Title: Water Quality Management in India
1Water Quality Management in India R.M.Bhard
waj Central Pollution Control Board(Ministry of
Environment Forests)Parivesh Bhawan', East
Arjun NagarDelhi 110 032 E-mail
scrmb.cpcb_at_nic.in, rmbdelhi_at_yahoo.co.in
2India at a Glance Area 3.28 million sq km
(2 of worlds total ) Population(2001) 1020
million(16 of worlds total)
(2005) 1060 million Coordinates 80 4 and 3706
North latitudes 6807 and 97025 East
longitudes Climate Tropical (Tropic of cancer
divides India two halves) Land
Frontier 15,200 km Coastline 7,500 km No.of
States/UTs 28 States and 7 Union territories
including the National Capital Region
of Delhi.
3Water is Precious and scarce Resource
- India is one of the wettest country in the world,
but rainfall is highly uneven with time and space
(with extremely low in Rajasthan and high in
North-East) - On an average there are only 40 rainy days (100
hours) - Out of 4000 BCM rainfall received, about 600 BCM
is put to use so far. - Water resources are over-exploited resulting in
major WQ problems
4Water use in India (Year 2000)
Sector Water use in BCM percent
Irrigation 541 85.33
Domestic 42 6.62
Industry 8 1.26
Energy 2 0.32
Other 41 6.47
Total 634 100.00
- Water quality monitoring in India started in 1978
under GEMS Programme. - National programme of Monitoring of Indian
National Aquatic Resources started in 1984 with a
total of 120 stations in 10 River Basins. - Present network comprising of 870 stations
extended to 26 states 5 Union Territories. - Monitoring done or Quarterly/Monthly/Half Yearly
basis. - Monitoring network covers 189 Rivers, 53 Lakes, 4
Tanks, 2 Ponds, 3 Creeks, 3 Canals, 9 Drains and
218 wells. - Water samples are analysed for 9 Core Parameters
(pH, Temperature, Conductivity, DO, BOD, Nitrite,
Nitrate, Total Coliform and Faecal Coliform) for
all monitoring. 19 General Parameters, 9 Toxic
Metals and 15 Pesticides are also analysed once
in a year. - Frequency of analysis for General Parameters
reduced to once in a year in view of resources
and to add more stations in non-represented
water-bodies. Frequency and Parameters does not
match the guidelines of GEMS. Base-line, Trend
and Impact stations are maintained as per the
guidelines of GEMS.
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7Parameters for National Water Quality Monitoring
Core Parameters (9)
Field Observations (7)
Bio-Monitoring Parameters (3)
General Parameters (19)
Trace Metals (9)
Pesticide (7)
8For rational planning of pollution control
strategies and their prioritisationTo assess
nature and extent of pollution control needed in
different water bodies or their partTo
evaluate effectiveness of pollution control
measures already in existence To evaluate
water quality trend over a period of timeTo
assess assimilative capacity of a water body
thereby reducing cost on pollution controlTo
understand the environmental fate of different
pollutants. To assess the fitness of water for
different uses.
Objective of Water Quality Monitoring
- River/Stream
- Water intake point - community water supply.
- Large/medium polluting industries or cluster of
SSI. - Religious bathing.
- Source of river pristine quality.
- Filling up long distance between existing
stations. - D/S of large irrigated areas.
- Low flow stretches.
- D/S of big cities.
- U/S and D/S of confluence of rivers.
- Inter-state boundaries.
- Lake/Reservior/Pond/Tank
- Water abstraction point.
- Organised bathing.
- Vicinity of significant outfall.
- Recreational purpose.
- Canal
- Irrigation offtake.
- D/S of wastewater outfall.
- Intake point drinking water.
- Groundwater
- Drinking water source located in insanitary
condition sewage cesspool, septic tank, garbage
dump, shallow aquifer. - Tube-wells, hand-pumps or dugwells in industrial
10Water Quality Criteria
Designated best use Class Criteria
Drinking water source without conventional treatment but after disinfections A Total coliform organisms MPN/100ml shall be 50 or less.
Drinking water source without conventional treatment but after disinfections A pH between 6.5 and 8.5
Drinking water source without conventional treatment but after disinfections A Dissolved oxygen 6 mg/l or more
Drinking water source without conventional treatment but after disinfections A Biochemical oxygen demand 2 mg/l or Less
Outdoor bathing (organised) B Total coliform organisms MPN/100ml shall be 500 or less
Outdoor bathing (organised) B pH between 6.5 and 8.5
Outdoor bathing (organised) B Dissolved oxygen 5 mg/l or more
Outdoor bathing (organised) B Biochemical oxygen demand 3 mg/l or Less
Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfection C Total coliform organisms MPN/ 100ml shall be 5000 or less
Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfection C pH between 6 and 9
Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfection C Dissolved oxygen 4 mg/l or more
Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfection C Biochemical oxygen demand 3 mg/l or less
Propagation of wild life, fisheries D pH between 6.5 and 8.5
Propagation of wild life, fisheries D Dissolved oxygen 4 mg/l or more
Propagation of wild life, fisheries D Free ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less
Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal E pH between 6.0 and 8.5
Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal E Electrical conductivity less than 2250 micro mhos/cm
Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal E Sodium absorption ratio less than 26
Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal E Boron less than 2mg/l
11Outcome of National Monitoring Programme
- Every year a compendium of water quality
statistics is published and circulated to various
scientific institutes and processed data is put
on the web site for easy access. - Basin sub basin Inventory of water pollution is
prepared and published for all the major river
basins in the country. - Water quality atlas is prepared to assess the
fitness of river water for desired uses in the
country. - Water quality data is used for Identification of
Polluted Water Bodies based on violation of
desired water quality criteria for designated
uses. - Water quality data formed the basis for
Formulation of River Action Plan and
Identification of Pollution Sources in 157 cities
for interception and diversion of municipal
wastewater and stricter surveillance of
industrial sources. - Water quality data is used for Query Response
i.e. to reply Parliament Questions, VIP
reference, Public Queries, Public Interest
Litigation filed in Supreme Court and Various
High Courts and to fulfill the requirement of Non
Governmental Organisation, Students, and
Researchers. - Providing data to GEMS Programme on Water on
annual basis for 72 stations for global data base.
12Constraints in Maintaining the Network
- Sustainability of infrastructure and maintenance
of instruments and equipments. - Financial as well as Manpower resources are
inadequate and reducing due to policy shift. - Travel to long distances for monitoring and
preservation of samples in warm weather
conditions adversely affect the results. - Analysis results needs in-depth validation and
repeated interaction with laboratories. - Improper reporting of units, variation in
analysis methods and quality control of chemicals
are cause of concern. - Lack of training for laboratory and field staff.
- Lack of software to analyse the data for trend
analyses and data validation.
13Limitations of Monitoring Programme
- Problems in data validation due to fluctuation in
water quality. - Flow in many rivers dwindles due to short period
of monsoon. - Environmental flows are not maintained, hence
only urban wastewater flows in the rivers after
major abstraction points. - Removal of outliers during validation of data may
devoid valuable information related to flushing
of Industrial effluents responsible for episodal
pollution and fish kill. - Need of software for processing, validation/trend
analyses and format data storage. - Priorities for water quality management varies
widely from developed countries to developing
14Water body-wise Frequency-wise Distribution of
Water Quality Monitoring Stations
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Contd. On Next Page
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18Water Quality in Indian Rivers - 2002
River Name Length (km) No. of Stns. Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters Observed Range of Water Quality Parameters
River Name Length (km) No. of Stns. Temp. 0C pH Conductivity (?mhos/cm) DO (mg/l) BOD (mg/l) COD (mg/l) Total Coliform (MPN/100 ml) Faecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml)
Ganga 2525 34 3-34 6.4-9.0 19-2720 2.7-11.5 0.5 16.8 1-30 300-25x105 20-11x105
Yamuna 1376 23 3-34 6.7-9.8 56-1959 0.1-22.7 1.0 36 1-112 27-26.3x106 11-17.2x105
Sabarmati 371 8 12-32 2.9-8.6 269-13530 0.6-7.9 0.8 475 4-1794 210-28x105 28-28x105
Mahi 583 7 19-34 7.1-9.2 175-5720 0.2-8.5 0.1 3.0 9-163 3-2400 3-75
Tapi 724 10 20-40 7.4-9.0 76-700 4.8-8.8 0.6 10.0 8-40 40-2100 2-210
Narmada 1312 14 6.9-9.3 102-1341 5.8-9.8 0.1 3.8 6-47 9-2400 2-64
Godavari 1465 11 22-35 7.0-9.0 118-1400 3.1-10.9 0.5 78.0 3-96 8-5260 2-3640
Krishna 1401 17 18-33 6.8-9.5 28-11050 2.9-10.9 0.2 10.0 3-88 17-33300 3-10000
Cauvery 800 20 21-37 2.0-9.2 31-53100 0.1-12.6 0.1 26.6 30 39-160000 2-28000
Mahanadi 851 16 18-38 7.3-8.9 114-15940 1.3-10.4 1.0 7.6 7-39 15-30000 50-17000
Brahmani 799 11 20-38 7.0-8.4 81-376 5.2-9.8 1.5 6.0 8-13 80-90000 40-60000
Baitarni 5 24-36 7.3-8.3 54-78400 6.8-9.3 2.0 6.8 7 900-22000 700-11000
Subarnrekha 395 6 18-36 6.5-8.0 113-355 5.2-8.5 0.2 12.0 4-96 150-1800 70-540
Brahmaputra 916 6 15-32 6.5-9.0 104-684 1.1-10.5 0.1 3.9 6-11 360-240000 300-24000
Pennar 597 4 - 7.5-8.7 364-978 6.0-9.3 1.0 2.9 14-16 - -
Satluj 1078 20 9-32 6.8-8.8 131-819 3.8-11.4 0.1 45.0 1-80 8-35000 2-3500
Beas 460 19 3-32 7.1-8.7 53-517 5.2-11.5 0.3 5.0 1-13 2-2400 2-1600
20WATER QUALITY STATUS Analysis of 11 years data
with respect to BOD values as indicator of
organic pollution
S.No Level of Pollution Pollution Criteria Riverine length, Km. Riverine length percentage
01. Severely polluted BOD more than 6 mg/l 6086 15
02. Moderately polluted BOD 3-6 mg/l 8691 19
03. Relatively clean BOD less than 3 mg/l 30242 66
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22State-wise Riverine length (in Km) under
different level of pollution
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24River basin-wise Riverine length(in Km.)under
different level of pollution
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- CPCB identified 10 polluted stretches for
prioritising pollution control efforts in
1988-89. - The Number of Stretches increased to 37 during
1992-93. - The list is now revised to 86 polluted stretches.
- The concerned State Pollution Control Boards were
asked to take adequate measures to restore the
desired level.
- CPCB identified polluted water bodies, which
leads to formulation of action plan for
restoration of the water body. - Based on CPCBs Recommendations, Ganga Action
Plan was launched in 1986 to restore the WQ of
the Ganga by interception, diversion and
treatment of wastewater from 27 cities/towns
located along the river. - Based on the experience gained during
implementation of the Ganga Action Plan, Govt of
India extends river cleaning programme to other
rivers and lakes.
River No. of Towns River No. of Towns
Ganga 74 Brahmini 3
Yamuna 22 Chambal 3
Damodar 12 Gomti 3
Godavari 6 Krishna 2
Cauvery 9 Sabarmati 1
Tungabhadra 4 Khan 1
Satluj 4 Kshipra 1
Subarnrekha 3 Tapi 1
Betwa 3 Narmada 1
Wainganga 3 Mahanadi 1
Grand Total 157 Grand Total 157 Grand Total 157 Grand Total 157
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