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Electrical charge: Action Potential (5% of AA ... which neurotransmitters are released The Nerve Impulse The action potential The neuron works like an electric ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The most striking differences between humans and
    other animals are in the size and complexity of
    our brain
  • The human brain possesses billions of neurons,
    each of which may communicate with thousands of
    other neurons in information-processing networks
    that make even the most elaborate computer look
  • Photograph of Einsteins Brain

Color scanning electron micrograph of brain
cells. Neurons large cells with long, thin
branches Glial others (Photo Researchers, Inc.)
  • We will try and understand how the brain
    accomplishes all of these tasks but understanding
    the physical structures that make up the system-
    the Cells
  • There are two basic types of cells in the brain,
    Glial cells and Neurons

Glial cells
  • These make up 90 of the cells in the brain
  • Support, nurture and protect neurons
  • There are several types

Glial Cells Astrocyte
  • Astrocytes
  • Clean up waste in the brain-clean up dead neurons
    after TBI, stroke, etc-Once the dead tissue is
    removed, a framework of astrocytes fills in the
    area- scar tissue

Glial CellsRadial Glia
  • Radial glia
  • type of astrocyte which guides the migration of
    neurons and growth of their axons and dendrites
    during embryonic development

Glial CellsOligodendrocyte
  • Oligodendrocytes
  • principle function is to provide support to axons
    and produce the myelin sheath surrounds and
    insulates certain neurons
  • Schwann Cells produce myelin

Glial Cells
  • Traditionally, glial cells were not believed to
    play a role in function. However, newer research
    has suggested that they may play a critical role
    in memory formation!!!

The Neuron
  • Neurons will vary in shape depending upon the
    shape of their cell body and the dendritic
    branching that occurs- over 1000 basic shapes of
    neurons glial cells have been identified in
    the brain
  • Neurons vary greatly in size, shape and function.
    More recent studies have shown that their shape
    changes throughout life as a function of learning
    and experience- plasticity

Neurons primarily use glucose, a simple sugar,
for their nutrition (fuel) A typical neuron has
1,000-10,000 synapses, thus, it is connected to
this many other neurons This means there are
over 1000 trillion connections in the brain- more
than there are stars in the universe!
  • In many ways neurons are the same as typical
    cells of the body. We will be focusing on the way
    that they are different 
  • 1. They process information. This information
    processing is accomplished electrochemically.
  • Electrical charge Action Potential (5 of AA
  • Chemical Neurotransmitter
  • 2. They do not regenerate to the extent that
    other cells do
  • The issue of Stem Cells

Types of Neurons
  • Neurons can be classified based on their function
    as Motor, Sensory, or Interneurons
  • Sensory specialized at one end to be highly
    sensitive to a particular type of stimulation
    (i.e. visual, auditory, touch)- different kinds
    of sensory neurons have different

  • Motor receives excitation from other neurons
    and conducts impulses from its soma in the
    spinal cord to the muscles and glands (output)
  • Interneuron connects sensory and motor neurons

  • Neurons have all the parts of a typical cell
    (Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Ribosomes, etc)- We will
    focus on the parts of the neuron that are
    different than the traditional cell

  • Soma (Cell Body) contains the nucleus and other
    structures vital for the life processes of the
  • Dendrites receives the message for the
    postsynaptic neuron from the presynaptic neuron
    neurons can have any number of these (Antenna)
  • Axon conducts the action potential (Wire)
  • Neurons generally have no more than one axon,
    which may have branches- some can be amazingly
    long (i.e. from your spinal cord to your feet)
    or short
  • Myelin sheath insulating material that covers
    some neurons, increasing their speed of
    conductivity-has periodic breaks called the Nodes
    of Ranvier

  • Presynaptic terminal (Terminal buttons) hold
    and release the neurotransmitter into the synapse
  • Diffusion movement of ions from an area of
    higher co
  • Synapse the junction where the neurons meet and
    into which neurotransmitters are released

The Nerve ImpulseThe action potential
  • The neuron works like an electric battery and
    thus, works by changes in its voltaage
  • A neuron fires, when, due to stimulation from
    another neuron (presynaptic neuron), a
    postsynaptic neurons membrane potential passes
    the threshold of excitation, causing another
    action potential to form
  • The membrane of the cell is specialized to
    control the exchange of molecules between the
    inside and outside of the cell-this exchange is
    what is responsible for the formation of the
  • The best way to understand how this happens is to
    start with understanding the anatomy and
    physiology of the neuron at rest, when it is
    not active

Ions (Na, K, Cl-) are what are responsible for
the initiation and transmission of an action
potential The Resting Potential (-70 mv) is the
result of the Concentration Gradient of the ions
that are inside and outside the cell membrane
Compared with its surroundings, the inside of
a resting neuron has a lower concentration of
Na neurons and a higher concentration of K
neurons The outside has a higher concentration
of Na neurons and a total number of positively
charged ions
  • Thus, the -70mv represents a measurement of the
    inside charge relative to the outside
  • Sodium-Potassium pump helps maintain this ionic
    imbalance by actively transporting three sodium
    ions out for every two potassium ions it pumps in
  • (Cl-) chloride can pass through open leak
    channels at rest, thus entering the cell
  • Ca2- acts as a powerful intracellular signaling
    molecule once it enters the cells through its
    ion channels

Neuron at Resting Potential
  • Ion channels, specialized proteins embedded in
    the membrane which control the rate of passage
    for certain ions
  • These channels are often gated, opened or
  • When open, the ions can enter and pass through
    their channels by diffusion

The Action Potential
  • The resting potential remains stable until the
    neuron is stimulated, which takes place at the
    synapses by Neurotransmitters
  • When the neurotransmitter binds with the
    receptor of the post-synaptic dendrite, it
    results in the opening of the Na channel,
    starting a cascade of events which lead to the
    action potential being propagated down the axon

(No Transcript)
Action Potential (Cont.)
  • The sodium ion channel opens and Sodium ions
    rush in resulting in an active change in the
    charge, becoming more positive (Step 1)
  • Then, the K channels begin to open K begins
    to flow out (Step 2)
  • When the action potential reaches its peak
    (1msec) 40mV, the sodium channels close. This
    stops the flow of positive ionsfrom outside to
    inside of the cell. However, the K channels are
    still open, thus, the K ions are still flowing
    out of the cell, leading to a plunge of the
    membrane potential (Step 3) Hyperpolarization
  • When the membrane potential reaches its resting
    state, the K channels close (Step 4)
  • Now the Sodium-potassium pump transports Na out
    of the cell and K into the cell, so that it is
    ready for the next action potential (Step 5)

  • In many cases, the membrane potential becomes
    even more negative than the resting potential for
    a brief period, this state is called when the
    cell is hyperpolarized
  • Refractory period after opening, the sodium
    channels become inactivated as the potential
    moves positive. They cannot open again until they
    are reset by the hyperpolarization period at
    the end of the action potential.
  • Prevents back propagation of the action
    potential and thus, that it moves in one direction

  • In order for the neuron to function properly,
    these steps must occur exactly!!! Any
    disruption of the process, disrupts the
    functioning of the neuron, and thus, experience
    (i.e. anesthetics)
  • Local Anesthetics (i.e. Novocain)- attach to the
    Na channels of the membrane, preventing Na ions
    from entering- block action potentials in the
    affected areas!
  • General anesthetics decrease brain activity by
    opening certain K channels more widely than
    normal- K exits as fast as Na enters,
    preventing most action potentials
  • The figure shows a biological membrane at its
    melting point. The green molecules are liquid,
    and the red are solid. Molecules of anesthetics
    reduce the number of red areas so that the sound
    pulse can no longer transport its signal. The
    nerve is anesthetised. (Credit Illustration by
    Heiko Seeger, PhD.)

  • Propagation of the action potential the
    transmission of it down the axon- travels at
    speeds up to 220 mph!
  • Unmyelinated axons The action potential than
    travels down the length of the axon in a
    wave-like fashion As a section of the axon
    undergoes the above process, it increases the
    membrane potential of the neighboring section and
    causes it to spike. The action potential gives
    birth to a new action potential at each point
    along the axon. This is like a mini-chain
    reaction which continues down the length of the
    axon until it reaches the synapse. Dominoes
  • Myelinated axons myelin is a fatty outer layer
    which insulates and protects the axon- made up of
    oligodendrocytes and schwann cells- A process
    called Saltatory Conduction results in faster

  • Saltatory conduction the action potential is
    regenerated only at the nodes- the jumping of
    action potentials from node to node is
    considerably faster than the regeneration of an
    action potential at each point along the axon,
    hence neurons without myelin
  • M.S. destroys the myelin sheath, slowing down
    action potential or stopping them completely
  • A myelinated axon sodium channels almost
    exclusively at its nodes, thus, it lacks these
    in the areas in between the nodes. When the
    myelin is destroyed, the action potential dies
    between the nodes

All or None Principle
  • All or none principle if a neuron fires, then
    the action potential is the same regardless of
    the amount of excitation received from the inputs
  • Thus, neurons do not code information by the
    strength of the signal, but by the rate of firing
    of the neuron (e.g. muscular contraction higher
    rate means stronger response)- thus, a stronger
    stimulus means a higher rate of responding, not a
    stronger action potential
  • Changes in the rate of firing are often studied
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