Title: Urban Water Management
1Wastewater Management in the City of the Future
Wastewater and sustainable urban water
2The Urban Water Cycle
The SWITCH approach to urban water
management Integration more sustainable
3Wastewater and the urban water cycle
- Water quality
- Potential resource
- Sewer capacities
- Water treatment standards
The Urban Water Cycle
Water supply
- Potential resource
- Wastewater volume
4Links between urban wastewater management and
other areas of the water sector
Water treatment
Stormwater management
Water supply
Water quality
5Links between wastewater management and other
sectors of urban management
Parks, gardens and recreation
Local economic development
6Conventional approach to wastewater management
- Wastewater network which collects and treats all
wastewater streams
7Drawbacks of the conventional approach to
wastewater management
8Drawbacks of the conventional approach to
wastewater management
- Expensive technology and high energy use
9Drawbacks of the conventional approach to
Wastewater management
10Increasing challenges
Deteriorating infrastructure
Increased urbanisation
Population growth
Increasing energy costs
Environmental impacts
11Stormwater Management in the City of the Future
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