The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol


It really taught me something about legal and illegal drugs and there various uses. Examples typifying reference uses: What is Alcoholism? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol

The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol
  • Written By Greg Roza

Presented By Jodie Rudd Library 150 Spring 2009
Call Number
  • R615.103 Roza 2001

Bibliographic citation (MLA Format)
  • Roza, Greg. The Encyclopedia of Drugs and
    Alcohol. 1st Ed. 2001. Print.

  • Introduction
  • Entries
  • Where to Go for Help
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Photo Credits
  • Acknowledgments
  • Arranged by origin, history, effects, and uses of
    drugs are discussed in the concise A-Z format.

  • Index is located on page 187 and goes through
    page 198, alphabetically lists subjects and the
    pages they are located.

Scope and Currency
  • Material is in English, covers material up to
    2001 covers more than 250 commonly used and
    abused legal and illegal drugs. Available at
    Pierce County Library and online retailers such
  • The most current version is as of 2001. Currency
    is relevant.

Intended Purpose/Additional Purposes Served
  • To provide education on 250 substances in
    America. While simply knowing more about the
    dangers of drugs and the drugs themselves wont
    make you impervious to substance abuse, it will
    help you make informed, educated decisions about
    drugs use. Introduction, page vi
  • Providing valuable information for educators,
    councilors, or the general public, for drug
    awareness programs. Good learning tool for young

  • Hardcover Book only, 9.3 x 7.6 x 0.7 inches, 199
    pages. No other versions available.

Special Features
  • Provides on page 183 a list of organizations
    where one can seek help with substance abuse.

  • Greg Roza
  • -Writer and Editor for a childrens book
    publisher and teaches at the State University of
    New York in Fredonia.

Personal Impression
  • I found this book to be very educational, I liked
    how it showed how really harmful certain drugs
    can be. It really taught me something about legal
    and illegal drugs and there various uses.

Examples typifying reference uses
  • What is Alcoholism?
  • -A disease distinguished by the inability to stop
    drinking alcohol. Alcoholism is one of the most
    common forms of addiction approximately 8 of
    adults in the U.S. have alcohol problems.
  • How can you get Hepatitis?
  • -Most often results from viral infection caused
    by poor hygiene, unprotected sex, and blood
    transfusions. It can also be caused by certain
    chemicals and poisons, alcoholism, certain drugs,
    drug overdoses, and sharing needles to inject
    drugs into the body.

Complementary sources, either print or electronic
  • The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol

Illustration Examples
Sir Alexander Fleming 1881-1955 Scientist who
discovered penicillin.
Professor Albert Calmette 1863-1933
Bacteriologist who developed the tuberculosis
vaccine BCG.
Ritalin is primarily prescribed for children and
  • From Academic Search Complete
  • -A well-organized volume offering clear
    definitions and explanations. The alphabetical
    entries range from a half to a full page and
    consider common prescriptions and
    over-the-counter and recreational drugs, and
    provide information on alcohol. Recovery groups
    (Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous) activities (binge
    drinking, crime) illnesses (hepatitis, stroke)
    and reactions (alcoholic poisoning, coma)
    associated with substance abuse are also
    discussed. Some entries include helpful lists or
    charts (blood alcohol levels, slang terms, stages
    of drug use). The "Where to Go for Help" section
    includes organizations, hot lines, and Web sites.
    A short bibliography includes a couple of
    standard resources and several that are dated.
    The average-quality, black-and-white photographs
    are primarily decorative. This volume will fill a
    gap in middle school reference collections for a
    broad, accessible title on the topic and be a
    welcome addition to high school collections as
    well. It will be useful for students writing
    reports and those examining their own substance
  • -Debbie
    Stewart, Grand Rapids Public Library, MI Daryl
    Grabarek, Reference Book Editor and Walter
    Minkel, Technology Editor

  • Stewart, Debbie, Daryl Grabarek, and Walter
    Minkel. "The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol
    (Book Review)." School Library Journal 48.2 (Feb.
    2002) 90. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO.
  • Roza, Greg. The Encyclopedia of Drugs and
    Alcohol. 1st Ed. 2001. Print.

The End
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