Title: Agilix GoBinder
1AgilixGoBinder SDK
Building pen-perfect Tablet PC Applications July
21, 2005 Tablet PC Workshop 2005
- Who is Agilix?
- What problem do we want to solve?
- How can the GoBinder SDK assist?
3Agilix Experience
Same core team for 20 years at 3 successful
4The Opportunity
Wireless Networks
38B 129 CAGR 01-06
18B 62 CAGR 01-06
Services- Oriented Architectures
Agilix Area of Focus
25B 53 CAGR 01-06
Source IDC 2002
5Dynabook / Orange Prototype
6Jeff Raikes at TechX June 02
- What I want to do is to show some great work
from FranklinCovey, - of course the leader in thinking about
paper-based organizers - and how people can get the most out of their
time. - Theyre extending that leadership with a company
called Agilix - to provide a new digital organizing system that
represents - the best of the FranklinCovey work!
- Jeff Raikes, Group Vice President,
- Productivity and Business Services
7The Ultimate FranklinCovey Planning Solution
8Agilix Mobilizes Students
I cannot say enough about the potential of this
product. Not only does it exploit (in the most
positive way) the increase in the
organizational world of the studentit moves well
into the world of content delivery and multi
level response It is very exciting to see the
puzzle pieces falling into place. (Ken Collura,
Director of IT, Bishop Hartley High School)
9Students Love GoBinder!
10Blackboard/Agilix Announce Mobilized
LearningApril 12, 2005
"With the Blackboard-Agilix platform, NTU has
true anywhere, anytime, any pace learning."
Tan Tiong Hok, Associate Professor Director
Centre for Educational Development
At NTU, we believe that mobilized software
solutions are central to the success of our key
teaching and learning initiatives. We expect to
significantly improve the student learning
environment and improve our competitiveness with
other institutions. We believe our 15,000 user
deployment will validate the effectiveness of our
strategy and approach and could lead to even
broader deployments in the future.
12Experienced Tablet PC Dev Team
- FranklinCovey Products
- TabletPlanner 1.0
- TabletPlanner 2.0, 2.01, 2.02, 2.1, 2.11
- TabletPlanner 3.0, 3.01, 3.02, 3.1
- PlanPlus for Windows 4.0
- PlanPlus for Windows 5.0 (in dev)
- PlanPlus for Outlook 2.0, 2.01, 2.02
- PlanPlus for Outlook 3.0
- PlanPlus for Outlook 4.0 (in dev)
- WorkCompass
- Agilix Products
- GoBinder 1.0
- GoBinder 2005
- GoBinder 2006 (in dev)
- InfiNotes
- InfiNotes 2006 (in dev)
- GoBinder SDK (in dev)
- Blackboard Backpack 1.0
- Blackboard Backpack 2.0 (in dev)
13Comdex 2003 Keynote Demo
- Nationwide Insurance App
- Tablet PC Functionality
- Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office
Integration - Localized into 8 Tablet PC languages as Worldwide
Insurance Demo - Built in less than two weeks
14Four Generations of Mobile Learning Solutions
- 1st Gen Stand-alone client applications
- 2nd Gen Client-server applications
- 3rd Gen Browser-based web server applications
- 4th Gen Mobilized Smart-Client solutions
15Problem Statement
- The vast majority of web applications developed
over the past five years were not designed for
mobile use - Weak user interface, poor productivity
- Require 100 connectivity
- Lose data when disconnected
- 33 of 200 surveyed medium-to-large companies
moving back to rich client (Jupiter 2004)
16Solution Mobilized Applications
- Rich UI/smart clients that work well in online
offline modes - Strong user interactionnote taking, document
annotation, local data manipulation - Network connection is used, but not required
- Application monitors for a network connection,
background data synchronization when reconnected
17Agilix Mission
We empower mobile learners
- Optimized for Tablet PC
- Collects, annotates, organizes, searches, and
shares rich content - Mobilizes Course Management Systems, Databases,
Web Sites, etc. - Enables new learning scenarios
19Robust Data Mobilizing
- Client-based sync engine
- Synchronize with multiple servers
- Monitors connection state
- Background, continuous operation
- Graceful recovery from dropped connections
- Works with existing servers with no requirement
for server-side components - Subscribes to change notifications for immediate
updates - Supports industry standard protocols
- Web Services/SOAP, WebDAV, HTML, SSL/TLC
20The Empowered Mobile Learner
Content-rich Website
Electronic Content Databases
SOA-Enabled Enterprise Applications
RSS Feeds
21Mobile Learning Objectives
- Enable students to
- Be organized
- Easily take and organize notes
- Have access to course content when offline
- Collaborate in real-time when on-line
- or peer to peer
- Capture, share and annotate documents
- Easily search all their learning information
- Extensible plug-ins, easy to evolve/enhance
22GoBinder SDK
- Extend and enhance GoBinder to
- Connect to other information sources
- Mobilize new types of objects/content
- Provide new views of objects/content
- Add new ways to communicate/collaborate
- with classmates and/or faculty
- Add new education solutions we havent even
thought of
23GoBinder SDK
- Componentized Architecture
- Highly extensible plug-in APIs
- Data Item APIs
- Sync Provider APIs
- .NET Framework
- Develop using Visual Studio.NET
24GoBinder SDK Architecture
User Interface
UI Plug-in API
UI Manager
Sync Provider Plug-Ins
Sync Provider API
Data Manager
Data Plug-in API
GoBinder Database
25SDK Includes
- Documented sample code that uses APIs
- User Interface Plug-ins
- Data Item Plug-ins
- Sync provider Plug-ins
- Developer guide
- How to create custom UI elements
- How to extend the GoBinder database to support
unique data types - How to create a custom sync provider to exchange
data with another application
26Ink Note-Taking Framework
- InfiNotes
- Drag control intoWindows or Webforms
- Add Journal-likefunctionality inminutes!
- Extension ofTablet PC SDK
- Supports .NETFramework
Cut Tablet PC development from person years to
person days/weeks
27InfiNotes Features
- Editing Modes
- Pen, Highlighter, Eraser (stroke pixel), Lasso
select, Mouse (disabled) - Unlimited undo/redo
- Cut/Copy/Paste
- Drag Drop
- Size/Move Ink
- Background Division
- Background Recognition
- Find first, find next
- Background Image
- Insert/Remove Space
- Scroll
- Format Ink
- Ruled Paper
- College, Narrow, Wide, Grid, Blank
- Copy as Text/Correction UI
28InfiNotes Features (Professional)
- Multiple pages
- Embedded pictures
- Embedded rich text
- Font, Point size, Alignment, Bullets, Numbering,
Columns - Convert ink to text
- Dynamic paper types
- XML definition
- ePaper
- Documents captured through print driver
- Flags
- Shapes
- Line, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, etc
- Enhanced import/export
- Clipboard support
- HTML, RTF, Bitmap, Text import/export
29Example InfiNotes Applications
30Why Partner with Agilix?
- Free SDK w/ Ink/Tablet Controls
- Extend GoBinder functionality
- Leverage GoBinders installedbase in education
market - Access to 12.5 million studentsvia Blackboard
partnership - Channel to deliver research plug-ins to a global
student population - Ability to gather Tablet PC and application usage
data - Get promoted on GoBinder Plug-in Website
- Will offer Free, Commercial Research Plug-ins
31How to learn more
- E-mail scott.lemon_at_agilix.com
- Agilix Support Forums http//forums.agilix.com
- InfiNotes Forums
- GoBinder Forums
- Tablet PC Workshop Forum (Private)
- Register in Forums
- E-mail Username to scott.lemon_at_agilix.com
- Request Beta Participation
- GoBinder 2006 currently in Beta
- GoBinder SDK Beta August 1, 2005
322005-6 PALS Initiative
- Portable Active Learning System Initiative
- Intended to empower mobile learners with any
information, anytime, anyplace regardless of
connectivity (including disconnected usage) - Three key technology elements
- Extensible .NET-based GoBinder smart client
platform - Extensible .NET-based Mobilizer synchronization
system - Customized 3rd party GoBinder Plug-Ins
33PALS Initiative
- Participants 10 Universities
- Timetable 1 Sept 2005 - 1 Jan 2006
- Benefits
- 25 GoBinder 2006 clients
- 25 GoBinder SDKs
- On-site / On-line training
- Online Technical support
- Inclusion in PALS announcement
- Web-based promotion of GoBinder Plug-Ins
- Tablet PC giveaway for most innovative GoBinder
Plug-In - Requirements
- Participation in PALS Initiative Announcement
- Delivery of at least one GoBinder Plug-In
34 35Contact Information
- E-mail
- curt.allen_at_agilix.com
- 801-376-5251
- scott.lemon_at_agilix.com
- 801-368-2509
- Agilix Support Forums http//forums.agilix.com
- Tablet PC Workshop Forum (Private)
- Register in Forums
- E-mail Username to scott.lemon_at_agilix.com
- Download Current Products
- Request Beta Participation
36Making learning mobile