The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy?


On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy traveled to Dallas, Texas, to mend political fences with members of the state s political party. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy?

The JFK Assassination Conspiracy?
Just the facts
  • On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy and
    Jacqueline Kennedy traveled to Dallas, Texas, to
    mend political fences with members of the states
    political party.
  • After landing at Love Field, the President and
    Mrs. Kennedy traveled with Texas Governor John
    Connelly and his wife.

  • Threats had been made toward Kennedy, but they
    were considered no more serious than those
    received previously. The Presidential party
    travelled through the streets of Dallas in a
    parade type fashion.

Parade route
  • Just before 1230 p.m. CST, Kennedys limousine
    entered Dealey Plaza and slowly approached the
    Texas School Book Depository head-on. Nellie
    Connally, then the First Lady of Texas, turned
    around to Kennedy, who was sitting behind her and
    commented, Mr. President, you cant say Dallas
    doesnt love you, which President Kennedy
  • When the Presidential limousine turned and passed
    the Depository and continued down Elm Street,
    shots were fired at Kennedy the great majority
    of witnesses recalled hearing three shots. There
    was hardly any reaction in the crowd to the first
    shot, many later saying they thought they had
    heard a firecracker or the exhaust backfire of a
    vehicle. President Kennedy and Texas Governor
    John Connally, sitting beside his wife in front
    of the Kennedys in the limousine, both turned
    abruptly from looking to their left to looking to
    their right. Connally immediately recognized the
    sound of a high powered rifle. Oh, no, no, no,
    he said as he turned further right, and then
    started to turn left, attempting to see President
    Kennedy behind him.

  • According to the Warren Commission and the House
    Select Committee on Assassinations as President
    Kennedy waved to the crowds on his right, a shot
    entered his upper back, penetrated his neck, and
    exited his throat. He raised his clenched fists
    up to his neck and leaned forward and to his
    left, as Mrs. Kennedy put her arms around him in
    concern. Governor Connally also reacted, as the
    same bullet penetrated his back, chest, right
    wrist, and left thigh. He yelled, My God, they
    are going to kill us all!

  • The final shot took place when the Presidential
    limousine was passing in front of the John Neely
    Bryan north pergola concrete structure. As the
    shot was heard, a fist-sized hole exploded out
    from the right side of Kennedys head, covering
    the interior of the car and the a nearby
    motorcycle officer with blood and brain tissue.
  • Secret Service agent Clint Hill was riding on the
    left front running board of the car immediately
    behind the Presidential limousine. Sometime after
    the shot that hit the president in the back, Hill
    jumped off and ran to overtake the limousine.
    After the president had been hot in the head,
    Mrs. Kennedy climbed onto the rear of the
    limousine, though she later had no recollection.
    Hill believed she was reaching for something,
    perhaps a piece of the presidents skull. He
    jumped onto the back of the limousine, pushed
    Mrs. Kennedy back into her seat, and clung to the
    car as it exited Dealey Plaza and sped to
    Parkland Memorial Hospital.

(No Transcript)
  • After the shooting, investigations in near by
    buildings uncovered a rifle and three bullet
    shells on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book
  • Lee Harvey Oswald would soon be arrested at a
    movie theater. His palm print was on the rifle,
    he worked in that building and on that floor. He
    was at work earlier that day.

Oswald is shot
  • A trial never occurred and Oswald never admitted
    an wrong doing. But, after saying he was a
    patsy he was to be moved to a new jail. On the
    way, he was shot and killed by a nightclub owner,
    Jack Ruby.

The Warren Commission and the Zapruder Film
  • Questions about the assassination persisted and
    as a result, the new president Johnson put
    together a team to investigate the assassination.
    They quickly researched the assassination and
    concluded that Oswald was a lone assassin. He
    shot three times from the Texas School Book
    Depository from the 6th floor from an area known
    as the snipers nest. It included an unusual
    theory known as the single bullet theory.
  • The discovery of a film on the assassination
    became the basis of many questions and years of
    controversy. The Zapruder Film.

Who did it? Conspiracy theoriesCuban Communist
  • Players? Castro pro-Castro agents in the US
    posing as anti-Castroites Soviet-trained Cuban
  • Why? JFK embarrassed Castro big time in the Cuban
    Missile Crisis
  • Oswald? Pinko Castro sympathisizer opposed to
    JFKs Cuba policy silenced by one time Castro
    gunrunner Jack Ruby
  • Cover-up? Full disclosure would have resulted in
    a full US response against Cuba leading to WWIII
  • Sources Red Friday by Carlos Bringuler

Cuban Anti-Communists
  • Players? Exiled anti-Castro activists Eladio Del
    Valled and Sergie Arcacha Smith US henchmen
    David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, and Clay Shaw CIA
    babysitter Maurice Bishop mercenary snipers from
    Alpha 66 guerilla group the umbrella man
  • Why? JFK withheld air support in the Bay of Pigs
  • Oswald? Never shot anybody-set up. Silenced by
  • Cover-up? Exposure would have risked disclosure
    of intimate US ties with anti-Castro operations
    including assassination plots.
  • Sources Coincidence or Conspiracy? Bernard
    Fensterwald, Jr. On the Trail of the Assassins
    Jim Garrison Legacy of Doubt Pet Noyes

Military Industrial Complex
  • Players? Pentagon hard-liners, arms
    manufacturers, oil producers, Lyndon Johnson and
    White House Hawks right-wing Secret Service
    agents who stripped the Dallas motorcade of
    normal security who helped alter the evidence.
  • Oswald? Set up in the plot unknowingly
  • Cover up? Was basically a government
    overthrow-Coup de te
  • Sources JFK and Vietnam John Newman Crossfire
    Jim Marrs The Secret Team Fletcher Prouty Best
    Evidence David Lifton JFK movie

Renegade CIA Clique
  • Players? Chief CIA hard-liner James Angleton
    fired Bay of Pigs architect Gen. Charles Cabelli
    dark-ops master William Harvey Dallas Mayor
    Earle Cabell (who rerouted the motorcade as a
    favor to his brother) professional European
    assassins OAS terrorists Jean Sourctre the
    three tramps
  • Why? After the Bay of Pigs, JFK began carrying
    out his vow to splinter the CIA into a thousand
    pieces and scatter it to the wind.
  • Oswald? Recruited by the CIA while serving at U-2
    bases in Japan sent to the USSR as a defector
    and brought home along with look-a-like Saul was
    to escape and go to Mexico but JD Tippet got in
    his way silenced by Ruby
  • Cover up? Warren Commission member Allen Dulles
    had been fired by JFK
  • Sources Plausible Denial Mark Lane Appointment
    in Dallas Hugh C McDonald Conspiracy Anthony
    Summers Reasonable Doubt Henry Hurt

Organized Crime
  • Players? New Orleans-Dallas boss Carlos Marcello
    Miami boss Santo Trafficante Chicago boss Sam
    Giancana Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa Meyer
    Lansky Johnny Roselli Marcello family
    retainers Bannister, Shaw and Ferrie Eugene
    Hale, whom Dallas police picked up in Dealey
  • Why? To get back into the Havana casino action
    to get Bobby Kennedy off Hoffas back to get
    back at the Kennedys for Bobbys anti-mob
    vendetta-the mob had helped with Chicago mayor
    Richard Daley steal the 1960 election
  • Oswald? Fingered as the fall guy by Marcellos
    New Orleans flunky Ferrie silenced by
    debt-ridden Mafia underling Ruby.
  • Cover up? Through JFKs alliance with Giancanas
    mole Judy Erner and Peter Lawfords the Rat Pack
    in Vegas JFKs father was a bootlegger in the 30s
    and the mob knew about the Kennedy familys
  • Sources The Plot to Kill the President G. Robert
    Blakey and Richard w. Billings

Right Wing Extremists
  • Players? Oilman HL Hunt Alliances of wealthy US
    defense security agents Cuban exiles Perminder
  • Why? Considered JFK soft on communism, hated
    JFKs foreign, domestic and economic policies
    didnt like Bobby either
  • Oswald? Perfect fall guy JD Tippet failed to
    silence Oswald, Ruby a devotee of Hunt finished
    the job
  • Cover up? Right-wing clout in the FBI, CIA and US
    military helped change evidence
  • Sources Nomenclature of an Assassination Cubal
    William Torbitt The Men Behind the Guns WR
    Morris Spy Saga Philip Melanson

Soviet Commies
  • Players Khrushchev KGB chair Andropov Marina
    Oswald leftist guerrillas Alek Hidell
  • Why? JFK out bluffed the Russians at the Cuban
    Missile Crisis
  • Oswald? Marxist and Soviet agent Oswald had
    assisted in bringing down Gary Powers Marina was
    an assigned wife slain by low-level KGB agent
  • Cover up? Warren Commission didnt want to stir
    up anti-Soviet opinion that would fuel impeach
    Warren rightists, elect Goldwater and thus risk
  • Source The Oswald File Michael Eddowes

  • Players J. Edgar Hoover former FBI officials
    FBI sharpshooters
  • Why? JFK was threatening to force the aging
    longtime director into retirement and to bring
    the agency under control
  • Oswald? Former Marxist ideologue-defector was
    turned when he came back to the US set up by
    being told he was spying on the real assassins
    slain by fellow FBI asset Ruby
  • Cover-up? The Warren Commission relied
    exclusively on the FBI for its investigations and
    received only what Hoover wanted to receive
  • Sources The Assassination Tapes George OToole
    Act of Treason Mark North

The Mastermind
  • Players Howard Hughes Mr. X CIA Mafia
    anti-Castro Cubans right-wing paramilitarists
  • Why? Elimination of wealth, independent Kennedy
    discredit to liberals elevation of LBJ election
    of puppet Nixon
  • Oswald? Sold his services to the highest bidder
    was suppose to die in the Texas Theater while
    resisting arrest Hughes hired Ruby to knock
    him off
  • Cover up? Not even the Warren Commission could be
    sure of what Hughes owned, or whom
  • Sources The Assassination Chain Sybil Leek, Bert
    R. Sugar
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