OFF SHOOT Pack 1: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OFF SHOOT Pack 1: Places and Magical Thinking * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Macbeth Birnam Wood Macbeth shall never be vanquish'd be until Great Birnam Wood to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OFF SHOOT Pack 1:

  • OFF SHOOT Pack 1
  • Places and Magical Thinking

Macbeth Birnam Wood
Act 4, Scene 1 Line 91 - 93
  • Macbeth shall never be vanquish'd be until
  • Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill
  • Shall come against him.

Act 5, Scene 6 Line 34 46 Messenger As I did
stand my watch upon the hill, I look'd towards
Birnam, and anon, me thought, The wood began to
move. Macbeth Liar and slave! Messenger Let
me endure your wrath, if't be not so Within this
three mile may you see it coming I say, a moving
grove. Macbeth If thou speak'st false. Upon the
next tree shalt thou hang alive Till famine cling
thee if thy speech be sooth, I care not if thou
dost for me as much. I pull in resolution and
begin To doubt the equivocation of the fiend That
lies like truth Fear not, till Birnam wood Do
come to Dunsinane and now a wood. Comes towads
Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out!
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Act 5, Scene 2 Line 371-386 Puck Now the
hungry lion roars, And the wolf beholds the
moon Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All
with weary task fordone. Now the wasted brands do
glow, Whilst the scritch-owl, scritching Puts
the wretch, that lies in woe, In remembrance of
shroud, Now it is the time of night, That the
graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his
sprite, In the church-way paths to glide And we
fairies, that do run By the triple Heat's
team, From the presence of the sun, Following
darkness like a dream.
Fairy Tale and FolkloreSome of the most popular
fairy stories, rely on forests to add an element
of mystery and magic.
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Baba Yaga
  • A Russian tale of a wicked old lady living in the
    middle of the forest in a movable hut raised on
    chicken legs.

Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Jack finds the magical world above the clouds.

Chronicles of Narnia
  • This image is taken from the recent film created
    from C.S Lewis's book. This is the moment before
    the children walk into the wardrobe into Narnia

Greek Mythology
  • Virgil's Aeneid
  • Book 6 295 297
  • 'There in the centre a huge and shady elm
  • spreads out its aged arms in branches here
  • False dream, they say, reside and cling beneath.

Roman Coins
  • These coins have the palm tree on them. The palm
    tree is of special interest because it is a
    symbol of Israeland it is a symbol that the
    Romans adopted in their Judea Capta coins. Judea
    Capta coins were minted in gold, silver and

Loral Wreath
  • In ancient Greece, victorious athletes during the
    Olympics were crowned with a wreath made of
    laurel leaves. The Laurel Tree has associations
    with the Sun God, Apollo, and the tree is known
    as well for it's medicinal virtues. The laurel
    crown is identified with achieving victory,
    success, and excellence. Laurel wreaths were also
    worn by emperors and doctors because it was
    thought to bring protection and show power.

Ability, Triumph Excellence
ArtSwayArtSway is a unique gallery space in the
heart of the New Forest in the South of England.
Their aim is to see, discuss, make and engage
with significant contemporary art. Below are two
projects that have been shown at ArtSway.
  • 25.06.11 06.09.11
  • For his exhibition at ArtSway, Mike Marshall
    exhibited two new video works. These works
    continue to develop Marshalls investigation of
    conditions relating to thinking, sensing and
    activity. Here, this interest is pursued through
    contrasting notions of organic growth, fire,
    weather and seasonal change against the
    persistence of human endeavour and the desire for
    order and control.
  • http//
  • http//

  • 22.07.10 24.07.10
  • Tim Simmons INTERVENTION series consists of
    large-scale, landscapes. He works with a large
    format camera and artificial lighting to
    accentuate detail in a way that natural light
    does not. The resulting images have a surreal,
    otherworldly quality, in the realms of fantasy,
    beyond obvious recognition.
  • Tims work has an inherent connection to the
    environment. It examines the multi layered
    relationship we have with our surroundings, and
    how subtle changes to our expectation of a place
    alter our perception of it.
  • http//
  • http//

Stour Valley ArtsKings Wood is a 1500-acre
forest in a designated Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty, in Challock, Kent. The forest is
an ancient woodland site with both broad-leaved
trees and conifers. It is home to a huge
diversity of flora and fauna. Stour Valley Arts
has commissions artists to make sculptures within
the forest and also other kinds of artworks.
Artists who are particularly responsive to the
nature of this working forest are invited to
spend long periods there. As a consequence of
their close and sympathetic involvement with the
forest, they often use natural materials found in
the immediate area, and engage with seasonal and
  • 2008 - 2011
  • Super Kingdom is a development of new animal
    habitats within Kings Wood. These luxury homes
    are modelled on the imperious palaces of Stalin,
    Ceauscescu and Mussolini and offer nesting and
    over-winter sites to native and migrant species.
  • http//

  • Tessa Farmer 2001
  • Tessa Farmer made over a hundred tiny fairies and
    goblins out of twigs, leaves, seeds and flowers.
    These creatures inhabited the forest for several
    weeks and were seen emerging from their cocoons,
    flying from branch to branch and scrambling over
  • http//
  • http//

Tania Kovats
  • Tania Kovats' work deals with the experience and
    understanding of landscape, particularly places
    that reveal narratives of their own making.
    Drawing and mapping landscapes have been a
    central focus of her recent work, and she has
    created bodies of work based around both
    imaginary and existing islands. Kovats also works
    sculpturally, often in response to what she
    refers to as 'geologically explicit landscapes'
    where the narrative evidence of processes such as
    erosion, shifting, eruption, compression and
    subsidence can be clearly seen.
  • In The Museum of Natural History in London is a
    piece entitled TREE it was commissioned by The
    Museum to mark 200 years since the birth of
    naturalist Charles Darwin.
  • http//
    /tree-gallery/tree-video page/index.htmlhttp//www

  • In a group exhibition at the Ikon Gallery in 2000
    Kovats produced Rocky Road. This road to nowhere
    implies that it is not the destination but the
    journey that is revelatory, for the path doubles
    back on itself in a figure of eight. The roads
    undulations echo those of the rollercoaster,
    emphasising the experiential nature of the
    journey it offers.
  • http//

  • Mariele Neudecker is known for creating
    atmospheric alternative realities in glass tanks.
    She uses a broad range of media including
    sculpture, installation and film. Neudecker
    addresses sublime, romantic views of landscape
    and the human interest in, and relationship to
  • This image is taken from the collection called
    'The Air We Breathe Is Invisible'
  • http//

I dont know how I resisted the urge to run,
1998 This is currently on show at the Tree
Gallery at The Art Gallery Walsall
  • Mariele Neudecker collaborated with Dr Alex
    Rogers, a leading world marine biologist at
    Oxford University to create an artwork related to
    Rogers research into deep sea exploration which
    contains some of the worlds unknown ecosystems.
  • Neudeckers artwork engages with unknowable murky
    spaces and landscapes often exploring the
    subconscious. She discussed with Rogers our
    perceptions of the deep sea and how he feels as a
    scientist researching such an unexplored area,
    drawing comparisons to outer space in terms of
    our knowledge and understanding.
  • http//
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