Reconciliation in Sierra Leone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reconciliation in Sierra Leone


Reconciliation in Sierra Leone Kate ina Werkman Charles University Prague – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reconciliation in Sierra Leone

  • Reconciliation in Sierra Leone
  • Katerina Werkman
  • Charles University Prague

  • Meaning of reconciliation may vary across the
    different national contexts and may even raise
    diverse expectations among the actors within the
    same society.
  • In Sierra Leone much effort done since the war
    ended in 2002 to bring about reconciliation, at
    the national, community and individual levels

What is understood under reconciliation?
  • kol hart - one's heart (as the center of
    feelings, thoughts and intentions) does not
    contain feelings of anger, resentment or grudge
    against the others
  • warm hart - implies inability of a proper
    social relationship with the other(s) because of
    the feeling of anger or revenge
  • wan word - understood as a collective kol
    hart (be it in a family or community) and is
    expressed through the community's ability to work
    or talk in unity

Reconciliation as unity
  • These are the things we look at as
    reconciliation among ourselves and having peace
    coming together, greeting one and other, meeting
    one and other, knowing each other's problems,
    eating together, having unity among ourselves,
    those are the things. (Mofindor, Women FG)
  • Reconciliation is coming together to be united.
    So that we can live as one. (Feijia, Young Woman
    - Rape Victim)
  • A single tree cannot be a forest. So one person
    cannot promote or develop the community until
    others go with him, you go together, put things
    together, then you try to work for the better to
    develop this community. It is unity. (Njagbahun,

Reconciliation and Development
  • Reconciliation is peace. If we are peaceful we
    will work towards development. But if we are not
    peaceful, there will be no development.
    (Kogbotuma, Women FG)
  • Reconciliation is being united to bring
    development... for example here people work
    together to put up a structure where we can
    disuss issues. (Feijia, Ex-Combatant)
  • It is because of reconciliation we are now able
    to develop our town, our community. Build
    mosques, churches and even work for ourselves and
    do community work. (Kogbotuma, Youth FG)

Reconciliation, Confession, Forgiveness
  • To talk about the past again, to speak it out
    again... if that would be the case we always
    reflect it and make it exist back again. So
    instead we forget about it. (Port Loko, Chief)
  • Noone should be pushed to confess, that wouldnt
    help in reconciliation. Confession would lead to
    more trouble. We asked anchestors to forgive all
    those that done wrong so could live like one
    family... (Borbu, Chief)
  • Once we have taken an oath of making
    reconciliation... and everybody is happy with
    each other in the town, there is no need for
    someone to come and make a public confession as
    it will create new problems, the person better
    keep quiet about it. (Mofindor, Women FG)

Reconciliation, Confession, Forgiveness
  • Because of the fear they the ex-combatants
    were having when they returned from the war, they
    were afraid to explain all their bad deeds, they
    were afraid to confess, so they would call on
    their immediate friends or brothers to explain
    all the deeds and then later those family members
    would go and tell that to the authorities or to
    the community. (Njagbahun, Youth FG)
  • There is a law that whenever we go to the
    society shrine, if you have any hidden thing
    inside yourself, you have to confess. If you
    don't confess, you will not be fine... (Senehun,
    Men FG)

Reconciliation and Reparations
  • We know that we will not regain what we have
    lost but at least let there be some sign of
    helping hand for the government and the NGOs
    that will help us forget. Because they burnt our
    houses, if the government could provide zink for
    the roof, we would be very pleased. (Gondama,
    Women FG)
  • Those that were having houses and those houses
    were burnt down, even if that person may have
    peace of mind, at any time he or she reflects
    back to the past there will be no peace,
    perhaps because that person is old now and cannot
    afford to put up another house, so that is the
    problem now. (Njagbahun, Youth FG)

What actually helped communities to achieve
  • Pragmatism
  • We have the believe that if you punish them,
    they will not be happy about it and revenge.
    (Kogbotuma, Chief and Elders)
  • If you continue to mock those that return, they
    may change their mind again to do another thing.
    (Senehun, Youth FG)
  • We have forgiven them. We have no other option.
    (Gondama, Women FG)

  • Pa Kabbah and the government
  • Kabbah called for peace and reconciliation in
    Sierra Leone... he said to accept those people
    that have done things in our homes, in these
    places, let's have peace and forget about it.
    (Mofindor, Elderly Woman)
  • For the sake of the governement and Pa Kabbah,
    we just had to accept them. Not of our wish.
    (Kogbotuma, Ex-combatant)
  • Government told us to forgive and forget so we
    did. (Gondama, Chiefs)

  • Chiefs
  • One of the first things we did when we returned
    was introducing by-laws that noone should point
    hands at anyone else and saying he or she
    belonged to this or that faction. If you say that
    to someone else and there are witnesses, they
    will take you to the chiefs... (Ngiema, Youth
  • When we were performing the ceremony, a law was
    introduced that noone should be pointing fingers,
    that it would be a crime and everybody said, lets
    get together and reconcile. (Borbu, Women FG)

  • Traditional Ceremonies
  • We had a small ceremony... We asked the
    ancestors for protection and for nothing sinister
    to happen again... After we did the sacrificial
    activities, the whole village came together again
    and we made a collective sacrifice a red bull.
    We did this together to create unity / oneness.
    (Kondeya, Women FG)
  • When we came back we had to do some sacrifice at
    our ancestral place... So all of us did it in
    order to ask the ancestors to really accept us as
    we have returned home from war. And now that we
    are together let's continue to experience peace
    and unity in the town, that nobody should be
    named in relation with this war - you did it, you
    did it, you did it... Let's all forget about
    that. (Mofindor, Woman FG)
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