Title: :Abstract formal model of information flow
1Petri Net
- Abstract formal model of information flow
- Major use
- Modeling of systems of events in which it is
possible for some events to occur concurrently,
but there are constraints on the occurrences,
precedence, or frequency of these occurrences.
2Petri Net as a Graph
- Models static properties of a system
- Graph contains 2 types of nodes
- Circles (Places)
- Bars (Transitions)
- Petri net has dynamic properties that result from
its execution - Markers (Tokens)
- Tokens are moved by the firing of transitions of
the net.
3Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 1) A simple graph representation of a
Petri net.
4Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 2) A marked Petri net.
5Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 3) The marking resulting from firing
transition t2 in Figure 2. Note that the token
in p1 was removed and tokens were added to p2
and p3
6Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 4) Markings resulting from the firing
of different transitions in the net of Figure
(a) Result of firing transition t1
7Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 4) Markings resulting from the firing
of different transitions in the net of Figure
(b) Result of firing transition t3
8Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 4) Markings resulting from the firing
of different transitions in the net of Figure
(c) Result of firing transition t5
9Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 5) A simple model of three conditions and
an event
10(Figure 6) Modeling of a simple computer system
11Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 7) Modeling of a nonprimitive event
12Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 8) Modeling of simultaneous which
may occur in either order
13Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 9) Illustration of conflicting transition
s. Transitions tj and tk conflict since
the firing of one will disable the other
14Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 10) An uninterpreted Petri net.
15(Figure 11) Hierarchical modeling in Petri nets
by replacing places or transitions by subnets (or
vice versa).
16(Figure 12) A portion of a Petri net modeling
a control unit for a computer with multiple
registers and multiple functional units
17(Figure 13) Representation of an
asynchronous pipelined control unit. The
block diagram on the left is modeled by the
Petri net on the right
18Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
19(Figure 15) A Petri net model of a P/V
solution to the mutual exclusion problem
20(Figure 16) Example of a Petri net used to
represent the flow of control in programs
containing certain kind of constructs
L S0 Do while P0 if P2 then S1
else S2 endif parbegin
S3,S4,S5, parend enddo goto L
21(Figure 17) A Petri net model for protocol 3
22Other properties for analysis
- Boundeness
- Safe net (bound 1)
- K-bounded net
- Conservation gt conservative net
- Live transition
- Dead transition
23State of a Petri net
- State - defined by its marking, m
- State space - set of all markings (m0, m1, m2,
...) - Change in state - caused by firing a transition,
defined by partial Fn, d - (example) m1 d (m0 , tj)
- Note marking --
- For a marking m , m(Pi) mi
- A marked Petri net m (P, T, I, O, m)
24(No Transcript)
25(Figure 19) A Petri net with a nonfirable transit
ion. Transition t3 is dead in this marking
26Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
27Petri Net as a Graph (cont.)
(Figure 21) The reachability tree of the Petri
net of Figure 19
28Unsolvable Problems
- Subset problem - given 2 marked Petri nets, is
the reachability of one net a subset of the
reachability of the other net undecidable (Hack)
...... - Complexity
- reachability problem is exponential time-hard
and exponential space-hard.