Title: Montessori Sensory Table
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CONTACT US Head office - Plot No.459-460 ,
Manesar, Gurgaon
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About us
Like most good anecdotes, the story of House of
Zizi begins when two young girls met at a
boarding school. They had different personalities
and yet got along like a house on fire. They
spent many years studying in the same city and
talking about their dreams. But the common
interest that brought Ayushi and Richa together
once again in their adult life, was the strong
drive to revive handmade crafts and uplift the
local artisans. This urge sparked the idea of a
startup that would support the cause that they
both believed in. With a natural flair for
aesthetics, and a passion to bring joy to
children, both Richa and Ayushi started Zizi
gifts. A company that had the most appealing
child-safe wooden toys in the market. Looking at
the beauty, quality and durability of these toys,
customers began requesting for Montessori
inspired products.
CONTACT US Head office - Plot No.459-460 ,
Manesar, Gurgaon
Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/
3Email info_at_houseofzizi.com
Montessori Sensory Table
sensory plays have shown proven results in a
childs overall developmental journey. With this
in mind, a Montessori Sensory Table offers an
appealing platform for your child to explore and
discover via sensory encounters. Every aspect of
the table has been carefully selected to promote
sensory engagement, allowing youngsters to play
with various materials and textures. Choose a
Sensory Table from House of Zizi made of
high-quality wood to give your littleone a
compelling and stimulating sensory experience.
Order today to embark on a sensory adventure of
exploration, creativity, and limitless learning
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Montessori Sensory Table
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Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/collections/ta
6Email info_at_houseofzizi.com
CONTACT US Head office - Plot No.459-460 ,
Manesar, Gurgaon
Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/collections/ta
7Email info_at_houseofzizi.com
CONTACT US Head office - Plot No.459-460 ,
Manesar, Gurgaon
Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/
8Email info_at_houseofzizi.com
Thank You
Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/
CONTACT US Head office - Plot No.459-460 ,
Manesar, Gurgaon
Visit site https//houseofzizi.com/