Title: Sensory
1Sensory assessment of food bought in the
Czech Republic and in Brussels
1.2.2012, Brno, Czech Republic Prepared by
Ing. Hana Šulcerová, Ph.D. Ing. Viera
Šottniková, Ph.D.
2? six trained evaluators participated in the
evaluation? all evaluators have completed state
sensory testing? sensory evaluation is performed
in a laboratory equipped according to ISO?
samples were submitted anonymously? all the
evaluators conducted their own evaluation of
samples by paired comparison test
The conditions and course evaluation
3Sensory laboratory
4Activia yogurt - white not sweet
? no differences in composition ? Czech -
more creamy, smooth consistency, better taste ?
Strasbourg - rough consistency
5Activia drink
? no differences in composition ? Czech - watery
consistency and acid taste ? Strasbourg
delicious, denser, acceptable consistency
6Laughing Cow cheese
? no differences in composition ? Czech strong
cheese flavor and aroma ? Strasbourg sour
taste, less cohesion
7President - camembert
? no differences in composition ? Czech
asymmetrically mature, thinner in the
middle, a little hard ? Strasbourg more
mature, stronger flavor, betterappearance
8 Cream cheese KIRI
? no differences in composition ? Brussels -
more creamy pleasant smell and taste,
typical for both products
9Butter - President
? no differences in composition ? Brussels -
more creamy ?pleasant smell and taste, typical
for both products
10Roquefort cheese
? no differences in composition ? Czech -
more mushrooms, more
maturity, distinctive aroma,
more pronounced taste
11Milk products
12Milk products
13Maggi - gold beef bouillon
- ? in the Czech bouillon was about 17,5 more fat
- ? Czech - fuller flavor, intense aroma and flavor
of meat - ? Strasbourg lighter color, indescribable
foreign flavor
14Heinz Ketchup - sweet
? no differences in composition ? characteristic
odor and taste in both samples
15Panzani Bolognaise
? no differences in composition ? Czech -
sour taste, thinner
consistency ? Strasbourg - pleasant smell and
taste, intense meat flavor, strong tomato flavor
16Bonduelle mexicana
- ? no differences in composition
- ? Czech - sweeter, larger
proportion of vegetables,
crunchy vegetables
17Rio mare - with vegetables
? no differences in composition ? the same and
characteristic smell and taste
18Other products
19Other products
20Lipton Tea - Black
? no differences in composition ? Czech
pleasant and distinctive aroma and bitter taste
? Strasbourg - very bitter taste ?
equally distinctive odor in both samples
21Red Bull
- ? no differences in composition
- ? typical smell and taste in both samples
22Coca - cola (cans)
- ? no differences in composition
- ? typical smell and taste in both samples
23Nescafe Gold
- ? no differences in composition
- ? typical smell and taste in both samples
24Douwe Egberts
? no differences in composition ? Brussels -
more intense flavor, more bitter and darker
25Nestle - milk pudding with cocoa
- ? no differences in composition
- ? Czech - intense color, pleasant
cocoa flavor
26Happy day
- ? no differences in composition
- ? pronounced fruit flavor, darker color
29Apricot jam
? no differences in composition ?
finely balanced acid and sweet taste for
both products
? no differences in composition ?
pleasant smell and taste, typical for
both products
32Kinder chocolate
? no differences in composition ?
finely balanced acid and sweet taste for
both products
33Chocolate - Mars
? different type - the same quality ? Czech -
darker on the cut very strong and nondescript
sweet taste ? Strasbourg more caramel and
delicious taste
34Chocolate - Snickers
? no differences in composition ? large
differences in the cut ? Czech sweet, less
pronounced caramel ?
Strasbourg bigger nuts and
intense caramel flavor
36Sensory quality of all products
24 products were tested 53 of products had a
comparable quality, 24 better products derived
from the Czech Republic, 23 better products
derived from the Brussel and Strassburg.
37 Thank you for your attention