Title: Biophysics Division
1Biophysics Division
Cellular/Molecular Imaging for Bonghan System
2006. 9. 27. Kwang-Sup Soh Biomedical Physics
Lab. for Korean Medicine School of Physics, Seoul
National University
- I. Introduction on Bonghan System
- II. Co-operative Research Progress
- Electron Microscope
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Nanoparticles
3I. Bonghan System
4Bonghan System
Intravascular BH duct
- skin superficial BH ducts
- network surface of organs OSBHD
- inside vessels
5Physiological Significance
- New Circulation System
- Hyaluronic acid, Amino acid, Mono nucleotide,
- Hormone Adrenalin/noradrenalin
- Bonghan Granules (?0.82.4µm) containing DNA
- Adult stem cells cell therapy
- Natural micro-cell gene therapy
6II. Research Progress
7Future Prospects
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Electron Microscopes
- Nanobiotechnology
- Optical Tweezer
2005 Sept, CKC Symposium
8Electron Microscopes
Microscopy Research Technology, 2006 Electron
Microscopic Study of Novel Threadlike Structures
on the Surfaces of Mammalian Organs Byung-Cheon
Lee,1 Jung Sun Yoo,1 Vyacheslav Ogay,1 Ki Woo
Kim, 2 Harald Dobberstein, 3 Kwang-Sup Soh, 1,
and Byung-Soo Chang 4, 1Biomedical Physics
Laboratory, FPRD, School of Physics and
Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul,
Korea2National Instrumentation Center for
Environmental Management, College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences, Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea3Department of Physics, Cavendish
Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
CB3 0HE, UK4Department of Cosmetology, Hanseo
University, Seosan, Korea
9Electron Microscopes
Fig.1. Stereomicroscopic Images of novel
threadlike structures
10Electron Microscopes
11Electron Microscopes
12Electron Microscopes
FIB/SEM (Cavendish)
13Atomic Force Microscope
Microcell-like granules in the Bonghan corpuscle
on the surfaces of mammalian internal organs  1Ku
Youn Baik, 1Vyacheslav Ogay, 2Harald Dobberstein,
and 1Kwang-Sup Soh  1Biomedical Physics
Laboratory, Department of Physics, Seoul National
University, Seoul, 151-747, Korea 2Cavendish
Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
- 2006.7.2-7 Molecular Cell Biology GRC, NH, USA
- Investigation of morphology and physical
properties of Bonghan microcell using AFM and TEM
 1Ku Youn Baik, 1Joonhyung Kwon, 1Byung Cheon
Lee, 2Harald Dobberstein, and 1Kwang-Sup SohÂ
1Biomedical Physics Laboratory, Department of
Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul,
151-747, Korea 2Cavendish Laboratory, University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK
- 2006.8.27 WC2006 Conference, Seoul, Korea
14Atomic Force Microscope
Theory of Bonghan Microcell
(1) All the morphological components of
organism are ceaselessly reproduced. (2) The
self-reproduction of organism takes the form of
Bonghan microcell-cell cycles. (3) The
self-reproduction of organism is performed by the
acupuncture-meridian system.
- Bonghan microcell cycle (Bonghan Kim, 1965)
15AFM image of Bonghan microcell
- A Topography, B Error, C Magnified of B, D line
profile - 1.4 um x 1um x 350nm sized oval Bonghan
microcell. It shows clearly unique surface
structure of layers and portions (B C) whose
size is from 0.2um to 0.6 um in diameter. The
line profile analysis shows that the common
patterns on the surface are steps of about 20nm
height. This pattern is thought to be revealing
the stereotype of its membrane structure.
Flowing Channel of Nanoparticles