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Judaism Powerpoint


Judaism Powerpoint Tenach / Tanakh Hebrew name for Hebrew Bible Created by taking the first letter of each of the three sections of the Bible and making a word out of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Judaism Powerpoint

Judaism Powerpoint
Judaism is
  • A 4000 year old tradition with ideas about what
    it means to be human and how to make the world a
    holy place
  • (Rabbi Harold Kushner, To Life)
  • A covenant relationship between God and the
    Hebrew people
  • A celebration and sanctification of life
  • A faith, a people, a way of life

A 4000 year old tradition
  • The Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel)
    origins of the Hebrew people (more than 3800
    years ago)
  • Enslaved in ancient Egypt and freed by Moses
    (more than 3300 years ago)
  • Hebrew monarchy in the Promised Land (The Land
    of Israel), ends 6th century BCE

As a faith, Jews Believe
  • In one God, creator of the universe, personal but
  • In prophets of old especially Moses, through
    whom Torah was revealed to the Hebrew people
  • In Torah (first five books of the Bible),
    containing religious, moral and social law which
    guides the life of a Jew
  • the Hebrew Bible does not include the New

As a people, Jews are
  • A nation in Diaspora (dispersed)
  • 15 16 million in worldwide population
  • United by a common heritage (an ethnic
    religion), divided in contemporary practice
  • Orthodox
  • Modern
  • Chasidic (Ultra Orthodox)
  • Reformed (18th century Germany)
  • Conservative moderates, response to reform
  • Reconstructionalism (20th century America)

As a way of life, Judaism is based on
  • 613 commandments found in Torah (Written Law)
  • Talmud (Oral Law) commentary of ancient
    rabbis that elaborates on how to apply Gods Law
    in everyday life through
  • Dietary rules (Kashrut/Kosher)
  • Dress and other symbols
  • Prayer and devotion to the one God
  • The Temple and Temple rites
  • Observance of Holy days
  • Proper social relations between male and female,
    in business, judicial rulings, etc.
  • Thus sanctifying life, blessing it in every way

How does Judaism sanctify life?
  • Life cycle celebrations
  • Bris ritual circumcision, sign of the covenant
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah full adult status and
    responsibility within the religion
  • Marriage - "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 122)
  • Death funerals, mourning (sitting Shiva), and
    memorials (Yartzeits)

How does Judaism sanctify time?
  • The Jewish Holidays
  • High Holidays
  • Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
  • Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
  • Sukkot, the Festival of Booths (fall harvest
  • Simchat Torah celebrating Torah
  • Chanukah, the Festival of Lights

More Holy Days
  • Purim (Lots) a carnival (commemorates events
    told in book of Esther)
  • Pesach (Passover) commemorates the exodus
    from Egypt (events told in Exodus)
  • Shavuot (weeks, Pentecost) commemorates
    receipt of Torah at Sinai
  • Other, minor festivals
  • Shabbat (Sabbath, 7th day, on Saturday) the
    Day of Rest

How is Judaism related to Christianity?
  • Judaism predates Christianity it is the
    foundation of Christianity but is not a part of
  • Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and the
  • Jews do not believe that Jesus was anything more
    than a good and wise man who lived and died 2000
    years ago Jews still await their messiah
  • The Jewish messiah would not be divine. He would
    be a political figure who restores the Hebrew
    monarchy and causes peace to reign on Earth
  • Jews are not concerned about salvation and the
    world to come

What are Jews really concerned about?
  • Tikkun Olam - repairing this world through
    justice and righteousness through deed, not
  • The heart of Judaism is in the home and family,
    social responsibility and doing Mitzvot (good
    deeds based on Gods commandments)
  • Through education and hard work we make our
    lives, the lives of others, and the world, what
    God intended it to be Holy!

To Life!
To Life!
Web resources
  • Judaism 101 http//jewfaq.org/ an online
    encyclopedia of Judaism, covering Jewish beliefs,
    people, places, things, language, scripture,
    holidays, practices and customs
  • ReligiousTolerance.org on Judaism
  • This P0werpoint presentation available at

Jewish Symbols
  • From Living Judaism
  • by Rabbi Wayne Dosick

Magen David
  • Star of David
  • Was on the shields of Davids warriors
  • Symbol on the Flag of the state of Israel
  • Used throughout the world as a clear and unique
    identifying symbol of Jews and Judaism

  • Seven (or nine) branched candleholder
  • One of the oldest Jewish symbolsone of the
    ritual objects described in the Torah
  • Today the nine branched menorah is used in
    celebration of Chanukah
  • The seven branched menorah is the authentic
    ancient symbol (one for each of the 6 days of
    creation and 1 for sabbath)

  • The Jewish symbol of life
  • Expresses the hope and prayer for life, health
    and prosperity
  • Popular Jewish toastLchayimTo Life

Mazal Tov
  • Means good luck or congratulations
  • Particularly used for significant life events
    (ie. Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, etc.)

  • Literally So be it
  • Means I agree/affirm
  • After a blessing it is customary for those who
    have heard the blessing to say Amen

  • Means hello/goodbye/peace
  • Comes from root word shalem which means
  • Peace comes when there is wholeness,
    completeness, unity.
  • Pease is the eternal Jewish prayerworld peace,
    peace between people, inner peace, harmony.

Modern Denominations of Judaism
  • From Living Judaism by Rabbi Wayne Dosick

Orthodox Judaism
  • Mainstream Judaism
  • Belief in the direct revelation of divine law
    which was recorded in the Torah
  • It is eternal, unchanging, and the sole guide for
  • Carefully and strictly observe the commandments
    as the direct will of God
  • Ultra-Orthodox assert that complete separation
    from secular society

ChasidismSect of Orthodox
  • Famous for their dress. From eastern Europe in
    the early 18th C. Emphasizes both contemplative
    meditation and fervent joy.
  • Lubavitch Chasidism (Chabad) is contemporary
    American Chasidism

Reform Judaism
  • Early 19th C. Germany
  • Assert authorship of Torah to Divinely inspired
    human beings
  • Modern worship mostly in vernacular

Conservative Judaism
  • Response to Reform mid to late 19th C. Europe
  • Agree that change was necessary but felt Reform
    had eliminated too many basic Jewish practices
  • Motto is tradition and change
  • Fiddler on the Roof

Reconstructionist Judaism
  • Early 1920s in US by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan
  • Judaism is not merely a religion, but an evolving
    religious civilization, a peoplehood, a culture,
    as well as a faith community

All of Judaism
  • To accept Torah and fulfill its mitzvot
  • To embrace the ethical mandate of Judaism
  • To regulate existence to Judaisms rituals
  • To support Jewish causes
  • To be a devoted member of the Jewish community
  • To maintain a bond and a sense of mutual
    interdependence with the Jewish Land
  • To feel a connection to Jewish history
  • To be committed to the creative survival of the
    Jewish future

Jewish Literature
  • From Living Judaism by Rabbi Wayne Dosick

  • Creation God Created the Universe and everything
    in it, The covenant was created between God and
    Humanity (specifically between God and the Jewish
  • Redemption Israelites were saved from bondage in
    Egypt (in order to experience revelation)
  • Revelation God gave his 613 mitzvot as a
    standard for conduct and behavior
  • Mixed with ritual practices this provides the
    framework of lifestyle for all humanity.

  • Genesis (Bereshit) contains stories of creation,
    records the establishment of the covenant between
    God and the Jewish people, tells of the lives of
    the patriarchs and matriarchs
  • Exodus (Shmot) account of Israelites enslaved
    in Egypt, the exodus from Egypt, the receiving of
    the 10 Commandments at Mt. Sinai
  • Leviticus (Vayikra) gives Gods ethical and
    ritual laws and specific instructions to priests
    on how to perform their duties
  • Numbers (Bamidbar) recounts the of the
    Israelites through the desert and gives more of
    Gods ethical and ritual laws
  • Deuteronony (Devarim) Moses reviews the laws and
    the people prepare to enter the promised land.

  • 2nd section of the Hebrew Bible, prophets
  • Not a soothsayer but rather a messenger of God to
    the people
  • Prophets admonished the Jewish people for
    forgetting and forsaking Gods commands
  • They called on the people to examine their lives
    and their conduct
  • Neviim is divided in two sections early and
    latter prophets

  • Early Prophets Joshua, Judges, Samuel (2), Kings
  • Latter Prophets
  • Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
  • Minor Prophets Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,
    Jonah, Micah, Nachum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
    Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

  • 3rd section of Hebrew Bible, writings
  • Contains wisdom literature, poetry, songs,
    narrative, history, religious philosophy, and
    love hymns12 books in total
  • Books include Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Songs,
    Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel,
    Ezra, Nechemiah, Chronicles

Tenach / Tanakh
  • Hebrew name for Hebrew Bible
  • Created by taking the first letter of each of the
    three sections of the Bible and making a word out
    of those three letters.
  • T for Torah
  • N for Neviim
  • CH for Ketuvim

  • The first compilation of the Oral Law between 200
    BCE and 200 CE
  • Collects all of the Jewish legal material from
    the post-Torah era.
  • Divided into 6 orders (or chapters)
  • Seeds, Festivals, Women, Damages, Holy Things,

  • A compilation of the discussions,
    interpretations, explanations, and theological
    arguments about the Mishnah.
  • New interpretations and new laws that arose after
    Mishnah from about 200-600 CE
  • Contains both Jewish law and Jewish stories

  • Is the combined Mishnah and Gemara
  • Largest compilation of post-biblical law
  • Remains the basic and central document of
    post-biblical law
  • Talmud is studied
  • For the practical application of its laws
  • For its mind-expanding challenges in logic and
  • For its total immersion in Jewish concerns
  • For its wisdom and insights into the human
  • And for the simple love of learning and growing
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