5. Phonons - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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5. Phonons


5. Phonons Thermal Properties Issues that are addressed in this chapter include: Phonon heat capacity with explanation to the phonon occupancy number – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 5. Phonons

5. Phonons Thermal Properties
  • Issues that are addressed in this chapter
  • Phonon heat capacity with explanation to the
    phonon occupancy number
  • Anharmonic crystal interactions
  • Thermal conductivity

5.1 Phonon heat capacity
  • Heat capacity and Planck distribution function
  • By heat capacity we mean change in the inthernal
    energy of the system for unit change in
    temperature for fixed volume,i.e.
  • The total energy of the phonon bath at a
    temperature T equals the sum of all branches p
    and all phonon modes K,
  • Where ltnK,pgt is the occupancy factor of a mode K
    frm branch p..

  • The Planck distribution is found from the
    considerati-on of a set of identical harmonic
    oscillators in the (n1)-st and n-th state
  • The fraction of the total of oscillators in the
    n-th quantum state is
  • The occupancy factor, i.e. the average excitation
    number of the oscillator, is then given by
  • In deriving the above result we have used

  • With the above, the energy of a collection of
    oscillators of frequency ?K,p is
  • By conserving the of states, I.e. going from
    sum over K to an integral over ?, we can express
    the lattice heat capacity as

  • The Density of States (DOS) Function
  • When calculating the DOS function, one can use
    either vanishing or periodic boundary conditions.
    For simplicity, we start with a 1D derivation
    and then go to a 3D case.
  • Vanishing boundary conditions
  • We consider a 1D line of length L that carries
    (N1) par- ticles. The particles at s0 and at
    sN are held fixed. From the harmonic
  • and the condition that uN0, we get
  • i.e. there are (N-1) allowed independent values
    of K. Hence, the number of modes per unit range
    of K is L/?.

  • ? Periodic boundary conditions
  • Another way of looking at this problem is to
    assume that the medium is unbound, but the
    solutions have to be periodic over a large
    distance L, so that
  • Again, for harmonic displacements this leads to
  • This method gives the same number of modes, one
    per atom, but we have or values and ?K2?/L
    between successive values of K.
  • DOS function
  • The DOS function in 1D and in analogy, in 3D, is
    given by

  • The Debye and the Einstein models for CV
  • Debye model
  • The Debye model is valid for acoustic phonons
    near the zone center, for which ?? vsK and the
    DOS function and the cut-off, or the Debye
    frequencies are given by
  • The thermal energy is represented with
  • And the heat capacity equals to

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? Einstein model In the Einstein model, all N
oscillators oscillate with the same frequency w,
and in that case The thermal energy of these
optical modes of vibration is given by and the
heat capacity equals to Note that at low T,
the expression for CV describes exponential decay
with T, whereas the experiments show T3 behavior.
  • Derivation of the DOS Function
  • The last thing we want to consider is to find a
    general expression for the DOS function
  • To evaluate the volume of the shell, we take dS?
    to be an element of the surface in k-space and
    dK? to be the perpendicular distance between the
    surface ?const. and the surface ?d?const.
  • that gives
  • and

5.2 Anharmonic Crystal Interactions
  • Harmonic Theory Assumptions
  • The following are the assumptions made in the
    harmonic theory
  • Two lattice waves do not interact with each other
  • There is no thermal expansion
  • Adiabatic and the isothermal lattice constants
    are the same
  • The elastic constants are independent of preasure
    and temperature
  • The heat capacity CV becomes constant at Tgt?
  • None of the above assumptions is satisfied in
    real crystals in the case of three phonon

  • Thermal Expansion
  • The thermal expansion coefficients describe the
    increase in the lattice constant in the crystal
    with increa- sing temperature.
  • Let us denote the potential energy of the atoms
    at a displacement x from the equilibrium position
  • U(x)cx2 - gx3 - fx4
  • The average displacement of atoms is calculated
    by using Boltzmann distribution, i.e.

Asymmetry of the mutual repulsion
Softening of the vibration at large amplitude
Note that the slope of ltxgt with T is
proportional to the thermal expansion coefficient
5.3 Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity coefficient is defined
with respect to the steady-state flow of heat
down a temperature gradient, i.e. To arrive at
the expression for the thermal conductivity, we
start from where Substituting back the above
results leads to
  • In this last expression, Cnc and lv? is the
    mean free time between collisions that is defined
    by the following
  • Geometric scattering crystal boundaries and
    lattice imperfections
  • Scattering by other phonons due to anharmonic
    coupling that predicts that l1/T, and therefore
    ?1/T. Here we are interested in the phonon
    processes that contribute to the thermal
    conductivity and limit its value. Examples are
    normal and umklapp three phonon processes, out of
    which the umklapp processes make the largest
  • - normal phonon process K1 K2 K3
  • - umklapp phonon process K1 K2 K3 G
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