From Emerson to Thoreau - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Emerson to Thoreau


From Emerson to Thoreau American Literature I 15/11/2004 Cecilia H.C. Liu Info. Provided by Dr. Murphy Thoreau s Walden (1854) Thoreau s Walden is a book about ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: From Emerson to Thoreau

From Emerson to Thoreau
American Literature I 15/11/2004 Cecilia H.C.
Liu Info. Provided by Dr. Murphy
Thoreaus Walden (1854)
  • Thoreaus Walden is a book about nature in the
    woods at Concord and a book on how to live.
  • I went to the woods because I wished to live
    deliberately, to front only the essential facts
    of life, and see if I could not learn what it had
    to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover
    that I had not lived (915, B1855).

Thoreaus Walden (1854) (2)
  • Thoreau tried to become aware of how he was
    connected to Nature, and put Emersons ideas into
    practice. As he says in Walden, in cities and
    towns people live lives of quiet desperation.
  • Thoreau saw many people living unhappy lives in
    society, and chose to live as a full-time hermit
    at Walden Pond for two years.
  • In Walden, he chose the written words to
    celebrate what he saw and experienced, to accept
    himself and to lead his readers to marvel at the
    wonders of Nature.

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(1)Build your own world
  • Emerson and Thoreau share a good many
    characteristics in expressing the idea of
    building peoples own world.
  • Emerson, the more philosophical one, gives people
    principles on life with pure ideas in minds,
    while Thoreau is the one that is more practical
    and believe that to experience the idea of world
    building, one has to do it with his own hands.
  • Example and Quotes

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(1)Build your own world
  • Thoreau If you have built castles in the air,
    your work need not be lost . . . Now put the
    foundations under them (962, B1977).
  • Thoreau I went to the woods because I wished to
    live deliberately, to front only the essential
    facts of life. . . (915, 1855).
  • The necessaries of life for man in this climate
    may, . . . be distributed under the several
    heads of Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Fuel (873,
  • I found, that by working about six weeks in a
    year, I could meet all the expenses of living
    (904, B1844).
  • Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond
    its house, a world and beyond its world, a
    heaven. Know, then, that the world exists for
    you. . . . Build, therefore your own world. As
    fast as you can conform your life to the pure
    idea in your mind, that will unfold its great
    proportions (524, B1134).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
  • Both Emerson and Thoreau believes that we should
    enjoy an original relation to the world.
  • The difference is that, the way and tone these
    two authors put it is different, with the former
    more like a text, but the latter more colloquial.
  • In writing, Emerson anticipates the scientific
    hypothesis of Darwin. Thoreau, was more at-home
    in the outdoors than Emerson and could write
    playfully and humorously about our affinity to
    cats and other brute animals. In a way, Thoreau
    was renewing the basic religious experience of
    awe and wonder before Nature. Examples and

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
  • Thoreau Old deeds for old people, and new
    deeds for new. . . . Practically, the old have
    no very important advice to give the young. . . .
    One generation abandons the enterprises of
    another like stranded vessels (871, B1812).
  • Emerson Our age is retrospective. It builds
    the sepulchers of the fathers. It writes
    biographies, histories, and criticism. The
    foregoing generations beheld God and nature face
    to face we, through their eyes. Why should not
    we also enjoy an original relation to the
    universe? (496, B1106).

Martin Johnson Heade, The Stranded Boat, 1863
Fitz Hugh Lane, Braces Rock, Eastern Point,
Gloucester, 1864 (?)
Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(3)Blindness and Vision
  • Emerson The ruin or the blank, that we see when
    we look at nature, is in our own eye. The axis
    of vision is not coincident with the axis of
    things. . . (523, B1133).
  • Emerson But when the fact is seen under the
    light of an idea, the gaudy fable fades and
    shrivels. We behold the real higher law. To the
    wise, therefore, a fact is true poetry (524,
  • Thoreau Look at a meeting-house, or a
    court-house, or a jail, or a shop, or a
    dwelling-house, and say what that thing really is
    before a true gaze, and they would all got to
    pieces in your account of them (918, B1858).
  • Thoreau If you stand right fronting and face
    to face to a fact, you will see the sun glimmer
    on both its surfaces. . . (919, B1859).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(4)The Eye
  • In terms of the eye, Emersons ideas tends to be
    philosophical, and develops the abstract term of
    transparent eye-ball, believing that as the
    world circulates around him, he gets to see
  • On the other hand, Thoreau uses a more
    down-to-earth approach by the objects we could
    see with our eye in nature, and not the terms
  • Examples and Quotes

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(4)The Eye
  • Emerson I become a transparent eye-ball. I am
    nothing. I see all. The currents of the
    Universal Being circulate through me I am part
    or particle of God (499, B1109).
  • Thoreau A lake is the landscapes most
    beautiful feature. It is earths eye looking
    into which the beholder measures the depth of his
    own nature (941, B1905).

Fitz Hugh Lane, Owls Head, Penobscot Bay, Maine,
Thomas Cole, View of the Round-Top in the
Catskill Mountains (1827)
Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(5)Landscape and Horizon
  • Emerson There is a property in the horizon
    which no man has but he whose eye can integrate
    all the parts, that is, the poet. . . . In the
    tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant
    line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as
    beautiful as his own nature (498, B1108-09).
  • Thoreau With respect to landscapes,--
  • I am monarch of all I survey,
  • My right there is none to dispute.
  • I have frequently seen a poet withdraw, having
    enjoyed the most valuable part of a farm, while
    the crusty farmer supposed that he had got a few
    wild apples only (911, B1851).
  • Example 2

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(5)Landscape and Horizon
  • Thoreau Though the view from my door was still
    more contracted, I did not feel crowded or
    confined in the least. There was pasture enough
    for my imagination. The low shrub-oak plateau to
    which the opposite shore arose, stretched away
    toward the prairies of the West and the steppes
    of Tartary. . . . There are none happy in the
    world but beings who enjoy freely a vast
    horizonsaid Damodara. . . (913, B1853).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
  • Thoreau The stars are the apexes of what
    wonderful triangles! What distant and different
    beings in the various mansions of the universe
    are contemplating the same one at the same
    moment! (872, B1812)
  • Example 2
  • Emerson But if a man would be alone, let him
    look at the stars. The rays that come from those
    heavenly worlds, will separate between him and
    vulgar things. . . . The stars awaken a certain
    reverence, because though always present, they
    are always inaccessible. . . (497-98, 1107-08).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
  • Thoreau I discovered that my house actually
    had its site in such a withdrawn, but forever new
    and unprofaned, part of the universe. If it were
    worth the while to settle in those parts near to
    the Pleiades or the Hyades, to Aldebaran or
    Altair, then I was really there, or at an equal
    remoteness from the life which I had left behind,
    dwindled and twinkling with as fine a ray to my
    nearest neighbor. . . (914, B1854) .

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(7)The Alikeness of Nature
  • Emerson Every particular in nature, a leaf, a
    drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to
    the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the
    whole. Each particle is a microcosm, and
    faithfully renders the likeness of the world
    (511, B1121).
  • Thoreau The phenomena of the year take place
    every day in a pond on a small scale (1964, Ch.
  • What is man but a mass of thawing clay? The
    ball of the human finger is but a drop congealed.
    The fingers and tows flow to their extent from
    the thawing mass of the body. Who knows what the
    human body would expand and flow out to under a
    more genial heaven? (950, B1968).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(7)The Alikeness of Nature (2)
  • Emerson The river, as it flows, resembles the
    air that flows over it the air resembles the
    light which traverses it with more subtile
    currents the light resembles the heat which
    rides with it through Space (512, B1121).
  • Thoreau On land the grass and trees wave, but
    the water itself is rippled by the wind. I see
    where the breeze dashes across it by the streaks
    or flakes of light. It is remarkable that we can
    look down on its surface. We shall, perhaps,
    look down thus on the surface of air at length,
    and mark where a still subtler spirit sweeps over
    it (943, B1907).

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(8)Perceptions of Language
  • Emerson
  • Words are signs of natural facts.
  • Particular natural facts are symbols of
    particular spiritual facts.
  • Nature is the symbol of spirit. (504, B1114)
  • Thoreau I fear chiefly lest my expression may
    not be extra-vagant enough, may not wander far
    enough beyond the narrow limits of my daily
    experience, so as to be adequate to the truth of
    which I have been convinced. . . . The volatile
    truth of our words should continually betray the
    inadequacy of the residual statement (962,

Comparison of Thoreau and Emersons Nature
(9)Language Usage
  • Thoreau uses puns, giving the words and phrases a
    double meaning.
  • When he uses these words, in the text, he
    italicized them to catch the readers attention.
  • Examples
  • As if you could kill time without injuring
    eternity (870, B1810).
  • To cooperate, in the highest as well as the
    lowest sense, means to get our living together
    (905, B1845).
  • the shore is shorn (939, B1903).
  • Is not the hand a spreading palm leaf with its
    lobes and veins? (953, B1968)

Thoreaus Method On Reorienting Our
PerspectiveTo Wander
  • I . . . require of every writer, first or last,
    a simple and sincere account of his own life. .
    . for if he has lived sincerely, it must have
    been in a distant land to me (868, B1808).
  • Olympus is but the outside of the earth every
    where (912, B1852).
  • It is well to have some water in your
    neighborhood, to give buoyancy to and float the
    earth (913, B1853).
  • Morning is when I am awake and there is dawn in
    me (915, B1855).

Thoreaus Method On Reorienting Our
PerspectiveTo Wander (2)
  • We do not ride on the railroad it rides upon
    us (916, B1856).
  • The universe is wider than our views of it
    (959, B1974).
  • Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly
    lights (964, B1979).
  • As I stand over the insect crawling amid the
    pine needles on the forest floor. . . (966,
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