guidance on developing
  • centered IEPs that are generally understandable
  • comply with regulatory intent.
  • 4. To highlight the need for continuous
  • of Team practices.

Necessary Conditions for Successful IEP
Strong and Visible Administrative Support
Open and Genuine Effective Collaboration and
Effective School Practices
Parents as Active and Informed Partners
Ongoing and Meaningful Staff Development Activitie
  • 1. THINK ABOUT THE INDIVIDUAL. Remember that
    each student has individual needs, based upon the
    impact of his/her disability. Consequently, each
    IEP should reflect the individual nature of the

  • 2. THINK EDUCATION. An IEP should discuss how
    an individual students disability(ies) impact
    education and concentrate on offsetting or
    reducing the resulting problems that interfere
    with the students learning and educational


Intent of Regulations Regarding the Importance of
Parents and Students
  • IDEA-97 emphasizes a collaborative approach.
  • The law expects school districts to bring
  • parents
  • students
  • general educators
  • special educators
  • other professionals, as needed
  • to make important educational decisions for
    students with disabilities.
  • With the combined knowledge and resources of
    these individuals, students will be assured
    greater support and subsequent success.

  • Parents are equal partners in the Team process.
    They have a right to be involved in meetings that
    discuss the identification, evaluation, IEP
    development and educational placement of their
  • Parents have a unique and critically important
    perspective on their child s learning style,
    strengths and needs.
  • Every effort should be made to build trust,
    respect and understanding in an effort to meet
    the unique needs of the student.

  • Make available evaluation material in advance,
    asking parents to develop a list of questions
    and/or concerns.
  • Contact parents in advance of meeting to
    discuss their concerns or to ask them to come in
    a few minutes before the meeting to discuss their
  • Provide parents with a seating plan or use name
  • Introduce and refer to all Team members in the
    same manner.
  • Use conference calling during a Team meeting.

Student participation is important and, at times,
required. Students should also be considered
important members of the Team. As students get
older they should become more and more active
within the Team meetings, their interests and
preferences determining the direction for the
identified goals in the IEP. Students are
invited to attend Team meetings beginning at the
age 14 or younger if the purpose of the meeting
is to discuss transitional services. If the
student does not attend the meeting, their
preferences and interests must still be
  • Give students opportunities to think about
    their preferences, visions and concerns.
  • Teach students their civil rights.
  • Develop students self-advocacy skills.
  • Have students lead their own Team meetings.
  • Invite adult human service agency
    representatives to speak to student groups about
    provided services and eligibility requirements.

Parent Participation in the IEP Meeting
Parent Name Student Name Dear Parent(s),
Within our community, we recognize that each
child is unique, and that parents are experts in
their own right about their child. Therefore,
your insights are important to us. The
information you provide us about your concerns,
your childs strengths and weaknesses, and your
vision will help us more fully understand your
child. We would like you to have an opportunity
to prepare in advance for your childs IEP
meeting. The questions below are meant to be a
guide. Please add any other information you feel
is helpful. When completed, you may bring this
with you to the meeting, or return it to us in
the enclosed envelope. Thanks for your valuable
input. We look forward to meeting with you.
1. My childs strengths are (strengths may
include academic, social, athletic,musical) 2.
My childs significant interests are 3. My
concerns about my childs educational progress
are 4. My goals for my child over the school
year are 5. My vision for my child over the
next three to five years is
Adapted from Natick Public Schools Vision
Increasing Student Participation in the IEP
  • Student Grade Date
  • I would like you to know these things about me
  • 1. My strengths are
  • 2. My disability causes me to have difficulty
  • 3. I am most successful in school when
  • 4. The accommodations I find most useful are
  • 5. I am especially interested in
  • 6. After completing high school I would like to

Increasing Student Participation in the IEP
Student Grade Date
About Me 1. What I
like about school 2. I need help in school
with 3. Learning is easier for me when my
teacher 4. Learning is easier for me when I
5. Things I like to do Suggested for
Elementary School Students
Intent of Regulations Regarding the Importance
of Educators and Related Service Providers
  • General Educators bring to the Team meeting
  • their expertise on the general curriculum.
  • their knowledge of how the student is progressing
    in the general curriculum.
  • their ideas about positive behavioral
  • Special Educators and Related Service Providers
    bring to the Team meeting
  • their expertise on disabilities, evaluation and
  • their ability to provide, design, and/or
    supervise special education services.

What to Think About Before the IEP
Meeting General Educator
1. Highlights of General Curriculum 2.
Information Regarding General Education
Environment 3. Classroom Management 4.
Information Regarding Supplementary Aids and
Services 5. Information Regarding
Administration of State District- Wide
General Education Teacher Participation in the
IEP Meeting
Responsibility of the General Education
Teacher (as a Member of the IEP Team) 1. Share
information regarding the general curriculum as
it pertains to this student. 2. Share
information regarding the general education
classroom environment as it relates to the
students progress in the general education
curriculum. 3. Assist in developing effective
classroom management techniques. Include positive
behavioral interventions if needed. 4. Assist in
identifying parent supports, classroom supports,
teacher supports and assistive devices needed for
this student to be successful. (Think beyond
existing services.) 5. Share information about
how this student should participate in state and
district-wide assessments.
What to Think About Before the IEP
Meeting Special Educator
1. Assessment Information - Academic
Behavioral 2. Information Regarding Present
Level of Educational Performance (PLEP) 3.
Suggestions Regarding IEP Goals 4. Information
Regarding Supplementary Aids and Services 5.
Information Regarding Administration of
State District- Wide Assessment
Special Education Teacher Participation in the
IEP Meeting
What to Think About Before the IEP
Meeting Related Service Provider
1. Assessment Information - Academic
Behavioral 2. Information Regarding Present
Level of Educational Performance
(PLEP) 3. Suggestions Regarding IEP Goals 4.
Information Regarding Supplementary Aids and
Services 5. Information Regarding
Administration of State District- Wide
Related Service Provider Participation in the IEP
Responsibility of the Related Service
Provider (as a Member of the IEP Team) 1. Share
information regarding the key evaluation results,
including progress toward IEP goals. 2. (a) Share
information regarding Present Level of
Educational Performance (PLEP) in your focus
area. 2. (b) Share information regarding
accommodations to the general curriculum and
specially designed instruction. Include
suggestions for maximizing the extent to which
the student is educated with nondisabled
students. Also include recommendations regarding
related services and special equipment and
devices to be provided to the student. 3. Develop
IEP goals and objectives/benchmarks. 4. Assist in
identifying parents supports, classroom supports,
teacher supports and assistive devices needed for
this student to be successful. (Think beyond
existing services.) 5. Share information about
how the student will participate in state and
district-wide assessments.
Required Team Knowledge and Expertise
  • Each Team meeting must also have someone who -
  • is qualified to provide or supervise the
    provision of specially designed instruction
  • is knowledgeable about the general curriculum
  • has the authority to commit school district
  • can interpret instructional implications of
    evaluation results
  • has knowledge or special expertise regarding the
    student (at the discretion of parent or district)

These roles can be filled by one or more
Additional Expertise
  • For postsecondary transition planning,
    representative(s) from agency(ies) that is likely
    to be responsible for providing/paying for
    transition services.
  • For meetings where placement will be discussed, a
    person who is knowledgeable about placement

Team members can wear more than one hat!
On to the IEP. . .
  • IEP development relies on
  • the judgement of
  • Team members.

No two Teams will respond alike. No two Team
meetings will be alike.
An IEP is a contract between the parent and
school district that. . .
  • considers the individual needs of the student
  • describes how the student learns
  • focuses on what will make the biggest difference
    for the student
  • describes how the school staff will
  • help the student learn better
  • reflects the decisions of the Team

Individualized Education Program
  • You must remember that
  • every student is different.
  • no two IEPs will be alike.
  • there is no single correct way to write an IEP.

Write in clear, understandable language. Use a
style that best reflects Team decisions.
IEP Checklist IEP Form
  • IEP Checklist - reference tool
  • reviews items to be included in each IEP section
  • lists regulation citations
  • IEP Form - communication tool
  • designed to assist Team reviewing all required
    IEP elements
  • designed to assist Teams in documenting their

Sample IEP Statements
  • Written to assist Teams in developing IEPs.
  • Written to demonstrate the following
  • (a) that Teams may use a variety of styles to
    communicate their intent
  • (b) that Teams must avoid the use of educational

  • Parent and/or Student Concerns
  • Student Strengths and Key Evaluation Results
  • Vision Statement

EXAMPLES OF Parents and/or Student Concerns IEP 1
Example 1 a. wants to see Sams reading skills
improved by the end of the year b. wants to see
Sam participate in after school activities
Example 2 Concerned about after graduation
plans (1) Will Juan be prepared for work? (2)
Will Juan be prepared to continue his education
after high school?
Example 3 Kenyas mother and father are
concerned with her overall school progress. She
does not seem to be keeping up with her
classmates and her IEP goals are not consistently
being met. Perhaps she needs different
strategies and/or services to improve her
EXAMPLES OF Parents and/or Student Concerns IEP 1
Example 4 Communication skills with teachers
and peers need for additional in-class supports
reinforcement of skills through home activities
Example 5 When should Joanne return to Brown
School? What help will Joanne receive once
EXAMPLES OF Students Strengths and Key
Evaluation Results Summary IEP 1
Example 1 Jose participates in appropriate
activities with his classmates. He responds to
staff requests. He likes being active and
helping others. Jose has at least average
intelligence and a communication disability. His
speech is clear and easily understandable but he
has difficulty expressing his thoughts. His
vocabulary and word finding skills are below
age/grade expectations. His teachers take time
to make sure they understand Jose but his peers
may not.
Example 2 strengths academic skills, following
directions, work completion interests/accomplishme
nts sports of any kind, nature especially
endangered species, active Boy Scout, plays
soccer and basketball education related details
sensory impairment - hearing general education
performance is above that of peers and consistent
over school history solid intellectual and
academic abilities
EXAMPLES OF Students Strengths and Key
Evaluation Results Summary IEP 1
Example 3 attends school regularly responds
well to a structured behavior management system
enjoys hands-on learning activities won
honorary mention in recent science fair, lead
singer in school chorus, loves animals and
volunteers in an animal shelter inconsistent
performance over school history resulting from
sustained, inappropriate feelings/behaviors
(emotional impairment) has limited general
education achievement and MCAS results despite
average abilities and skills less achievement
towards IEP goals than expected even with an
increase of counseling and in-class support last
EXAMPLES OF Vision Statement IEP 1
Example 1 The Team would like to see Elena enter
an integrated kindergarten program when she
reaches age 5.
Example 2 By the time Rose is in 2nd grade, we
can see her taking the yellow school bus to
school and walking independently through the
school building.
Example 3 We hope Kims medical condition will
be stabilized so that her access and involvement
with school and typical peers can increase.
EXAMPLES OF Vision Statement IEP 1
Example 4 Pedro wants to be a reporter on the
school newspaper and wants to take as many
courses as possible to improve his writing
skills. He sees himself writing a book in the
Example 5 Sean loves automobiles and would love
to spend after school and summer around cars.
After graduation, he sees himself working as an
auto mechanic at a foreign car dealership, living
in an apartment with friends, maybe taking a
course or two at the local community college and
continuing to play baseball in a local adult
EXAMPLES OF Vision Statement IEP 1
Example 6 Brittany wants to go to college but is
unsure of what she might want to study once she
is there. She is interested in art and music and
would like to learn more about careers in those
areas. She plans to live at home after college
but eventually would like to own her own home.
  • Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP)
  • A General Curriculum
  • Affect of Disability on Progress
  • Accommodation(s)
  • Specially Designed Instruction

EXAMPLE 1 PLEP - A General Curriculum IEP 2
Curriculum Areas All Impact of Disability on
Progress Jorge is able to write simple
sentences but requires teacher assistance to add
detail to his work and to correct mistakes in
spelling, grammar and punctuation. He writes
slowly and laboriously even using a pencil grip,
lined paper and a slightly tipped desk top which
means he takes a longer time to complete written
assignments than expected (about 10 minutes
longer for a short assignment). Jorges
shorter written assignments are legible but as he
tires during the completion of lengthy
assignments, his papers become more difficult to
read. When given time to prepare, Jorge is great
at telling stories that are full of facts and
details and can orally respond in a complete
manner to open-ended questions.
EXAMPLE 1 (continued) PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
Accommodation(s) -pencil grip -large-lined
paper -slanted desk top -use of classroom word
processor for long written assignments -extra
time for written assignments Special Designed
Instruction ? Content ?
Methodology/Delivery of Instruction ?
Performance Criteria Modify length of written
assignments to include some practice of each
concept but not to include overly repetitive
practice of each concept plan assignments that
allow Jorge to respond orally or through
project-based activities (like building a model
or filming a video)
EXAMPLE 2 PLEP - A General Curriculum IEP 2
  • Curriculum Areas Mathematics
  • Impact of Disability on Progress
  • Tony
  • is able to compute addition, subtraction,
    multiplication and division problems
  • he has a good memory for shapes and objects.
  • has difficulty understanding what is asked of
    him when asked to problem solve.
  • is very slow in his efforts, as his inability to
    break down the task causes him anxiety and often
    stops him cold .
  • with help on task analysis, recognizes the steps
    he needs to take, and is better able to
    successfully complete the problem.

EXAMPLE 2 (continued) PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
  • Accommodation(s)
  • Use of manipulatives (coins, base ten blocks
  • Multiple examples
  • Modified homework assignments
  • Extra time for standard assessment assignments
  • Special Designed Instruction
  • ? Content
  • ? Methodology/Delivery of Instruction
    Provide visual
    information (pictures, charts, graphs) that
    reinforce the concept being taught allow for
    Tony to work with peer or in small groups to
    solve problems- where he will have the
    opportunity to hear the questions other children
    ask, and do more quality thinking than by
    himself individualized instruction to help Tony
    visualize the math problem (have him draw
    pictures, tell stories that incorporate the
    problem being solved...)
  • ? Performance Criteria
  • In addition to the standard classroom
    evaluations, Tony should be allowed to present
  • visually and with manipulatives.

EXAMPLE 3 PLEP - A General Curriculum IEP 2
  • Curriculum Areas All
  • Impact of Disability on Progress
  • Ability to understand spoken language is below
    her typical age/grade peers.
  • Having difficulty learning to pronounce words,
    reading grade level material, paying attention
    and understanding oral directions and learning
    new information.
  • Has difficulty expressing herself in a clear and
    easily understood manner.
  • Much better able to give complete responses when
    reminded to use newly learned articulation skills
    and when asked to pause to think through answers
    before speaking.
  • Easily frustrated by her communication
  • May give up easily and refuse to complete work
    when upset.
  • May ask to leave the classroom to go to the
    Nurses Office when classroom demands accumulate
    and become too stressful.

EXAMPLE 3 (continued) PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
Accommodations Seat near teacher to allow
teacher to easily provide extra help Specially
Designed Instruction ? Content Pre-teach new
vocabulary words and concepts give out study
sheets in all curriculum areas plan routine
review of all major unit concepts (especially
before tests and quizzes) ? Methodology/Delivery
of Instruction Provide help at the start of any
new, unfamiliar activity ask for directions to
be repeated back to assure understanding provide
ongoing praise and periodic activity-time reward
for work completion send home weekly report to
parents on progress and classroom behavior ?
Performance Criteria Test only on vocabulary
and concepts included on study sheets have a
series of grading options/activities to choose
from at the completion of every major curriculum
EXAMPLE 4 PLEP - A General Curriculum IEP 2
Curriculum Areas All Impact of Disability on
Progress Dans emotional disability
(depression) has the following impact on his
education 1. Unable to muster needed energy to
attend to academic tasks 2. May be driven to
occasional periods of perfectionism 3. Becomes
frustrated, anxious and easily disappointed over
not meeting academic expectations 4.
Inconsistent, sporadic effort and school
attendance seem to have led to gaps in learning
because achievement does not match potential 5.
Responds best when school work is given to him in
a manner that allows him to concentrate on one or
two short-term assignments at a time and 6.
Responds better when given consistent teacher
feedback rather than relying on mid-term progress
reports and report cards. (See report completed
by school psychologist for further
EXAMPLE 4 (continued) PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
  • Accommodations
  • Send to Nurses Office right before lunch break
    for his medication.
  • Notify guidance counselor if Dan puts his head
    on his desk and refuses to participate in class.
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • þ Content
  • Dont assume mastery of easier content/concepts
    pretest knowledge and understanding
  • þ Methodology/Delivery of Instruction
  • Break assignments into step by step pieces and
    assign gradually over time assist Dan in
    developing time management strategies (daily
    planner and schedule) provide reinforcement for
    the completion of each assignment
  • þ Performance Criteria
  • Grade assignments as soon after completion as
    possible have student log completed assignments
    in daily planner meet with student weekly to
    review achievement if student is completing work
    as assigned meet daily with student if work
    completion begins to lag

  • Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP)
  • B Other Educational Needs
  • Affect of Disability on Progress
  • Accommodation(s)
  • Specially Designed Instruction

EXAMPLE 1 PLEP - B. Other Educational
Needs IEP 3
Other Educational Needs Behavior Impact of
Disability on Progress Carl is making good
progress in school when working in structured,
learning environments that provide routine
reinforcement for his on-task appropriate
behavior. Carls involvement in nonacademic and
extra curricular activities has been limited
because his behavior has interfered with
completion of these types of activities. He
has been unable to remain focussed on the
activity and has tended to challenge the
authority of the individual running the activity
and/or has provoked arguments with other
students. Carl wants to participate with his
schoolmates and is most interested in basketball.

EXAMPLE 2 (continued) PLEP - B. Other
Educational Needs IEP 3
  • Accommodations
  • Team does not see a need for accommodations in
    this area.
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • ? Content
  • Methodology/Delivery of Instruction
  • Contract that includes clear behavioral
    expectations and consequences will be written
    between the basketball coach and Carl Carls
    appropriate participation will be rewarded
    routinely rewards will be chosen in a meeting
    between Carl, his coach, his parents and the
    school adjustment counselor as basketball is
    Carls preferred activity, Team members
    recommended basketball as a starting point
    however, other activities should gradually be
    added to Carls schedule in the same manner once
    he has successfully participated in basketball
  • ? Performance Criteria

EXAMPLE 2 PLEP - B. Other Educational Needs IEP
Other Educational Needs Adapted Physical
Education Impact of Disability on
Progress Tyler is physically active student
even though he uses a wheelchair likes to
participate in various sport activities including
swimming and basketball needs to continue
building upper body strength and needs to
continue range of motion activities.
EXAMPLE 2 (continued) PLEP - B. Other
Educational Needs IEP 3
  • Accommodations
  • Same as previous IEP page.
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • ? Content
  • Participation in typical physical education class
    but modified and supplemented only as required by
    attached doctors order
  • Methodology/Delivery of Instruction
  • Designed and monitored by physical therapist
    based on doctors order
  • ? Performance Criteria
  • Graded on participation and effort in gym
    activities as well as skill improvement in
    modified activities

  • Goal
  • Specific Goal Focus
  • Current Performance Level
  • Benchmarks/Objectives

EXAMPLES OF Current Performance
Levels Measurable Annual Goals IEP 4
Goal 3 Specific Goal Focus Study
Skills Current Performance Level Joe submits
fewer than half of his required homework
assignments. He starts most assignments but
lacks the organizational skills to complete them
by the required due dates. Measurable Annual
Goal Joe will submit 90 or better of all
required homework assignments on
time. Benchmarks/Objectives 1. Joe will learn
to use organizational templates developed by his
teacher that identify the steps necessary to
begin and complete assigned homework tasks. 2.
Joe will learn to develop and use organizational
templates himself.
EXAMPLES OF Current Performance Levels
Measurable Annual Goals IEP 4
  • Goal 1
  • Specific Goal Focus In-Class Behavior
  • Current Performance Level
  • Jill typically interrupts the work of others 2 or
    3 times in any 5 minute period of quiet work
    time. She interrupts when she requires teacher
  • Measurable Annual Goal
  • Jill will consistently raise her hand to get
    teacher assistance during any random sample of
    quiet work time.
  • Benchmarks/Objectives
  • will be able to state classroom rules in regard
    to talking in class and participating in class
  • will raise her hand for teacher assistance when
    verbally prompted by teacher
  • will require only periodic reminders from teacher
    to raise her hand

EXAMPLES OF Current Performance Levels
Measurable Annual Goals IEP 4
Goal 4 Specific Goal Focus
Communication Current Performance Level Lisa
has the physical capacity to produce speech
sounds. She has a verbal vocabulary limited to
ten words. When she speaks, she most commonly
uses the following words yes, no and hi. She
can also use eye gaze and single switches to
communicate with others. Her combined vocabulary
using all three methods of communication totals
18 words. Measurable Annual Goal When
tested on the use of her verbal vocabulary, eye
gaze use and single switch use, Lisa will
demonstrate correct usage of 26 vocabulary words.
The 8 new words will be chosen with Lisas
family to maximize her useful vocabulary.
Benchmarks/Objectives By March, Lisas total
vocabulary will reach 20 words. By June, Lisas
total vocabulary will reach 22 words. By
September, Lisas total vocabulary will reach 24
EXAMPLES OF Current Performance Levels
Measurable Annual Goals IEP 4
  • Goal 2 Specific Goal Focus Travel Training
  • Current Performance Level
  • Paul independently rides the school bus to and
    from school but he has door to door delivery. He
    has taken public transportation for
    school-sponsored activities but requires
    prompting and cues from school staff to locate
    bus stop and to board the correct bus. He is
    beginning a series of work internships during the
    school day that may lead to part-time, after
    school employment.
  • Measurable Annual Goal
  • Paul will independently take a local bus from the
    stop nearest school to the local mall.
  • Benchmarks/Objectives
  • correctly read a bus schedule to determine best
    bus route, stop location and times for a trip to
    the mall
  • successfully plan and take bus trip to go to
    standard locations such as the mall, local
    medical building and movie theatre.

EXAMPLES OF Current Performance Levels
Measurable Annual Goals IEP 4
Goal 1 Specific Goal Focus
Composition Current Performance Level Al
writes compositions using subject/verb/object
sentences and little or no detail. His
compositions remain on topic and have a beginning
and end. With teacher assistance, he will
correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization
errors. He needs further instruction in
developing sentences and in using self-monitoring
tools. Measurable Annual Goal Al will write a
page-long composition without teacher assistance,
on a topic of his choice that includes a
beginning, middle and end at least 3 supporting
details at least 6 adjectives or adverbs
complex sentences and correct spelling,
punctuation and capitalization. Benchmarks/Object
ives 1. consistently use compound and complex
sentences in daily written work 2. use adjectives
and adverbs, without reminders, in daily written
work 3. independently use CARE (Change, Add
detail, Rearrange, Eliminate) to edit daily
written work 4. independently use COPS (Capitals,
Overall presentation, Punctuation, Spelling) to
edit daily written work
  • Service Delivery
  • Grid A Consultation (Indirect Service)
  • Grid B Special Education and Related Service in
    General Education (Direct Service)
  • Grid C Special Education and Related Service in
    Other Settings (Direct Service)

Dont think existing services or
placement. Do think services needed to
reach IEP goals and to be involved in
the life of the school.
Dont think only of student needs.
Do think of services to student, supports
to parents and supports to staff.
Dont use a generic term like sped staff
. Do use more specific role titles indicating
who will deliver service.
Avoid as needed to indicate service
frequency and/or duration. Give
precise detail. (e.g. 30 - 60 minutes
per week, at least once each classroom
period prior to introduction of new
What you need to know about the next example ...
  • This example shows some parts of a -
  • Related Services Only IEP
  • now allowable under the expansion
  • of the definition of special education
  • within Massachusetts Special Education
  • Regulation.
  • Background information needed to better
  • understand this example -
  • 1. Kathy was not on a school health plan or 504
    plan when her parents requested an initial
    special education determination.
  • 2. Kathy has a health impairment, diabetes,
    that prevents her from making effective progress
    in the general curriculum.
  • 3. Kathy requires a related service, School
    Health Services, in order to access the general
    curriculum and, therefore, is eligible for
    special education.

Related Service Example PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
Curriculum Areas All Impact of Disability on
Progress Kathys diabetes is characterized by
quickly changing blood sugar levels. Kathy
understands the importance of checking her levels
but, at this time, has limited self-monitoring
skills. The nurse is working with Kathy to help
her increase these important skills. Kathys
teachers must be alert to the following changes
in behavior and must notify the school nurse
immediately at the onset of these symptoms.
Kathy will become lethargic and lose
concentration if Kathys blood sugar level
becomes too high. Kathy becomes nervous, shaky
and distracted if her blood sugar level drops too
low. She may also begin to perspire and to
complain of a headache. When not feeling well,
the quality and the quantity of her work as well
as her participation drops to a level that is not
reflective of her capacity. Kathys blood sugar
levels can be appropriately maintained when she
eats the correct snack at the correct time. The
school nurse has communicated with her doctor and
her parents to be sure the correct blood level
testing supplies and snacks are available in the
Nurses Office.
Related Service Example PLEP - A General
Curriculum IEP 2
  • Accommodations
  • Notify nurse immediately if Kathy exhibits any
    signs of changing blood sugar level or if Kathy
    requests to see the nurse because she is not
    feeling well.
  • Prompt Kathy to refuse food that has not been
    sent in by Kathys parent or pre-approved by
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • ? Content
  • ? Methodology/Delivery of Instruction
  • ? Performance Criteria

Related Services Only Consultative and Direct
Health Services
Teams will need to write this onto the bottom of
IEP 2.
Related Services OnlyCurrent Performance/Annual
GoalIEP 4
  • Goal 1 Specific Goal Focus
    Self-Monitoring /Health
  • Current Performance Level
  • Kathy can accurately tell you how her diabetes
    makes her
  • feel when her blood sugar levels go up or down.
    When an
  • adult observes a change in her behavior and asks
    her how
  • she feels, Kathy can relate her symptoms.
  • Goal
  • Every day of the last 3 weeks of school, Kathy
  • independently use her self-monitoring checklist
  • recognize her symptoms related to high and low
  • sugar levels as she is experiencing them and will
    ask to
  • see the school nurse.
  • Objectives/Benchmarks
  • Kathy will develop with the school nurse a
    self-monitoring checklist.
  • Kathy and the nurse will complete the
    self-monitoring checklist each time Kathy comes
    to the nurses office.
  • Kathy will be prompted by her classroom teacher
    to complete her self-monitoring checklist once an

Related Services OnlyCurrent Performance/Annual
GoalIEP 4
  • Goal 2 Specific Goal Focus
    Self-Monitoring /Health
  • Current Performance Level
  • Kathy knows she must regularly test her blood
    sugar levels. Currently, she watches as her
    family members or nurse follow the necessary
    steps in this procedure. Kathys relatively
    recent diagnosis of diabetes has not allowed her
    sufficient time to learn about her health problem
    and its management.
  • Goal
  • Each time Kathy tests her blood sugar level, she
    will independently (with no prompts) and
    correctly (within parameters set by doctor) take
    and read the test results.
  • Objectives/Benchmarks
  • In each of 5 successive visits to the school
    nurses office
  • at the end of 1st term, Kathy will identify the
  • medical supplies and recite the steps to be
    followed for
  • reading her blood sugar level.
  • In each of 5 successive visits to the school
    nurses office
  • at the end of 2nd term, Kathy will independently
    take out
  • needed medical supplies and follow the required
    steps in
  • taking her blood sugar level.
  • By the end of 3rd term, Kathy, with no more than
    two prompts, will correctly take her blood sugar
    level and, every four of five times, correctly
    read the test results.

Related Service Example Delivery of Service IEP 5
Grid A Consultation (Indirect Service) Focus
on Goal 1 Type of Service
Teacher Consultation Type of Personnel
Nurse Frequency/Duration One 30-minute meeting
the beginning of year Start Date
09/01 Discussion (not written in IEP) The
nurse will consult with Kathys teachers to
provide them information about diabetes and
Kathys condition in specific. The nurse will
also review with teachers warning signs that
necessitate that the nurse be immediately
contacted and discuss with them the development
of Kathys self-monitoring checklist.
Related Service Example IEP 5 (continued)
Grid C Special Education Related Services
in Other Settings (Direct Service) Focus on
Goal 1 and 2 Type of Service
School Health Services Type of Personnel
Nurse Frequency Duration 40 minutes daily
Start Date 09/01 Discussion
(not written in IEP) The nurse will see Kathy at
the start of each day to review her levels chart
from home that her parents have agreed to send to
school in Kathys day planner. The nurse will
see Kathy at the end of each day to update and
send home her levels chart. Each day the school
nurse will call Kathy from class as needed for
her blood sugar level checks. These checks are
scheduled at least twice daily (usually at 1030
AM and 100 PM) but may occur at other times
depending on Kathys health on any given day.
During these visits, the nurse will provide
directions to Kathy to help her develop her
self-monitoring skills.
  • Nonparticipation Justification
  • Schedule Modification
  • Transportation Services

EXAMPLES OF Nonparticipation Justification IEP 6
  • Example 1 (removed for all curricular subjects)
  • needs a small, structured classroom with
  • routine and systematic rewards
  • to reward on-task, appropriate behavior
  • to control angry outbursts

Example 2 (removed for all subjects) Tomas
requires daily ASL instruction and continuous
practice in use of ASL skills to improve
communication skills with ongoing opportunities
for ASL interaction with peers and adults.
Example 3 (removed for all subjects) Goal 2
/ Specific Goal Focus Psychological
Services Focus on Goal 2 / Type of Service
Therapeutic Environment
indicates need for 24-hour care
EXAMPLES OF Nonparticipation Justification IEP 6
Example 4 (removed for entire school
day) Joshuas significant medical and physical
needs require his participation in a highly
specialized, responsive program setting.
Example 5 (removed for physical therapy) Susan
requires physical therapy that must occur in gym
area equipped with specialized equipment.
Example 6 (removed for all subjects) Tinas
behavior which is significantly disruptive
throughout the day requires that Tina receive
intensive behavioral intervention.
EXAMPLES OF Schedule Modification IEP 6
Example 1 (shorter day) Amy, based on the
recommendation of her physician, will attend
school for four hours each day. Her schedule
will be changed to ensure she receives access to
all general curriculum areas before she goes home.
Example 2 (longer day) -extra hour on Tuesday
and Thursday for Braille instruction -scheduled
after school to provide continuity of service
delivery to Juanita -Braille instructor will
routinely monitor student performance by
contacting teachers on a monthly basis.
EXAMPLES OF Schedule Modification IEP 6
Example 3 (shorter year due to reoccurring
health problem) -school schedule will be modified
to accommodate ongoing chemotherapy treatments
-home/hospital tutoring will be provided for 6
hours a week if doctor concurs that Sam is able
to participate -if Sam is not able to
participate, resource teacher with general
educator assistance will modify major subject
content requirements and grading criteria
-guidance counselor and school nurse will be
responsible to routinely contact parent,
physician, school staff and home/hospital tutor
EXAMPLES OF Schedule Modification IEP 6
  • Example 4 (longer year)
  • see IEP 5 / services with start date 07/01 and
    end date 08/01
  • documented severe regression of communication
  • speech pathologist to meet before/after summer
    program with summer program staff

EXAMPLES OF Transportation Services IEP 6
Example 1 ? No / Regular transportation
Discussion (not written in IEP) Joe s
disability does not prevent him from being
transported to school like any other student.
After Joes IEP is written,the Team decides Joe
should receive services in a day school.
Therefore, the school district is responsible for
providing transportation to and from the day
school. However, this is not considered special
EXAMPLES OF Transportation Services IEP 6
Example 2 ? Yes / Special Transportation ?
on a regular transportation vehicle with the
following modifications and/or specialized
equipment and precautions bus will pick up/drop
off Nicole at the base of her driveway her
parents have agreed to escort Nicole to/from bus
aide will ride bus until Nicole has become
familiar with the bus routine (Team anticipates
that the aide will be needed for the first month
of school.) school staff will escort Nicole
to/from bus to classroom each day bus driver
will be introduced to Nicole and her parents
prior to first bus ride and will receive a
written emergency plan Discussion (not written
in IEP) Nicoles intellectual impairment
requires she receive special transportation
because she cannot independently use regular
transportation as other students can. The Team
recommends that she ride regular transportation
with support to receive a less restrictive
transportation service.
EXAMPLES OF Transportation Services IEP 6
Example 3 ? Yes / Special Transportation ?
on a special transportation vehicle with the
following modifications and/or specialized
equipment and precautions station wagon needs
assistance in/out of home and school and on/off
vehicle aide, with emergency medical training,
required for monitoring of seizure condition
Discussion (not written in IEP) Jorge has a
developmental delay and a health impairment that
prevents him from taking regular transportation
even with modifications, specialized equipment
and/or precautions. Note Review special
transportation requirements in 603 CMR
  • State or District-Wide Assessment
  • Participates like any other student.
  • Participates with accommodation(s).
  • Takes Alternate Assessment.

THINGS TO REMEMBER State or District-Wide
Assessment IEP 7
Teams may, when appropriate and necessary for
student participation, chose accommodations from
a full range of accommodations and modifications
that are commonly used in assessment practice.
See Spring 2001 Update - Requirements for the
Participation of Students with Disabilities in
Test accommodations, if recommended, should
mirror instructional and assessment adaptations
currently in use for the student.
  • Additional Information including required
    transition planning elements
  • School Assurance
  • Parent Options/Responses

THINGS TO REMEMBER Additional Information IEP 8
  • Preparation of students with disabilities
  • for independent living and economic self-
  • sufficiency is a major focus of IDEA.
  • Transition planning must begin no later than
  • age 14 and sooner, if appropriate.
  • Final details in regard to transition planning
  • are recorded on IEP 8 but transition planning
  • begins on IEP 1 and should be reflected
  • throughout the IEP.
  • Team must consider how disability(ies)
  • impact instruction, related services,
  • community experiences, development of
  • employment and other post-school adult
  • living objectives and if appropriate,
  • acquisition of daily living skills and vocational

Develop the IEP at the Team Meeting!
Make the IEP Immediately Available!
I should have known!
Its important to know State and Federal Laws
and Regulations that govern Team Composition
and IEP Development.
10 Things NOT to Say in an IEP Meeting
and why not...
Its not possible to anticipate the exact amount
of time an IEP meeting will require. It is
important to take the time necessary to prepare
an appropriate IEP that will enhance the
students opportunity to progress toward his or
her educational goals. Its what is special
about special education.
DO NOT SAY Lets get started! We have only 30
minutes for each of these IEP meetings and weve
already lost 5 minutes getting coffee. Well
have parents stacked up and down the halls if
we fall behind schedule.
The services provided to the child address all
of the childs identified special education and
related service needs. Section 300.300(3)(1)
Each students individually determined needs
dictate services to be provided. The
availability of the service may not be a factor.
DO NOT SAY No, we didnt indicate occupational
therapy as a related service. We have only
one OT in the entire district and hes booked
solid. Maybe next year- or if an OT student
moves away.
10 Things NOT to Say in an IEP Meeting
and why not...
A childs IEP Team must include (1) the parents
of the child (2) at least one of the childs
regular education teachers (if the child is, or
may be, participating in the regular education
environment) (3) at least one special education
teacher of the child, or if appropriate, at least
one special education provider of the child.
Section 300.344(a)
DO NOT SAY No Mrs. Brown, Bobs teachers
arent here.They are too tired from yesterdays
meetings and we rotate teachers through these
meetings anyway. Its not their day to
participate in IEP meetings.
Generally, a child with a disability should
attend the IEP meeting if the parent decides that
it is appropriate for the child to do so. If
possible, the agency and parents should discuss
the appropriateness of the childs participation
before a decision is made, in order to help the
parents determine whether or not the childs
attendance would be (1) helpful in developing the
IEP or (2) directly benefit the child or both.
The agency should inform parents before each IEP
meeting- as part of notification under Section
300.345(a)(1)- that they may invite their child
to participate. Source Appendix A, 64 Federal
register, March 12, 1999
DO NOT SAY No, I dont recommend that Kim
attend the IEP meeting. Shes only twelve
years old.
10 Things NOT to Say in an IEP Meeting
and why not...
If a purpose of an IEP meeting for a student with
a disability will be the consideration of the
students transition service needs or needed
transition services under Section
333.347(b)(1)(2), or both, the public agency must
invite the student and, as part of the
notification to the parents of the IEP meeting,
inform the parents that the agency will invite
the student to the IEP meeting. If the student
does not attend, the public agency must take
other steps to ensure that the students
preferences and interests are still considered.
Section 300.244(b)
DO NOT SAY No I dont recommend that Jill
attend this IEP meeting. At 17 years of age,
shes too busy with her friends and school
activities to be interested in such a meeting.
DO NOT SAY Well, the general education
curriculum is for most kids but not for
special education students. Its best to
provide these students with an alternative
curriculum thats easier and that the special
education teacher is trained in.
The IEP for each child with a disability
(including children who are educated in separate
classrooms and schools) must address how the
child will be involved and progress in the
general curriculum. However, the part B
regulations recognize that some students have
other educational needs resulting from their
disability that also must be met, even though
those needs are not directly linked to
participation in the general curriculum. Source
Appendix A, 64 Federal Register, 3/12/99)
10 Things NOT to Say in an IEP Meeting
and why not...
DO NOT SAY Well, since weve established what
Kims disability is- that automatically
means shell be in Mr. Peters room at least
three hours each day. See, scheduling isnt so
difficult once you get the hang of it.
The services and placement needed by each child
with a disability to receive FAPE ( a free and
appropriate public education) must be based on
the childs unique needs and not on the childs
disability. Section 300.300(3)(ii)
The IDEA 97 significantly strengthens the role
of the parent.Therefore, it is important that
parents are provided a full opportunity to
express their views and participate fully in the
IEP meeting, including the development of the
IEP. Agency staff may come to an IEP meeting
prepared with evaluation findings and proposed
recommendations regarding IEP content, but the
agency must make it clear to parents at the
outset of the meeting that the services proposed
by the agency are only recommendations for review
and discussion with the parents. Parents have
the right to bring questions, concerns, and
recommendations to an IEP meeting as part of a
full discussion, of the childs needs and
services to be provided to meet those needs
before the IEP is finalized.
DO NOT SAY Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jones. This
wont take much time. We have already written
the IEP - all you have to do is sign it.
10 Things NOT to Say in an IEP Meeting
and why not...
Every individual involved in providing services
to the student should know and understand his or
her responsibilities for carrying out the IEP.
This will help insure that the student receives
the services that have been planned, including
the specific modifications and accommodations
that the IEP Team has identified as necessary.
Source A Guide to the Individualized Education
Program, Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitation Services, U.S. Department of
DO NOT SAY Thank you for suggesting these
modifications for Pauls instruction. We can
implement them in his special education
classes, but its really too much to expect
his general education teachers to accommodate
his needs in their classes.
DO NOT SAY I cant say for certain that we can
provide that service. Its a big commitment.
Ill have to check with the Special Education
Director and get back to you.
Each public agency may determine which specific
staff member will serve as the agency
representative in a particular IEP meeting. It is
important that the agency representative have the
authority to commit agency resources and be able
to ensure that whatever services are set out in
the IEP will actually be provided. Source
Appendix A, 64 Federal Register, 3/12/99)
Its a good idea to assess Team practices.
Formal Assessment (through outside
evaluator/consultant) Coordinated Program
Review Informal Assessments
Effective Team Collaboration
Evaluation Tool
Improvement Needed
Not Practiced
Best Practices Team
Improvement related to Assessment
Collaboration I. Before the IEP Meeting
II. During IEP Meeting III.
After the IEP Meeting

Improving IEP Meetings- A Parent Survey
Dear Parents, We thank you for participating
in your childs meeting. We believe that this
process should be a collaborative effort between
parents and educators. Please check your rating
of each question and provide your suggestions for
improving the IEP Process. Return the completed
survey in the attached envelope. Thank you!
How can we do better? Please comment.
Evaluation Tool
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Communications- When the school invited
you to the IEP meeting for your child
The IEP Meeting- As a participant
in the IEP Meeting
How might we improve our communication?
How might we improve our IEP meetings?
Quick Recap
Road to Addressing Unique Student Needs Through
Successful Team Meetings
Continuous Improvement
Collaborative IEP Development
Role Clarity in Team Meetings
Effective School Practices
  • A Guide to the Individualized Education Program-
    Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
  • Extended School Year Services- North East
    Regional Resource Center (NERRC)
  • Massachusetts Special Education Regulations-
    Massachusetts Department of Education
  • National Information Center for Children and
    Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) Individualized
    Education Programs
  • National Information Center for Children and
    Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) Interventions
    for Chronic Behavior Problems
  • National Information Center for Children and
    Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) Transition
    Planning A Team Effort
  • Requirements for Including ALL Children in
    Assessments- Office of Special Education Programs
  • Requirements for the Participation of Students
    with Disabilities in MCAS (Spring 2001 Update)-
    Massachusetts Department of Education

Massachusetts Department of Education Massachusetts Department of
Education/Special Education Page National Information Center
for Children and Youth with Disabilities
(NICHCY) Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP)
S/OSEP idea PARTNERSHIPS and The Council for
Exceptional Children (CEC)
Federation for Children with Special Needs Parent Advocacy Coalition for
Educational Rights (Pacer)
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