Title: The Dead President's Society: Chapter Succession Planning
1The Dead President's Society Chapter Succession
- Course Code
- As a courtesy to other participants,
- please turn cell phones and pagers to silent mode
- Thank You
- At the end of the session the participant will
- 1. Describe the concept of succession planning.
- 2. Discuss relevancy of incorporating succession
planning into chapter strategic planning - 3. Explore opportunities for hardwiring
succession planning activities into chapter
3Succession Planning
- Succession planning is a process whereby your
chapter ensures that members are recruited and
developed to fill each key role within the
4Succession Planning should..
- Recruit new members
- Retain current members
- Develop skill sets
- Role model leadership competencies
5AACN Leadership Competencies
- Self-Leadership to assess, manage and develop
yourself in order to preserve and optimize
relationships and add value to the outcomes of
ones organization. - Global Thinking to think beyond your current
role and practice and apply new perspectives that
will improve and optimize your role and practice. - Consensus Building to achieve practical
consensus within groups to promote strong
teamwork and garner commitment and participation
of others to achieve solutions and effect
positive change. - Delivering Effective Messages to deliver
effective messages in order to motivate others to
thought and action. - Knowing and Committing to AACN to demonstrate
knowledge and commitment to the mission, values
and work of AACN in order to optimize outcomes
for nurses and patients and their families.
6So what are the obstacles to good succession
- Competing obligations, time, resources
- Not enough of you to go aroundleaders wearing
multiple hats - Recycling of chapter leaders
- The hidden agenda in our work life we may
actually be competitors which can lead to an
atmosphere of distrust amongst members of the
chapter and/or chapter leaders - Lack of forethought
- Quint Studer of the The Studer Group
- Creating a Culture of Service and Operational
Excellence that drives results - HardwireThe process by which a chapter
integrates actions and beliefs into the routine
operations to ensure it becomes a habit and is
done - Best way to hardwire..chapter calendar.Â
8Hardwiring Calendar
- Recruitment
- Membership drive
- Visits to schools of nursing or hospitals
- Retention
- Educational programs
- Taste of NTI members that attend speak at the
next chapter meeting.bring back pictures, poster
of what they learned, or give-aways from exhibit
hall - Recognition of member achievement CCRN
Luncheon, Circle of excellence awards for your
community - Professional Development
- Support chapter leaders to attend Leadership
workshop - Role model
- Coaching and mentoring time
9July 2007
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30
Strategic planning
Membership Drive
Board meetings
Reporting deadlines
10Strategic Planning
- A systematic methodology to plan future Chapter
activities - Establish a 1-3 year vision for the chapter
- Evaluate previous activities
- Plan Programs
- Meet needs of the Membership
- Analyze function of the chapter operations
- Identify resources and how they will be used
11Strategic Planning Process
- Assessment Collect some information before your
meeting - Understand your demographics of your members
- Copy of financial expenditures from last year
- Survey members of your chapter
- AACN Resources
- WWW.AACN.ORG/Chapters
- http//health.groups.yahoo.com/group/aacnchapterli
stserv/ - Chapter Advisor for your Region
12Strategic Planning ProcessAssessment of Chapter
- Prepare for your strategic planning meeting
- Agenda
- Activities
- Refreshments
- A place free of distractions, pleasant,
comfortable - A home
- Community meeting place library, school
- Hotel conference room
- Avoid a hospital meeting room unless offsite
13Strategic Planning Process
- Get key players together
- Communicate ahead of time
- get commitment to participate
- Time frame
- Agenda with time limits
- Establish ground rules
- Commit to working and having fun
14Strategic Planning
- Ice breakers
- Dinner Party
- Starfish story
15Strategic Planning ProcessSelect a tool/ method
- SWOT Analysis - brainstorming technique to
generate a list to identify - Strengths of your chapter/community/members
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities programs, growth, activities
- Threats what could prevent accomplishments
- GAP Analysis
- how far is chapter from goal
- What actions steps are necessary to reach goal?
16Gap Analysis
Type Item Is there a gap? Y/N Why is this important? Whats your evidence to support making it a priority?
Opportunity Chapter recognizes member accomplishments Y Chapter best practice initiative identified from LDW _at_ NTI
Threat Decreasing chapter membership Y Survey of nurses identified that people want to join but dont know what your chapter is doing
Weakness Made the not in good standing list last year Y Last President had to submit reports late in order to attend LDW at NTI
17Strategic Planning ProcessDevelop your plan
- Brainstorm action steps
- Identify person responsible
- Set Goals.think SMART
18Strategic Planning Process
- Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable (but consider stretch goals)
- Realistic
- Time Frame
- Increase chapter membership by 10 in 12 months.
- Offer a CCRN review course by January 2008.
- Coordinate fundraisers to raise 2,000 for NTI
scholarships by February 2008.
19Gap Analysis Becomes Action plan
Criteria , Threat or Opportunity Action Steps Who Time Frame
Demonstrates meaningful recognition of member accomplishments Certification Luncheon Local Circle of Awards Hospitality Chairman President January 2008 April 2008
Remain in good standing with national AACN Financial Membership New officer list Treasurer Membership Chair President 11/ 15, 2/155/15, 8/ 15 1/1 5/15
20Strategic Planning ProcessImplementation
- Make a commitment to implement your plan
- Periodically evaluate progress
- is the evaluation process hardwired into your
chapter operations? - Ex Make action plan review part of each board
21"O' Captain, My Captain".. Be the leader you
wish to see
- How do your members and your institution leaders
view your chapter and chapter activities? - Do members believe that your activities are
relevant to their issues? - Do you listen, are you visible, do you layer
communication? - Does your chapter take on issues challenging
institutions in your community? - Ask nurse leaders in your institutions and
academic programs for their insights - Communicate that you share common goals
22"O' Captain, My Captain".. Be the leader you
wish to see
- Do institutional leaders support you directly or
indirectly .. Have you asked for that support? - Are institutional leaders members of your
chapter? - Let them know that you are trying to create
leadership skills for the next generation of
nurse leaders - If leaders reimburse for education fees, ask them
to only sponsor at the member rate - Recognized on Performance Evaluations
- Be patient.A No today could be a Yes tomorrow
23Is your chapter a Healthy Work Environment?
- Skilled communication
- True collaboration
- Effective decision making
- Appropriate staffing
- Meaningful recognition
- Authentic leadership
24Role modeling leadership It's as easy as PIE
Performance Are you meeting the needs of your
Exposure Is your chapter visible and do members
know what you are doing?
Image Is chapter considered a positive
influence in community?
25Chapter Success-ion Stories
- Greater Phoenix Area Chapter
- Houston Gulf Coast Chapter
- Greater New Orleans Chapter
- Greater Birmingham Chapter
- Region 5
- Three Rivers Chapter
26Inspiring the next generationGreater Phoenix
Area Chapter
- Their theme for 2006-2007
- Instilling hope and care in the next generation
- How they hardwire their theme into operations
- Theme is on their website
- Formally mentor new Board members over 6 months
so that they can learn their new roles before
stepping into their role - Engage nursing students in board meetings for
learning leadership skills
27Banking on Success Houston Gulf Coast Chapter
Points Activity
1 Attendance at chapter meeting
1 Attendance at Board Meeting
1 Attendance at committee meeting
5 Write article for newsletter
10 Do an educational presentation
1 Recruit a member
5 CCRN/PCCN (one time)
10 Officer or committee chairman
28When recycling may be ok Greater New Orleans
- Problem..Hurricane Katrina
- Lost a lot of members
- Existing members really challenged with competing
priorities - Needed strong leadership to keep chapter going
- Solution..Tap into previous leaders with great
experience to handle the difficult transition
period - Past President and past Chapter Advisor Liz
Stevens RN BSN CCRN elected to the 2007-2008
29Birmingham Chapter -Sharon Watson
- Chapter collaborated with Capstone College School
of Nursing at University of Alabama through
chapter member Dr. Angela Collins to introduce
students to the power of professional
organizations - Essay contest for students offering 3 academic
grants - Free AACN membership for 1 year
- AACN College network night 40 students
participated - Benefits of membership to a professional nursing
organization - Leadership development opportunities
- Nurse Link program to tutor students in certain
subjects - Poster - CS211 Engaging The Next Generation
- In The Power Of
30Leadership Development
- Region 5 (NC, SC)Jan Teal, RN-BC, MSN, CCRN
- Healthy Chapter Environments
- Conflict Management
- Strategic Planning
31Three Rivers Chapter in Pittsburgh - Merrikay
- Celebrated their 25th Anniversary on May 10
- 25 different Presidents. No repeats.Â
- The board consists of 10-12 people in various
positions. Sometimes the new person is added as a
co-chair. - Board structure has a succession plan of offices
held as the person advances up the board - Recruit members during educational programs and
CCRN-PCCN Review Courses - At college fairs - set up a booth and talk to
nursing students about the benefits of nursing. - Future Vision - They hope to start going to high
schools and invite the Future Nurses Clubs to
some on our educational offerings.
32Greater New Orleans ChapterThe Minute Men
Michelle Rihner
- President BSN CCRN
- Chapter Advisor -Denise Bonura-Henry BSN CCRN
- Engaging members in chapter activities
- President chairs Minute Man Committee
- Staffing or Labor Pool for chapters
- Members sign up anytime on a roster and may be
called for special projects or tasks
registration, picking up items, etc. - Can say no with out guilt
33The Dead President's Society
- Past Presidents retire, but remain as advisor to
the president - How it works..the Dead Presidents remain visible
- Attend Board meetings
- Phone call or email away to the current president
- have a lunch away just to talk
- Whats in it for current leaders?
- Resource Does not have a vote, but can offer
perspective, experience and insightbut its
always the boards decision - Reassurance to the next leader Ive got your
back, Man!! - Whats in it for The Dead President
- still valued and respected for their service to
the community - Note of caution
- Sometimes need to step back and let others fly
- Let the board take the direction and dont get
hung up on how it used to be - Consider channeling talents to the next level as
a regional or national volunteer
34Speaking of Succession PlanningSo, whats next
for you???
- Transition leadership skills into a career
opportunity? - Interested in learning how to become involved at
the regional or national level?
36AACN Volunteer Descriptions
- Purpose of the Group
- Charges of the Group
- Qualifications for membership
- Application/selection process
- Function of the Staff Liaison
- Workload and timeline
37AACN Work Groups
- AACN Board Liaison Program
- API Work Group (formally the advanced practice
group) - Awards Review Panel
- Chapter Advisory Team
- Continuing Education Review Panel
- Distinguished Lecturer Panel
- Ethics Work Group (not meeting in FY08)
- Healthy work Environment Standards Work Group
(not meeting in FY08) - NTI Work Group
- Research and Creative Solutions
Abstract Review Panel - Research Grant Review Panel
- Evidence Based Practice Resource Work Group
(Group formerly Research Work Group) - Scholarship Review Panel