Childhood Mental Health: Strategies for rural people - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Childhood Mental Health: Strategies for rural people


Childhood Mental Health: Strategies for rural people * * There is no reason to believe pediatric care would be different. * NYS AHEC can facilitate in distribution ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Childhood Mental Health: Strategies for rural people

Childhood Mental HealthStrategies for rural
Rural Challenge
  • 1. Making the Diagnosis
  • Requires team of family, school, primary care
    physician and patient.
  • PCPs diagnose psycho-social problems in 19 of
    visits. (Koppelman, 2004)
  • Specialty consult obtained for 50 of these
  • 2. Urgent Care
  • Usually the primary care office or the ER.
  • 3. Continuity and maintenance care.
  • Requires integration of family, school, primary
    care physician, mental health specialty support.

Rural Need
  • Rural Pediatric Mental Health Visits
  • 5 of child ER visits are for MH (rural urban).
  • 10 of psychiatric ER visits are children.
    (Hartley, 2005)
  • Childhood mental health ER visits ?102. (Shah,
  • Only 1 in 5 children receive definitive care.
    (Rosenkranz, 2006)
  • Rural adolescent rates of anxiety, depression,
    thought problems, attention problems,
    delinquency, substance abuse and aggressive
    behavior are equivalent. (Hartley, 1999)
  • Suicide is higher in rural America. (Hartley,
  • Only 79 of Rural US Counties have mental health
    services. (Hartley, 1999)

Agricultural Workers NeedNeeds somewhat unique
to farming
Problem Strategy
Business Pressures Markets, regulatory, climatic ? business and family management resources.
Poor problem solving, rigidity, change. Build professional networks
Access to firearms. Crisis services.
Alcohol, prescription drug misuse. Access to recovery programs.
Lack of knowledge of mental health problems. Reducing stigma, education.
Source American Farm Bureau
Solutions Integrated Care (PCP)
  • Mental Health Care in Primary Care
  • Mental and physical health are indivisible.
  • 50 of patients refuse referral. (Olfson, 1991)
  • PCPs deal with mental symptoms as part of a
    larger, more general problem
  • Mental symptoms are concentrated in patients who
    visit their PCP for other reasons.
  • Mental health symptoms are imbedded in a matrix
    of physical symptoms.
  • The Rural PCP remains stuck with difficult
  • Limited opportunity for passing the patient
    onto specialty care. (Farley, 1998)

Disease and Illness
(Stewart, 1995 Rosenthal, 2007)
Feelings Ideas Function Expectations
The Broken Part
Bio-physiological MechanismPrimary Care Model of
Stress Trauma Predisposition Infection Inflammat
Heterogeneous neuroendocrine-immune dysfunction
Aberrant central pain mechanism
Fatigue Depression/Anxiety Poor sleep Fatigue
Physical deconditioning
Mental stress
Sympathetic Activity
Environmental stimuli
Poor posture
Why Primary Care? (PCP)
  • Distress brings patients into the PCP Office
  • An emotion that may arise out of physical or
    mental trigger.
  • 10-20 of people visit a PCP for a mental health
    problem each year.
  • 26 have a DSM diagnosis. (deGruy, 1996)
  • 50 of high utilizers have significant distress.
  • 8-15 of PCP Pediatric contacts are for
    psycho-social problems. (Costello, 1987)
  • Team Care is inherent to Primary Care.
    (Rosenthal, 2001)

Why Primary Care? (PCP)
  • Mind/Body Integration
  • Americans accept the inter-relationship of mind
    and body more than clinicians. (Wolsko, 2004)
  • 88 of patients accept management of mental
    illness by their primary care physician. (Smith,
  • Patients expect their PCP to facilitate referrals
    and consultations. (Rosenthal, 1991)
  • Patients expect PCPs to continue participation in
    their care after referral. (Rosenthal, 1996)

Solutions Expand the Team
  • Advance Practice Psychiatric Nurses
  • Clinical outcomes of high quality.
  • Both diagnosis and treatment (Merwin, 1995)
  • Licensed with prescription authority in NYS.
  • Their holistic framework is essential for rural
  • 9.6 of NYs APPNs practice in rural NY.
    (Hartley, 2004)
  • 8 of NYS is considered rural.
  • There are 40 APPNs in rural NYS as of 2004.
  • Most training programs do not include rural
    experiences. (Hartley, 2004)

Integrate Care Examples Chevy Version
  • Bag Lunch Model
  • Letchworth Family Medicine, Perry, NY
  • Established in 1978 as a solo (fee-for-service)
  • Now has 3 Family Physicians and 2 NPs.
  • Friday noon lunch in PCP office
  • The physicians, NPs and nursing staff.
  • Clinical psychologists, MHSWs from county mental
    health office and private practices in county.
  • Agenda 1) referred cases, 2) problem cases, 3)
    medically complicated cases, 4) un-referrable
  • Enhanced number of referrals, fewer visits per
    referral, greater patient satisfaction, greater
    professional comfort. (Rosenthal, 1990)

Integrate Care Examples Buick Version
  • Tount, Texas (Federally Qualified Health Center
    est 1993.)
  • Step 1 Established grant funded Family violence
    intervention program.
  • Step 2 Hired Clinical Psychologist (CP)
    initially supported by grant.
  • Step 3 Weekly Office PCP, CP and Staff
    conferences focusing on patient care.
  • Step 4 Referrals to CP expanded to other
  • Step 5 Patient billings evolved to support CP.
  • Step 6 Grant funding was no longer needed.
    (Farley, 1998)

Integrate Care Examples Cadillac Version
  • Inter-professional Partners for Appalachian
    Children (IPAC)
  • Assessment and comprehensive treatment of
    behavioral and developmental needs of children
    ages six and under
  • 19 university and community health care
    organizations in Appalachian Ohio participate.
  • Access is through PCPs and schools.
  • Provider participants
  • Primary physicians, psychologists, counselors,
    early child mental health professionals, nurses,
    educators, and hearing and speech-language
    pathologists from within the partnership.
  • No matter what door you enter, someone is going
    to take a look at your childs broad
    developmental needs,
  • http//

Integrate Care Examples Systems Approach
  • 44 Child visits/yr/fp for psychosocial Issues.
  • FP sees 102 patient visits/wk 46 weeks a
    year.(4,600 visits/year).
  • 19 (890) of FP visits are patients lt19 yoa.
  • 5 of pediatric visits are psychosocial.
  • Swedish Sarcoma Model for non-common conditions.
  • Regionalize systems approach.
  • Connect specialty surgical centers to office
    based PCP practice.
  • In-office Academic detailing.
  • Regular single message teaching brochures.
  • Improved outcomes and lowered recurrance rates by
    2/3rds. (Gustafson, 1994)

Why doesnt the ideal just happen?Competing
  • Competing demands confound PCP visits
  • Most pts have psychosocial and physical
  • They present new problems at every visit
  • Long problem lists interfere with providing
    prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
    (Jaen, 1994)
  • The attention depression gets during a visit is
    less associated with the severity of the
    patients emotional symptoms than with the number
    of other problems the patient has. (Rost, 2000)

StrategiesBringing the PCP Into the Team
  • 1. In-Office Training Treatment of Child
    Pscyho-social conditions
  • 6 hours proved feasible and acceptable to all FPs
    in study.
  • 93 FPs believed that learning were achieved.
  • 82 felt more confident in care of complex
    patients. (Morriss, 2006)
  • Specific diagnoses were not essential to
    management. (Clark, 2006)
  • Lowers use of medications. (Salmon, 2006)

StrategiesBringing the PCP Into the Team
  • 2. Re-imbursement
  • Dual Diagnosis Medical management fee
  • 5/month per patient per PCP. (Gold Choice)
  • Saves 1m for every 1,000 enrollees. (Rosenthal,
  • 3. Specialty communication
  • Tele-video
  • NY Statewide Tele-psychiatry Task Force
  • Electronic transmission of EMR note.
  • Visits with urban based specialists as needed.
  • Tailored specialty/PCP interaction according to
    patient needs and PCP participation.

StrategiesBringing the PCP Into the Team
  • 4. Guided Pharmacologic Care
  • 85 of prescriptions for psychotropic meds in
    children are written by Pediatricians and Family
    Physicians. (Koppelman, 2004)
  • Use of stimulants (i.e. Ritalin) for ADHD
  • Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    (SSRIs) for depression.
  • Use of clomipramine fluvoxamine for
    obsessive-compulsive disorders. (Greenhill, 1999
    Emslie, 1999)
  • 5. Support for Psychosocial Interventions.
  • PCP encourages and facilitates family
    participation. (Dore, 2005)
  • Combined medical and cognitive care works best.
    (March, 2004)

StrategiesBringing the PCP Into the Team
  • 6. Case Management
  • Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses
  • Mental Health Social Workers
  • Special service agencies
  • 7. School performance
  • Semi-annual case conferences required.
  • Each member of team may bill the equivalent of an
    office visit for each patient conference.

Solutions Integrated Care (PCP)
  • Key Feature Case Management at Multi-levels.
  • Overall Costs are significantly less. (Baldwin,
  • Specialty and social services cost the same.
  • Emergency and inpatient care costs were much
  • Outcomes measures better. (Schulberg, 1995
    Katon, 1995)
  • Most of the data is from adult care.
  • Clinical Care Pathways develop. (Bertram, 1996)
  • Specialty consultation is distributed.
  • Impact is expanded to more patients.
  • European model of health care. (Rosenthal, 2000)

New York State AHEC System
AHECs Brooklyn AHEC, Brooklyn Bronx AHEC,
Bronx Catskill-Hudson AHEC, New Palz Central NY
AHEC, Cortland Erie Niagara AHEC,
Buffalo Hudson-Mohawk AHEC, Glens Falls
Manhattan/Staten Island AHEC Northern AHEC,
Potsdam Western New York Rural-AHEC, Warsaw
AHEC Districts
Regional Offices 1998 Statewide Office, UB 1999
Central Region Office, Upstate Med. Univ. 2000
Eastern Region Office, Albany Med. Col. 2000
NY Metropolitan Region Office,
The Institute for Urban Family Health
  • Baldwin L, et al. The effect of coordinated
    multidisciplinary ambulatory care on service use,
    charges, quality of care, and patient
    satisfaction in the elderly. J Community Health.
  • Bertram DA, Rosenthal TC. Implementation of an
    in-patient case management program in rural
    hospitals. J Rural Health. 1996 Winter
  • Clark, M. R. (2006). "Psychogenic disorders a
    pragmatic approach for formulation and
    treatment." Semin Neurol 26(3) 357-65.
  • deGruy F. Mental Health Care in the Primary Care
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    new era. Institute of Medicine, Washingotn, DC.
  • Dore M. Child and adolescent mental health. In G.
    Mallon and P. Hess (eds). Child Welfare for the
    twenty-first century A handbook of practices,
    policies and programs. New York Columbia
    University Press. P. 488-503.

  • Emslie GJ, Walkup JT, Pliszka SR, Ernst M.
    Non-tricyclic antidepressants current trends in
    children and adolescents. J Am Acad Child
    Adolescent Psychiatry. 199938517-528.
  • Farley T. Integrated primary care in rural areas.
    In Integrated Primary Care, Ed Blount A. WW
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  • Greenhill LL, Halperin JM, Abikoff H. Stimulant
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    patients. Acata Orthop Scand 19946547-50.
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    Scandinavica. 1994259(Supplementum)1-31.

  • Hartley D, Bird DC, Dempsey P. Rural Mental
    Health and Substance Abuse. In Ricketts TC
    (ed.). Rural Health in the United States. Oxford
    University Press. New York, NY. 1999.
  • Hartley, D, et al. Are advanced practice
    psychiatric nurses a solution to rural mental
    health workforce shortages? Working paper 31.
    Accessed 8/27/07) April 2004.
  • Hartley, D, et al. Mental health encounters in
    critical access hospitals emergency rooms a
    national survey. Portland ME. Muskie School of
    Public Services. 2005.
  • Hartley, D., Ziller, E., Loux, S., Gale, J.,
    Lambert, D., Yousefian, A. E. (2007). Use of
    Critical Access Hospital emergency rooms by
    patients with mental health symptoms. Journal of
    Rural Health, 200723(2)108-115.
  • Koppelman J. The provider system for childrens
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    treatment. NHPF Issue Brief No. 801. October 26,

  • March J, et al. Fluoxetine, cognitive-behavioral
    therapy, and their combination for adolescents
    with depression. JAMA 2004292807-820.
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    Psychiatric Nursing. 19959(6)311-331.
  • Morriss, R., C. Dowrick, et al. (2006). "Turning
    theory into practice rationale, feasibility and
    external validity of an exploratory randomized
    controlled trial of training family practitioners
    in reattribution to manage patients with
    medically unexplained symptoms (the MUST)." Gen
    Hosp Psychiatry 28(4) 343-51.
  • Olfson M. Primary care patients who refuse
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    JM, et al. Barriers to childrens mental health
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  • Rosenkranz, B. Mental Health Care Issuesfor
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  • Rosenthal TC, Shiffner J, Panebianco S. Physician
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Suicide Rates in Rural America
  • NY Times article
  • Social Isolation, Guns and a Culture of Suicide.
    February 13, 2005.
  • Byline Fox Butterfield.
  • Americans in small towns and rural areas are
    just as likely to die from gunfire as Americans
    in Major cities. The difference is in who does
    the shooting.
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