Biophysics vs' Biological Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biophysics vs' Biological Physics


Biophysics vs' Biological Physics – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biophysics vs' Biological Physics

Biophysics vs. Biological Physics
  • Tradition biophysics importation of
    techniques from physical sciences to study of
    biological problems frequently a one way flow
    of both ideas and people.
  • Example first physicist in UC Davis Biophysics
    Grad Group in at least the last 10-15 years (in
    existence since 1961) me!

Biological Physics
  • Ask not what physics can do for biology, but
    what biology can do for physics Hans
  • Study biological problems as interesting problems
    of the physical world.
  • Practical two way flow of ideas

  • Just because you can throw a dog off of a roof
    to measure g does NOT mean you are doing
    biological physics L. Pelliti
  • Just as physicists can study materials with
    physics ideas and methods, physicists can study
    biological systems with physics ideas and methods

In some ways, not new!
  • 1940s Erwin Schroedinger wrote What is Life? In
    which he looked at the major problems of biology
    from the perspective of a physicist. Among other
    things-he predicted that DNA would turn out to be
    an aperiodic crystal as it did-
  • The non-physicist cannot be expected to grasp -
    let alone to appreciate the
  • relevance of - the difference in statistical
    structure' stated in terms so abstract
  • I have just used. To give the statement life and
    colour, let me anticipate what will
  • explained in much more detail later, namely, that
    the most essential part of a living
  • cell - the chromosome fibre - may suitably be
    called an aperiodic crystal. In physics
  • we have dealt hitherto only with periodic
    crystals. To a humble physicist's mind,
  • these are very interesting and complicated
    objects they constitute one of the most
  • fascinating and complex material structures by
    which inanimate nature puzzles his wits.
  • Yet, compared with the aperiodic crystal, they
    are rather plain and dull. The difference
  • in structure is of the same kind as that between
    an ordinary wallpaper in which the
  • same pattern is repeated again and again in
    regular periodicity and a masterpiece of
  • embroidery, say a Raphael tapestry, which shows
    no dull repetition, but an elaborate,
  • coherent, meaningful design by the great
  • Lots of physicists were inspired at this time to
    dive into biological problems (Perutz, Crick,
    Delbruck, Monod)

Why an increased emphasis now?
  • Biology is beginning to leave the realm of the
    qualitative and enter the realm of the
    quantitative lots and lots of data to analyze
    on the genome, on gene regulation.
  • Physical science methods are providing
    fascinating new windows on biology single
    molecule studies, nanoscale microscopies..
  • There is a general desire to understand
    organizing principles which physicists are pretty
    good at (why do biological proteins fold to
    compact shapes?)
  • There are lots of new discoveries ALL THE TIME
    (micro rnas and their role in regulation, origins
    of life, non-Mendelian kinetics.)

A more modern example-protein folding
  • Most biological useful proteins are folded into
    compact shapes, on time scales from microseconds
    to seconds.
  • Proteins are random heteropolymers of amino acids
    most heteropolymers DO NOT fold into compact
  • Levinthals paradox (from wikipedia)In 1969
    Cyrus Levinthal noted that, because of the very
    large number of degrees of freedom in an unfolded
    polypeptide chain, the molecule has an
    astronomical number of possible conformations.
    (The estimate 10300 appears in the original
    article). If the protein is to attain its
    corrected folded configuration by sequentially
    sampling all the possible conformations, it would
    require a time longer than the age of universe to
    arrive at its correct native conformation. This
    is true even if conformations are sampled at
    rapid (nanosecond or picosecond) rates.
  • Easy estimate from my class 1048 Universe
  • Evidently, through evolution, useful proteins
    have been designed to foldwhat are the
    organizing principles?

Protein Folding
Tertiary structures with ribbon reps. of a-helix
(red) and b-sheet (green) secondary structures
  • Proteins are polymers of the 20 biological amino
    acids whose sequence is encoded in the genome
  • After synthesis into the primary sequence they
    commence folding first to have secondary
    structure (commonly a-helices and b-sheets) held
    together by hydrogen bonds between nitrogens and
    oxygens in the backbone
  • Biologically useful proteins typically fold
    further into compact structures

Folding Funnel
  • Proteins are generically glassy- there are
    lots of competing interactions which are
  • Minimal frustration leads to a funneled
    landscapethis picture is quantitative and has
    emerged from many model studies

Onuchic and Wolynes
Use of concept outside of proteins?Example 1
  • Zeolites flat energy landscapeuseful for
    catalysis, environmental cleanuphow to
    funnel the landscape?
  • Framework Chemical Composition -
  • m Compensating Cations Na, K, etc.
  • Composed of SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra connected
    through bridge O atoms
  • cavities and pores of molecular dimension
  • centers of catalysis

Example 2 M-theory?
  • There is not an obvious unique solution to the
    M-theory (string theory) vacuum
  • From Understanding the Landscape by Michael
    R. Douglas
  • In my opinion, the most serious obstacle to
    testing the theory is the problem
  • of vacuum multiplicity. This has become acute
    with the recent study of
  • the string/M theory landscape. We have a good
    reason to think the theory
  • has more than 10122 vacua, the Weinberg-Banks-Abbo
  • Bousso-Polchinski et al solution to the
    cosmological constant problem. Present
  • computations give estimates more like 10500
    vacua. We do not even know
  • the number of candidate vacua is finite. Even
    granting that it is, the problem
  • of searching through all of them is daunting.
    Perhaps a priori selection
  • principles or measure factors will help, but
    there is little agreement on what
  • these might be. We should furthermore admit that
    the explicit constructions
  • of vacua and other arguments supporting this
    picture, while improving, are
  • not yet incontrovertible.
  • Is the anthropic principle a start at a
    funneled landscape principle here?

If the folded state is not the generic protein
state, what is?
  • Answer an aggregated state?

What we are talking about is novel SELF ASSEMBLED
materials..the BAD
Plaques this is your mind on amyloid
Model cross section
Ab42 Fibrils (H. Lashuel) Diameter 10
nm Fibrils have been used to template
Kuru (prion)
Fatality is correlated with plaques. Plaques are
bundles of fibrils (Pictures Feaney lab,
Fibrils Protein Nanotubes/nanofibers!
(Model H. Saibil see also Perutz)
Amyloid diseases 20 known Not
knownmechanism for cell death, toxicity BUT, in
at least two cases, precision biology
  • Most proteins involved
  • are of unknown function
  • Incidence rates for
  • Huntingtons and Prion
  • diseases are quite
  • reproducible,
  • Alone among these
  • diseases, prion diseases
  • can be infectious.

Amyloids can be GOOD for some organisms!
  • Curli amyloids present in bacteria (E. Coli image
    from Chapman lab, U. Mich.) - can participate in
    stationary phase survival mechanism (Bad-may play
    a role in infection)
  • Spider silk manufacture has been argued to be pH
    switched alpha -gt beta amyloid self assembly
  • Amyloids appear to be part of some insect eggs
    (silk fibroin)
  • Controlled reversible amyloid scaffolds useful in
    tissue engineering (e.g., J. Schneider, U.

So what about amyloidogenic proteins?
Prion protein PrP
  • Most have large stretches of random structure or
    are completely random!
  • May represent the generic tendency of proteins -
    C. Dobson (vs.well folded monomers selected by
  • Stabilization of structure apparently comes with
  • Whether in fibril or oligomer form, there is
    cross-beta structure

Fibril axis ? ? b-sheets
PolyQ-Huntingtons and other diseases
Zoghbi Orr, Ann Rev Neurosci 2000
Model with elongation of equilib. nucleus
Extrapolate slow PolyQ lag kinetics to
physiological con- centrations (Chen, Ferrone,
Wetzel, PNAS 2002)
Theory as a probe of possible sub-observable
structure I
  • All atom MD used to probe stability of left
    handed b-helix for PolyQ (folding to helix not
    possible!) (CHARMM)
  • Two layered b-helix not stable within several ns
    of simulation time
  • Three layered b-helix is stable out to 10 ns

Number of Qs
  • PolyQ diseases have critical insert number of 36
  • Aggregation studies of PolyQ suggest critical
    nucleus of 1 (!) monomer (Chen, Ferrone, Wetzel,
    PNAS 2002)
  • This is the minimal stable left handed beta
    helical turn (18 residues per turn)
  • Is the minimal stable PolyQ a left handed
    b-helix? (But Hear Rappu)

Scherzinger et al, PNAS 1999
(Wanker lab)
Stork et al, Biophysical Journal 2005
The Beautiful? Organizing principles for amyloid
Organizing Principle 1 Extend minimal
frustration in well ordered proteins by domain
  • Link native contacts on one monomer to
    corresponding native contacts on another
    (champion-D. Eisenberg)
  • Example - human cystatin at left (Janowski et
    al., Nat Struct Bio 2001)
  • Theory extends minimal frustration concept to
    aggregates - Yang, Cho, Levy, Cheung, Levine,
    Onuchic, Wolynes, PNAS 2004

Organizing Principle 2 Steric Zippers (D.
Eisenberg group, Nature 2007)
  • Synthesized lots of fragments from amyloid-
    ogenic proteins
  • Fibrils from combination of beta sheet stacking
    plus steric zipper (interlocking of well packed
    side chains)

Organizing principle 3 Amyloid stucture from
monomeric motifs
PrPSc model
1T3D stacked in silico
  • Appears in multiple bacterial enzymes and insect
    antifreeze proteins (11 on PDB)
  • Who ordered that? Unlike a-helix which
    Pauling predicted prior to discovery
  • and has local hydrogen bonding (residue j bonds
    to residue j3 or j4) b-helix is
  • very nonlocal (residue j bonds to j18)
  • b-helix structures easily bond into aggregate
    (edge-to-edge bonding of monomers)

Organizing principle 4 Amyloids are
intrinsically slow to form!
More precision biology? prion incubation (Slepoy
et al., Phys Rev Lett, 2001 Mobley et al.,
Biophys. J. 2003)
Seed Aggregate Fission
Soft Oligomer/Micelle
Model prions in action
Seed introduced slow initial conversion and
Wait a while conversion and aggregation
More precision biology? prion incubation (Slepoy
et al., Phys Rev Lett, 2001 Mobley et al.,
Biophys. J. 2003)
Seed Aggregate Fission
Fission adds (short) doubling and translates-gt
(BSE best fit)
Distribution of aggregation times
Time to aggregate to critical size N over peak
From organizing principle to disease - one
possibility - oligomers
  • Fibrils are not perfectly correlated with disease
    (many have plaques with no AD, some prion
    diseases have no plaques).
  • Fibrils may be protective (collecting aggregate
    away from cells)
  • Some oligomers can form pores which permeate
    membrane and let in excess calcium.

Arctic (E22G)
Consider a spherical mad cow specialize to prions
  • Prions alone among all diseases as possibly
    spontaneous (thermodynamically unlucky),
    inherited (fatal familial insomnia), or
    infectious (mad cow, kuru)
  • Hypothesized as protein only (Prusiner after
    Griffith, 1967) (UV, proteinase, temperature
  • Knockout of PrP gene from mice with subsequent
    innoculation of infectious material to brain -gt
    no disease
  • Proven from test-tube - can get infection with
    polyanions and PrP (Supattupone group this year
  • Strains-unique phenotypes from same
    sequence-different incubation times, lesion
    distributions - hypothesized to be encoded in
  • Unlike other amyloid proteins, exponential growth
    of aggregates in vivo
  • Minimal infectious unit 3-6 monomers (Silveira,
    Caughey, Nature 2005)

Yeast/Fungal prions proof of strain in
  • Serves useful function-non-mendelian heredity
    passed in division (pink, present, red, absent)
  • Exponential growth shown in vivo and in vitro
    (Weissman lab)
  • Strain IS in conformation (Weissmann lab, UCSF,
    Nat SB, 2002)

Structure of normal PrPC (Wuethrich et al, PNAS
97, 8334 (2000) 97, 8340 2000)
Proposed structure of PrPSc in one case (Wille
et al, PNAS 99, 3993 (2002) Govaerts et al,
PNAS 101, 83422004) (12 angstrom resolution)
  • 90-95 homology in mammals
  • Observed in all vertebrates
  • Binds copper in divalent form
  • sites in humans, mice, six in
  • cattle

Trimer of left-handed beta helices proposed (see
V. Daggett For alternative model )
Proposed b-helical trimer model for minimal
infectious prion particle (UCSF, Govaerts et al.
PNAS 2004)
Raw EM image of infectious prion aggregatenote
Signal averaged density (difference) mapnote
3 Fold symmetry
Proposed prion trimer has same size as known
bacterial trimer (1THJ)
  • What holds the UCSF model together? Known
    bacterial trimers are held together by
    intermonomer Zn bonding (1THJ) or massive
    hydrogen bond networks (1T3D)

Combining organizing principles Domain Swapped
Prion Trimer (DSTP) Model (S. Yang, H. Levine,
J.Onuchic, D.L. Cox, FASEB J, 2005)
UCSF Model DSTP Model
Is Strain encoded in monomer number?
  • Mutations
  • Hinge prolines implicated in genetic prion
    disease GSS (P102L,P105L in Humans, P101L,P104L
    Mice) and CJD (P105T Humans, P104T Mice)
  • These are relatively hydrophobic compared to P
    hydrophobic interaction possible for DSTP not for
  • Carried out All atom MD on Domain Swapped Prion
    Trimer (DSTP) for 1 ns (AMBER8)
  • Found increased hydrogen bonding in core relative
    to original beta helical trimer model

The plot thickens test tube grown fibrils
(Saibil et al, JMB 06)
For this model, M129 Contacts D178!!!
C terminal stability good (AMBER)
Templating - possible connection to kinetics
  • Roughly, extra H bond to link M129 to H177, N178
    in FFI
  • Hard to link R177 for dogs to this
  • For mice the suspicion is that the S143N change
    relative to humans leads to a different preferred

For this model, M129 Contacts D178!!!
Slight modulation of C-term thread to accommodate
sugars-hard to get all acidic bases OUT
Di gly Ns out
Di gly
Mono gly
Un gly
pH dependent switching of C-terminal beta helix?
  • Left Sheep prion
  • Heat capacity at pH
  • 4.5-5
  • Right Sheep prion
  • Heat capacity at pH
  • 3-4 - new intermediate
  • (from Rezaei et al, JMB
  • 2002)
  • PrP output and intake
  • Is in low pH vesicles (not
  • 3-4 though)
  • With kinetic model of
  • pH dependent switching
  • Can easily get exponential
  • Growth from oligomeric
  • Autocatalysis

Plenty of open questions, besides disease
  • Prions in memory? (Si, Lindquist, Kandel, Cell
    2003) pH dependent switching gives at least
    possibility for some reversibility (aplysia CPEB
    acts like prion when expressed in yeast-plays a
    role in aplysia neuronal connection)
  • Nonmendelian heredity in prion conformation is
    inefficient way to confer novel phenotype
  • Protein genome in extreme environments?

Prions in Cancer?
  • P53 protein - regulates cell cycle restart and
    programmed cell death (apoptosis)
  • Mutations in p53 associated with 50 of cancers
    including breast, prostate, lung
  • Two regions of the protein are susceptible to
    amyloid aggregation!
  • Is it possible that the p53 acts like a prion
    (more like in yeast)?
  • Can the prion kinetics correspond to initial
    tumor formation kinetics? Question to study with
    Diana Qiu this summer.

Amyloids in AIDS?
  • Protein in semen can fragment in vivo and form
  • Amyloid binds the HIV virus
  • In lab animals, infectivity of amyloid HIV
    enhanced over HIV alone by 10-100!
  • Possible explanation of enhanced transmission
    from male to female relative to female to male
  • What is the structure of the amyloid and nature
    of the binding to HIV? Jonathan Lawton, UCD
    undergrad taking a look.

Consider a Spherical Mad Cow Physical modeling
of amyloid diseases
  • D.L. Cox, Physics, UC Davis
  • R.R.P. Singh, Physics, UC Davis
  • K.Kunes, S. Dai, J. Romnes, N.R. Hayre, C.
    Trevisan, Physics, UC Davis
  • A. Slepoy, Sandia Labs
  • R. Kulkarni, Physics, Virginia Polytechnic
  • D. Mobley, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF
  • F. Pazmandi, Sidney Austin LLP (Patent Law,
    Intellectual Property)
  • S. Yang, U. Chicago Med School
  • S. Clark, Oregon State
  • E. Olson, Central College Iowa
  • H. Levine, J. Onuchic, Center for Theoretial
    Biological Physics, UCSD
  • Support NIH (Seed award from regional
    Alzheimers center), NSF (NEAT IGERT, CTBP,
    ICAM), US Army CDMRC

Physical modeling of Prion Diseases
or Consider a Spherical Mad Cow!
  • D.L. Cox, Department of Physics, UC Davis
  • and Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, UC
    San Diego
  • R.V. Kulkarni, Physics, Virginia Polytechnic
    University, D. Mobley, Pharmacology, UC San
    Francisco,J. Pan, Physics, UC Davis, K. Kunes, UC
    Davis, Cynthia Trevisan, UC Davis, Robert Hayre,
    UC Davis, Ryan Wintergate, UC Davis, Sunny Dai,
    UC Davis, Jamie Romnes UC Davis,
  • R.R.P. Singh, Physics, UC Davis, A. Slepoy,
    Sandia National Labs
  • Scott Clark, Oregon State University (REU Student
    2006), E. Olson, Central College Iowa, REU
    Student 2007
  • S. Yang, H. Levine, J. Onuchic, CTBP UC San Diego
  • Support U.S. Department of Energy
    (Metalloproteins), N.S.F. (IGERT on Nanoparticles
    in the Environment, Agriculture, and Technology,
    CTBP), U.S. Army Congressionally Mandated Medical
    Research Fund, NIH Regional Alzheimers Research
    Institute at UC Davis Medical Center, Guggenheim
    Memorial Foundation

  • Overview Protein folding, misfolding, and
  • Universality in prions and amyloid diseases
    overview of what is known
  • Simple stat mech models and incubation times of
    prion diseases
  • Electronic structure calculations on binding
    energies of metal ions and local structure
  • New proposed structure for minimal infectious
    unit of prion disease

Misfolding of Proteins Amyloid Plaques and
Model cross section
Ab42 Fibrils (H. Lashuel) Diameter 10
nm Fibrils have been used to template
Kuru (prion)
Fibrils Protein Nanotubes! (Model H.
Saibil see also Perutz)
Plaques are bundles of fibrils (Pictures
Feaney lab, Harvard)
Fibrils vs. oligomers in toxicity
Prion areal oligomer aggregates and fibrils H.
Wille et al, PNAS 99, 3993 2002
Ab42 fibrils via carbon nanotube AFM Leiber
group, Harvard
  • Fibrils Common and more easily studied post
    mortem feature (compose plaques)not unique nor
    always seen
  • Oligomers Hard to see, not known if on pathway
    to fibrils or off, but emerging as probable
    source of toxicity (more on Ab later) --Protein

Amyloid diseases misfolding of proteins
So what about amyloid proteins?
  • Most have large stretches of random structure or
    are completely random!
  • Stabilization of structure apparently comes with
  • Whether in fibril or oligomer form, there is
    cross-beta structure

Fibril axis ? ? b-sheets
What is special about prions?
  • Prion Proteinaceous infectious particle
    (Prusiner 1980s).
  • Along among amyloid diseases infectious as well
    as sporadic, inherited possibilities (PrPSc)
  • Numerous experiments (radiation damage,
    insensitivity.) -gt NO nucleic acids (not a virus
    or bacteria)
  • Bolstered by test-tube synthesis of infectious
    protein only prions last year (Baskakov, Prusiner
    et al, Science 2004)
  • Prusiner isolated the PrPc protein as key to the
    diseasemice with the gene for PrPc knocked out
    dont get sick on innoculation with infectious
    prion material (PrPSc and PrPC are identical
    after full denaturation-same primary sequence!)
  • Examples Scrapies (sheep), Kuru (humans),
    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) (humans), Mad
    Cow, Chronic Wasting Disease (deer and elk)

Structure of normal PrPC (Wuethrich et al, PNAS
97, 8334 (2000) 97, 8340 2000)
Proposed structure of PrPSc in one case (Wille
et al, PNAS 99, 3993 (2002) Govaerts et al,
PNAS 101, 83422004)
  • 90-95 homology in mammals
  • Observed in all vertebrates
  • Binds copper in divalent form
  • sites in humans, mice, six in
  • cattle

Trimer of left-handed beta helices gives best
NB Left handed b-helicesa motif crying for a
PrPSc model
1T3D stacked in silico
  • Unlike a-helix which Pauling predicted prior to
    discovery and has local hydrogen
  • bonding (residue j bonds to residue j3 or j4)
    b-helix is very nonlocal (residue
  • j bonds to j18)
  • b-helix structures easily bond into aggregate
    (edge-to-edge bonding of monomers)

What did a few physicists find special about the
prion diseases?
  • Alone amongst amyloid diseases, prions can be
    spontaneous, heriditary AND infectious
  • Prion diseases represent precision biology
    rates of incidence and dose incubation
    distributions are highly reproducible. (1 in
    106 in developed countries get sporadic CJD
    worldwide). Suggests a purely physico-chemical
    model might capture important features of the
  • Simple models can test important questions about
    the disease from this perspective that protein
    conformation (and potentially aggregate
    structure) dictate disease dynamics and properties

Some essential issues to explore in modeling
  • Autocatalysis vs. Autocatalytic Aggregation
    (cooperative conversion) Strong arguments (Eigen)
    and data legislate against autocatalysis at the
    monomer level conversion upon aggregation is
    more sensible (and supported by our work).
  • What aggregate structures and sizes best
    correspond to experiment?
  • Fission is critical to explain exponential
    runaway (Masel, 2000). Do aggregate shapes and
    sizes influence this?
  • Can infectious and sporadic time scales be
    reconciled in the models?

Dependence upon coordination environment
12 years --------------?1000 years(!) (Kuru?)

qc 3 Seeded
qc1 Seeded Sporadic
qc2 Seeded Sporadic
What is the mechanism for exponential growth?
  • Membrane must play a role!

Role of membrane in toxicity and exponential
growth (fission?)
  • Cheseboro et al, Science, 2005 Engineer
    transgenic (Tg) mice with GPI anchor deleted.
  • Evidence is that expressed PrPC transport to
    synapse region but are sent off between cells.
  • Innoculate mice with a particular lethal dose of
    PrPSc for which wild type (WT) mice get symptoms
    at 150 days.
  • Tg mice dont die or get symptoms out to 600
    days, but accumulate infectious prion material in
    between cells! (Later they die from heart failure
    from large aggregates)

Exponential growth also requires the membrane!
(Cox, Singh, Yang)
  • Short time elongation kinetics without fission or
    autocatalysis gives t2agrees remarkably well
    with Cheseboro et al!
  • We estimate PrPCTg 28 X PrPCWT (testable!)

What are the surface structures? Proposed
b-helical trimer model for minimal infectious
prion particle (UCSF)
Raw EM image of infectious prion aggregatenote
Signal averaged density (difference) mapnote
3 Fold symmetry
Proposed prion trimer has same size as known
bacterial trimer (1THJ)
  • What holds the UCSF model together? Known
    bacterial trimers are held together
  • by intermonomer Zn bonding (1THJ) or massive
    hydrogen bond networks (1T3D)
  • Is there a problem with the loop? Prolines in
    there ought to be straight so there
  • is a likely elastic penalty

Theory as a probe of possible sub-observable
structure II Domain Swapped Prion Trimer (DSTP)
Model (S. Yang, H. Levine, J.Onuchic, D.L. Cox,
FASEB J, Nov. 2005)
UCSF Model DSTP Model
Is Strain encoded in monomer number?
  • Mutations
  • Hinge prolines implicated in genetic prion
    disease GSS (P102L,P105L in Humans, P101L,P104L
    Mice) and CJD (P105T Humans, P104T Mice)
  • These are relatively hydrophobic compared to P
    hydrophobic interaction possible for DSTP not for
  • All the mutations also make the loop more
    flexible - can this speed the kinetics?
  • Carried out All atom MD on Domain Swapped Prion
    Trimer (DSTP) for 1 ns (AMBER8)
  • Found increased hydrogen bonding in core relative
    to original beta helical trimer model

The plot thickens test tube grown fibrils
(Saibil et al, JMB 06)
What are the fibrils made of?
  • Form beta helices from N
  • side of prion and C-side of
  • prion (peptide always runs
  • from N --gt C )
  • Excellent stability from C
  • side -- constraint of disulfide
  • bond for cysteines on corner
  • Improved N terminal model
  • Good comparisons with beta
  • helices from protein data
  • bank in AMBER runs
  • Scott Clark, REU last year
  • suggested N2 idea, developed
  • program in Java to examine
  • hydrophobicity/hydrofelicity,
  • hydrogen bonding, and volume
  • packing of model structures--
  • co-author on paper being
  • submitted to J Molec Biol this

How to build the fibrils?
With modest assumptions, only eight ways to build
tetramers -- of these, only IV, III, IV can
fit data
Is there more? Does the structure give insight to
the in vivo biology?
  • M (methionine) at amino acid 129 is linked to
    disease in humans (where Valine is also possible)
    dominates Kuru cases and human mad cow (vCJD)
  • Assume that the remarkably stable C beta helix is
    metastable in vivo--can assist in templating
    the conversion to prion form
  • In this fibril model, M129 is at corner of N beta
    helix, and can couple to H177 (histidine) of C
    term beta helix via hydrogen bond
  • Fatal Familial insomnia, inherited disease works
    ONLY with M129 and mutation from Aspartic Acid
    (D) to Asparagine (N) at 178 -- in this model,
    extra hydrogen bond --gt potentially faster
    conversion (1000-10000) !
  • Dogs Despite the fact that cats, many other
    animals did get mad cow dogs did not -- they
    have what amounts to very long arginine (R ) at
    177 and D at 178 -- very hard to form h-bond
    (1000 times slower)

Protein X ?
  • If the C-term beta helix is switchable it might
    work like protein X -- the key residues are on
    the top and bottom of the beta helix and render
    it (arguably) stickier for mouse over human
  • Possible switch threads with constraint of no
    basic residues pointing (at least on interior
    loops) leads generally to one E pointing in --
    hence could be pH switch between alpha and beta

Goal for Evan Olson REU this summer
  • Develop stochastic simulation for prion
    conversion model (normal to infectious) involving
    this notion of the switchable C-terminal beta
    helix as ProteinX to template the infectious

  • Simple areal aggregation model with little
    biology accounts for much within the protein only
  • Fluctuation dominated incubation time
  • Difference between infectious and sporadic time
  • Shape (including curvature) of dose-incubation
  • 1D aggregation less likely (hard to get small
    fission time) but seems to occur between cells.
  • Membrane mediates expected exponential growth.
  • Domain swapping of the b-helices in the proposed
    prion trimer may stabilize the structure Also
    suggests a model for strains of prions
  • Can construct plausible fibril models from
    N-terminal AND C-terminal beta helices
  • (1) In turn, these models suggest a connection
    to disease in vivo (templating by the C-terminal
    beta helix)

  • Are prions involved in the molecular basis for
    synaptic plasticity/memory?
  • (intriguing suggestions from knockout mice,
    prion like proteins in slugs)
  • How on earth does PrP involved in .5 of Cu
    binding shut down neuronal Cu metabolism upon

Simple model step distribution for single seed
  • Lag First Arrival to fission size Assume Di
    initial seedstlag is estimated as solution to
  • F(Di,tlag) 1 (1 F(1,tlag))Di ½
  • which for the step dist. is approximately
  • tlag t0 T/2Di
  • decreasing with size of initial dose
  • Doublings set by time to reach clinical number
  • n2 log2Df log21intDi/(T/t2)
  • Net- tinc tlag n2t2 tends to log for
    large dose,
  • deviates towards long times for small dose

Experimental results for oligomers in Alzheimers
  • How can oligomers damage cells?
  • Several possible mechanisms
  • One possible mechanism
  • Membrane insertion
  • Formation of oligomeric channels after inserting
  • Cell degeneration due to excess Ca2
  • Appears to work in vitro

AFM image of A?42 channels in artificial planar
lipid bilayer Lin et al., FASEB 152433
Channel structure
  • Earlier modeling predicted channels
  • A variety possible
  • Double-hexamer ?-barrel pores look similar to
  • Here
  • Two helices 15-24, 28-40
  • Interlinking from upper and lower leaflets

Image credit Durell et al., Biophys. J.
672137-2145, 1994
Questions on experiment
  • If this is the mechanism, why doesnt everyone
    get AD?
  • Perhaps normally A? doesnt insert easily
    something has to change insertion behavior to
    allow channel formation and cause AD
  • FAD mutants cause AD. Do they change insertion
  • Only about 7 of AD cases linked to mutations
  • But provide tool for assessing toxicity

Background of this model
  • Models peptide insertion into lipid bilayers
  • Based on a variety of earlier models
  • Coarse-grained/mean-field
  • Residues are spheres
  • Each has polarity, hydrophobicity, and reduction
    in hydrophobicity due to helical folding
  • 3.0 Ã… diameter
  • Residues linked by 3.8 Ã… rigid bonds
  • Lipids replaced by potentials
  • Monte Carlo, not MD

Tail region Head Water
Maddox and Longo, Biophys. J. 82244
  • Question FAD mutations cause AD do they change
    insertion behavior?
  • Answer Not insertion ease, but possibly inserted
  • Three basic inserted conformations

Hypothesis continued
  • Would explain why normally, A?40 less toxic than
  • Testing hypothesis
  • Mutations increasing prevalence of conformation
    (c) will be more toxic
  • Tested on E22Q,D23N double mutant which (Van
    Nostrand et al.) is more toxic than either alone
  • We agree, but within ? of D23N
  • Test on E22D A?40 (Melchor et al) which is not
    toxic (HCSM cells) and E22A, which is
  • We would predict both would decrease it E22A more

  • Quantitative modeling of strains as encoded by
    aggregate conformation data on yeast prions is
    best right now
  • What holds the trimer together, and does domain
    swapping play a role? (S. Yang, H. Levine, J.
  • Are prions involved in the molecular basis for
    synaptic plasticity/memory?
  • How on earth does PrP involved in 1 of Cu
    binding shut down all neuronal Cu metabolism upon
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