National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.)


Sericulture in the EU today Sericulture in EU is considered as one of the protected and promoted ones, being subsidized by around Euro 132 per box of 20.000 eggs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.)

  • National Agricultural Research Foundation
  • Komotini Agricultural Research Station Merarhias
    Serron 18, Komotini 69 100, Greece

The prospects of the European Sericulture within
the frame of the EU Common Agricultural Policy
Kipriotis Evripidis, M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • National Agricultural Research Foundation
  • Komotini Agricultural Research Station Merarhias
    Serron 18, Komotini 69 100, Greece

Agriculture in EU
  • The European Union (EU) is characterised by a
    predominantly rural geography, influenced by
    human occupation and activity.
  • The various rural areas show particular
    differences, since their natural environments
    have been affected by numerous schemes of farming
    and forestry and the associated with them crafts
    and industries.
  • Agriculture and forestry in the EU represent the
    major land users, having in this way a dominant
    role in influencing the rural economies and the
    rural landscape as well.

EU agriculture is a multi-dimensional activity
  • It involves many different functions and among
    them the major ones are
  • Food and fibre production
  • Countryside management
  • Nature conservation
  • Tourism

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • Europes agricultural policy is determined as
    Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP)
  • It is monitored by the governments of Member
    States and operated by the Member States.
  • It involves support to the farmers income and
    also encourages the production of high quality
    products and the development of additional ways
    of improving the agricultural businesses.

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • The first ideas concerning a European CAP first
    appeared, among the western European countries,
    in early 1950s derived from the need for
    guaranteed food supplies.
  • This early CAPs attempt was to encourage better
    productivity in the food chain and provide to the
    consumers a stable supply of affordable food.
  • This early CAP approached its goals by offering
    subsidies and guaranteed prices to farmers and
    also financial assistance for the restructuring
    of farming.
  • The adopted by the European countries CAP was
    very successful in meeting its objective of
    moving the newly established EU towards
    self-sufficiency. By the 1980s though, the EU
    faced almost permanent surpluses of the major
    farm commodities, some of which were exported,
    mostly with the help of subsidies.
  • These necessary measures created a high budgetary
    cost and distorted some world markets, driving to
    the necessity of some reforms.

The CAP of today
  • Since those first attempts many changes had been
    made to the CAP
  • The most important of them around the 1990s.
  • Through this limits put on the production helped
    to reduce product surpluses.
  • Emphasis also was placed on environmentally sound
    of farming.
  • Farmers had to activate themselves more to the
    direction of market place, while receiving direct
    income aid by means of subsidies
  • This shift of emphasis included as major new
    element the rural development policy, encouraging
    farmers to diversify and improve their product
    marketing and to restructure their businesses.
  • In 2003 a further fundamental reform was agreed.
  • From then on farmers are no longer paid just to
    produce food.
  • Todays CAP takes consumers and taxpayers
    concerns fully into account, while giving EU
    farmers the freedom to produce what the market
  • The concept of this reform is that in future, the
    vast majority of aid to farmers will be paid
    independently of what or how much they produce.

The CAP of today
  • In the past, the more farmers produced the more
    subsidy payments they received.
  • Under the new system farmers will still receive
    direct income payments to maintain income
    stability, but the link to production has been
    set aside.
  • In addition, farmers will have to respect
    standards concerning environment, food safety and
    animal welfare and farmers failing to do this
    will face reductions in their direct payments.
  • Removing the link between subsidies and
    production, the so termed decoupling, is
    expected to make EU farmers more competitive and
  • They will be free to produce according to what is
    most profitable for them while still obtaining a
    stability of income through the direct income

The CAP of today
  • Within these frames the exceptional nature and
    quality of some products derives from both their
    place of production and the methods used to make
  • Both consumers and the food trade are
    increasingly interested in the geographical
    origin of products and other characteristics of
  • The EU has developed to this direction three
    quality logos connected to Protected
    Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical
    Indications (PDO and PGI).
  • They both apply to agricultural products or
    foodstuffs with a strong link to a specific
    region or place.
  • The third logo is the Traditional Speciality
    Guaranteed (TSG) logo, and is used for products
    with distinctive features and which either have
    traditional ingredients or are made using
    traditional methods.

The CAP of today gives also attention to specific
activities as
  • Organic agriculture
  • Organic farming is a production method that
    maintains soil structure and fertility, promotes
    a high standard of animal welfare, and avoids the
    use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, chemical
    fertilisers, growth promoters such as hormones
    and antibiotics, or genetically modified
  • By law the use of the word organic, and its
    equivalent in other languages, is reserved solely
    for products of organic farming.
  • This gives guarantees to consumers about the
    quality and reliability of the organic produce
    they buy.
  • Agri-environment measures and rural development
  • Agri-environment schemes have been supported by
    the EU since they were introduced in 1992.
  • They encourage farmers to provide environmental
    services which go beyond following good
    agricultural practice and basic legal standards.
  • Aids may be paid to farmers who sign up
    voluntarily to agri-environment commitments for a
    minimum period of five years.

The EU rural Development Policy is based on three
main instuments
  • The EU strategic guidelines for Rural Development
  • The Council Regulation on support for rural
    development by the new European Agricultural Fund
    for Rural Development (EAFRD)
  • The Commission Implementing Regulation.

The EU strategic guidelines for rural development
  • Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural
    and forestry sectors
  • Improving the environment and the countryside
  • Improving the quality of life in rural areas and
    encouraging diversification
  • Building Local Capacity for Employment and
  • Translating priorities into programmes
  • Complementarity between Community Instruments

Sericulture in the EU today
  • Silkworm rearing within the E.E.C. countries is
    practiced only in the southern part of Europe and
    more specifically in the Mediterranean and
    southern Balkan countries.
  • As an agricultural activity in the present time
    holds a minor share among the rest activities.

Sericulture in the EU today
  • Sericulture in EU is considered as one of the
    protected and promoted ones, being subsidized by
    around Euro 132 per box of 20.000 eggs (EU
    Regulation 845/1972, Article 1).
  • This subsidy creates a considerably interesting
    income to the farmer involved to sericulture,
    added to the cocoon value, being though at the
    same time inseparable to the mulberry
    cultivation, which provides the sole food of the
  • Mulberry plantation compared to other traditional
    crops becomes very interesting taking in
    consideration the fact that according to the EU
    Regulation 1782/2003 (council 23-0-2003, EU
    Journal 21-10-2003) the yearly subsidies of the
    traditional crops will be restricted up to 2012,
    something which creates opportunities for new
    mulberry plantations.

Additional benefits of sericulture deriving from
  • Article 53 of EU Regulation 1782/2003 (council
    23-0-2003, EU Journal 21-10-2003) involves
    obligation to cessation of cultivation of a
    certain percentage of the farmers total land.
  • Article 54 provides a subsidizing to this
    cessation of cultivation.
  • In the same time article 56 permits alternative
    uses of land during cessation of cultivation and
    leaves open the possibility of additional
    national subsidy, up to 50 of the costs for the
    establishment of perennial crops for biomass
    production onto lands under such treatment.
  • The interesting point of this possibility is that
    mulberry tree is included in the perennial crops,
    being simultaneously considered as energy
    crop, for which article 88 provides an
    additional subsidy of 45 euro/ha/year.
  • All the above are far more strengthened by EU
    Regulation 1257/1999 whose paragraph 3 (articles
    31 and 55) provides additional subsidy according
    the afforestated area of each country, giving to
    mulberry tree more opportunities for
  • The above described advantages for mulberry field
    installation and further silkworm rearing can be
    additionally benefited by EU Regulation
    1257/1999, (paragraph 3 article, 55), and EU
    Title II, (chapter V, articles 13 to 21), which
    both provide subsidies for disadvantageous areas
    according to their area. Such areas in the most
    of the cases are suitable for silkworm rearing.

  • All the above described facts considered in
    parallel with the continuously increasing demand
    for silk products within Europe and the entire
    world as well, predispose a promising future for
    sericulture in EU countries.

This out coming conclusion is additionally
strengthened by its complete coincidence to the
main topics and targets of the new CAP, and more
  • Sericulture provides reasonable income to the
  • It can by it self very easily participate to the
    production of Protected Designations of Origin
    and Protected Geographical Indications (PDO and
    PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG)
  • It certainly contributes, due to its nature to
    sustainability and efficiency of land and labour
  • It, by all means represents, a safe, clean and
    environmentally friendly production method.
  • It serves rural communities, taking in
    consideration their tradition and diversity, and
    contributes to all the above described EU
    strategic guidelines.
  • It definitely contributes to rural Development
    and guarantees the survival of the countryside as
    a place to live, work and visit.
  • It represents by itself an ideal form of organic

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