Title: System Failure and Children at Risk:
1System Failure and Children at Risk When Family
Law, Mental Illness and Family Violence Come
- By Dr Elspeth McInnes
- School of Education, Magill Campus
- Shared Parental Responsibility in Australian
Family Law the Impact on Children Seminar,
Adelaide 13-14 April 2008.
2Family Law - Equal Shared Parental Responsibility
- From July 1 2006
- equal shared parental responsibility under
which decision makers must consider children
spending the maximum time possible (50/50) with
each parent after separation, or substantial or
significant time. - The presumption of equal shared parental
responsibility can be rebutted where there is a
risk of violence
3Family Laws Ideal Separated Families
- parents should agree and co-operate in the best
interests of their children, and - children do best when they have a meaningful
relationship with both parents. - Previously Each childs best interests were
uniquely examined. - Now The content of best interests is
re-defined as regular contact with each parent
after separation.
4Whats the Problem?
- TWO serious implications for adverse mental
health outcomes. - the mental health and developmental needs of
children are subordinated to spending maximum
time with each parent. - victims of violence and abuse face greatly
increased risks of continuing exposure to abuse
when they are required to share care with an
abusing parent.
5Drawing on Distress
6Separation, mental illness and child homicide
2 case studies
- 10 year old raped/killed by father in Queensland
on December 31 2007. - One of 4 children in fathers care after mother
relinquished care in 2004 after lengthy family
court proceedings. - Father arrested and hospitalised involuntary
treatment order December 8, discharged December
22 no monitoring, no check re child protection. - Mother never informed of fathers
hospitalisation. Said her children always cried
when they left her to return to father. Last
contact with them December 23. - Eldest daughter and neighbours had previously
made child abuse reports about father to child
safety dept with no response. - Surviving children placed with killers parents
and mother to seek residence in family court. - (Sources various press reports see reference
72004 Dalton (ABC 4 Corners)
- April 25 2004 Jayson Dalton killed Jessie(20
months) and Patrick (3 months) then himself
rather than return them to the care of their
mother, Dionne. - Dalton had a DVO before separation, twice
breached it and had been imprisoned for the
breach. - March 11 Dionne hospitalised with psychosis after
Daltons breach, leaving children with her
mother. - March 16 Family Court awards Dalton care of the
children after 14 minute hearing. Judge tells
Dionnes mother he was violent to wife, but not
really to his children. No assessment of care
capacity of Dalton or Dionnes mother was made. - Family Court ordered the children to be returned
to Dionne after 5 weeks when she was released
from hospital, but Dalton killed the children and
himself on the day they were to go back to their
mothers care. - Chief Justice Bryant quotedThere was nothing to
indicate this would happen. - BUT If nobody looks then nobody can find risk
indicators. - Air safety crashes investigations aim to discover
what happened with a view to crash prevention and
reduction. - Victims of family homicide need a family homicide
review process to learn from tragedies across
both state and federal systems when parents have
8Common Problems in both Cases
- Family law delivered children to parents who
killed them. - Family law inability to properly assess parents
capacity to provide safe and suitable care
(despite a legal responsibility to do so). - Mothers concerns of child abuse were
disregarded/ mothers not informed of problems
with fathers care. - Police involvement with killers prior to deaths
and their evidence of violence not available to
decision-makers re children. - Parents with mental illness not linked with child
protection plans. - Child protection system ineffective.
9Homicide and Family Breakdown
- Separation is a high risk context for family
homicide. - Strang (1996) 43 of 88 killings of children by
parents/step-parent in context of parental
separation. Biological fathers most common
killers (46 deaths). - Mouzos Rushforth (2003) over 13 years, men kill
average of 58 women partners and 16 children per
annum with family breakdown common context. - Johnson (2005) researched 7 cases of
post-separation murder-suicide in WA. Common
factors DV history, high jealousy and ownership,
frequent threats to harm self and others,
deteriorating mental state prior to murders.
10The Significance of Violence
- Violence and abuse have been identified as strong
predictors and contributors to mental illness
risk (Taft 2003 Itzin 2006). - Risk and severity of illness is linked to the age
of onset, the severity, duration and number of
episodes of violence and abuse as well as the
presence or absence of supportive responses and
safety. - Children who experience violence and abuse are
additionally developmentally vulnerable. - The prevention and reduction and treatment of
violence and abuse must become central to mental
health strategies.
11Parental Mental Illness Risks to Children
- Population data estimates 27,000 children
affected by parental mental illness most
dangerous disorders for risks to children are
depression and substance abuse (Tomison 1996). - Only 1 in 6 sufferers get appropriate help
women more likely to access help men more
likely to be undiagnosed and untreated (Rodgers
et al 2004). - Most common diagnosed context of mental illness
child deaths is mothers killing newborns (Strang
1996). - Major problem that health systems treat adult
patients and ignore their children and the
parenting context. COPMI project aims to assist
http//www.copmi.net.au/ - The Qld death prompted the state government to
institute new rules requiring mental health
workers to assess and provide a child care plan
before discharging patients under Involuntary
Treatment Orders where the patients have
responsibilities for, or are involved in, the
care of children. The assessment is to include
the patient's ability to parent the children and
any foreseeable risk of harm to the children, but
most state and territory mental health services
do not have protocols with child protection
departments and the need for parenting plans on
patient discharge. - Where parents have separated children are less
supported and exposed to system gaps. - Parents with shared responsibility and continuing
time with children do not receive information
about the hospitalised parents capacity to
provide care and are thus unable to seek a
change in care arrangements to ensure their
children are cared for (The 2007 case). - Where parents have been made incapable of
providing care due to the violent or abusive
actions of the other parent (The Dalton case),
child protection, police and domestic violence
reports need to be part of the evidence available
to decision-makers in the family law system.
12child in dangerous contact - drawing
13Mental Illness and Parental Separation
- ABS data (2002) indicates that one in five
Australians have had a mental illness in the past
12 months mostly depressive and anxiety
disorders. - Mental health problems can contribute to
difficulties in relationship formation and are a
commonly nominated cause of relationship
breakdown (Wolcott Hughes 1999). - Violent and abusive relationship are a key risk
to womens mental health (Taft 2003). - Relationship breakdown is a crisis period which
can itself precipitate mental illness (Rodgers et
al 2004).
14Family Law and state systems
- State police, health, childrens services,
emergency accommodation, child protection, and
corrections hold important evidence on risks to
childrens safety where family violence, mental
illness and parental separation come together,
but do not have ready interface with each other
or the family law system. - Ex Parte DV orders routinely not accepted by
family court as evidence of violence. No ready
timely pathways for state held evidence (eg
police /mental health service info) to be
available to family law decision makers
responsible for determining childrens best
interests. - Family law decisions on child allocation
over-ride state laws and are not monitored for
their impact on the childs safety or best
interests. - Child contact services are short-term and the
most dangerous parents are excluded for staff
safety (Sheehan et al 2005). - Magellan program of state child protection/family
law interface is highly restricted majority of
violence and abuse cases outside the program.
15Pathways for Positive Change
- SA Family Safety Framework has developed a shared
risk assessment, information sharing and referral
process across police, health , education and
childrens services, emergency accommodation
services and child protection. - Model should be extended to include family law
services (including FRCs) responding to
identified high risk separated parents. - Need for learning approach via interagency family
homicide review process including family law
system services when parents are separated. - The alternative is to continue to complacently
accept childrens current levels of exposure to
abuse and violence after parental separation and
claim There was nothing to indicate this would
happen as the death and injury toll mounts.
16Pre-conditions for change
- Human right to survival and safety has to be
recognised as the threshold condition of a
childs best interests and the possibility of a
meaningful relationship with anybody. - Need to have a robust investigatory, risk
assessment and decision-making processes to
protect children from parents with a history of
violent or abusive conduct. - Need resources and concerted continuing effort.
- Therefore need leaderships committed to safety
first driving interagency reform across the
state-federal divide.
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