Chapter 2 Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2 Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses


Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses Animal Cells Membrane: separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment comprised of two layers of lipids with proteins ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 2 Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses

Chapter 2Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses
Animal Cells
  • Membrane
  • separates the inside of the cell from the
    outside environment
  • comprised of two layers of lipids with proteins

Animal Cells
  • Nucleus refers to the structure that contains the
  • Mitochondria perform metabolic activities and
    provide energy that the cell requires.
  • Ribosomes Sites at which the cell synthesizes
    new protein molecules
  • Endoplasmic reticulum Transports newly
    synthesized proteins

The Human Nervous System2 Kinds of Cells
  • Neurons
  • Approx. 100 billion in brain
  • Receive and transmit info
  • Behavior depends upon their communication
  • Glia
  • 10X the number of neurons
  • Support neural communication

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • A motor neuron
  • has its soma in the spinal cord
  • receives excitation from other neurons
  • conducts impulses along its axon to a muscle or
  • is the largest of the nerve cells

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Neurons are similar to other cells of the body
  • All neurons have a cell body (soma, A)
  • responsible for the metabolic work of the neuron
  • surrounded by cell membrane (A1)
  • Containing a nucleus (A2), mitochondria (A3),
    ribosomes (A4), endoplasmic reticulum (A5)

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Neurons are different from other cells of the
    body because they have distinctive shape and

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • The 4 major components of a motor neuron
  • Soma/Cell body
  • Dendrites
  • Axon
  • Presynaptic terminals

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Dendrites (B)- branching fibers responsible for
    receiving information from other neurons
  • Dendritic spines (B1) further branch out and
    increase the surface area of the dendrite

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Axon (C) - thin fiber responsible for sending
    impulses to other neurons, glands, or muscles
  • Some neurons are covered with an insulating
    material called the myelin sheath (D) with
    interruptions in the sheath known as nodes of
    Ranvier (C2).
  • Axon hillock (C1) bulge in the cell body where
    axon begins

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Presynaptic terminals (E) refer to the end points
    of an axon responsible for releasing chemicals
    (neurotransmitters) to communicate with other

Neuroanatomy Handout 1 The Motor Neuron
  • Axons from other neurons (F) converge on
    receiving neuron
  • Synapse gap between neurons
  • Postsynaptic neuron (G) and dendrite (G1)

Sensory and Motor Neurons
  • A motor neuron receives excitation from other
    neurons and conducts impulses along its axon to a
    muscle or gland
  • It carries information from the brain to the
    perimeter of the body

Sensory and Motor Neurons
  • A sensory neuron is specialized at one end to be
    highly sensitive to a particular type of
    stimulation (touch, temperature, odor etc.)
  • It carries information from the perimeter of the
    body to the brain

Other Cells of the Nervous System
  • Terms used to describe the neuron include the
  • Afferent axon - refers to bringing information
    into a structure.
  • Efferent axon - refers to carrying information
    away from a structure.
  • Interneurons or Intrinsic neurons are those whose
    dendrites and axons are completely contained
    within a structure.

Other Cells of the Nervous System
  • Glia are the other major component of the nervous
    system and include the following
  • Astrocytes help synchronize the activity of the
    axon by wrapping around the presynaptic terminal
    and taking up chemicals released by the axon.
  • Microglia - remove waste material and other
    microorganisms that could prove harmful to the

The Cells of the Nervous System
  • Oligodendrocytes Schwann cells- build the
    myelin sheath that surrounds the axon of some
  • Radial glia- guide the migration of neurons and
    the growth of their axons and dendrites during
    embryonic development.

The Cells of the Nervous System
  • Spaniard Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) was
    the first to demonstrate that neurons do not
    touch one another.
  • With this understanding came new ideas about how
    neurons communicate.

The Nerve Impulse
  • A nerve impulse is the electrical message that is
    transmitted down the axon of a neuron.
  • The impulse is regenerated at points along the
  • The speed of nerve impulses ranges from
    approximately 1 m/s to 100 m/s.

The Nerve Impulse
  • The resting potential state of the neuron prior
    to the sending of a nerve impulse
  • Electrical gradient a difference in the
    electrical charge inside and outside of the cell
  • At rest, the membrane is slightly negative with
    respect to the outside (approximately -70

Competing forces maintain a -70mV resting
  • Concentration gradient The difference in the
    distribution of ions between the inside and the
    outside of the membrane
  • Sodium (Na) more abundant outside cell than
    inside (101)
  • Potassium (K) more abundant inside cell than
    outside (201)
  • Negatively charged proteins inside cell

Cellular mechanisms of the resting potential
  • Selective permeability of the membrane allows
    some molecules (e.g. water, oxygen) to pass more
    freely than others.
  • Charged ions, like sodium (Na), potassium (K),
    calcium (Ca) and chloride (Cl-) pass through
    channels in the membrane.
  • When the membrane is at rest
  • Na channels are closed
  • K channels are partially closed allowing the
    slow passage of sodium

Cellular mechanisms of the resting potential
  • The sodium-potassium pump puts three sodium ions
    out of the cell while drawing in two potassium
  • helps to maintain the electrical gradient
  • The electrical gradient and the concentration
    gradient work to pull sodium ions into the cell.
  • The electrical gradient tends to pull potassium
    ions into the cells.

The resting potential allows a neuron to respond
quickly to a stimulus
(No Transcript)
The Action Potential
  • The resting potential (-70mV) remains stable
    until the neuron is stimulated.
  • Electrical polarization the difference in the
    electrical charge between two places

Two things can happen to a resting neuron
  • Hyperpolarization increasing the difference
    (polarization) between the electrical charge of
    two places (less likely to fire)
  • Depolarization refers to decreasing the
    polarization towards zero (more likely to fire)
  • The threshold of excitement refers any
    stimulation beyond a certain level that results
    in a massive depolarization (action potential).

The Action Potential
  • An action potential is a rapid depolarization of
    the neuron.
  • Stimulation of the neuron past the threshold of
    excitation triggers a nerve impulse, action
    potential, or firing
  • -70mV can become 50mV

The Nerve Impulse
  • Voltage-activated channels are membrane channels
    whose permeability depends upon the voltage
    difference across the membrane.
  • Sodium channels are voltage activated channels.
  • When sodium channels are opened, positively
    charged sodium ions rush in and a subsequent
    nerve impulse occurs.

The Nerve Impulse
  • Scorpion venom attacks the
  • nervous system by keeping
  • sodium channels open and
  • closing potassium channels
  • Local anesthetic drugs block sodium channels and
    therefore prevent action potentials from
  • Example Novocain
  • General anesthetics open potassium channels wider
    than usual

The Nerve Impulse
  • The all-or-none law states that the amplitude and
    velocity of an action potential are independent
    of the intensity of the stimulus that initiated
  • Action potentials are equal in intensity and
    speed within a given neuron.

The Nerve Impulse
  • A refractory period happens after an action
    potential occurs, during which time the neuron
    resists another action potential.
  • The absolute refractory period the first part,
    when membrane cannot produce an action potential
  • The relative refractory period the second part,
    when it takes a stronger than usual stimulus to
    trigger an action potential.

The Nerve Impulse
  • In a motor neuron, the action potential begins at
    the axon hillock (a swelling where the axon exits
    the soma).
  • Propagation of the action potential is the term
    used to describe the transmission of the action
    potential down the axon.

The Nerve Impulse
  • The myelin sheath of axons are interrupted by
    short unmyelinated sections called nodes of
  • At each node of Ranvier, the action potential is
    regenerated by a chain of positively charged ions
    pushed along by the previous segment.

The Nerve Impulse
  • Saltatory conduction the jumping of the action
    potential from node to node.
  • Provides rapid conduction of impulses
  • Conserves energy for the cell
  • Multiple sclerosis disease in which myelin
    sheath is destroyed associated with poor muscle

The Nerve Impulse
  • Not all neurons have lengthy axons.
  • Local neurons have short axons, exchange
    information with only close neighbors, and do not
    produce action potentials.
  • When stimulated, local neurons produce graded
    potentials which are membrane potentials that
    vary in magnitude and do not follow the
    all-or-none law,.
  • A local neuron depolarizes or hyperpolarizes in
    proportion to the stimulation.
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