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A case presentation on a patient with


Past medical history. 3 months prior to consult, the patient experienced left sided weakness and had hypertension recorded a 190/100mmhg BP, sought consult and was ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A case presentation on a patient with

A case presentation on a patient with

  • Case no. 195
  • Name Patient X
  • Age 72 y.o
  • Sex Male
  • Nationality Syrian
  • Marital Status Married
  • Date of Admission February 4,2013
  • Date of Discharge February 7,2013

  • GCS 15/15
  • E Opens eyes spontaneously
  • V Oriented and converses normally
  • MObeys commands
  • Dizziness and nausea upon assessment
  • T 37 c
  • HR 125CPM
  • RR 25BPM
  • SpO291
  • GRBS 190mg/dl
  • WT 116kgs
  • Skin Light complexion, Warm to touch,smooth,
  • hair evenly distributed
  • EYES slightly sunken eyeballs,no redness, no
    discharges, pupils reactive to light and

  • MOUTH oral cavity is pale in color,
    buccal mucosa is dry but no
    ulcers,lips are pale and dry
  • THORAX thorax is symmetric, slight
    retraction of theIntercostal
    muscles during inspiration
  • MUSCULOSKELETAL generalized weakness with
    residual Left SidedWeakness
  • GASTROINTESTINALmoderate-severe epigastic
    pain (PS8/10)
  • Passage of soft, black stool

WBC 21.63 4.23-9.07
NEUT 76.6 34-67.9
RBC 2.68 4.63-6.08
HGB 8.2 13.7-17.5 g/dl
PLT 238 163-337
PT 16.3 10.9-16.3 SECS
APTT 30 27-39 SECS
UREA 23.2 3.2-7.1 mmol/L
CREATININE 121 46-110 mmol/L
SODIUM 141 137-145 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 5.1 3.5-5.1 mmol/L
CHLORIDE 114 98-107 mmol/L
Past medical history
  • 3 months prior to consult, the patient
    experienced left sided weakness and had
    hypertension recorded a 190/100mmhg BP, sought
    consult and was diagnosed of CVA, treated
    medically started medications of Valsartan
    (Diovan) 160 mg OD to control elevation of his
    BP, Aspirin 80 mg OD, Plavix 75 mg OD,
    Simvastatin 20 mg OD and Piracetam 800mg OD. Also
    the patient has a long diagnosed type 2 DM (non
    insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) and
    continuously taking Glimipride 1mg BID. Long been
    diagnosed of degenerative arthritis and
    chronically took Diclofenac 50 mg BID since many
    years ago. Same incident of suspected GI
    bleeding,wherein the patient passed soft blak
    stool,happened 10 years ago as stated by the
    relative but endoscopy was not done.Only
    prescribed with medications. He is a known smoker
    and consumes caffeine containing drinks on a
    regular basis.

Present medical history
  • Patient was brought to the Emergency Department,
    presenting with symptoms of dizziness, body
    weakness and epigastric pain for 2 days, passed
    black colored loose stool 3-4 times. Patient was
    conscious and oriented but with obvious body
    weakness. Upon interview, reveals that morning
    prior to consult, he had passage of black loose
    stool moderate to large amount as observed. In
    the emergency department, patient was immediately
    given IV Infusion of NSS 500 ml, and given
    Omeprazole 80 mg TIV STAT as ordered by the
    treating physician. Blood sample was collected,
    sent to laboratory, reveals a low HGB level of
    8.2. ECG was done and noted sinus tachycardia.
    Also Chest xray done no significant finding as
    explained by the physician. Gastroenterology
    consult was done and advised for admission for
    monitoring and correction of blood loss. Patient
    was admitted in Surgery Ward. Started omeprazole
    infusion 8 mg/hr and continuous IV fluid infusion
    and was put on NPO. Then after a series of
    investigations, later that day, was shifted to
    ICU (4/2/13)due to rapid decrease of blood
    pressure to 60/ 40 regardless of continuous fluid
    replacement, Voluven infusion given and was
    scheduled for an urgent Upper GI Endoscopy on OR
    , alongside blood transfusion of PRBC was done.
    Endoscopy shows duodenal ulcer on the anterior
    wall of the bulb and a large amount of black
    material (digested blood) inside the stomach
    cavity. 15 ml of Adrenaline was injected around
    the ulcer to control bleeding. Patient was
    monitored in ICU w/ regular checking of RBS and
    CBC.Oral anticoagulants and other medications are
    withheld. After stabilization and a total of 4
    units PRBC transfusion was transferred back to
    ward (5/2/13). Omeprazole infusion was then
    shifted to Omperazole 40 mg TIV BID, started soft
    diabetic diet.Patient was discharged last 7/2/13
    with home medications of Nexium, Amoxicillin,
    Clarithromycin, Amlor, Simvastatin and Panadol.
    Instructed to avoid aspirins and NSAIDs.

Actual image of ulcer seen after endoscopy
Digested blood
Topic presentation
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding is not just a
    gastroduodenal disorder but may occur anywhere
    along the alimentary tract. Bleeding is a symptom
    of an upper or lower GI disorder. It may be
    obvious in emesis or stool or it may be occult or
    hidden.Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding
    refers to hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal
    tract.Patients with upper GI hemorrhage often
    present with hematemesis,coffee ground vomiting,
    and melena. The presentation of bleeding depends
    on the amount and location of hemorrhage. Melena
    refers to the black, "tarry" feces that are
    associated with gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The
    black color is caused by oxidation of the iron in
    hemoglobin during its passage through the ileum
    and colon. Bleeding may be caused by a lot of
    factors. One of which is a peptic ulcer which is
    an erosion in the gastronintestinal lining
    wherein lining is exposed to acid secretion
    causing inflammation, it may be seen as a small,
    red crater on the inside lining of the gut.
    Peptic ulcer is classified according to its
    origin It may be classified as gastric wherein
    ulcer develops in the stomach lining and duodenal
    if it arise on the duodenum. In this case the
    duodenum which is the most common site of peptic
    ulcer. Peptic ulcer is the end result of an
    imbalance between digestive fluids in the stomach
    and duodenum.. It is estimated that between 5
    and 10 of adults globally are affected by peptic
    ulcers at least once in their lifetimes.

  • Upper gastrointestinal tract The upper
    gastrointestinal tract extend from the
    mouth,esophagus, stomach, until the duodenum.The
    exact demarcation between "upper" and "lower" can

Mouth, oral cavity, and pharynx
  • The mouth leads to the oral cavity, which has a
    vestibule lying between the lips, the cheeks and
    gums (gingivae), and the teeth. The main oral
    cavity also lies between the hard and soft palate
    above, the tongue below, and the alveoli and
    teeth. The oral cavity leads to the pharynx
    through the fauces, which contain pharyngeal
    tonsils (adenoids) and palatine tonsils. Salivary
    glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual)
    open into the oral cavity.
  • The pharynx extends from the base of the skull
    above to the cricoid cartilage (at the level of
    C6) below. It has 3 parts the nasopharynx (from
    the base of the skull above to the soft palate
    below), the oropharynx (from the soft palate
    above to the hyoid bone below), and the
    laryngopharynx (from the hyoid bone above to the
    cricoid cartilage below). The nasal cavity, oral
    cavity, and larynx open into the nasopharynx,
    oropharynx, and laryngopharynx, respectively. The
    laryngopharynx also has a piriform fossa on
    either side.

  • The esophagus (gullet) is one of the few organs
    traversing 3 regions of the body--namely, the
    neck, thorax, and abdomen. Accordingly, it is
    divided into 3 parts cervical, thoracic, and
    abdominal. The esophagus is a 25-cm-long vertical
    muscular tube that which normally remains
    collapsed and that runs from the laryngopharynx
    (throat or hypopharynx) in the neck through the
    thorax (chest) to the stomach in the abdomen.

  • The stomach is a muscular, hollow, dilated part
    of the digestion system located between the
    esophagus and the small intestine. It secretes
    protein-digesting enzymes called protease and
    strong acids to aid in food digestion, (sent to
    it via esophageal peristalsis) through smooth
    muscular contortions (called segmentation) before
    sending partially digested food (chyme) to the
    small intestines.

  • The duodenum is the first section of the small
    intestine and is the shortest part of the small
    intestine, where most chemical digestion takes
    place. The duodenum is largely responsible for
    the breakdown of food in the small intestine,
    using enzymes. The duodenum also regulates the
    rate of emptying of the stomach via hormonal

Lower gastro intestinal tract
  • The lower gastrointestinal tract includes most of
    the small intestine and all of the large
    intestine. According to some sources, it also
    includes the anus.

Small intestine
  • Duodenum Here the digestive juices from the
    pancreas (digestive enzymes) and hormones and the
    gall bladder (bile) mix. The digestive enzymes
    break down proteins and bile and emulsify fats
    into micelles. The duodenum contains Brunner's
    glands which produce bicarbonate. In combination
    with bicarbonate from pancreatic juice, this
    neutralizes HCl of the stomach.
  • Jejunum This is the midsection of the intestine,
    connecting the duodenum to the ileum. It contains
    the plicae circulares, and villi to increase the
    surface area of that part of the GI Tract.
    Products of digestion (sugars, amino acids, fatty
    acids) are absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Ileum Has villi and absorbs mainly vitamin B12
    and bile acids, as well as any other remaining

Large intestine
  • Caecum The Vermiform appendix is attached to the
  • Colon Includes the ascending colon, transverse
    colon, descending colon and sigmoid Flexure The
    main function of the Colon is to absorb water,
    but it also contains bacteria that produce
    beneficial vitamins like vitamin K.
  • Rectum

  • The major processes occurring in the GI system
    are that of motility, secretion, regulation,
    digestion and circulation. The function and
    coordination of each of these actions is vital in
    maintaining GI health, and thus the digestion of
    nutrients for the entire body.
  • In the uppermost portion, the teeth begin the
    process of digestion by grinding food into small
    fragments. The esophagus delivers the food to the
    stomach where strong acid further breaks up and
    degrades the swallowed material. Small amounts of
    the liquified food called chyme are then
    delivered in spurts from the stomach into the
    duodenum where they are mixed with bile from the
    liver (via the bile ducts) and pancreatic juice
    (via the pancreatic duct). Bile aids in the
    breakdown and digestion of fat, while the
    pancreatic enzyme amylase fragments starches into
    smaller molecules. The pancreas also releases a
    fluid into the duodenum, which neutralizes the
    acidic stomach contents. This neutral
    bile/amylase/fragmented food substance passes to
    the upper small intestine for the next phase of
    digestion. It is moved along by peristalsis,
    worm-like contractions of the intestine.

  • The small intestine is so named because its
    calibre is small, about one inch in diameter. The
    term small creates some confusion because, in
    terms of length, it is not small at all. In fact,
    it normally measures nearly 23 feet in length!
    The small intestine's job is absorption of food.
    The body gains access to the food that we consume
    by means of absorption of microscopic particles
    of food through the wall of the small intestine.
    Vitamins and minerals and large amounts of fluid
    are also absorbed by the small intestine and pass
    into the bloodstream for distribution to the rest
    of the body.
  • Small amounts of the liquified food called
    chyme are then delivered in spurts from the
    stomach into the duodenum where they are mixed
    with bile from the liver (via the bile ducts) and
    pancreatic juice (via the pancreatic duct). Bile
    aids in the breakdown and digestion of fat, while
    the pancreatic enzyme amylase fragments starches
    into smaller molecules. The pancreas also
    releases a fluid into the duodenum, which
    neutralizes the acidic stomach contents. This
    neutral bile/amylase/fragmented food substance
    passes to the upper small intestine for the next
    phase of digestion. It is moved along by
    peristalsis, worm-like contractions of the
  • By the time the intestinal contents reach the
    large intestine, most of its nutritional value
    has been extracted, leaving a watery waste
    product. The role of the large intestine is fluid
    absorption from the remaining waste and
    compaction and storage of what is left. Expulsion
    of the waste (feces, stool) is generally under
    voluntary control and is undertaken when socially

(No Transcript)
  • There are many possible causes of bleeding,
    Causes are usually anatomically divided into
    their location in the upper gastrointestinal
    tract. It may be a result of trauma anywhere
    along the GI tract, rupture of an enlarged vein
    such as a varicosity (esophageal or gastric
    varices),inflammation such as esophagitis,gastriti
    s,inflammatory bowel disease and bacterial
    infection. Alcohol and drugs (aspirin-containing
    compounds,NSAIDS, anticoagulants,corticosteroids),
    cancers, or even anal disorders, and erosions
    and ulcers.

Aspirin/Acetylsalicylic acid/ASA NSAID Produces analgesia and exert anti inflammatory effect by inhibiting prostaglandin and other substance that sensitize pain receptor. Interferes with clotting by keeping a platelet-aggregating substance from forming. GI nausea, GI bleeding, GI distress Hematologic prolonged bleeding time
Clopidogrel bisulfate/Plavix Antiplatelet Reduces thrombotic events in patient with atherosclerosis, documented by recent stroke or MI GI hemorrhage,abdominal pain, ulcers
Diclofenac NSAID Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis to produce anti inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects GI abdominal distention, abdominal pain, bleeding,peptic ulceration
  • Bleeding may be classified as
  • -massive it may be acute, wherein there is
    bright red hematemesis or large amount of melena
    with clots in the stool, rapid pulse,drop in BP,
    hyppovolemia and shock
  • -subacuteintermittent melena or coffe ground
    emesis,hypotension,weakness and dizziness
  • -chronicintermittent appearance of
    bleed,increased weakness,paleness or shortness of
    breath,occult blood and iron deficiency anemia.
  • Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a result of
    the ulceration of the mucosal lining of the
    stomach. This is due to infection with a
    bacterium (germ) called H. pylori or chronic use
    of Anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat
    various medical conditions. The diagnosis of
    upper GI bleeding is assumed when there is the
    presence of at least two factors among black
    stool, age gt 50 years, and high blood urea
    nitrogen/creatinine ratio.

Signs and symptoms
  • emphasized items are those noted in the patient)
  • fatigue, weakness, or lack of energy
  • Lightheadedness may occur if a person stands too
    quickly, since the body isn't able to pump
    oxygen-carrying red blood cells fast enough to
    the brain
  • abdominal pain/burning pain, classically
    epigastric strongly correlated to mealtimes. In
    case of duodenal ulcers the pain appears about
    three hours after taking a meal
  • bloating and abdominal fullness
  • nausea, and copious vomiting
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • hematemesis (vomiting of blood) this can occur
    due to bleeding directly from a gastric ulcer, or
    from damage to the esophagus from
    severe/continuing vomiting
  • melena (tarry, foul-smelling feces due to
    oxidized iron from hemoglobin)
  • Pallor of oral and nasal mucosa due to blood loss
  • Low blood hemoglobin level (8.6)
  • Breathing difficulties and low O2 saturation
  • Decreased Blood pressure
  • Tachycardia

Formation and liberation of antihistamine
Increased acid production
Further mucosal erosion-uleration
Acute, massive GI bleeding
Compensatory constriction of peripheral
arteries-pallor of skin and nail beds
Blood volume depletion
Dec cardiac output hypotension and tachycardia
Interventions and treatment
  • The initial focus is on resuscitation beginning
    with airway management and fluid resuscitation
    using either intravenous fluids and or blood
    transfusion. Based on evidence from people with
    other health problems crystalloid and colloids
    are believed to be equivalent for peptic ulcer
  • Bowel rest Bed rest and clear fluids with no
    food at all for a few days. This gives the ulcer
    a chance to start healing without being
  • Also endoscopy is the priority management, both a
    diagnostic and a treatment for GI bleeding,
    wherein after seeing the area where bleeding is
    originating, adrenalin can be injected to
    control the bleeding.
  • Acid suppressing medication following a 4-8 week
    course of a medicine that greatly reduces the
    amount of acid that your stomach makes is usually
    advised. The most commonly used medicine is a
    proton pump inhibitor (PPI). These are a class
    (group) of medicines that work on the cells that
    line the stomach, reducing the production of
    acid. Proton pump inhibitors may reduce mortality
    in those with severe disease as well as the risk
    of re-bleeding and the need for surgery. They
    include esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole,
    pantoprazole and rabeprazole, and come in various
    brand names.
  • Sometimes another class of medicines called H2
    blockers is used. They are also called histamine
    H2-receptor antagonists but are commonly called
    H2 blockers. H2 blockers work in a different way
    on the cells that line the stomach, reducing the
    production of acid. They include cimetidine,
    famotidine, nizatidine and ranitidine, and come
    in various brand names. As the amount of acid is
    greatly reduced, the ulcer usually heals.
  • Surgical Interventions may also be indicated for
    hemorrhage caused by ulcer.

Upper gi endoscopy
  • Upper endoscopy is a procedure that enables the
    examiner (usually a gastroenterologist) to
    examine the esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach,
    and duodenum (first portion of small bowel) using
    a thin, flexible tube through which the lining of
    the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum can be
    viewed using a TV monitor

  • Prolonged bleeding detectable in a microscopic
    study can lead to the loss of iron in the
    individual. This can cause anemia. Red blood
    cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. It is
    required to carry oxygen to the tissues of the
    body. A lack of hemoglobin and a lack of red
    blood cells can occur during constant GI
    bleeding, causing anemia. Symptoms of anemia
    include chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, weakness,
    headaches, shortness of breath and lack of mental
  • Hypovolemia may occur as a complication of GI
    bleeding. Due to a severe loss of blood and fluid
    in acute GI bleeding, the heart finds it
    difficult to pump enough blood to the body. It is
    a life-threatening condition since it can cause
    the body's organs to stop working. Symptoms of
    this condition include cool, clammy skin
    confusion agitation decreased urine output
    weakness pale skin quick breathing and loss of
  • Acute and massive bleeding from the
    gastrointestinal tract can lead to a lack of
    blood flow to the body. This can damage the
    different organs of the body, causing organ
    failure. Shock is an emergency condition and if
    it is not treated immediately, it can worsen
    quickly, causing irreversible damage to the
    organs or even death. Symptoms of shock include
    an extremely low blood pressure, bluish lips and
    fingernails, chest pain, confusion, dizziness,
    anxiety, pale skin, decreased or no urine output,
    racing but weak pulse rate, shallow breathing,
    and unconsciousness.

Prioritization of nursing problems
  • Acute pain related to inflammation of gastric
  • Fluid volume deficit related to active bleeding
    or fluid loss
  • Decreased cardiac output due to active bleeding
  • Fatigue related to decreased oxygen in blood
  • Knowledge Deficit related to lifestyle
    modification and drug regimen

Nursing care plan 1
Subjective I have abdominal pain Objective Pain score 8/10 facial grimace assuming fetal postion to compress stomach guarding position irritable Acute Pain related to epigastric distress secondary to mucosal erosion. After 15-30 mins of nursing interventions, the patient will experience relief from pain as evidenced by a pain score of 8/10 decreased to at least 5/10, a relaxed postion, and absence of facial grimace. Provided patient. optimal pain relief with prescribed analgesics or proton pump inhibitors like Risek 80 mg TIV STAT and Scopinal 20mg TIV STAT Positioned patient comfortably on bed Instructed patient to be on NPO Taught the use of nonpharmacologic techniques (e.g., relaxation,guided imagery, music therapy, distraction, and massage) Each client has a right to expect maximum pain relief. Optimal  pain relief using analgesics includes determining the preferred  route, drug, dosage, and frequency for each individual. Proton pump medications reduce acid levels and allow the ulcer to heal Proper positioning during times of pain may give comfort to the patient Limits gastric acid production thus inhibiting irritation to the ulcer The use of noninvasive pain relief measures can increase the re- lease of endorphins and enhance the therapeutic effects of pain relief medications Goal partially met After 30 mis of nursing interventions, the patient manifested a slight relief of pain as evidenced by a pain score of 6/10 but still uncomfortable.
Nursing care plan 2
Subjective I am passing bloody stool Objective () melena low HGb count of 8.6 Pale and dry oral mucosa Tachyardia 125 bpm shortness of breath Hypotension 100/70mmhg Fluid volume deficit related to blood loss due to active bleeding. After 12 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will be able to regain fluid volume and minimize further blood loss. Administered fluid replacement through intravenous fluids as ordered Administered properly typed and crossmatched blood products as ordered Administered oxygen inhalation by face mask Witheld medications that can aggravate bleeding like aspirin maintained pt on bed rest,limit activity Monitored Intake and Output To provide replacement for the amount of fluid loss Urgently replaces blood loss To compensate for the low levels of oxygen in the blood to facilitate breathing and ventilation Prevents exacerbation of situation, prevents irritation and inflammation of ulcers that causes bleeding To prevent further fluid loss and minimize energy consumption To monitor amount of fluid loss for replacement Goal partially met. After 12 hours of nursing intervention, the patient maintained fluid volume at an acceptable level, as evidenced by normal breathing and a warm, moist skin and mucosa and increased HGb level of 13.7-17.5 g/dl
Nursing health teaching
  • Prevention of recurrence of bleeding due to
    duodenal ulcer is the priority health teaching
  • Instructing patient in taking gastric irritating
    medications on full stomach
  • Advising to limit or quit smoking
  • Having a well balanced diet with meals at regular
    intervals and avoiding dietary irritants.
  • Religiously following medication regimen for
    duodenal ulcer
  • Avoiding aspirins and NSAIDs instead using
    Paracetamol for pain
  • Taking adequate amount of rest to prevent stress
  • Advise to drink alcohol only in moderation, or
    avoid drinking alcohol. Limit alcohol to 2 drinks
    a day for men and 1 drink a day for women.
    Drinking too much alcohol and other caffeine
    containing beverages may make an ulcer heal more
    slowly and may make your symptoms worse.

  • Early detection is important in the management
    of any disease. In this case, the patient
    developed a complication of his past medical
    condition which is CVA due to his medication
    treatment and other causes. The Upper
    Gastrointestinal Bleeding was already a
    complication of the duodenal ulcer which may be
    caused by the medication he took and his
    lifestyle and started months prior to
    hospitalization. And this case when not prompted
    early may cause death. Improvement was seen upon
    discharge as evidenced by laboratory results and
    the patients overall condition. But it is
    possible that the condition may recur if the
    patient will follow dietary and health regimens

Thank you!
  • Maria Beverly A. Centeno,RN
  • Emergency Department staff
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