Title: Dust To Dust
1Dust To Dust
- Then shall the dust return to the earth as it
was and the spirit shall return unto God who
gave it. - Ecclesiastes 127
2The Facts, Please!
- Dust is everywhere-in the air we breathe and on
the surface of the things around us. It is on
our clothes, our skin, and our hair. It even sits
on top of the food we put into our mouths. Did
you ever see tiny particles of dust floating in a
shaft of sunlight? Then you saw whats in our
air all the time.
- Dust is made up of all kinds of solid matter that
is small enough to be carried in the air. Dust
particles come from the soil and from bits of
mineral matter, soot, volcanic ash, animal and
plant tissue, and so on. Parts of you yourself
are in the airmillions of your skin cells become
dust each day.
3Continue more facts!
- Dust is constantly traveling. In this very room,
there may be dust that was once in China or even
in outer space.
- Many dust particles have been around for years
and perhaps for centuries. Actually, flecks of
Adam could have been under the boys bed. Maybe
they are in the air you are breathing now!
4It has happened at last! _ _ _ _ _ has left _
_ _ _ _ _ and is now in the _ _ _ above the _
_ _ _ _. Gabriels voice was heard, and the
_ _ _ _ _ of God sounded. The bodies of _ _ _ _
believers that had been _ _ _ _ are now _ _ _
_ _ . Living believers have their new _ _ _ _ _
_. They are all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ in
the air. Soon they will pass through the _ _ _
_ _ _ gates to spend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ here.
Welcome, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of God! Welcome to
the heavenly _ _ _ _!Word Listair alive
bodies Jesus children dead dust earth
eternity heaven Lord meeting pearly trump