Title: Chapt. 11 Atomic Structure
1Chapt. 11 Atomic Structure
2From macroscopic to microscopic
- http//micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopt
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- Greek Philosopher Democritus (460-370 B.C.)
- all matter composed of small atoms
- atomos indivisible
6- 384-322 BC
- Aristotle and Plato favored the earth, fire, air
and water approach to the nature of matter
7400 to 0, 0 to 1600 400 1600 2000 years
8 Renaissance
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vwrD49Jci6h8feature
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vrFI3UkPTpMsfeature
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v1ZhHjZLgWOs
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11Avogadro who, in 1811,1 hypothesized that two
given samples of an ideal gas, at the same
temperature, pressure and volume, contain the
same number of molecules
Dalton 1803
Bernoulli in 1738
Boltzmann 1898
- Boyle published it in 1662
- about 1787,Charles had found that oxygen,
nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and air
expand to the same extent over the same 80 degree
1687 Newton
1845, Watterson
12- We might as well attempt to introduce a new
planet into the solar system, or to annihilate
one already in existence, as to create or destroy
a particle of hydrogen. - John Dalton, A New System of Chemical Philosophy,
13Dalton's Postulates
- 1. All matter consists of tiny
- particles.
14Dalton's Postulates
- 2. Elements are characterized by the mass of
their atoms. All atoms of the same element have
identical weights, Dalton asserted. Atoms of
different elements have different weights.
15Dalton's Postulates
- 3. Atoms are indestructible
- and unchangeable.
16Daltons Postulates
- 4. When elements react, their atoms combine in
simple, whole-number ratios.
17John Daltons Atomic Theory
- Almost right. A good start.
very small
Structure of the atom after Dalton (ca. 1810)
18our future discoveries must be looked for in the
6th decimal place, 1894, at the dedication of
Ryerson Physics Laboratory, Chicago
- Heading into the 20th century there was a feeling
by many in the chemistry and physics communities
that our scientific knowledge was nearly
complete. It was universally accepted that atoms
were the most basic constituent of matter and
that the behavior of all matter could be
explained through Newtonian mechanics. - BUTseveral discoveries and observations
contradicted these theories
19- I. Discovery of the electron
20Cathode ray tube and the electron
- http//videos.howstuffworks.com/science-channel/29
21J.J. Thomson (1897) Cathode Rays
Atoms subjected to high voltages give off cathode
22J.J. Thomson Cathode Rays
Cathode rays can be deflected by a magnetic field.
Cathode rays are negatively charged particles
Electrons are in atoms.
23Thompsons Plum Pudding Model
24400 to 0, 0 to 1600 400 1600 2000 years
- Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of
radiation by an atom. - First observed by Henri Becquerel
- (1852-1908).
- Marie and Pierre Curie also studied it.
- Nobel Prize in 1903 (physics).
26Radiation named by Rutherford
272. Discovery of the nucleus
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29Discovery of the nucleus
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v5pZj0u_XMbc
30- Since the vast majority of a particles pass
through the Au foil undeflected, the Au atoms are
mostly ______. - Empty space
31- A very tiny percentage of a particles hit
something massive in the atom and backscatter
(bounce back). - This indicates that most of the mass of the atom
is concentrated in a very small volume relative
to the volume of the entire atom. - We now call this the NUCLEUS.
32- Rutherford proposed the charge on the nucleus to
be positive, since electrons are negatively
charged and atoms are neutral.
33Rutherfords model
34- The primary limitation to Bohr Theory is that it
was limited to a description of a one electron
system, namely Hydrogen. - The description of multiple electron systems is
much more complex, and was only adequately
handled by the Modern Theory of Atomic Structure.
35Bohrs Theory
- 1. The electron travels in a circular path around
the nucleus. This path is called an orbit.
36- 2. At normal living conditions, room temperature,
the electron resides in the orbit which is
closest to the nucleus. - This is the position of lowest energy content for
the electron, and is referred to as the Ground
State. (This statement implies that there will be
more that one orbit available to an electron.)
37- 3. As long as the electron remains in a specific
orbit, no energy is gained or lost by the system.
- 4. If energy is added to an electron, the
electron will move to a new orbit. This orbit
will be farther from the nucleus, and is a
position of higher energy content. This new
position is known as an excited state.
38- 5. When an electron moves from one orbit to
another orbit, it does so without ever passing
through the space between the orbits. In other
words, the electron is only allowed to exist at
very specific distances from the nucleus, or
positions of very specific energy content. (This
idea is much like climbing a ladder. The foot is
only allowed to be placed in very specific
locations.) This idea is known as a quantum jump,
a transition in which the electron gains or loses
a very specific amount of energy.
39- Part Five off the Bohr Theory is, perhaps, the
most controversial item. It says that an electron
is restricted to having certain specific
quantities of energy. The electron will never be
allowed to have energy in between the allowed
values. This is referred to as the quantization
of energy. The idea was first expressed by Max
Planck. This piece of information, when given to
Bohr, suddenly made the ideas that he expressed
much more meaningful.
40- In essence, it now becomes clear why an atom will
only release specific colors of light, or
specific wavelengths of electromagnetic
radiation. Without the Planck contribution, the
Bohr atom would release all colors of light.
41- 6. When an electron is in an excited state, it
will always drop down to a lower energy state,
ultimately returning to ground state. Each
electron transition to a lower energy state will
be accompanied by the simultaneous release of
energy. This energy is released as
electromagnetic radiation. The energy of the
released radiation will correspond to the
difference in energy content between the two
42EMR (electromagnetic radiation)
433 problems with the Bohr Theory
- The theory only works for a one electron system.
What happens when an atom has more than one
electron? - The theory violates the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle. Bohr Theory makes the behavior of the
electron entirely to predictable. Bohr claims it
is possible to know exactly where an electron is
and what it is doing. The Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle says that is not possible.
44- The Bohr Theory will based on trying to explain
four visible colors in the hydrogen atomic
spectrum. He worked with a red line, blue-green
line, blue line, and violet line. With improved
instrumentation, it is now known that the red
line is actually two red lines. These lines are
extremely close together, and are referred to as
a doublet. The instruments that were available to
Bohr were not sophisticated enough to distinguish
the two red lines. To him they looked as if they
were one wide red line.
45- The Atomic Spectrum is a series of lines of color
produced when light from an excited atom is
passed through a prism. It is also known as a
line spectrum.
46- 3. (Failure of) the classical description of the
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48Water wave
Sound wave
49EMR electromagnetic radiation
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53Electrons are part of what makes an atom an atom
54Electrons are part of what makes an atom an atom
But where exactly are the electrons inside an
55Orbitals are areas within atoms where there is a
high probablility of finding electrons.
56Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
57Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
58Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
59Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
60Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
61Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
62Knowing how electrons are arranged in an atom
is important because that governs how atoms
interact with each other
63It has been determined where the orbitals are
inside an atom, but it is not known precisely
where the electrons are inside the orbitals
64It has been determined where the orbitals are
inside an atom, but it is not known precisely
where the electrons are inside the orbitals (as
described by Heisenburgs Uncertainty
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66Hey, where am I?
67The area where an electron can be found, the
orbital, is defined mathematically, but we can
see it as a specific shape in 3-dimensional space
The 3 axes represent 3-dimensional space
For this presentation, the nucleus of the atom is
at the center of the three axes.
71The 1s orbital is a sphere, centered around the
nucleus (l 0)
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74The 2s orbital is also a sphere.
75The 2s electrons have a higher energy than the
1s electrons. Therefore, the 2s electrons are
generally more distant from the nucleus, making
the 2s orbital larger than the 1s orbital.
761s orbital
772s orbital
78Dont forget an orbital is the shape of
the space where there is a high probability of
finding electrons
79Dont forget an orbital is the shape of
the space where there is a high probability of
finding electrons
The s orbitals are spheres
80There are three 2p orbitals
81The three 2p orbitals (l 1) are
oriented perpendicular to each other
This is one 2p orbital (2py)
another 2p orbital (2px)
the third 2p orbital (2pz)
85Dont forget an orbital is the shape of
the space where there is a high probability of
finding electrons
86Dont forget an orbital is the shape of
the space where there is a high probability of
finding electrons
This is the shape of p orbitals
2px and 2pz
The three 2p orbitals, 2px, 2py, 2pz
The three 2p orbitals, 2px, 2py, 2pz (m -1,
0, 1)
92once the 1s orbital is filled,
93the 2s orbital begins to fill around the 1s
94once the 2s orbital is filled,
95the 2p orbitals begin to fill
96each 2p orbital intersects the 2s orbital and the
1s orbital
97each 2p orbital gets one electron before pairing
98once each 2p orbital is filled with a pair of
electrons, then
99the 3s orbital gets the next two electrons
100the 3s electrons have a higher energy than 1s,
2s, or 2p electrons,
101so 3s electrons are generally found further from
the nucleus than 1s, 2s, or 2p electrons
102What does that have to do with anything??
103the billions of interactions of atoms constantly
going on around you depend on how the
electrons are arranged in each atom
104the billions of interactions of atoms constantly
going on around you depend on how the
electrons are arranged in each atom
the arrangement of an atoms electrons (its
orbitals) govern how that atom will interact with
other atoms
105the billions of interactions of atoms constantly
going on around you depend on how the
electrons are arranged in each atom
the arrangement of an atoms electrons (its
orbitals) govern how that atom will interact with
other atoms
If atoms did not interact with each other, you
would not be sitting here reading this
106An interesting place where electrons have a
specific organization within atoms, allowing for
intersting atom interactions
107Not an interesting place, where electrons have no
specific organization within atoms, where atoms
wander aimlessly about
An interesting place where electrons have a
specific organization within atoms, allowing for
intersting atom interactions
108Principal Quantum Number, n
- Indicates main energy levels
- n 1, 2, 3, 4
- Each main energy level has sub-levels
109Energy Sublevels
110- The principle quantum number, n, determines the
number of sublevels within the principle energy
111Orbital Quantum Number, l(Angular Momentum
Quantum Number)
- Indicates shape of orbital sublevels
- l n-1
- l sublevel
- 0 s
- 1 p
- 2 d
- 3 f
- 4 g
- The space where there is a high probability that
it is occupied by a pair of electrons. - Orbitals are solutions of Schrodingers equations.
113Orbitals in Sublevels
- Sublevel Orbitals electrons
- s 1 2
- p 3 6
- d 5 10
- f 7 14
- g 9 18
114Three rules are used to build the electron
- Aufbau principle
- Pauli Exclusion Principle
- Hunds Rule
115Aufbau Principle
- Electrons occupy orbitals of lower energy first.
116Aufbau Diagram
117-Pauli Exclusion Principle(Wolfgang Pauli,
Austria, 1900-1958)-Electron Spin Quantum Number
- An orbital can hold only two electrons and they
must have opposite spin. - Electron Spin Quantum Number (ms)
- 1/2, -1/2
118Hunds Rule
- In a set of orbitals, the electrons will fill the
orbitals in a way that would give the maximum
number of parallel spins (maximum number of
unpaired electrons). - Analogy Students could fill each seat of a
school bus, one person at a time, before doubling
119Aufbau Diagram for Hydrogen
120Aufbau Diagram for Helium
121Aufbau Diagram for Lithium
122Aufbau Diagram for Beryllium
123Aufbau Diagram for Boron
124Aufbau Diagram for Carbon
125Aufbau Diagram for Nitrogen
126Aufbau Diagram
127Notations of Electron Configurations
128Aufbau Diagram for Fluorine
129Standard Notation of Fluorine
Number of electrons in the sub level 2,2,5
1s2 2s2 2p5
Main Energy Level Numbers 1, 2, 2
130Shorthand Notation
- Use the last noble gas that is located in the
periodic table right before the element. - Write the symbol of the noble gas in brackets.
- Write the remaining configuration after the
brackets. - Ex Fluorine He 2s2 2p5
131Blocks in the Periodic Table
132General Periodic Trends
- Atomic and ionic size
- Ionization energy
- Electron affinity
Higher effective nuclear charge.
Electrons held more tightly
133Atomic Size
- Size goes UP on going down a group.
- Because electrons are added farther from the
nucleus, there is less attraction. - Size goes DOWN on going across a period.
134Atomic Radii
Figure 8.9
135Trends in Atomic SizeSee Figures 8.9 8.10
136Ion Sizes
Does the size go up or down when losing an
electron to form a cation?
137Ion Sizes
Forming a cation.
Li,152 pm
3e and 3p
- CATIONS are SMALLER than the atoms from which
they come. - The electron/proton attraction has gone UP and so
138Ion Sizes
- Does the size go up or down when gaining an
electron to form an anion?
139Ion Sizes
Forming an anion.
- ANIONS are LARGER than the atoms from which they
come. - The electron/proton attraction has gone DOWN and
so size INCREASES. - Trends in ion sizes are the same as atom sizes.
140Trends in Ion Sizes
Figure 8.13
141Ionization EnergySee Screen 8.12
- IE energy required to remove an electron from
an atom in the gas phase.
Mg (g) 738 kJ ---gt Mg (g) e-
142Ionization EnergySee Screen 8.12
- Mg (g) 735 kJ ---gt Mg (g) e-
- Mg (g) 1451 kJ ---gt Mg2 (g) e-
Mg2 (g) 7733 kJ ---gt Mg3 (g) e-
Energy cost is very high to dip into a shell of
lower n. This is why ox. no. Group no.
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