Title: Lifestyle/Chronic Diseases ( Non-Communicable)
1Lifestyle/ChronicDiseases ( Non-Communicable)
- Unit 8 In The Book
- Page 514
2Lifestyle/Chronic Diseases
- - diseases caused by lifestyle choices, genetics,
and/or environment and not communicable.
3Cardiovascular Diseasesp.515
- Heart Diseases- any disease of the heart muscle
or other working parts of the heart. - Coronary Heart Disease- A disease in which the
coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked. - Coronary Artery- is a blood vessel that carries
blood/ oxygen to feed heart muscles. - Plaque- mixture of fatty deposits with minerals
that builds up on blood vessel walls.
4Cardiovascular Disease- disease of the heart
blood vessels, such as congestive heart failure,
coronary heart disease stroke.
- Factors which could lead to CVD
- -gender, heredity, smoking, hypertension, high
cholesterol, poor diet, diabetes, obesity, lack
of exercise stress. - Prevention
- - avoid saturated fats, eat plenty of fruits,
vegetables and fiber, exercise.
5Types of Diabetes523
6Heart Attack(Myocardial Infarction)
- P. 517
- the event in which blood vessels that feed the
heart muscle become blocked and the heart does
not receive oxygen.
7Blood Vessels
- Arteries- carry blood away from the heart,
largest blood vessels with thick muscular walls. - Veins- carry blood towards the heart.
- Capillaries- connect arteries to veins, smallest
of the blood vessels.
8Blood Clots
- Thrombus- a stationary clot in the blood.
- ex. Coronary Thrombus
- Embolus- a traveling blood clot.
- Aneurysm- the ballooning out of an artery at a
point where it has become weak. - Hemorrhage- the breaking of an artery wall at a
point where it has grown weak.
9 10Atherosclerosisp.516
- a disease in which plaque collects on artery
walls. - It worsens hypertension and makes blood clots
likely. - Can cause blockage of arteries that feed critical
organs, such as the heart and brain. - Arteriosclerosis- tends to occur naturally as
people age.
11Other Types of Heart Diseasep.515
- Congenital- born with
- Murmur- a heart sound that reflects damaged or
abnormal heart valves. - Pacemaker- a device that is implanted in the
heart to stimulate normal heart contractions.
12- Rheumatic Fever- occurs chiefly in children and
teens and includes inflammation of the heart
valves. - Symptoms-
- painful swollen joints, skin rashes
- Prevention-
- prompt treatment of Strep throat
13Blood Pressurep.519
- Hypertension- high blood pressure, silent
Killer, if untreated can result in kidney
damage, stroke, and heart attack. Can be
hereditary. - systolic- contraction, highest pressure measured
( good BP) - diastolic- relaxation
- 140/90 ( High BP)
- Prehypertension-
- Stage I-
- Stage II-
- Sphygmomanometer- used to measure BP
14High Cholesterol
- Below 200 milligrams per deciliter is desirable
- Two types
- 1. High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
- 2. Low Density Lipoproteins
- (LDL)
- Bad
- Builds up on artery walls
- LDL levels should be below 130 mg/dl
- Helps lead to atherosclerosis
- Good
- Takes fat out of blood, takes excess cholesterol
to liver to be disposed of. - HDL levels should be above 45 mg/dl
17StrokeP. 516
- a condition caused by a blocked or broken blood
vessel in the brain, basically shutting off all
blood flow/ oxygen to the brain. - Causes Thrombus, Embolus, Hemorrhage, Aneurysm,
compression from a tumor.
18Symptoms of a Stroke
- Sudden weakness, numbness, tingling
- headaches
- Loss of speech, slurred speech
- Dizziness, unsteadiness
- Dimness, loss of vision, blurred vission
- Paralysis
- Disability or death
- In a major stroke, part of the brain will die
causing mental physical damage loss of
19Diagnosis TreatmentP. 520
- Electro-Cardiogram-
- Cardiac Catheterization-
- Stress Test-
- Echocardiogram-
- Nuclear Stress Test-
- Angioplasty-
- Stent-
20(No Transcript)
21CancerP. 531
- -An uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which
spreads into surrounding tissue and other body
22Tumor P.531
- Tumor- an abnormal mass of tissue that can live
and reproduce itself, but performs no service to
the body. - Benign- non-cancerous, does not spread to other
parts of the body. Can be removed surgically,
rarely causes harm. - Malignant- is a cancerous tumor, that may spread
to other parts of the body. -
23Stages P.531
- Metastasis- is the spread of cancer.
- In Situ- cancer not spreading, in its original
24How Cancer Develops
- Exposure to Carcinogen or initiator (risk factor)
- Initiator enters cell
- Cells genetic material changes
- Promoter may be present
- Multiplication of cells
- Tumors develop
- Malignant tumor grows spreads to surrounding
tissue - Metastasis occurs
25Warning signs of Cancerp.534
26Most Common CancerP.535
- Skin Cancer- overexposure to the sun for many
years, most easily detected because it is plainly
visible. - Malignant Melanoma- most dangerous
- Basal Cell Carcinoma-
- most common
27Common CancersP.532 533
- Male- lung, colon-rectum, prostate
- Female- lung, breast, colon-rectum, uterus
- Initiators (Causes)
- Promoter- speeds up process of cancer development
- 1.Heredity(lung,colon,rectal,breast,uterine)
- 2.Carcinogens
- 3.Radiation
- 4.Viruses
- 5.Lack of Exercise or Poor Diet
28Reducing Your Risk of CancerP.534
- Tobacco Free Lifestyle
- UV Radiation
- Dietary Guidelines
- Desirable Weight
- Avoid Alcohol
- Chemicals/Air Pollution
- Avoid STDs
- Important in Cancer Prevention
- Early detection
- Self examination
- Doctor exam
- Good diet (antioxidants, high in fiber, variety
of foods)
- According to the U.S. Center for Cancer
Statistics the leading cancer found in males,
regardless of race, is prostate cancer. For
females, it is breast cancer. There are 1.5 times
more African-American males with prostate cancer
than Caucasian males. Breast cancer is 20 higher
in Caucasian females than in African-American
30Treatment ApproachesP. 536
- Surgery- most common
- Radiation Therapy- uses radiation to kill or
damage cancer cells - Chemotherapy- anticancer drugs
- Immunotherapy- immune system stimulated to fight
cancer cells