Title: The Ancient Egyptians
1The Ancient Middle East
Susan M. PojerHorace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY
22. The Ancient Egyptians
3A View of Egypt by Satellite
4The Fertile Nile Valley
5The Annual Flooding of the Nile
6Nile Irrigation-the Shaduf
7Ancient Egyptian History
Periods Time Frame
Nile Culture Begins 3900 B. C. E.
Archaic 3100 2650 B. C. E.
Old Kingdom 2650 2134 B. C. E.
Middle Kingdom 2040 1640 B. C. E.
New Kingdom 1550 1070 B. C. E.
Late Period 750 332 B. C. E.
Greek Ptolemaic Era 332 30 B. C. E.
Roman Period 30 B. C. E. 395 C. E.
8Menes Unifier of Upper Lower Egypt
c. 3050 B. C. E. ?
9Ancient Egyptian Housing
Middle Class Homes
Peasant Homes
10Scenes of Ancient EgyptianDaily Life
11Making Ancient Egyptian Beer
12Making Ancient Egyptian Wine
13An Egyptian Womans Must-Haves
14Egyptian Social Hierarchy
15Some Famous Egyptian Pharaohs
Tutankhamon1336-1327 B. C. E.
Thutmose III1504-1450 B. C. E.
Ramses II1279-1212 B. C. E.
16Egyptian Nobility
17Egyptian Priestly Class
18Egyptian Scribe
19Papyrus ? Paper
Hieratic Scroll Piece
Papyrus Plant
20Egyptian Math Draftsmenship
1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
What number is this?
21Champollion the Rosetta Stone
22Hieroglyphic Cartouche
23Hieroglyphics Alphabet
24 letters 700 phonetic symbols
24Egyptian Creation Myth
The Goddess Nut
25Egyptian Gods GoddessesThe Sacred Trinity
Osiris Isis
26Preparations for the Underworld
ANUBIS weighs the dead persons heart against a
Priests protected your KA, or soul-spirit
27Materials Used in Mummification
1. Linen
6. Natron2. Sawdust
7. Onion3. Lichen
8. Nile Mud4. Beeswax
9. Linen Pads5. Resin
10. Frankinsense
28Preparation for the Afterlife
29Egyptian Mummies
Ramses II1279-1212 B. C. E.
Seti I1291-1278 B. C. E.
Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II1210-1200 B. C.
30Journey to the Underworld
The dead travel on the Solar Bark.
A boat for the journey is provided for a dead
pharaoh in his tomb.
31Egyptian Book of the Dead
32The Final Judgement
Horus Osiris
33Shabtis The Pharaohs Servants in the
34Stepped Pyramid at Saqqara
35Bent Pyramid of King Sneferu
36Giza Pyramid Complex
37Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu
38The Valley of the Kings
39Archaeologist, Howard Carter (1922)
40Entrance to King Tuts Tomb
41King Tutankhamons Death Mask
1336-1327 B. C. E.
42King Tutankhamon
43King Tutankhamuns Tomb
44Treasures From Tuts Tomb
45The Valley of the Queens
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
1473-1458 B. C. E.
46Ankhenaton First Monotheist?
1352-1336 B. C. E.
47The Ankh The Cross of Life
49Abu SimbelMonument to Ramses II
1279-1213 B. C. E.
50Who Are These Strange People?
51Routes of the Sea Peoples
The end of the Bronze Age!