Venous Disease - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Venous Disease


DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS Acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the hospitalized patient, particularly in the surgical patient. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Venous Disease

Venous Disease
  • A clear understanding of the anatomy of the
    venous system in the legs is essential to
    understanding pathophysiology as well as
    treatment. Venous drainage of the legs is the
    function of two parallel and connected systems
    the deep and the superficial systems connected
    by perforators .

Superficial Venous System
  • The superficial veins of the sole form a network
    that connects to the superficial dorsal veins of
    the foot and the deep plantar veins. The dorsal
    venous arch, into which empty the dorsal
    metatarsal veins, is continuous with the greater
    saphenous vein medially and the lesser saphenous
    vein laterally .
  • The greater saphenous vein, in close proximity to
    the saphenous nerve, ascends anterior to the
    medial malleolus, crosses, and then ascends
    medial to the knee. It ascends in the superficial
    compartment and empties into the common femoral
    vein after entering the fossa ovalis.
  • Before its entry into the common femoral vein, it
    receives medial and lateral accessory saphenous
    veins, as well as small tributaries from the
    inguinal region, pudendal region, and anterior
    abdominal wall. The posterior arch vein drains
    the area around the medial malleolus, and as it
    ascends up the posterior medial aspect of the
    calf, it receives medial perforating veins,
    termed Cocketts perforators, before joining the
    greater saphenous vein at or below the knee.
  • The lesser saphenous vein arises from the dorsal
    venous arch at the lateral aspect of the foot and
    ascends posterior to the lateral malleolus, and
    it empties into the popliteal vein after
    penetrating the fascia. The exact entry of the
    lesser saphenous vein into the popliteal vein is

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Deep Venous System
  • The plantar digital veins in the foot empty into
    a network of metatarsal veins that comprise the
    deep plantar venous arch. This continues into the
    medialand lateral plantar veins that then drain
    into the posterior tibial veins. The dorsalis
    pedis veins on the dorsum of the foot form the
    paired anterior tibial veins at the ankle.The
    paired posterior tibial veins, adjacent to and
    flanking the posterior tibial artery, run under
    the fascia of the deep posterior compartment.
    These veins enter the soleus and join the
    popliteal vein, after joining with the paired
    peroneal and anterior tibial veins. There are
    large venous sinuses within the soleus musclethe
    soleal sinusesthat empty into the posterior
    tibial and peroneal veins.
  • The popliteal vein enters a window in the
    adductor magnus, at which point it is termed the
    femoral vein. The femoral vein ascends and
    receives venous drainage from the profunda
    femoris vein, or the deep femoral vein, and after
    this confluence, it is called the common femoral
    vein. As the common femoral vein crosses the
    inguinal ligament, it is called the external
    iliac vein.

Perforating veins
  • Perforating veins connect the superficial venous
    system to the deep venous system at various
    points in the legthe foot, the medial and
    lateral calf, the mid- and distal thigh .

Venous Function
  • The venules, the smallest veins ranging from 0.1
    to 1 mm, contain mostly smooth muscle cells,
    whereas the larger extremity veins contain
    relatively few smooth muscle cells. These larger
    caliber veins have limited contractile capacity.
  • The venous valves prevent retrograde flow, and it
    is the failure of the valves that leads to reflux
    and associated symptoms. Venous valves are most
    prevalent in the distal lower extremity, whereas
    as one proceeds proximally, the number of valves
    decreases to the point that in the superior and
    inferior vena cava, no valves are present.
  • The return of the blood to the heart from the
    lower extremity is facilitated by the muscle pump
    function of the calfa mechanism whereby the calf
    muscle, functioning as a bellows during exercise,
    compresses the gastrocnemius and soleal sinuses
    and propels the blood toward the heart. The
    normally functioning valves in the venous system
    prevent retrograde flow it is when one or more
    of these valves become incompetent that symptoms
    of venous insufficiency can develop. During calf
    muscle contraction, the venous pressure of the
    foot and ankle drop dramatically. The pressures
    developing in the muscle compartments during
    exercise range from 150 to 200 mm Hg, and when
    there is failure of perforating veins, these high
    pressures are transmitted to the superficial

Varicose Veins terms
  • The term varicose veins is, in the common
    parlance, a term that encompasses a spectrum of
    venous dilation that ranges from minor
    telangiectasia to severe dilated, tortuous
    varicose veins. As stated earlier, for a proper
    categorization, as well as for appropriate
    treatment options to be considered, certain
    definitions must be agreed on.
  • Varicose veins refer to any dilated, tortuous,
    elongated vein of any caliber.
  • Telangiectasias are intradermal varicosities that
    are small and tend to be cosmetically unappealing
    but not symptomatic in and of themselves.
  • Reticular veins are subcutaneous dilated veins
    that enter the tributaries of the main axial or
    trunk veins.
  • Trunk veins are the named veins, such as the
    greater or lesser saphenous veins or their
  • The end result of CVI can range from aching,
    heaviness, pain, and swelling with prolonged
    standing or sitting in the case of symptomatic
    varicose veins, to severe lipodermatosclerosis
    with edema and ulceration in the patient with
    severe CVI.

Risk Factors
  • A combination of risk factors, rather than any
    one specific risk factor, is a better predictor
    of the likelihood of a given patient developing
    symptomatic varicose veins.
  • Heredity undoubtedly plays a significant role in
    the development of varicose veins.
  • Valvular dysfunction and insufficiency
  • Female sex, gravitation hydrostatic force, and
    hydrodynamic forces due to muscular contraction.
  • Hormonal Influence
  • Venous function is undoubtedly influenced by
    hormonal changes. In particular, progesterone
    liberated by the corpus luteum stabilizes the
    uterus bycausing relaxation of smooth muscle
    fibers. This effect directly influences venous
    function. The result is passive venous dilation,
    which, in many instances, causes valvular
    dysfunction. Although progesterone is implicated
    in the first appearance of varicosities in
    pregnancy, estrogen also has profound effects. It
    produces the relaxation of smooth muscle and a
    softening of collagen fibers. Further, the
    estrogen-progesterone ratio influences venous
    distensibility. This ratio may explain the
    predominance of venous insufficiency symptoms on
    the first day of a menstrual period when a
    profound shift occurs from the progesterone phase
    of the menstrual cycle to the estrogen phase.

  • Defects in the strength and characteristics of
    the venous wall enter into the pathogenesis of
    varicose veins.
  • Furthermore, communicating veins connecting the
    deep with the superficial compartment may have
    valve failure.
  • Pressure studies show that two sources of venous
    hypertension exist. The first is gravitational
    and is a result of venous blood coursing in a
    distal direction down linear axial venous
    segments. This is referred to as hydrostatic
    pressure and is the weight of the blood column
    from the right atrium.
  • The second source of venous hypertension is
    dynamic. It is the force of muscular contraction,
    usually contained within the compartments of the
    leg. If a perforating vein fails, high pressures
    (ranging from 150 to 200 mm Hg) developed within
    the muscular compartments during exercise are
    transmitted directly to the superficial venous
    system. Here, the sudden pressure transmitted
    causes dilation and lengthening of the
    superficial veins. Progressive distal valvular
    incompetence may occur.

Pathogenesis Changes occur at the cellular
  • In the distal liposclerotic area, capillary
    proliferation is seen and extensive capillary
    permeability occurs as a result of the widening
    of interendothelial cell pores. Transcapillary
    leakage of osmotically active particles, the
    principal one being fibrinogen, occurs. The
    extravascular fibrin remains to prevent the
    normal exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the
    surrounding cells.However, little proof exists
    for an actual abnormality in the delivery of
    oxygen to the tissues. An other factor is the
    protolytic enzymes from the extravasated

  • The C-E-A-P classification is a recent scoring
    system that stratifies venous disease based on
    clinical presentation, etiology, anatomy, and
  • C Clinical signs (grade 06 , supplemented by A
    for asymptomatic and S for symptomatic
  • E Etilogic classification (congential, primary,
  • A Anatomic distribution (superficial, deep, or
    perforator, alone or in combination)
  • P Pathophysiologic dysfunction (reflux or
    obstruction, alone or in combination)

Clinical Classification of Chronic Lower
Extremity Venous Disease
  • Class 0 No visible or palpable signs of venous
  • Class 1 Telangiectasia, reticular veins,
    malleolar flare
  • Class 2 Varicose veins
  • Class 3 Edema without skin changes
  • Class 4 Skin changes ascribed to venous disease
    (e.g., pigmentation, venous eczema,
  • Class 5 Skin changes as defined above with healed
  • Class 6 Skin changes as defined above with active

  • Etiologic Classification of Chronic Lower
    Extremity Venous Disease
  • Congenital (EC ) Cause of the chronic venous
    disease present since birth
  • Primary (EP ) Chronic venous disease of
    undetermined cause
  • Secondary (ES ) Chronic venous disease with an
    associated known cause (post-thrombotic,
    post-traumatic, other)
  • The anatomic site(s) of the venous disease should
    be described as superficial (AS ), deep (AD ), or
    perforating (AP ) vein(s). One, two, or three
    systems may be involved in any combination. For
    reports requiring greater detail, the involvement
    of the superficial, deep, and perforating veins
    may be localized by use of the anatomic segments.
  • Clinical signs or symptoms of chronic venous
    disease result from reflux (PR ), obstruction (PO
    ), or both (PR,O ).

  • The patient with symptomatic varicose veins
    relates, most often, symptoms of aching,
    heaviness, discomfort, and sometimes pain in the
    calf of the affected limb.
  • This is particularly worse at the end of the day,
    most likely due to prolonged sitting or standing
    that results in venous distention and associated
    pain. The symptoms are typically reduced or
    absent in the morning owing to the fact that the
    limb has not been in a dependent position through
    the night.
  • In the case of women, the symptoms are often most
    troubling and exacerbated during the menstrual
    period, particularly during the first day or two.
  • Primary varicose veins consist of elongated,
    tortuous, superficial veins that are protuberant
    and contain incompetent valves.
  • Primary varicose veins merge imperceptibly into
    more severe CVI.
  • Swelling ,edema is moderate to severe, an
    increased sensation of heaviness occurs with
    larger varicosities, and early skin changes of
    mild pigmentation and subcutaneous induration
  • When CVI becomes severe, marked swelling and calf
    pain occur after standing, sitting, or walking.
  • Multiple dilated veins are seen associated with
    various clusters and heavy medial and lateral
    supramalleolar pigmentation.

  • Many causes of leg pain are possible, and most
    may coexist. Therefore, defining the precise
    symptoms of venostasis is necessary. Discomfort
    usually occurs during warm temperatures and after
    prolonged standing. The pain is
    characteristically dull, does not occur during
    recumbency or early in the morning, and is
    exacerbated in the afternoon, especially after
    long standing. The discomforts of aching,
    heaviness, fatigue, or burning pain are relieved
    by recumbency, leg elevation, or elastic support.
  • Cutaneous itching is also a sign of venostasis
    and is often the hallmark of inadequate external
    support. It is a manifestation of local
    congestion and may precede the onset of
    dermatitis. This, and nearly all the symptoms of
    stasis disease, can be explained by the
    irritation of superficial nerve fibers by local
    pressure or accumulation of metabolic end
    products with a consequent pH shift.
  • External hemorrhage may occur as superficial
    veins press on overlying skin within this
    protective envelope.

  • Clinical examination of the patient in good light
    provides nearly all the information necessary. It
    determines the nature of the venostasis disease
    and ascertains the presence of intercutaneous
    venous blemishes and subcutaneous protuberant
    varicosities, the location of principal points of
    control or perforating veins that feed clusters
    of varicosities, the presence and location of
    ankle pigmentation and its extent, and the
    presence and severity of subcutaneous induration.
  • Visual examination can be supplemented by noting
    a downward-going impulse on coughing.
  • Tapping the venous column of blood also
    demonstrates pressure transmission through the
    static column to incompetent distal veins.
  • The modified Perthes test for deep venous
    occlusion .
  • Brodie-Trendelenburg test ,and multible
    tornicheat test of axial reflux
  • Those testes have been replaced by in-office use
    of the continuouswave, handheld Doppler
    instrument supplemented by duplex evaluation.The
    handheld Doppler instrument can confirm an
    impression of saphenous reflux, and this, in
    turn, dictates the operative procedure to be
    performed in a given patient. And it is used in
    specific locations to determine incompetent
    valves of perforators.
  • Duplex technology more precisely defines which
    veins are refluxing by imaging the superficial
    and deep veins.

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  • Indications for treatment are pain, easy
    fatigability, heaviness, recurrent superficial
    thrombophlebitis, external bleeding, and
  • Nonoperative Management
  • The cornerstone of therapy for patients with CVI
    is external compression.
  • A triple-layer compression dressing, with a zinc
    oxide paste gauze wrap in contact with the skin,
    is utilized most commonly from the base of the
    toes to the anterior tibial tubercle with snug,
    graded compression.
  • In general, snug, graded-pressure triple-layer
    compression dressings effect more rapid ulcer
    healing than compression stockings alone.

Venous Ablation Sclerotherapy
  • Cutaneous venectasia with vessels smaller than 1
    mm in diameter do not lend themselves to surgical
    treatment. Dilute solutions of sclerosant (e.g.,
    0.2 sodium tetradecyl) can be injected directly
    into the vessels of the blemish. Care should be
    taken to ensure that no single injection dose
    exceeds 0.1 mL but that multiple injections
    completely fill all vessels contributing to the
  • Venules larger than l mm and smaller than 3 mm in
    size can also be injected with sclerosant of
    slightly greater concentration (e.g., 0.5 sodium
    tetradecyl), but limiting the amount injected to
    less than 0.5 mL.
  • If their cause is saphenous or tributary venous
    incompetence, these conditions can be treated
  • Surgery is not indicated for the treatment of
    venous insufficiency in limbs with deep venous
    incompetence .

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Surgical Management
  • Surgical treatment may be used to remove clusters
    with varicosities greater than 4 mm in diameter.
    Ambulatory phlebectomy may be performed using the
    stab avulsion technique with preservation of the
    greater and lesser saphenous veins, if they are
    unaffected by valvular incompetence

  • When greater or lesser saphenous incompetence is
    present, the removal of clusters is preceded by
    limited removal of the saphenous vein
  • Stripping techniques are best done from above
    downward to avoid lymphatic and cutaneous nerve

Subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery
  • perforating vein division using laparoscopic
    instrumentation. Initial data suggested that
    perforator interruption produced rapid ulcer
    healing and a low rate of recurrence.
  • Direct Venous Reconstruction ??

  • Acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a major
    cause of morbidity and mortality in the
    hospitalized patient, particularly in the
    surgical patient. The triad of venous stasis,
    endothelial injury, and hypercoagulable state
    first posited by Virchow has held true a century
    and a half later.
  • The thrombotic process initiating in a venous
    segment can, in the absence of anticoagulation or
    in the presence of inadequate anticoagulation,
    propagate to involve more proximal segments of
    the deep venous system, thus resulting in edema,
    pain, and immobility.
  • The most dreaded sequel to an acute DVT is that
    of pulmonary embolism, a condition of potentially
    lethal consequence.
  • The late consequence of DVT, particularly of the
    iliofemoral veins, can be CVI due to valvular
    dysfunction in the presence of luminal
  • For these reasons, understanding the
    pathophysiology, standardizing protocols to
    prevent or reduce DVT, and instituting optimal
    treatment promptly all are critical to reducing
    the incidence and morbidity of this unfortunately
    common condition.

  • Stasis
  • Soleal sinuses are the most common sites for
    initiation of venous thrombosis. The stasis may
    contribute to the endothelial cellular layer
    contacting activated platelets and procoagulant
    factors, thereby leading to DVT.
  • The Hypercoagulable State
  • Should any of these conditions be identified, a
    treatment regimen of anticoagulation is
    instituted for life, unless specific
    contraindications exist.
  • Following major operations, large amounts of
    tissue factor may be released into the
    bloodstream from damaged tissues. Tissue factor
    is a potent procoagulant .Increases in platelet
    count, adhesiveness, changes in coagulation
    cascade, and endogenous fibrinolytic activity all
    result from physiologic stress such as major
    operation or trauma and have been associated with
    an increased risk of thrombosis.
  • Venous Injury
  • It has been clearly established that venous
    thrombosis occurs in veins that are distant from
    the site of operation for instance, it is well
    known that patients undergoing total hip
    replacement frequently develop contralateral
    lower extremity DVT.
  • There were multiple microtears noted within the
    valve cusps that resulted in the exposure of the
    subendothelial matrix. The exact mechanism by
    which this injury at a distant site occurs, and
    what mediators, whether cellular or humeral, are
    responsible is not clearly understood but that
    the injury occurs and occurs reliably is evident
    from these and other studies.

Hypercoagulable States
  • Factor V Leiden mutation
  • Prothrombin gene mutation
  • Protein C deficiency
  • Protein S deficiency
  • Antithrombin III deficiency
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome

  • Venous thromboembolism occurs for the first time
    in approximately 100 persons per 100,000 This
    incidence increases with increasing age with an
    incidence of 0.5 per 100,000 at 80 years of age.
  • More than two thirds of these patients have DVT
    alone, and the rest have evidence of pulmonary
  • The recurrence rate with anticoagulation has been
    noted to be 6 to 7 in the ensuing 6 months.
  • Aside from pulmonary embolism, secondary CVI
    (that resulting from DVT) is significant in terms
    of cost, morbidity, and lifestyle limitation.
  • If the consequence of DVT, in terms of pulmonary
    embolism and CVI, is to be prevented, the
    prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of DVT must
    be optimized.

Clinical Diagnosis
  • The diagnosis of DVT requires, to use an overused
    phrase, a high index of suspicion.
  • Most are familiar with Homans sign, which refers
    to pain in the calf on dorsiflexion of the foot.
    It is certainly true that although the absence of
    this sign is not a reliable indicator of the
    absence of venous thrombus, the finding of a
    positive Homans sign should prompt one to
    attempt to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Certainly, the extent of venous thrombosis in the
    lower extremity is an important factor in the
    manifestation of symptoms. For instance, most
    calf thrombi may be asymptomatic unless there is
    proximal propagation.
  • Only 40 of patients with venous thrombosis have
    any clinical manifestations of the condition.
  • Major venous thrombosis involving the iliofemoral
    venous system results in a massively swollen leg
    with pitting edema, pain, and blanching, a
    condition known as phlegmasia alba dolens. With
    further progression of disease, there may be such
    massive edema that arterial inflow can be
    compromised. This condition results in a painful
    blue leg, the condition called phlegmasia cerulea
    dolens. With this evolution of the condition,
    unless flow is restored, venous gangrene can

  • Duplex Ultrasound.
  • The modern diagnostic test of choice for the
    diagnosis of DVT is the duplex ultrasound, a
    modality that combines. Real time B-mode
    ultrasonography with color-flow imaging has
    improved the sensitivity and specificity of
    ultrasound scanning. With color-flow duplex
    imaging, blood flow can be imaged in the presence
    of a partially occluding thrombus. The probe is
    also used to compress the vein A normal vein
    should be easily compressed, whereas in the
    presence of a thrombus, there is resistance to
    compression. Magnetic Resonance Venography.
  • With major advances in technology of imaging,
    magnetic resonance venography has come to the
    forefront of imaging for proximal venous disease.
    The cost and the issue of patient tolerance due
    to claustrophobia limit the widespread
    application, but this is changing. It is a useful
    test for imaging the iliac veins and the inferior
    vena cava, an area where duplex ultrasound is
    limited in its usefulness.

  • The patient who has undergone either major
    abdominal surgery, major orthopedic surgery, has
    sustained major trauma, or has prolonged
    immobility (gt3 days) represents a patient who has
    an elevated risk for the development of venous
  • The methods of prophylaxis can be mechanical or
  • The simplest method is for the patient to be able
    to walk. Activation of the calf pump mechanism is
    an effective means of prophylaxis.
  • A patient who is expected to be up and walking
    within 24 to 48 hours is at low risk of
    developing venous thrombosis. The practice of
    having a patient out of bed into a chair is one
    of the most thrombogenic positions that one could
    order a patient into. Sitting in a chair with the
    legs in a dependent position causes venous
    pooling, which in the postoperative milieu could
    be easily a predisposing factor in the
    development of thromboembolism.
  • The most common method of prophylaxis in the
    surgical universe has traditionally revolved
    around sequential compression devices, which
    periodically compress the calves and essentially
    replicate the calf bellows mechanism. This has
    clearly reduced the incidence of venous
    thromboembolism in the surgical patient.

  • Minidose heparin the dose traditionally used is
    5000 units of unfractionated heparin every 12
    hours. When subcutaneous heparin is used on an
    every-8-hour dosing, rather than every 12 hours,
    there is a reduction in the development of venous
  • More recently, fractionated low-molecular-weight
    heparin (LMWH) for prophylaxis and treatment of
    venous thromboembolism.
  • LMWH inhibits factors Xa and IIA activity, with
    the ratio of antifactor Xa to antifactor IIA
    activity ranging from 11 to 41.
  • LMWH has a longer plasma half-life and has
    significantly higher bioavailability. There is
    much more predictable anticoagulant response than
    heparin. No laboratory monitoring is necessary
    because the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is
    unaffected. LMWH results less bleeding
  • In short, LMWH should be considered the optimal
    method of prophylaxis in moderate and high-risk

  • Traditionally, the treatment of DVT centers
    around heparin treatment to maintain the PTT at
    60 to 80 seconds, followed by warfarin therapy to
    obtain an International Normalized Ratio (INR) of
    2.5 to 3.0.
  • A widely used regimen is 80 U/kg bolus of
    heparin, followed by a 15 U/kg infusion. The PTT
    should be checked 6 hours after any change in
    heparin dosing.
  • Warfarin is started the same day. If warfarin is
    initiated without heparin, the risk of a
    transient hypercoagulable state exists, because
    proteins C and S levels fall before the other
    vitamin Kdependent factors are depleted.
  • With the advent of LMWH, it is no longer
    necessary to admit the patient for intravenous
    heparin therapy. It is now accepted practice to
    administer LMWH to the patient as an outpatient,
    as a bridge to warfarin therapy.
  • A minimum treatment time of 3 months is advocated
    in most cases.
  • If, however, the patient has a known
    hypercoagulable state or has experienced episodes
    of venous thrombosis, then lifetime
    anticoagulation is required, in the absence of
  • The accepted INR range is 2.0 to 3.0.
  • Oral anticoagulants are teratogenic and thus
    cannot be used during pregnancy. In the case of
    the pregnant woman with venous thrombosis, LMWH
    is the treatment of choice, and this is continued
    through delivery and can be continued postpartum
    if needed.

  • The advent of thrombolysis has resulted in
    increased interest in thrombolysis for DVT. The
    purported benefit is preservation of valve
    function with subsequently lesser chance of
    developing CVI. However, to date, little
    definitive, convincing data exist to support the
    use of thrombolytic therapy for DVT.
  • One exception is the patient with phlegmasia in
    whom thrombolysis is advocated for relief of
    significant venous obstruction. In this
    condition, thrombolytic therapy probably results
    in better relief of symptoms and less long-term
    sequelae than heparin anticoagulation alone.
  • The alternative for this condition is surgical
    venous thrombectomy.
  • No matter which treatment is chosen, long-term
    anticoagulation is indicated.
  • The incidence of major bleeding is higher with
    lytic therapy.

Vena Caval Filter
  • The most worrisome and potentially lethal
    complication of DVT is pulmonary embolism.
  • The symptoms of pulmonary embolism, ranging from
    dyspnea, chest pain, and hypoxia to acute cor
    pulmonale are nonspecific and require a vigilant
    eye for the diagnosis to be made.
  • The gold standard remains the pulmonary
    angiogram, but increasingly this is being
    displaced by the computed tomographic angiogram.
  • Adequate anticoagulation is usually effective in
    stabilizing venous thrombosis, but if a patient
    should develop a pulmonary embolism in the
    presence of adequate anticoagulation, a vena cava
    filter is indicated. The modern filters are
    placed percutaneously over a guide wire. The
    Greenfield filter, with the most extensive use
    and data, has a 95 patency rate and a 4
    recurrent embolism rate.
  • This high patency rate allows for safe suprarenal
    placement if there is involvement of the inferior
    vena cava up to the renal veins or if it is
    placed in a woman of childbearing potential.
  • The device-related complications are wound
    hematoma, migration of the device into the
    pulmonary artery, and caval occlusion due to
    trapping of a large embolus. In the latter
    situation, the dramatic hypotension that
    accompanies acute caval occlusion can be mistaken
    for a massive pulmonary embolism. The distinction
    between the hypovolemia of caval occlusion versus
    the right heart failure from pulmonary embolism
    can be arrived at by measuring filling pressures
    of the right side of the heart. The treatment of
    caval occlusion is volume resuscitation.

Indications for a Vena Cava Filter
  • Recurrent thromboembolism despite adequate
  • Deep venous thrombosis in a patient with
    contraindications to anticoagulation
  • Chronic pulmonary embolism and resultant
    pulmonary hypertension
  • Complications of anticoagulation
  • Propagating iliofemoral venous thrombus in

Pulmonary Thromboembolism
  • DVT is most common source of PE lt10 of PE
    cases cause pulmonary infarction
  • Symptoms and signs include dyspnea and chest
    pain (present in 75) tachycardia, tachypnea,
    altered mental status classic triad of dyspnea,
    chest pain, and hemoptysis in only 15 pleural
    rub and S1Q3T3 rarely found
  • V? /Q? scan has sensitivity and specificity of
    90, but 67 of studies are inconclusive spiral
    computed tomography is more accurate
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Other causes of chest pain and hypoxia, such as
  • Treatment
  • Stabilize initially with pressors and
    ventilatory support start heparin or
    low-molecular-weight heparin quickly
  • Surgery consider IVC filter if risk of embolus
    is ongoing and anticoagulation
  • is risky
  • Open surgical thrombectomy (Trendelenburg
    procedure) high mortality, rarely clinically
    useful for massive saddle embolus
  • Prevention DVT prophylaxis in perioperative

Superficial Thrombophlebitis
  • Can occur spontaneously in varicose veins, post
    traumatic, pregnant or postpartum women,
    thromboangiitis obliterans, Behçet disease
    superficial migratory phlebitis (Trousseau)
    suggests abdominal carcinoma
  • Symptoms and signs include local extremity pain,
    redness indurated, erythematous, tender areas
    indicate thrombosed superficial veins well
    localized over superficial vein
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Ascending lymphangitis
  • Cellulitis
  • Treatment
  • Primary treatment includes nonsteroidal
    anti-inflammatory drugs, heat, elevation, support
    stockings, elastic wrap ambulation is encouraged
  • Surgery excise vein if condition persists gt2
    weeks or recurs ligate and resect vein at
    saphenofemoral or cephalic-subclavian junction
  • Prognosis uncomplicated superficial
    thrombophlebitis responds well to conservative
    therapy extension into DVT may be associated
    with PE

Leg ulcer
  • An ulcer is defined as an area of discontinuity
    of the surface epithelium.
  • Pain suggests ischaemia or infection.
  • Neuropathic ulcers occur over points of
    pressure and trauma.
  • Marked worsening of a chronic ulcer suggests
    malignant change.
  • Several precipitating causes may coexist (e.g.
    diabetes, PVD and neuropathy).
  • Venous ulcers
  • Venous hypertension secondary to DVT or
    varicose veins ulceration on the medial side of
    the leg, above the ankle, any size, shallow with
    sloping edges, bleeds after minor trauma, weeps
    readily, surrounded by pigmentation associated
  • Arterial ulcers
  • Occlusive arterial disease painful ulcers, do
    not bleed, nonhealing, lateral ankle, heel,
    metatarsal heads, tips of the toes, associated
    features of ischaemia, e.g. claudication, absent
    pulses, pallor. Elderly patients may present with
    blue toe syndrome.
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Ischaemic same as arterial ulcers.
  • Neuropathic deep, painless ulcers, plantar
    aspect of foot or toes, associated with
    cellulitis and deep tissue abscesses, warm foot,
    pulses may be present.

  • Malignant ulcers
  • Squamous cell carcinoma may arise de novo or
    malignant change in a chronic ulcer or burn
    (Marjolins ulcer). Large ulcer, heaped up,
    everted edges. Lymphadenopathy highly
  • Basal cell carcinoma uncommon on the leg,
    rolled edges, pearly white.
  • Malignant melanoma lower limb is a common
    site, consider malignant if increase in size or
    pigmentation, bleeding, itching or ulceration.
  • Miscellaneous ulcers
  • Trauma may be caused by minor trauma.
    Predisposing factors are poor circulation,
    malnutrition or steroid treatment.
  • Vasculitis (rare), e.g. rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Infections (rare) syphilis, TB, tropical
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum multiple necrotic ulcers
    over the legs that start as nodules. Seen with
    ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.

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