Title: 10 Traits of Highly Effective Principals
110 Traits of Highly Effective Principals
2Lewis Carroll, Alice Adventures in Wonderland
- Cheshire-Puss,would you tell me, please, which
way I ought to go from here? That depends a
good deal on where you want to go, said the Cat.
I dont much care where said Alice. Then it
doesnt matter which way you go, said the Cat.
so long as I get somewhere, Alice added as an
explanation. Oh, youre sure to do that, said
the Cat, if you only walk long enough.
3Where there is no vision, the people perish.
4The Soulnever thinks without a picture.
- The capacity to handle multiple problems,
neutralize various constituencies, motivate
- Is an essential moral act, not as in-- most
managementan essentially protective act. It is
the assertion of a VISION!
7The Envisioner
- There is no more powerful engine driving an
organization toward excellence and long-range
success than an attractive, worthwhile, and
achievable vision of the future, widely shared. - Nanus (1992. p3)
8Envisioner Exemplar Larry Fieber
- A Leader needs to be able to envision success
instead of failure. - -- Principal Lois Scrivener
9Envisioner Benchmarks
- Leaders spend considerable effort gazing across
the horizon of time, imagining what it will be
like when they have arrived at their final
destination. Some call it vision others
describe it as a purpose, mission, goal, or even
a personal agenda. Regardless of what we call
it, there is a desire to make something happen,
to change the way things are, to create something
that no one else has ever created before. - --Kouzes and Posner (1987, p.9)
10Envisioners are Hedgehogs
- Focus is the force that enables Envisioners to
intuitively know whether or not a particular
action or decision will move their school forward
or take it off course. They have what the
Japanese call hoshin, a sense of direction that
points their internal compass toward true north.
11Envisioners Feel Called
- Highly effective principals feel called not to a
job per se but to the opportunity to make a
difference, change the educational landscape,
heal an ailing school, or work for the concepts
of equity and excellence.
12Envisioners have Resolve, Goals, and Lifevision
- Committed to a specific cause, ideal, value or
13Envisioners Can See the Invisible
- Descriptors such as universal, immeasurable, an
object of the imagination, and unusual
discernment or foresight come to mind. Vision is
not what you will do tomorrow but where you are
going in the next five to ten years.
14Envisioners Know Where they are Headed
- Mission is the direction that emerges from the
vision and guides the day to day behavior of the
15Envisioners Have Compelling Visions
- Highly effective principals are passionate people
with a compelling vision that have captured the
hearts and minds of the staff members.
16Envisioners Can Articulate their Visions and then
Make them Happen
17The Big Thing
- Average Principals keep the buses, budgets, and
boilers humming. - Good Principals are warm and caring people.
- Great Principals do and are all of the
aforementioned plus they have focus, purpose,
vision and mission. - The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog
knows one big thing.