Title: Multimedia- and Web-based Information Systems
1Multimedia- and Web-based Information Systems
2Multimedia Color- and Video-technology
- Television- and Video-Technology form the basis
of the medium motion picture - Generation
- Recording from the real world
- Synthesis on the basis of a description
- Analogous and digital technology
4Representation of the video signal
- Representation of the video signal contains
- Visual representation
- Transmission
- Digitalization
5Visual Representation
- Presentation of the video signal trough a CRT
(Cathode Ray Tube) - In television and computer screens
- Representation of a scene as realistic as
possible - Delivery of the space and time content of a scene
6Fundamentals of visual representation
- Resolution
- Width W
- Height H
- E.g. W833, H625
- Width/height-relation
- 43 or 169
- Perception of depth
- In the natural preception trough the use of both
eyes (different view angles onto one scene) - Focus-depth of the camera, appearance of the
material of an object
7Fundamentals of visual representation
- Luminance / Chrominance
- Motion picture resolution / continuity
- Discreet sequence of single pictures can be
perceived as a continually sequence - Boundary of motion picture resolution
- 15 pictures/sec (video used 30 pictures/sec)
- No boundary with acoustic signals
8Fundamentals of visual representation
- Flicker
- With small refresh rate
- Eg. 50 or 60 Hz
- Full and half pictures (interlacing)
9RGB Color Coding
- RGB (Red Green Blue)
- Additive color blend
- Normalization of values (RGB1)
10YUV Color Coding
- For the human eye, brightness is more important
than color information - Brightnessinformation (Luminance)
- 1 channel of luminance (Y)
- Color Information (Chrominance)
- 2 channels of chrominance (U and V)
11Component Coding YUV
- Y 0.30 R 0.59 G 0.11 B
- U 0.493 (B-Y)
- V 0.877 (R-Y)
- Errors in Y are more severe
- Y to be encoded with high bandwidth
- YUV Coding often specified with a raito of the
channels (422)
12Component Coding YUV
- YIQ (similar to YUV)
- Derived from NTSC
- Y 0.30 R 0.59 G 0.11 B
- I 0.60 R 0.28 G 0.32 B
- Q 0.21 R 0.52 G 0.31 B
13Shared Signal
- Individual components (RGB, YUV, YIQ) need to be
combined to one signal - Methods of modulation to avoid interference
14Video formats
- Resolution of a picture (frame)
- Quantisation
- Framerate
- Video controller
- Dedicated video memory
15Video formats
- CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
- 320x200, 4 colors, 16.000 bytes
- EGA (Enhanced Graphic Adapter)
- 640x350, 16 colors, 112.000 bytes
- VGA (Video Graphic Array)
- 640x480, 256 colors, 307.200 bytes
- XVGA (eXtended Video Graphic Array)
- 1024x768, 256 colors, 768.423 bytes
- XGA (eXtended Graphic Array)
- 1024x768, 16M colors, 2304 kbytes
- Many more
16Conventional Systems
- NTSC (National Television Systems Commitee)
- From the USA, oldest standard, widely used, 30
Hz, 525 lines - SECAM (Sequential Coleur avec Memoire)
- France, Eastern Europe, 25 Hz, 625 lines
- PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
- Western Europe, 25 Hz, 625 lines
17High-Definition Television (HDTV)
- Resolution
- 1440x1152 / 1920x1152
- Frame rate
- 50 or 60 Hz
- No longer interlaced
18Digitalisation of video signals
- Conversion into a digital representation
- Nyquist-Theorem (bandwidth half the sampling
rate) - Of the components
- Quantisation
- 2 Alternatives
- Shared Coding
- Component Coding
19Shared Coding
- Scanning of the whole of the analogue video
signal (e.g. composite video) - Dependant on the standard
- Bandwidth the same for all components
- Disadvantage low in contrast
20Component Coding
- Separate digitalisation of the components (e.g.
YUV) - Ratio 422
- 864 scan values for luminance
- 432 scan values for chrominancy
21Digital Television
- Digital Television Broadcasting (DTVB)
- Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)
- DVB-T (terrestric broadcast)
- System description
- Implementation of HDTV
- Employs MPEG-2
- Coding of Audio and Video
22Advantages of DVB
- Increase in the number of TV-channels
- Adaptable picture and sound quality
- Encryption possible for Pay-TV
- New Services Data broadcast, Multimedia
broadcast, Video-on-Demand - Convergence of PC and TV
23Multimedia Data Compression
24Data Compression
- Audio and Video require lots of storage space
- Increasing Demand
- Text Single Pictures Audio Motion Picture
- Data rates influence
- Transmission
- Processing
- Efficient Compression
- Theory
- Standards
25Storage Space / Bandwidth
- Considerable storage capacity for uncompressed
pictures, audio and video data - For uncompressed Video, even a DVD is not
sufficient - Uncompressed Audio-/Videodata requires very high
26Required Storage Space
- Text
- 80 x 60 2 bytes 9600 bytes 9,4 KByte
- Figures
- 500 primitives 5 Bytes for properties 2500
bytes - Voice
- 8 kHz, 8 bit quantisation 8 kByte / s
- Audio
- 2 x 4410016 bit / 8 bit 1 byte 172 Kbyte / s
- Video
- 640 x 480 3 x 25 frames 22,500 Kbyte /s
27Important Methods
- JPEG (JPEG 2000)
- For single pictures
- H.261 and H.263
- Video sequences of small resolution
- MPEG 1,2 and 4
- Motion Picture and Audio (MPEG Layer 3)
28Demands on Methods
- Good quality
- Small complexity
- Effective implementation
- Time boundaries with decompression (and
compression) - MPEG-1 high effort with compression
29Demands in Dialogue mode
- End-to-End latency
- Part of the (De-)Compression lt 150 ms
- 50 ms -gt natural dialogue
- Additionally all latencies of the network,
communication protocols and of the in- and output
30Demands in Query mode
- Fast Forward / Rewind with simoultaneuos display
of the data - Random access to single frames
- lt 0.5 s
- Decompression of single pictures without
interpretation of all the frames before them
31Demands in Dialogue and Query mode
- Format independent of screen size and refresh
rate - Audio and video in different qualities (to adapt
to the respective circumstances) - Synchronisation of Audio and Video
- Implementation in software
32Classification of compression methods
- Entropy coding
- Lossless methods
- Source coding
- Often lossy
- Hybrid coding
- Combined application of both of the methods above
for a specific scenario
33Entropy coding
- Independent of media specific properties
- Data to compress is a sequence of digital data
values - Losslessness
- Data before and after the compression/decompressio
n are identical
34Source coding
- Usage of the semantics of the information
- Compression ratio depends on the specific medium
- Data before and after the compressen/decompression
are very similar to each other but no longer
35Hybrid coding
- Combination of entroy and souce coding, used e.g.
- H.263
- Inverse function of the compression
- Decompression possible in real time?
- Symmetric methods
- Similar effort for coding and decoding
- Assymetric method
- Decoding possible with smaller effort
37Run length encoding
- Sequence of identical bytes
- Number of repeating bytes
- Mark M (e.g. !)
- Stuffing if M is in the data space
- Example 1 0, !, 256
- Example 2 !, ! (Stuffing)
- In what cases does it help? Maximum saving?
38Suppression of null values
- Special case of run length encoding
- Selection of a single character that is repeated
often (e.g. 0) - Mark M, after that number of repetitions
- In what cases does it help? Maximum saving?
39Vector quantisation
- Splitting of the data stream into blocks of n
bytes - Table with patterns for blocks
- Index into the table to the entry most similar to
the block - Multi-dimensional table -gt vector
- Approximation of the original data stream
- Example
40Pattern Substitution
- Patterns of frequent occurence replaced by one
byte - Mark M, then index into a table
- Well suited for text
- e.g. keywords in programming languages
41Diatomic Encoding
- Putting together of two bytes of data at a time
- Determination of the byte-pairs occuring most
frequently - e.g. in the English language
- E, T, TH, RE, IN, ... (8 in total)
- Special bytes not occuring in the text used to
represent 2 letters - Reduction in data of ca. 10
42Static encoding
- Frequency of occurence of a character
- Different coding length for characters
- Basis of the Morse code
- Important unambigous decompression
43Huffmann coding
- Regards the probability of occurence
- Minimum number of bits for given probability of
occurence - Characters occuring most often get the shortest
code words - Binary tree (Nodes contain probabilities, edges
bit 0 or 1)
44Huffmann coding
- P(A)0.16, P(B)0.51, P(C)0.09, P(D)0.13 and
45Huffmann Coding
- w(A)001, w(B)1, w(C)011, w(D)000, w(E)010
46Transformation coding
- Data transformed into a better suited
mathematical space - Inverse Transformation needs to be possible
- Discrete Cosine-Transformation (DCT)
- Fast-Fourier-Transformation (FFT)
- See example in the JPEG lecture
47Prediction or relative encoding
- Forming the difference to the previous value
- Data do not differ much
- Combination of methods
- e.g. homogenous areas in pictures
48Further Methods
- Color tables
- with pictures (video)
- Muting
- Threshold for sound volume